Clean up tools/base idea project.

Test: manual: compiles without ./gradlew :init
Change-Id: I48be84bc24c523b094efeff9b34d333bdc99d627
33 files changed
tree: 36d29de66f6847faaed84b9140cae05f90c6fd37
  1. .idea/
  2. annotations/
  3. apkparser/
  4. apkzlib/
  5. apps/
  6. asset-studio/
  7. bazel/
  8. build-system/
  9. chunkio/
  10. chunkio-processor/
  11. common/
  12. ddmlib/
  13. device_validator/
  14. draw9patch/
  15. files/
  16. instant-run/
  17. instant-run-test-instrumenter/
  18. jack/
  19. jaxb-inheritance-plugin/
  20. jobb/
  21. layoutlib-api/
  22. legacy/
  23. lint/
  24. misc/
  25. ninepatch/
  26. perflib/
  27. pixelprobe/
  28. profiler/
  29. repository/
  30. sdk-common/
  31. sdklib/
  32. templates/
  33. testing-infrastructure/
  34. testutils/
  35. third_party/
  36. vector-drawable-tool/
  37. .gitignore
  38. adt.iml
  39. build.gradle
  40. changes.txt


This project contains:

  • Common libraries that are shared between any of the IDE (Android Studio), the build system (The Android Gradle Plugin) and SDK components that will be released from studio-master-dev (e.g. the standalone SDK manager). This includes:
    • Instant-run-libraries
    • SDK management libraries
    • The manifest merger
    • Common libraries
    • Common test utilites
  • The build system
  • The new profiler