vold: use __ANDROID_API_Q__ instead of pre_gki_level

The name "pre_gki_level" is causing some confusion because not all
devices launching with Android R are subject to the GKI requirement.
(See b/161563110#comment11.)  E.g., devices that use a 4.14-based kernel
are exempt from GKI.  However, the encryption requirements still apply.

Just use __ANDROID_API_Q__ directly instead.

No change in behavior.

Change-Id: Id02ae1140845ac1ae7cf78be4e57fe34da028abf
diff --git a/FsCrypt.cpp b/FsCrypt.cpp
index 6c120a7..a94c97c 100644
--- a/FsCrypt.cpp
+++ b/FsCrypt.cpp
@@ -265,10 +265,9 @@
     // HEH as default was always a mistake. Use the libfscrypt default (CTS)
     // for devices launching on versions above Android 10.
     auto first_api_level = GetFirstApiLevel();
-    constexpr uint64_t pre_gki_level = 29;
     auto filenames_mode =
-                                       first_api_level > pre_gki_level ? "" : "aes-256-heh");
+                                       first_api_level > __ANDROID_API_Q__ ? "" : "aes-256-heh");
     auto options_string = android::base::GetProperty("ro.crypto.volume.options",
                                                      contents_mode + ":" + filenames_mode);
     if (!ParseOptionsForApiLevel(first_api_level, options_string, options)) {