Use sysfs control for storage device GC

Sometimes, waiting for the HAL makes infinite calls to HAL and ending
up with power consuming issues. While tracking the root cause, we will
temporally turn off HAL for storage device GC.

Bug: 235470321
Test: run "sm idle-maint run"
Ignore-AOSP-First: This is a temporal fix for Android TM devices.
Signed-off-by: Daeho Jeong <[email protected]>
Change-Id: Ieb371b7fdebfe938206a45547bb24dfbf2c2e7be
diff --git a/IdleMaint.cpp b/IdleMaint.cpp
index 426be58..9d3450a 100644
--- a/IdleMaint.cpp
+++ b/IdleMaint.cpp
@@ -391,28 +391,6 @@
 static void runDevGc(void) {
-    auto aidl_service_name = AStorage::descriptor + "/default"s;
-    if (AServiceManager_isDeclared(aidl_service_name.c_str())) {
-        ndk::SpAIBinder binder(AServiceManager_waitForService(aidl_service_name.c_str()));
-        if (binder.get() != nullptr) {
-            std::shared_ptr<AStorage> aidl_service = AStorage::fromBinder(binder);
-            if (aidl_service != nullptr) {
-                runDevGcOnHal<IDL::AIDL>(aidl_service, ndk::SharedRefBase::make<AGcCallbackImpl>(),
-                                         &ndk::ScopedAStatus::getDescription);
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-        LOG(WARNING) << "Device declares " << aidl_service_name
-                     << " but it is not running, skip dev GC on AIDL HAL";
-        return;
-    }
-    auto hidl_service = HStorage::getService();
-    if (hidl_service != nullptr) {
-        runDevGcOnHal<IDL::HIDL>(hidl_service, sp<HGcCallbackImpl>(new HGcCallbackImpl()),
-                                 &Return<void>::description);
-        return;
-    }
-    // fallback to legacy code path