We build all our binaries (installer, app-server, agent) stripped. Which mean there are no symbols and no line numbers. As a result, crash-dumps are not helpful.
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Build fingerprint: 'google/sargo/sargo:10/QP1A.190711.019/5790879:user/release-keys' Revision: 'MP1.0' ABI: 'arm64' Timestamp: 2021-03-09 14:34:38-0800 pid: 8561, tid: 8561, name: installer >>> /data/local/tmp/.studio/bin/installer <<< uid: 2000 signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0 Cause: null pointer dereference x0 0000007ff5a81210 x1 0000007ff5a81368 x2 0000007ff5a812b0 x3 0000000000000001 x4 0000000000000000 x5 00000075fe01a036 x6 000000006970692f x7 000000002f736469 x8 0000000000000000 x9 000000572d8e8cca x10 0000000000000007 x11 00000075c0000000 x12 0000000000000020 x13 00000000000004d0 x14 0000000000000040 x15 0000000000000008 x16 00000075fe73a8f0 x17 00000075fe72c8c0 x18 00000000000b0000 x19 000000572d8055c8 x20 0000007ff5a81368 x21 0000007ff5a81388 x22 0000000000000003 x23 0000000000000000 x24 0000000000000000 x25 0000000000000000 x26 0000000000000000 x27 0000000000000000 x28 0000000000000000 x29 0000007ff5a81160 sp 0000007ff5a81120 lr 000000572d803a78 pc 000000572d803a84 backtrace: NOTE: Function names and BuildId information is missing for some frames due NOTE: to unreadable libraries. For unwinds of apps, only shared libraries NOTE: found under the lib/ directory are readable. #00 pc 0000000000014a84 /data/local/tmp/.studio/bin/installer #01 pc 0000000000015c5c /data/local/tmp/.studio/bin/installer #02 pc 0000000000016624 /data/local/tmp/.studio/bin/installer #03 pc 000000000007d798 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__libc_init+108)
To build binaries with the necessary .debug_info and .debug_line section full populated, you need to add -g
to the compiler flag in //tools/base/bazel/android.bzl
ANDROID_COPTS = select_android( [ "-g", ], [], )
Make sure debug info don't be stripped in our BUILD files.
//tools/base/deploy/installer/BUILD //tools/base/deploy/agent/native/BUILD
Change the “stripped” dependencies to normal:
binary = select({ "@platforms//os:windows": ":installer.stripped", # "//conditions:default": ":installer.stripped", "//conditions:default": ":installer", }),
You also need to prevent intermediate static libraries from being stripped. This is easier done via //tools/adt/idea/android/build.xml
(add --strip=never
after the target).
<exec executable="${bazel}" dir="${workspace}" failonerror="true"> <arg value="build" /> <arg value="//tools/adt/idea/android:artifacts" /> <arg value="--strip=never" /> <arg value="${bazel_config}" unless:blank="${bazel_config}"/> </exec>
Build and double check you have all debug_info and debug_line sections in the binary.
$NDK/readelf -S $AS_BASE/bazel-bin/tools/base/deploy/installer/android-installer/arm64-v8a/installer | grep debug [26] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 00152cac [27] .debug_info PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0015bf4c [28] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0032442c [29] .debug_line PROGBITS 0000000000000000 003415ee [30] .debug_str PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0039157d [31] .debug_loc PROGBITS 0000000000000000 003d413d [32] .debug_ranges PROGBITS 0000000000000000 0059e7fe
Double check you have the line numbers for a file you know made it in the binary (e.g: main).
./toolchains/x86-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/i686-linux-android/bin/readelf --debug-dump=decodedline $BASE/master-dev/bazel-bin/tools/base/deploy/installer/android-installer/arm64-v8a/installer | grep tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc: tools/base/deploy/installer/main.cc:
Makes sure you are using at least Android 11 since previous version had issues.
Inject the PC found in the crash-dump into addr2line.
llvm-addr2line -Cfe $BASE/bazel-bin/tools/base/deploy/installer/android-installer/arm64-v8a/installer 0x0000000000015c5c
Et voila:
Switch to ndk 20 by editing //tools/base/bazel/bazel
(change env[‘ANDROID_NDK_HOME’]).
Enable ASAN in //tools/base/bazel/android.bzl
ANDROID_COPTS = select_android( [ "-fsanitize=address", "-fno-omit-frame-pointer", ], [], ) ANDROID_LINKOPTS = select_android( [ "-fsanitize=address", ], [], )
To symbolize ASAN report, follow the steps in section “Symbolizing crash-dump”. Note that you cannot use ASAN for ART jvmti agent yet because of b/182005971.