| # external_updater |
| |
| external updater is a tool to automatically update libraries in external/. |
| |
| ## Usage |
| |
| Check updates for a library or verify METADATA is valid: |
| |
| ```shell |
| tools/external_updater/updater.sh check ${LIBNAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| Update a library, commit, and upload the change to Gerrit: |
| |
| ```shell |
| tools/external_updater/updater.sh update ${LIBNAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| Update a library without committing and uploading to Gerrit: |
| |
| ```shell |
| tools/external_updater/updater.sh update --no-upload ${LIBNAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| Update a library on top of the local changes in the current branch, commit, and upload the change to Gerrit: |
| |
| ```shell |
| tools/external_updater/updater.sh update --keep-local-changes ${LIBNAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| Update a library without building: |
| |
| ```shell |
| tools/external_updater/updater.sh update --no-build ${LIBNAME} |
| ``` |
| |
| LIBNAME can be the path to a library under external/, e.g. kotlinc, or |
| python/cpython3. |
| |
| ## Configure |
| |
| To use this tool, a METADATA file must present at the root of the |
| repository. The full definition can be found |
| [here](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/external_updater/+/refs/heads/master/metadata.proto). |
| Or see example [here](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/ImageMagick/+/refs/heads/master/METADATA) |
| |
| The most important part in the file is a list of urls. |
| `external_updater` will go through all urls and uses the first |
| supported url. |
| |
| ### Git upstream |
| |
| If type of a URL is set to GIT, the URL must be a git upstream |
| (the one you can use with `git clone`). And the version field must |
| be either a version tag, or SHA. The tool will find the latest |
| version tag or sha based on it. |
| |
| When upgrade, the tool will simply run `git merge tag/sha`. |
| |
| IMPORTANT: It is suggested to set up a `upstream-master` branch to |
| replicate upstream. Because most users don't have the privilege to |
| upload changes not authored by themselves. This can be done by |
| filing a bug to componentid:99104. |
| |
| #### SHA |
| |
| If the version is a SHA, the tool will always try to upgrade to the |
| top of upstream. As long as there is any new change upstream, local |
| library will be treated as stale. |
| |
| #### Version tag |
| |
| If the version is not a SHA, the tool will try to parse the version |
| to get a numbered version. Currently the supported version format is: |
| |
| ```markdown |
| <prefix><version_number><suffix> |
| ``` |
| |
| version_number part can be numbers separated by `.` or `-` or `_`. |
| |
| If you have project where this isn't working, file a bug so we can take a look. |
| |
| #### Local changes |
| |
| It is suggested to verify all local changes when upgrading. This can |
| be done easily in Gerrit, by comparing parent2 and the patchset. |
| |
| |
| ### GitHub archive |
| |
| If the url type is ARCHIVE, and the url is from GitHub, `external_updater` |
| can upgrade a library based on GitHub releases. |
| |
| If you have the choice between archives and git tags, choose tags. |
| Because that makes it easier to manage local changes. |
| |
| The tool will query GitHub to get the latest release from: |
| |
| ```url |
| https://github.com/user/proj/releases/latest |
| ``` |
| |
| If the tag of latest release is not equal to version in METADATA file, a |
| new version is found. The tool will download the tarball and overwrite the |
| library with it. |
| |
| If there are multiple archives in one GitHub release, the one most |
| [similar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edit_distance) to previous |
| (from METADATA) will be used. |
| |
| After upgrade, files not present in the new tarball will be removed. But we |
| explicitly keep files famous in Android tree. |
| See [here](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/tools/external_updater/+/refs/heads/master/update_package.sh). |
| |
| If more files need to be reserved, a post_update.sh can be created to copy |
| these files over. |
| See [example](https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/kotlinc/+/refs/heads/master/post_update.sh). |
| |
| #### Local patches |
| |
| Local patches can be kept as patches/*.diff. They will be applied after |
| upgrade. [example](https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:external/jsmn/patches/header.diff) |
| |
| ## Email notification |
| |
| There is some support to automatically check updates for all external |
| libraries every hour, send email and change. Currently this is done by |
| running the following script on a desktop machine. |
| |
| ```shell |
| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| cd /src/aosp |
| while true |
| do |
| repo abandon tmp_auto_upgrade |
| repo forall -c git checkout . |
| repo forall -c git clean -xdf |
| repo sync -c |
| source build/envsetup.sh |
| lunch aosp_arm-eng |
| mmma tools/external_updater |
| |
| out/soong/host/linux-x86/bin/external_updater_notifier \ |
| --history ~/updater/history \ |
| --recipients=android_external_lib_updates@google.com \ |
| --generate_change \ |
| --all |
| date |
| echo "Sleeping..." |
| sleep 3600 |
| done |
| ``` |