VTS proto fuzz: decouple with libvintf.

libvintf is not available to product. Service manager is. Hence,
call into service manager to get the list of instance names.

Test: mmma system/tools/hidl/test/build_variants/2.0/
Test: m vts_proto_fuzzer
Test: m [email protected] && adb sync data &&
      adb shell /data/fuzz/x86/[email protected]/[email protected] \

Change-Id: I0158c66b0fcd3894089c66d887d7a54d09dae52a
3 files changed
tree: ea2265037d3761a63e5a4f82638b2510301cf5d3
  1. iface_fuzzer/
  2. .clang-format
  3. .gitignore
  5. PREUPLOAD.cfg