Snapshot c50a8ad26a72432f26e39046d6a6f21fd7a190ee from idea/134.1160 of git://

c50a8ad: register missing tips & test
8a2b786: fix tests
0a8f4c2: WEB-10915 Limit on command for File Watchers?
60c1be3: IDEA-119721 License dialog to include JBA fields Async network activity, better layout, deferred success notification
0308187: NodeJS 132.1145 isn't compatible
d4f6c63: CR-IU-583 - accept ssh key as file always
376dbc6: CR-IU-583 - pass RemoteServer instead of ServerConfiguration to ServerType#createConnector
5b276d7: tipAndTrick EP
fe52778: continue js repl: left gutter — show prompt, align right gutter — right-aligned text, max 100 (trim middle) line separator — buggy and ugly yet
40b273b: cleanup
a10ab1e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2cc672b: PY-12175 Extract superclass: import for existing super class is removed
5dbee39: introduced reformat directory dialog [CR-IC-4286]
52288f3: use new serializer for inspection
34d24bf: inspection moved (IDEA-120870)
005ff90: Merge branch 'diff'
7ebaa92: diff: add ToggleAutoScroll button to the merge window
721c137: diff: remember HighlightMode
786d70b: we restored broken API of ContainerUtil
d47bc1e: PY-12174 Extract superclass: untidy <br> tag in error message
621f555: PY-12171 Extract superclass: do not add objec base class with python 3 interpreters
7c1dd01: fake classes are not displayed as superclasses
f20e01f: PY-12170 Extract Superclass: breaks code when extracting fields not defined in __init__
d915b2e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7f367e9: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
80fdfb2: Add build number to python plugin version.
f84a881: restore unstable API setAutoInitBreakpoints +review
262ff80: AbstractMethods copies docstrings
361f276: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
da9c594: some more methods overridden to preserve List-Set contract
7a23b2c: disabling Pythonid 3.1, NodeJS 134.1081 / 1039 / 985, ruby
d9e54f2: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
408a5af: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4e39946: Fix dead-lock on components initialization (PY-12154).
feaed8b: IDEA-120823 Runnig TestNG test fails if using variable in POM in maven-surefire-plugin's configuration
66b1e0d: Allow to disable MavenJUnitPatcher via VM options (idea.maven.surefire.disable.*)
f89bc2a: restored backward binary compatibility
66a180f: avoid deadlock when somebody saturates the job thread pool with zillion locking tasks (especially for 2-cores cpus)
5e00ccf: IDEA-120518 Cannot create new Ruby on Rails application
d475a78: cleanup
80b93e2: capitalization
3734a6e: when a plugin depends on a module include classloader of the plugin containing the module to the parent classloaders
326ccf2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4a5b8cb: Use unix path separators for helpers dir.
bc260c6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
895a305: do not add sdk  in case it's already in interpreters table
daf6a18: test for
8d86965: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c2100be: fixed doubled sdks after apply for detected sdk
b3032ea: DEA-120811 compile-server process hung with 0 CPU
12dd76b: IDEA-120784 "Class is public should be declared in a file named <Classname>.java" for inner interface
ba7188d: Methods chains completion for arrays
68622f7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6c53d3f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
71b92de: Methods chains completion merged with smart completion
60c9433: removed over logging, not informative messages from updater logger.
5681402: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d9c6cab: fixed import
24009db: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
080c3cc: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0be5b22: Merge branch 'pycharm-interpreters-rework'
6adb3a3: 'ruby' and 'python' modules included into Ruby/Python plugins to allow writing plugins for both RubyMine/PyCharm and IDEA with Ruby/Python plugin
8f808a1: IDEA-120609: Help pages available for 'library dialogs'
c7d283f: setup platform prefix for external system tests
bd1641c: fix PluginXmlFunctionalTest#testLanguageAttribute
0becd7e: EA-53969 - ISE: TextComponentEditor.getCaretModel
625185d: js console: annotated right gutter, show tooltips
27dea64: IDEA-120840 Bundled Maven 3.0.3 corrupts local maven repo on redirects Update embedded maven to 3.0.5
61b4874: IDEA-120840 Bundled Maven 3.0.3 corrupts local maven repo on redirects Update embedded maven to 3.0.5
f0320f8: unnecessary methods from HgVersion deleted; HgVcs used instead of project;  IllegalArgumentException thrown instead if assertion
9ae90ef: make EnumeratorStringDescriptor thread-safe
d1bb7de: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
ea84716: IDEA-117734 Clipboard history no longer works by num hotkeys
d4757a7: IDEA-100755 Language injection: properties: prefix causes ISE at PropertyImplEscaper.decode()
4c300cd: EA-53558 - CCE: DatabaseVirtualFileSystem.dataSourceUpdated
9093d3f: Platform tests: do not change detected platform with initPlatformPrefix
f5c7ec3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b32156d: PY-2858 Pull Up Abstract Method (finally!)
aa2a0c7: treat files with plain text file type that was detected from content as files with unknown file type
4ecac02: method to detect that file type was detected from content
c33e23a: use only 1 additional line for console editor (only JS REPL affected, platform will be discussed later)
51e0a7d: keep and deprecate old signature
e8f6414: not-null
32ceffc: keep and deprecate old signature
b8baeb5: move LanguageConsoleBuilder to appropriate package
e2bb599: remove unused import
ebe13e4: simplify BaseConsoleExecuteActionHandler — pass LanguageConsoleView (so, we don't need to hold it, and we don't need to fight — how to set LanguageConsoleView to handler (handler need to print))
9d12e62: cleanup
07cc8bd: use AsyncGenericProgramRunner +review
f7eb621: cleanup
a117497: deprecate MockCommandLineState +review
d9bfedf: lazy injector loading
2b4210a: avoid loading JavaPsiFacade for default project while decompiling class files
40f6fbe: PyArgumentList#addArgument fixed and test added
bb44a3d: put sdks to create new project interpreter combobox properly
c3defd1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
93d20bb: allow JavaFileManager in default project
5d767af: IDEA-120665 Custom file type identifiers should include underscores
279e8a1: remove unused PomJavaAspect
c67953e: don't add nulls to project sdks
c53564a: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
3bb055a: create nwe project with detected sdk, get rid of PythonSdkConfigurable, create fixed isDjangoInstalled in create new django project
6c0426f: diff: typo
c57dbf5: do call projectOpened callback in case of project exists but we want to create new on it's place
e3b3064: diff: pre-allocate memory for StringBuilders
c55ee26: diff: do not calc diff if there is nothing to compare
416e735: fix addAll implementation
4ba3dbb: better name
8ff3c33: JavaFileManager -> service
d93593a: allow compiler vfs changes to be watched in GroovyCompilerTest$IdeaMode
d861a3e: new project creation
5b60bc5: cleanup
73c644c: cleanup
9f1e375: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
e419749: fixed package list update + cleanup
b1f922e: Merge branch 'master' of
27903b3: IDEA-120034 - Propose to upload SSH keys on connection problem - OpenShift
9cf2d8b: set min size for IDEA-114386 Width of Inject Language options
e2e52a0: JavaPsiFacade -> service
e45f74c: JavaFileManager: remove dead code, use volatile
3f43ec8: don't do smart highlighting stuff when live template settings editor is disposed together with the project (IDEA-120651)
687526b: removed debug field
f6ccd15: - indexing by unindexedfilefinder (root dependent cache updater) removes indexed file from filesToUpdate set - when removing outdated data reset file indexed attribute for later being able to index unindexedfilefinder (root dependent cache updater)
47c896c: avoid problem with concurrent clearing of timestamp cache between thread saving indexed attributes (e.g. indexer thread) and another one (e.g. flushing thread)
b011dc5: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
66379b1: write "singleton=<value>" if it was specified explicitly
4d50f3b: tests
b8a3e47: IDEA-120786 Log gets crowded with warnings while configuring JavaEE artifact
dc70440: Header and style added.
6a1809d: Absolute layout instead of GridBagLayout, area required for the message is taken into account, performance optimisations.
289b58c: filter duplicates
727c2da: initialize singleton to its default value
640165f: IDEA-100495 do not  ignore invalid hg configuration
7dc4749: IDEA-118795 Gradle configuration with multiple artifacts not all reflected in IDEA module dependencies
e389e68: memory optimisation: spare ReentrantLock on each list allocation
4170df8: IDEA-110268 Lossy encoding: false positive for separated 0A/0D as UTF-8
9f6ada3: IDEA-119615 Find in path mixes "occurrences" and "usages" terminology
df15cf0: cleanup
3b8e3e1: do not exhaust limited job scheduling pool
2349f39: wrong level for class in wrong file
ac43ca6: EA-53926 - CCE: ScopeTreeViewPanel.getSelectedPsiElements
3c57658: EA-53874 - assert: PsiFileImpl.getStubTree
a2b51f6: IDEA-118795 Gradle configuration with multiple artifacts not all reflected in IDEA module dependencies
0c5ad97: wrong dependency removed
6c43236: diff: do not enumerate strings if we don't need it
d01ff56: diff: add comment
864bf0f: fixed bugs in implementation of "find k shortest paths" algorithm
bbe5c6c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a1b2fb3: fixed updater tests.
bffd4de: cleanup
f0b2c3d: overrides
c804677: cleanup
b5aafd8: not-null
cec8a1e: cleanup
ed6b710: not-null
c90cd8e: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
c4b701b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1678667: IDEA-120631 SOE fix
f7f2082: better insets and font for Win and Linux
2c11ffd: Revert take 2.
b213dfd: com.intellij.index.IndexTest._testSkipUnknownFileTypes
4c87f76: fix GroovyDebuggerTest?
5cd8a05: IDEA-120738 Complete current statement creates broken code
4fb9534: don't apply single-line folding to methods exceeding the right margin (IDEA-120719)
2ba17e9: IDEA-120750 Fold single-statement methods into one line
b1d4696: IDEA-120694 collapsing one liners is overly eager
aef4cb8: IDEA-120726 Double "Press" word in hint when Find Usages
68b84ec: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6f1100e: Delete unused method.
65d6658: fixed build patches.
28903c8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f4cf28b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fd20dd8: improve stub-psi-mismatch diagnostic
f737684: IDEA-120094 New Project wizard: Maven project: use correct archetype +review
4274185: platform: default project name ping-ponging simplified
4a0c982: Fix failed tests
0e862f9: smart sync of pooled threads on start
0f1d210: fix two actions Pick Color
613e807: Merge branch 'master' of
4b21ba6: IDEA-120034 - Propose to upload SSH keys on connection problems - runnable on existing server runtime task
b7025f7: IDEA-120480 (Invalid set of actions on enum's constants.)
7a16617: Partial fix for IDEA-117025 Eclipse code style import: Blank Lines: some categories are not applied
48c2261: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2a6f01c: dispose debugger thread dump consoles
8a99a3e: better control size management in fatal error dialog (IDEA-120304, IDEA-116542)
42bc794: junit 4.11 include hamcrest into redistribution
31aba54: new inference: choosing the most specific method inference
c8fb420: fix negative offset when injection is contained in parent
4820b2f: Code cleanup.
f9c35d6b: IDEA-120557 (Add an option to Inspection "Method can be variable arity method" to only apply to public methods.)
84a2242: MacMessages emulation using dialogs  Initial load under registry key.
30a6ad1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
93e0abf: fixed NPE.
869ffee: Compilation fix
43f1fc2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
23a1f72: improved performance of logger operations.
937dbcf: CR-IA-225 use DefaultActionGroup
2c9bc0d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
57ed93c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
68bb982: Revert: (a2301175e3628cae091eb4fd69cd5433c9dc730d)
a0aeafa: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
40cb267: IDEA-119369 Indent statements after label treat label as a statement
e9d512c: check argument count
165c965: IDEA-117794 &nbsp; in the message shown in "magnifier" view
0e53745: recursive FileIncludeManager.getIncludedFiles
193470c: add @TestDataFile
959eabb: [log] filters refactoring
4d6e648: clarify description
c76e367: IDEA-120623 (Add "org.mockito.InOrder" to the list of known classes for "JUnit test method without any assertions")
5674c5b: fixed growing list of listeners (forgotten remove)
677595a: optimization: avoid a call to contains()
8f1a176: IDEA-120661 prioritize bundles from project
14c6739: JavaPsiFacadeImpl: fix possible race condition
df03a06: project service seems a bit late a place to initialize stub element types
eeef876: IDEA-120661 spring: ResourceBundleMessageSource: support "/" as separator
bd3d065: IDEA-120717 The Gradle plugin ignores http.nonProxyHosts
ad3d62c: diff: add tests
f4f31e4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a042b0a: updater changes:   - removed dependency from util module   - added new parameter - idea log dir   - cleanup
048183c: removed unnecessary libs from cp for updater execution and added new parameter - idea log folder.
ff3f68f: removed updater dependency from util module.
6cab9a0: updater tests modified to support changes of initializing update logger.
b888b15: IDEA-120663 Log and History broken for mercurial 2.9
eb682eb: IDEA-120244 Native file dialog on "Install plugin from disk" disables ZIP files on OS X
59f8dbb: use proper configurable in configure interpreters link
8c3d81d: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
a91e90e: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
0a13f6c: console options always modified
80eaa69: isModified() fixed
9edcbfe: reverted SafeVarargs because of Oracle license restrictions
716977e: diff: fix patience algorithm
0383adf: fixed test data because of one less document loaded (see change 9464870 in SelfElementInfo)
87fd1d5: can't navigate to non-code usage sometimes
37fc695: Removed lock on cache evaluation - fixed dead-lock while reindex (PY-12034).
d6d0215: java: hanging file dropped
69b36ad: Cleanup (javadoc)
6e6e261: Cleanup (formatting)
b1558ae: potentional empty groovy psi elements bounded to left
5dab227: cleanup
3189a60: fix IEA
22e0438: don't suggest empty argument list as element to highlight
5bbc86a: Groovy: in-place introduce field from local variable without initializer
dfa7845: IDEA-120680: Breakpoints are not shown until indexing finished after IDE start
0e25de5: modificationCount++
eea4cf1: fire rootsChanged when adding a module using ModuleManager.loadModule
eb2683d: make MvcProjectWithoutLibraryNotificator read action cancellable
c7a7517: PostHighlightingPass: move service loading away from edt
6b0101c: less garbage in addDocumentListener
a51f225: diff: Patience diff algorithm
52ea261: diff: unify myMaxX/myMaxY values
c30c6c3: diff: prepare for recursive call of IntLCS
e38138c: diff: incapsulate LinkedDiffPaths logic
7478ad9: diff: allow to count LCS of subarray
ed6ff89: added detected sdks to create virtual env
aa98747: add detected sdk from details dialog
b3cae01: used proper sorting in details list
807a713: used setup sdk properly
700ee90: IDEA-119785 Inline local variable refactoring events
04ba3c7: MembersManagers now accepts PyMemberInfo (needed to get abstract and other info) (todo: doc)
1a437f5: selection fix
cb2cca7: CR-IC-4324 revert to NotNull, move new contract to PathUtil
3bce479: CR-IC-4324 not-null
1e174de: CR-IC-4324 not-null
114540b: CR-IC-4324 not-null
321eec0: overrides
48d6f4a: use both original and custom selectors to search for latest config to import #WEB-10964 fixed
fb03522: select in combobox interpreter selected in details
e5fe5df: LanguageConsoleImpl: use simple SingleAlarm Alarm - add flush method
9ab4e10: js repl: prepare: show clear error message on error
c16501b: PyMemberInfo is generic now
8c38db1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5173b2f: Don't report exception about user-skeletons absence.
77ff70d: remove upused methods
aba8055: renamed PythonSdkDetailsDialog
dd5098d: reload python paths list
a65b69b: fixed create virtual environment
83a342e: trim whitespace more aggressively
712bff4: bring back download button when there's no patch
85e3e91: added simple implementation of PsiDocumentManager to 'core'
6942f6f: fixed uninstall action availability
5111f9d: proper reset in case sdk added
586a0e4: Overrides, ensure that start browser url is trimmed
0710931: don't perform costly root model comparison when it's loaded the first time
73c0a8e: decrease invocation counts a bit when doing path macro substitutions
60d1fa3: hide plugin searching task from user
945357a: IDEA-120600 Create Inner Class should create static inner class in qualifier class
06f7e3f: ensure nav bar adjustments take place (IDEA-120667)
2076c69: IDEA-120636 Wrong "enum cannot be instantiated"
aa96d2f: IDEA-120629 PluginManager doesn't handle dependencies for plugins specified with system property.
bee6616: No need in special extension for Dartium, configure Dartium in 'Dart' settings page, WEB-10460 Dartium browser startup options
a5bdd89: IDEA-120668 Gradle: Impossible to get Gradle classes resolved in guild.gradle file when project is not of Gradle type
7212836: Move to professional components that don't exist in community.
cc8318b: Better minimum size heuristic.
998d1fa: toSystemDependentName/toSystemIndependentName: "Contract" annotation improved
d78de12: don't overwrite workspace.xml file if it is corrupted (ZD-21210)
f9a8828: IDEA-120209 Resolve in jsp links to web resources from external .war file: tag dir support
c042f8e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7ff5964: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
738c43f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4fdaa09: memory optimisation: do not leave stale data in cache
c1dac1b: isChromeRunning — detect Yandex and Opera (mac&win only!) BrowserLauncher — hide internal openOrBrowse browser configuration — respect FileUtilRt.toSystemDependentName/FileUtilRt.toSystemIndependentName policy
af067d7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7e67fc9: IDEA-119606 Find in Path settings icon has issues
9b58556: annotated by SafeVarargs. The stub of SaveVarargs is put into util module for those old stumps clutching to their precious JDK1.6
b16df95: new inference: lift type parameters; stop inference after false appears in bounds
ea25e61: new inference: method ref constraint: take into account provided type arguments
a35cdbc: new inference: incorporation: allow self as parameterization
b203b5b: NPE
91a27d6: [log] Fix arrow ui.
445cf7f: IDEA-115442 Empty lines appear in the log when filtering by branch #IDEA-115442 Fixed
4a2d89c: [vcs] Pass service as extension parameter
baaaa88: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
80a9635: fixed updater in according to the review recommendations.
96f6a67: update combobox on add local interpreter
9d89714: apply in case of detected sdk
ed7a6c3: Postfix completion: fix CCE
1805aa5: IDEA-120481 Ctrl+Alt+F7 cannot find usages in Selection
ca64418: IDEA-120542 "Find Usages" uses scope of last "Find in Path"
ebc8333: IDEA-114244 Find in path tooltip wrongly parses HTML entities
fec4fa9: jdk8 compilation
cb1eb74: made final
2067791: notnull
64ebe4f: notnull
9a85877: notnull
ccaada1: NPE fix
5df90d4: put detected vEnv in front of other detected vEnvs
d4e7730: PythonSdkDetailsStep renamed
08476e2: added focus to sdk list
0722673: NPE
47f9d56: added generate skeletons action
6776407: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
82c40b6: fix compilation for java 8 (sic!)
a6926fe: Use ParametersList.addParametersString() instead of CommandLineTokenizer.
a34d392: IDEA-120642 Fix maven-surefire-plugin argList.
23c4184: + "portlet"
9356f0b: don't add already existed sdk
021c0c8: new inference: stop inference if false was inferred
b5e1b38: new inference: incorporation step: substitute equal bounds
84d7f65: initial version of show all/more actions
83d2858: do not suggest templates for ne module
950f9a5: Revert "no need in special extension for Dartium browser"
9c277e7: Gradle: add new module to community project
73f8bba: library editor: change tooltip for 'remove' button when an excluded entry is selected
a70d89c: prepositions list updated
4fab7c6: prepositions list sorted
a696706: library editor: updated icon for 'add to excluded' button and tooltips
8924e43: EA-53859 fixed
868e994: New decompiler API (crash proofness; stub logging verbosity level restored)
4692cb1: Diagnostic
7b4d26b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1a10cd5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
18dea6c: Diagnostic
d262234: EA-46543 (cleanup)
4fb9316: PY-10963 Pushing methods down should add needed imports fixed
7b06ac4: WEB-10745 Dictionary returns confused type in TypeScript
2bf1fbc: don't use vfs in vfs events if old build isn't enabled at least for one project
42465b0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9278320: schedule cache update in dumb mode when synchronizing roots or having large vfs change, to avoid stalls upon collecting files to update that can build vfs / update filetypr / filename indices (IDEA-109525)
c99aa93: method reference: ref qualified isExact fixed (IDEA-120370)
76846b7: debug logging for IDEA-120339 Type Hierarchy works only when the cursor is over a class name
bc2af62: faster getOriginalElement for source methods
dd3bdee: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
25462fa: EA-46543 (stub reuse avoided)
374b215: New decompiler API (compatibility restored)
1cea73f: IDEA-120626 UI / Colors & Fonts: "Lens mode" color not adjustable
9e83af7: IDEA-119859 Double Alt not working (Show tool window bars)
0a749fa: no need in special extension for Dartium browser
9a5f9fe: EA-53797 - CCE: ShiftUtils.getLogBaseTwo
bb66ffc: correct customizations (IDEA-120461)
211d532: IDEA-119903 IDEA should disable broken plugins automatically
581d2b7: IDEA-120586 @ParametersAreNonnullByDefault support broken
b189061: Problem With outdated HgRepository information when branch or bookmark created fixed.
76a3cc3: style
9bd5262: execute status widget update as soon as possible
14b3c35: Simplify HgStatusWidget
fe84874: IDEA-112737 Mercurial: hide closed branches
b1944c2: IDEA-119506 active Mercurial bookmark shown instead of a named branch in status bar
89cf188: Merge branch 'github'
df7da63: diff: codereview
19ee818: Replace TextRange with UnfairTextRange for relative coordinates
0dace45: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
63c7b54: Initialize UI lazily in createComponent() to ensure that tree builder will be disposed, if it was created
77a4fd6: IDEA-120588 Gradle plugin broken with Gradle 1.12 dev builds
9466bd9: new inference: method refs: potentially compatible condition
dd66d26: new inference: generify
27ae864: new inference: method refs resolve: do not infer from void return type
1b17bec: new inference: method refs overload resolution compact
d38edf2: all sdks properly added to sdk combobox
1cf61ab: IDEA-120117 Rearrange entries is not idempotent (and misplaces static fields) [CR-IC-4226]
5d8f0b9: Move groovy importers to org.jetbrains.idea.maven.plugins.groovy package
bce543e: IDEA-119665 Memory leak in RemoteMavenServer when buildnumber plugin is used
34512ba: Gradle: data models implements Serializable added to retain out-of-process mode support
7ef6dd2: WEB-10929 Bower: Throwable on Uninstall package
d7f87c3: rollback. Selection is broken
8570ff1: listen to internal model for notifications
2ba5cc7: Gradle: fix gant scripts
fe6b753: PY-10963 Pushing methods down should add needed imports (test only added)
1485108: no space
b0e96de: IDEA-120588 Gradle plugin broken with Gradle 1.12 dev builds
d4b9fd4: WEB-10924 Bower: provide indication for loading description
ecc2479: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4e3b4a7: Fix "DummyHolder cannot be cast to com.jetbrains.python.psi.PyFile"
e78c7d7: fix problem when action is disabled in popup menu, but working from keyboard shortcut
a42e228: update runnerw configuration files to Visual Studio 13
d04ed7b: IDEA-120562 IntelliJ 13.0.2 does not respect Gradle IdeaModel Configuration
fc583db: IDEA-117674 please rebuild and commit runnerw.exe
038550f: get rid of make active for selected checkbox in create virtual env
fdf1dd4: IDEA-120591 Simplify new Flash module creation in 13.1
e59ab47: Cleanup (var names)
a582b91: New decompiler API (ability to call default decompiler from extensions)
c823858: do not log PCE
a6a8745: IDEA-120544 13.1 EAP (134.1007): impossible to add empty Web module to the project: update selection
9d349c8: cleanup
e7bd55b: show packages for detected sdk, fixed NPE if no interpreter selected
bd55771: 'Static Web' module type available in IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition (required for Dart support), see also IDEA-120593
0ccaddd: Add template text to live template quick doc
74fcddb: changes reverted
800eaba: IDEA-120544 13.1 EAP (134.1007): impossible to add empty Web module to the project
6d9052c: Gradle: add Gradle SDK sources before classes in a build classpath and retain the order
0072e05: testdata fixed
846cd83: second iteration for python project interpreters page
fd00ca6: new inference: method refs overload resolution: filter static problems for ReferenceType refs only
49a2d0a: new inference: do not infer based on wrong number type params
2b5764d: new inference: method references: process varargs
cb5a0b7: new inference: strict subtyping constraint: null processing
4889751: new inference: exclude return constraints/non pertinent to applicability argument constraints from overload resolution process
b9ef7b6: new inference: subtyping/equality constraints interoperability
a73a84f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2daa625: fixed build of patches, and corrected updater dependency.
472e58b: Gradle: respect build classpath order and use both classes and sources jars if available
e4b9fea: 'com.intellij.modules.python' module included into Python plugin to allow writing plugins compatible with PyCharm and IDEA with Python plugin
e16e79f: 'com.intellij.modules.ruby' module included into Ruby plugin to allow writing plugins for both RubyMine and IDEA with Ruby plugin
344bf8b: IDEA-120265 Incorrect whitespaces (tab) painting when cursor change position
500f1b9: #WEB-10913 fixed
828b80f: Thread problems with updateTo action fixed
6c1effc: show "Loading ..." label on fetching installed package list
2a3f6b3: Refactoring to make PushDown use the same engine as other refactorings (documented)
dd6e05b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
735084d: Refactoring to make PushDown use the same engine as other refactorings (need to doc)
f6c6bec: New decompiler API
a281951: + "facelet"
5b8af7d: faster html tag selectioner using psi #IDEA-120533 fixed
750013c: parameter nullity annotation should have higher-priority than package-level ones
4757fc9: fixture-based NullableStuffInspectionTest
3104edd: respect default browser: jstd — use BrowserSelector
7c3e5b9: respect default browser
78b379e: StringUtil.splitByLinesKeepSeparators javadoc
132042f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
32aa1a8: Merge branch 'svn_18_3'
ea3cf29: IDEA-120535 SelectableChannel.register should have the same magic constants as SelectionKey.interestOps
ad661d9: correct level in highlighting: highlight element X only when visiting X or its ascendant
e0792ea: cleanup
9464870: optimisation: do not load document during smart pointer creation
78581c6: notnull
a0cc711: [git] amend: don't add \n to the commit message
340659b: svn: Refactored SvnUtil.getFileContents - reuse factory selection logic from SvnVcs
ec7edd3: Dispose tree builder in disposeUIResources() to prevent memory leak
f1ff831: Update message about unsupported JIRA version
840b6be: svn: Implemented command line support to logic that preserves changed svn properties during complex reverts - when package rename is reverted, but child files should not be reverted (child files are not not checked in dialog)
fbae010: spare some memory in vcs log
fdcdfce: WEB-1171 javascript live console
094e633: kill duplicates
7128707: IDEA-118234 Closure to SAM coercion: infer generic by SAM return type
ebffbc9: InheritanceUtil: some contracts
176b06d: mark setPassShellEnvironmentAsParent and isPassShellEnvironmentAsParent deprecated to wait for IDEA-118946
1c0199f: support actions history
7070677: mock groovy 2.3
b7569fa: IDEA-116775 Use idea home directory as working directory for "revert" operation (not to block current directory in case of reverting rename/move operations)
043c3e9: IDEA-120502 Support renamed gmaven-plugin plugin (groovy-maven-plugin)
b5d20bd: [git log] Fix multi-value filter by user
c823985: [log] can happen during log initialization while the table is empty
58c8791: Gradle: war artifact/facet creation fix.
5c74ffe: move js debugger platform up
353d557: IDEA-118646 Determine client factory for "revert" operation based on file being reverted (and not only based on project root and settings)
cb73b8d: IDEA-118222 Closure to SAM interface coercion doesn't handle contravariant types correctly
1c724d9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d15b588: added openapi.jar as dependency for updater.
50eb71a: IDEA-95952 Debugger tooltip is shown in the incorrect place and overlaps annotation tooltip.
12c7874: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5767476: IDEA-120338 Create log for update to the same place where idea (idea based product) logs are located.
e53366b: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
dfa6f63: rename parameters
0b47cef: Disable StringLiteralQuotesAnnotator for multi-PSI files (PY-11658)
27d26d6: Apply visitor filters for all languages of the view provider (PY-11658)
711229d: Allow run indenting processor not only from the beginning of the file (PY-11658)
d7df2d4: svn: Implemented command line support for SingleCommittedListProvider
44e47f8: save RootIndex memory
d568223: IDEA-120528 Minimum size is not applied to VCS Log user filter popup
fbfc7d0: IDEA-120410 It's not possible to select old values of the variable via mouse
0caff04: IDEA-115128 Status bar: exception count font
8654ea3: select value in combobox on action
31f1665: ensure EDT
d8472bd: fix assertion — we must reset settings on family change
a5b9e92: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d68b3f5: fixed updater logger in accordance with the review's recomendations.
7f04cc2: svn: Refactored SingleCommittedListProvider - renames, removed duplication
27794a5: svn: Fixed SingleCommittedListProvider - use previous logic to check changes size and not just first item
5df8b8b: don't find local variable in extract method
d6c5296: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
393fe4b: proper fix for PY-12052 Can't run django tests with nosetests because of `nose_utils` not found.
ec61769: less dependent on UnusedDeclarationInspection
42f69a2: notnull
261824e: moved to right package
1cf0b70: moved PostHighlightingPass to analysis
9d46ee9: cleanup
539ccf8: don't rely on SmartPOinterManager to load document
46fce02: IDEA-120265 Incorrect whitespaces (tab) painting when cursor change position
9c3260d: fix NPE
143c66b: EA-52671 - assert: AbstractMappingStrategy.processFoldRegion
37b45f0: Groovy: in-place introduce parameter: show parameters to remove in preview
ec8c847: Groovy: introduce parameter from local variable (both in-place and via dialog)
edfbd5e: Groovy: in-place introduce from variable always process all occurrences
f3a4b5f: Groovy: in-place introduce field from local var
48f76ae: EA-49782 - assert: TextRange.<init>
c2e137a: Groovy ControlFlowBuilder: additional logging
d9c547a: Groovy ControlFlowBuilder: make some fields final
a4a7cd5: cleanup default option searching
7318d5d: load installed packages in a background thread
3c4388c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
aac150d: Fix a typo (PY-12077).
05bb24e: WEB-10858 File Watchers plugin doesn't work
db734f3: this is mostly revert of my last year commit 101e4e4 from 27.03.13 because the change introduced deadlock (IDEA-118827) since clearing stub index needs write lock and we can have read lock already from processingStubs.  The reverted change introduced better handling of index corruption: do clearIndex at checkRebuild directly. In current code we only advance index version from checkRebuild and proceed with clear index later on edt (with progress) as it was before.
83758fe: fix regress: invalidateIndices shouldn't schedule indexing for nonindexed files, many thanks for Peter.Gromov for help of finding the problem in review sessions
d516dd3: pull up: support static methods and interfaces for java 8
29b6eef: static methods in interfaces should not have abstract by default
f22cff3: presentation (IDEA-120353)
91b0fd7: invalid assertion for red code removed
a80cc8e: spi files: do not override std file types (IDEA-120291)
5358bd2: new inference: testdata for IDEA-120376
6cf7b4a: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
e54fc5b: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
a8237f5: hide embedded scene builder under "embed.scene.builder" property []
6efef68: new inference: method ref inference: postpone return type inference in case of constructor refs
5fb1dbb: new inference: check containing class type params if they are in bounds
3bda220: new inference: method ref inference cleanup
c0cbeb95: new inference: method constructor inference
8ab67db: new inference: method reference inference
5c8aa95: Cleanup (test)
94f05f9: gwt code server run on module A.         A inherits module B.         Our current file belongs to module B.
7084660: It is safe now to deprecate launchBrowser
613c3be: move impl to BrowserLauncher
ac8d9f5: move UrlOpener to platform-api
9823767: prepare to move UrlOpener to platform-api
aecf185: prepare to move UrlOpener to platform-api
1bce665: extract WebBrowserBase
ddd555f: extract WebBrowserBase
a689252: update since-build
ab3c292: remove deprecated BrowsersConfiguration
4389b66: move BrowserFamily to upper level
e7200d5: cleanup
3395850: continue: add "Fix" button — open web browser settings
4c2d519: continue: add "Fix" button — open web browser settings
a775355: extract button.fix resource
5054ae0: show message — pass project
08cf6b3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f41d2be: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
39bf620: remove redundant check on import (we'll check on creating suite)
b0f4997: IDEA-91883 Edit breakpoint dialog: cannot click on combo if it expands out of the popup border
503440c: IDEA-13489 background tasks window should have a minimum size
ad2647f: don't highlight the entire expression and add test
0859e0e: don't highlight the entire expression and add test
f761ceb: better warning message & more tests
bbfa3ce: don't highlight the entire expression
6820fe5: added options for the details button
651545e: Bomb maven tests
ab01855: Python plugin for IDEA 13.1 EAP.
e914322: Logo updated: 'Tools matter' moved.
89bffcd: PyCharm 3.1 artwork
03171ce: fix typo
306f284: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
669cff7: Cython and Python parsers should never create functions with out of statements even if code is bad
49a4da3: test fixed
bbe8aaa: hotfix: IDEA-119851 Gradle: the "out-of-process" mode doesn't work (cherry picked from commit 83fe636)
366f1e9: IDEA-118917 Gradle: multiple war artifact configuration issue
4c31d6d: Move PlainTextParserDefinition to core-impl
6164b56: Bug fix: embedderJdk is not saved between restart of IDEA
cc5c729: WEB-10894: increase the width of surround with Emmet popup
188dbc7: WEB-10894: increase the width of surround with Emmet popup
d97ccc0: Support java 1.8
a1378e8: EA-49128 if project already disposed return default charset
89bdb11: Fix maven test add groups "org.codehaus.plexus" and "intellij.test"
7eb0d93: gson version added
4e65421: be ready for large keys: DataOutputStream.writeUTF schokes on strings larger than 0xFFFF
90acbc8: Scala 0.32.512 and Php 133.679 marked as incompatible
c003973: - forceUpdate also process limited number of files out of current scope (e.g. worspace.xml and source filter) in order to keep myFilesToUpdate empty.
b35e1d9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9506a68: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
60cd07e: NPE fix
a080b75: new inference: apply non-wildcard parameterization for method refs
8cfcf78: 'show serialized xml' action: fixed instantiation of bean class
a216d7d: paint about info text a bit lower
0d7e21c: update AppInfo for EAP
8aa0248: new community about screen for EAP
5839250: new community logo for EAP
23caa08: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
af3f020: Don't change commandLine.exePath in RemoteSdkUtil.
cae527f: java: do not infer expression type and value for decompilation into text
346252d: fix groovy test
43f6124: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f6e061c: cosmetics
c0c4908: platform: file scope made tolerant to default project
205ae95: Logging
f5b2821: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a6cb307: IDEA-119372 Search results tree "looses" items while scrolling
a82d1cd: IDEA-119721 License dialog to include JBA fields
deb294e: workaround for log user filter if select ME value
80dedd3: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider - SingleCommittedListProvider extracted to separate class
a0363cb: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider.getOneList - logic extracted to separate inner class
9a7568e: IDEA-120385 'Generate Test method' doesn't work
18d0ee6: method refs: separate inference from conflict resolution (to be continued)
ff66c1b: new inference: well formed check
d24e983: new inference: non-wildcard parameterization
865a535: new inference: wildcard parameterization inference
dd1c5d9: new inference: incorporation of capture constraint: captured wildcard treatment
10d4a51: new inference: incorporation of capture constraint
0bb6aa5: new inference: different parameterizations condition/wildcards parameterization in return type covered
26d23a9: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider.getOneList - simplify parameters detection (use already existing objects instead of executing svn commands again)
88910bd: optimize class in package search
bf547fd: live templates should be at the bottom of the completion list
c8afa74: add PlainTextFileType registration
9636378: reverted "move FileTypeFactory to core-*": jps-model modules must not depend on core modules
0cdea4e: show error if we cannot launch browser add "Fix" button — open web browser settings
e80c761: cleanup
3787e1e: added proper tooltip for install/uninstall buttons
8b6e62b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
057c5f3: initial python project interpreters page
e34c407: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2f65c96: Python function parsing fixed: any function has statement list now
e8d0cbb: Merge branch 'check-physical-in-go-to-class' of into niktrop-check-physical-in-go-to-class
3fd5b8e: don't suggest lowercase non-imported classes in autopopup (IDEA-114348)
ab8284b: actually cache GrModifierListImpl.getAnnotations
7fd991d: fixed python community icon-robots.txt
6f783fe: fixed PY-12052 Can't run django tests with nosetests because of `nose_utils` not found.
be252b2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
24c879c: Code cleanup for "membersManager" package to make it type-safe
486a608: svn: Removed unnecessary LocationDetector and accompanying logic
53e055f: Looks like a typo.
df9c434: external build: save list of GWT modules to file before compilation to avoid scanning source roots in external build process (ZD-19763)
b467cbe: javadoc added
9d4fa47: avoid NPEs in breakpoint dialog
d57662b: support filters in breakpoint adapter
feced99: svn: Removed unnecessary SvnLoadingRepositoryLocation
c07a129: don't add duplicate patterns
0cf2990: IDEA-97800 Groovy: remove annotation quick fix
5383da8: Groovy: 'implement interface' intention should work with generic classes
927951a: Groovy: red code in plugin.xml
d9fb514: Add custom templates to completion list if corresponding Registry-key is enabled
f00e6c6: Zen coding: do not commit while checking availability
0c9d76e: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider.getOneList - simplify code flow
ead776d: move FileTypeFactory to core-*
f6ec6b8: formatting
7eb4cd3: Add empty panel shown when no certificate is selected like in TaskRepositoriesConfigurable. Tree builder is correctly reinitialized in reset(). Change grow policy of warning message in form.
3323ed4: [log] IDEA-117248 Fix multiline subject message rendering
0441a53: showInBestPositionFor editor
f26bec3: enable required dependencies
f826ab8: Slightly update logic of getCertificates in trust manager
3357209: cleanup, prepare to fix WEB-9756 Quick evaluate expression popup: long values are cut and cannot be copy correctly
cd527f0: cleanup, prepare to fix WEB-9756 Quick evaluate expression popup: long values are cut and cannot be copy correctly
882965b: inter-framework dependencies
8669a75: Arrangement tokens creation patch.
294cccf: webpack
fb04460: don't highlight the entire expression
d712dda: cleanup and test
a2dd182: move utility method to it's only usage and add test
38f7944: 'commonjs' and 'webpark' added
802a696: [log] IDEA-120178 Check if branch exists before querying Git or Hg
6919265: IDEA-117727 Gradle web project correctly apply 'WebGradle' web facet but detects another web facet - which is the same - as 'Web'
d5b9d47: Merge branch 'master' of
ce3a156: IDEA-120391 - Support OpenShift debug
2c5e6cd: better way to determine if class is a concrete collection class
0654ba5: Cleanup (formatting)
ccfd1f8: IDEA-120226 ("Class explicitly extends a Collection" inspection should be suppressed when overriding removeEldestEntry() from class LinkedHashMap)
6200195: split DuplicatesProfile into index part and presentation part introduce duplicates-analysis-* modules independent on platform-* or lang-* modules, suitable for Upsource
4463280: cleanup duplicates
261aeb6: jdk8 compilation
c78401f: gson library version updated to 2.2.4
0d514da: style: unnecessary conditions and expressions simplified
c5f9c1f: cosmetic for VcsRoot tests
f1726af: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
80b77c9: Missing tops images (PY-11794).
f3d0abb: refactoring: types refined
ee84db9: "create project from existing sources" fixed for mixed non-java projects (IDEA-91446)
44d1eb2: new inference: incorporation upper bounds case added
0d9ea1f: no frameworks for empty project type
7eea76a: [git-log] escape backslashes (otherwise git doesn't like it)
6b6f14b: [vcs] more correct commit successful notification: "changes" -> "files"
fc2b716: NotNull
76bfc1f: "create project from existing sources" fixed for mixed non-java projects (IDEA-91446)
8abb5a0: refactor GrAssignabilityCheckInspection
f0f09c7: NPE
4f3ad93: binary operators with number types are correct
9efb2cd: IDEA-120237 IAE at com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginTable$2.setSortKeys
7b058f4: proper border for description panel
a38b53a: button colors for Darcula
4c780db: set shared flag when toByteArray is called and if it is set then copy byte buffer on write
0922b72: - forceUpdate also process limited number of files out of current project in order to keep myFilesToUpdate empty. The files in question can be from other project or excluded from current one or even from user home directory (as by product of building vfs / watching it and broadcasting vfs events to listeners) - indexFileContent skips processing contentless indices: they should be processed during building files to index or during vfs events processing
bf1cada: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider - inner classes moved to separate files and renamed
0a1c3bb: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider - method extractions, simplifications
29ec204: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
47d2598: Accepted certificates are shown in tree, grouped by organization name, like in browsers. Not valid certificates look strikeout.
90e4f29: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider - simplified progress indicator updating
f89e476: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1132b19: Use correct option for saving files on switching to terminal (IDEA-118846).
7d228d5: warn when only difference is @Override annotation
86b18ce: IDEA-120272 New Project wizard: java templates (JavaFX application, Command Line Application) are missing
61e3b94: IDEA-120343 Gradle: custom title for gradle files in editors
bd2fcae: CR-IA-226 ImportFilter: make targetFile parameter not null
06fb88c: IDEA-120272 New Project wizard: java templates (JavaFX application, Command Line Application) are missing
58da780: Update auxiliary ShowCertificateAction to take first certificate from storage, change note at the bottom of dialog
dba7e9a: lock-free FileBasedIndexImpl.myTransactionMap
55ef9c2: don't show extra information in case of 3rd party repos
3695846: svn: Refactored SvnCommittedChangesProvider - removed duplication in repository root detection logic
9940cf1: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
ef010fe: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
76283b3: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
9f107c8: IDEA-80056 Column selection mode improvement
d1106d7: svn: Refactored SvnHistoryProvider - reuse repository root detection logic from SvnUtil
bdcc096: ensure selection exists after repo change
1ee1f54: better fix for 3rd party repos
e3bd2bb: svn: Refactored RepositoryBrowserDialog - code simplifications
4047f29: fixed adjust range for list children renderer
0092f5c: fix integration with private repos
ce976f3: fix NPE
8be18c0: new inference: accept parameter bounds on return step
b70b27c: new inference: do not fall down to raw types
d1e99e2: svn: Fixed revisions loading in tree conflict panel for tree conflicts with "incoming delete" to use common ClientFactory model
6f42f9c: svn: Explicitly specify "limit=1" when retrieving history for tree conflict panel (instead of throwing cancel exception)
b2eec46: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
dd7661a: IDEA-117841 Make launcher reflect the true product
d10a98e: Remove ComparisonUtils duplication
37ea597: qualify with all containing classes not just the first one
cf46311: svn: Fixed revisions loading in tree conflict panel for tree conflicts with "incoming delete"
d72179f: svn: Refactored TreeConflictRefreshablePanel - commented code removed, simplifications
252e5f8: Gradle: log level for gradle execution error trace changed to debug
2c2b8f7: avoid costly PsiElement#findReferenceAt when element is null||PsiWhiteSpace
16d78e2: IDEA-116285 XDebugger API based java line breakpoints: implement class filters
64dd67f: create project from existing sources: refactored and tests added
cd2d984: use natural ordering for nodes in Project Structure dialog
ae32dbb: updater tests and test data moved to 'updater' module
bc90ef4: fixed paths to updater log files
1962ba6: cleanup
8a0eaa0: don't forget about closure args
823614d: complete extends, implements
ce14ee7: IDEA-120232 Groovy: Extracting string literal part: check for escape symbols
b74503d: Refactor reference expression parsing. Fix 'literal'\n{} case
9eb6611: IDEA-116997 Check binary operator applicability
8fb5deb: add new modules to community modules.xml also
6218043: don't warn on new expression's of non-static inner classes
f3192b0: move nested class to where it's used
b0c5cbe: WEB-10821 Weird character in Alt+F1 menu before "Open in browser..."
329845b: IDEA-99123 Fixed latest revision detection logic for "Update/Switch to specific revision" dialog to use "svn info" command (instead of SVNRepository api from SVNKit)
1ba9675: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
2543454: Fixed parsing of invalid Unicode code points in literals (PY-12012)
eee22a3: IDEA-99123 Fixed "Update/Switch to specific revision" dialog not to always use SVNKit implementation
20f8ef4: svn: Refactored SvnLogUtil - methods extracted, inlined
4e2db64: IDEA-99123 Fixed "switch" operation for svn 1.7 working copies not to always use SVNKit implementation (now common client factory selection logic is used for update and switch operations)
2a700e0: test for wrong version parsing added (IDEA-112316)
772d5f4: save history values (initial)
4513345: PHP WI-22023 Local History For Function is not available
5270ee9: fixed stackoverflow in breakpoints dialog
2ee8cc2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e0b32c9: Install CollectionListModel by default, listener method act only in EDT
906efb7: cache classes and files in console exception filter
0898580: IDEA-120280 Exception in completion
9c67ca6: java completion: make recursion weigher less important than by-kind, because now it can lead to very unexpected sorting
528f460: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ba11e80: IDEA-120217 same lambda param names highlighting
b6cb00a: new inference: collect additional constraints by call arguments [todo]
487c78e: new inference: propagate inference variables from grand ~parents calls
2c85d0f: new inference: decide about NULL type later (JDK-8033407)
32502b5: IDEA-119704 Disable "Unlinked Gradle project?" dialog doesn't work on OSX
be43eec: IDEA-118581 diff: remove files duplication in ChangesTreeList
062dfe6: diff: codereview
01660d6: Fix maven test
6b3a0a4: don't paint table busy if there are no installed plugins
3d0b01a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8a80544: IDEA-115711 When open tab limit is exceeded IDEA dosn't close the less frequently used tab but the most frequently used tab instead
11ae1b1: separate editor tab closing logic from actual closing
fb685aa: GroovyDebuggerClassFilterProvider: cleanup
6fb03c5: Restore factory with default with least priority; remember if user chooses factory by himself
f0ed128: Prefer custom code fragment factory on context change
abb3e62: Fix maven test.
62395fe: Gradle: tooling lib version updated in libLicenses.gant
c304982: gradle-reporting-1.9.jar removed from gradle module
30292ae: Gradle: introduce gradle-tooling-extensions modules with respective classpath; expose scala project configuration for ProjectDataService usage
214cf08: Gradle: introduce gradle-tooling-extensions modules with respective classpath; expose scala project configuration for ProjectDataService usage
734f659: Improvement for MacMessages rollback. MacMessages have been handled in Messages class but they are used directly from the MessageDialogBuilder.
01fdfd4: custom wizard step for gradle and maven
fc1469b: Fix test-data.
c2d5819: Fix Grails test: "Create variable" quick fix is not present in GSP.  +review CR-IU
f0ffa4f: Don't wrap before dot (PY-5464).
f0e55e9: IDEA-119246 Flex: Jump to find result broken from CTRL-ALT-F7 dialog
078dbd9: IDEA-119180 Groovy .gdsl editing support is broken in Intellij IDEA 13
32b846b: optimisation
3529094: Get rid of grandparent for alignment.
75e5f3c: IDEA-120245: Mark directory as "Generated Sources" is not available in plugin project
62476fa: Fix alignment in list comprehension in dict (PY-10076).
e8fd0a0: add new module from project structure
6ed5541: Add broken plugins
0584de3: external build classpath: try decapitalize plugin name to find plugin dir (e.g. for Osmorc plugin) under case-sensitive OS
ee833f1: windows error code check fixed
6dd77e9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8cca960: new inference: target type detection according to consequence inference (IDEA-120193)
6e7ba09: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
834e582: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
36aae7d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
955663a: PY-3450 Refactoring: pull up class variables/attributes (almost done: need to check dependencies, resolve conflicts and use same functionality for "extract superclass" and "pushdown")
05a631b: remove template placeholder from description
5294ae1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5081222: remove unused PluginModuleType#ADD_PLUGIN_MODULE_ICON
1adfc8f: use PluginModuleType.isOfType
ee3168a: DevKit: (re-)use DOM in DescriptorUtil
e4f8eaf: Don't wrap at the start of string literal (PY-9436).
594f81b: PY-3450 Refactoring: pull up class variables/attributes: Refactoring and wrongly formatted code does not lead to exceptions in pull-up method anymore
ed67544: do not suggest @FunctionalInterface for interfaces with generics methods
17853f2: th should not close th in previous row
3ede82b: Fixed text range in pre-format processor.
9993883: Fix a typo.
12d1184: NotNull
34826b2: new inference: introduce "thrown" bound
ef15e60: new inference: lambda compatibility: ground type constraint added
11f8200: new inference: ignore self eq bounds
9cf6781: new inference: skip constraints which won't produce anything: proper return type for lambda
21fe45f: invalid @FunctionalInterface severity change warning -> error (IDEA-120162)
b268a7f: revert (IDEA-120153)
0e875b2: new inference: primitive types processing: ignore eq constraint by the spec
5b40000: updated path to log4j.jar for executing Updater.
5dfb607: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6d8e028: PY-3450 Refactoring: pull up class variables/attributes: Refactoring + compilation fix
b7837167: IDEA-117777 Change the way native splashscreen is shown in WinLauncher IDEA-117163 Parameter "nosplash"  is broken on launcher
3e21a1f: Fix test data for PEP8.
4896ad4: Fix tests returning correct text range from pre-format processor.
b803597: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7ae9d1d: PY-3450 Refactoring: pull up class variables/attributes: Fixed, but refactoring is required.
5609596: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
17d36f3: Fixed potential NPE
c1e515e: [git] Don't read default commit message from .COMMIT_EDITMSG
79e3da5: Infer 'Iterable' as the type of tuples as default parameter values (PY-10967)
20a4f26: fix "Invalid file"
a6dcd8c: cleanup
94b3989: background of editorpane should be white
e67783c: 'properties' plugin layout should respect 'pluginFilter' (fixes failed WebStorm builds)
6981f2d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6ee3e2b: Refactoring (membersManager package introduced) to make PY-3450 Refactoring: pull up class variables/attributes easier
f4433d4: Check that item is in list model before addition/removal by event
8a8aeaa: cleanup
bb497d3: added test for 'null' values in @Attribute
a1ce98f: diff: Add option to reduce diff granularity and to turn diff highlighting off.
d30c09e: IDEA-56098 diff: add ability to disable autoscroll
ec1afef: diff: add DumbAware to the inner action too
1384b9c: diff: Add separator after 'IgnoreWhitespaces' action on toolbar
193105e: IDEA-120145 New Project wizard: when for Java Enterprise or Spring type 'create by template' option is selected the chosen technologies are ignored, jars are downloaded to wrong place
7548b57: EA-53622 - IAE: ContextComputationProcessor.getTopLevelInjectionTarget
3ef4f28: cleanup:
e66493f: javadoc added
c49c45f: move agreement dialog to platform-api
c8dda3a: Remove previous generic version of Gitlab connector
3b73d78: IDEA-119508 pass context PsiFile to ImportFilter
c103300: IDEA-120224 Add possibility to customize ConsoleView popup actions
9eae975: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
a153738: Fix test data to satisfy PEP8
f0facb3: jdk8 compilation
6e01cbc: moved to analysis
42ee4dc: cleanup
ba80bec: memleak
5898e76: fixed PY-11916 PyCharm nose helper causes DeprecationWarning
e96a71e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fdaa217: do not prefer simple python run configuration over tests
ee800d4: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
5e496d0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1cb0753: do not prefer simple python run configuration over custom (django, etc.)
90a5c56: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
7bd76e8: Reverted percent formatting by default for MySQL parser compatibility with Python (PY-10771)
acdc335: root detection call optimized  for empty root checkers
65bce6c: unnecessary 'else' removed
fa2e577: Capitalize property for dialog
9403845: style
321cebb: style
b9e6494: Setting for space before # (PY-8273).
1097ad6: IDEA-120134 align ? and : of ternary operator
6aaf437: Space after '#' according to PEP8 (PY-11571).
6ec28ac: duplicates
0e3104e: introduce parameter from expression with null type
d50f621: IDEA-118325 honor "maximum blank lines" setting
930f90e: use json representation of bower commands
d4ff7e2: IDEA-119415 (Inspection for Static field/method referenced via subclass should ignore fields/methods in non accessible base class.)
1c30543: Mark NodeJS:134.680 as broken.
b100ad6: Don't use JSON to store broken plugins list. Parsing of JSON take a lot of time on startup.
1261469: Mark NodeJS:134.680 as broken.
cca607e: Revert bad commit
689dd6b: Don't forget to close ZipFile.
ebf4294: Fill brokenPlugins.json
27047db: IDEA-120161 ("Interface may be annotated @FunctionalInterface" inspection)
20f6fd6: move to "Inheritance issues" category
aa93c1b: Update brokenPlugins.json
18790ff: Fix broken API. Add old method to repair PHP plugin.
7a2a46d: Github: do not show error while testing credentials on operation cancel
2a694d8: Github: add TwoFactor detection
1635c6f: Github: fix tests
50a0f3d: Github: fix inspection warnings
9f6e257: Github: allow to create access token from settings
61b03df: @NotNull
72a613a: Github: do not show error for untrusted certificates
d955158: Github: do not fail without access to account data
6d4c366: Github: add API function
6a7e1a6: Github: wrap testConnection to modal progress
597982b: Github: remove GithubSslSupport
3287d5d: revive NewElementSamePlace action
32b9577: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
86bb6f4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
89d2ebc: invocation type inference: when unchecked conversion was performed - treat its results in return value checks as they were in bounds
dc65257: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
125d832: fix thread access violations
be84252: type equality constraint: reject type/wildcard pairs; subtyping constraint: become eq constraint for types
948e76a: separate subtyping constraints
f26b803: type compatibility constrain: unchecked conversion: return type is inference variable case
5a9c00a: type compatibility constrain: unchecked conversion step
af8095f: type compatibility constrain: boxing is not completeness-preserving: move treatment to return constraint
4444fc1: type equality constraint: accept unbounded/extends wildcards pair; reject unbounded/super
2070864: test to choose overloaded method to detect target type
09437d8: new UI for plugins
7f5bcec: Code cleanup after CR-IC-4191
c6d5377: CE compilation fixed
7864194: Properties language psi api extracted for upsource
de32aab: IDEA-120028 Groovy: "Optimize imports": static keyword is removed from unresolved imports
5fcedc1: select a literal if its whole content is selected but quotes are skipped
222509a: Groovy: introduce refactorings: check range inside string literal
8f505bf: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
13ce8bc: Add listeners support, update extraction of fields from principal's name
87187b1: Fix error related to disappearing certificates by changing alias construction
87b442b: Always ask about untrusted certificates, in particular when default trust store is missing on Mac
df23197: Fix locking in ConfirmingTrustManager, simplify error checks.
3ebc299: CR-IC-4179 (cleanup)
6287268: cleanup after review
41a6fe5: IDEA-117389 Groovy: Introduce  refactorings from dollar-slashy strings/regexs
5331b63: Yep! Implement yet another stupid workaround It seems it is really works :) WEB-8174 Node.js debugging problem
13fd492: add support if only frameworks selected
d3f57de: fix loading from jar file
f325ac8: #WEB-5170 fixed
2a159c3: Groovy: in-place introduce constant from local var reference: don't suggest replace all/only one occurrences options
cee821f: Groovy: in-place introduce constant from local var reference
3d07be5: Groovy: in-place introduce constant from local var declaration
25d5d2e: Groovy: in-place introduce field from reference to local var
fa3a51c: Groovy: in-place introduce field from local var
c3b1957: Cleanup (formatting; typos)
3020665: platform: recover after interrupted extension loading
3676ab3: Delete disabled new-template
5456a95: Rollback showing MacMessage if we cannot find an  appropriate native parent. MacMessages are enabled for multiple dialog hierarchy.
a18ac62: MacMessages should be disabled for jdk8 until resolution of jdk8 issues.
9747976: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
0c8e03f: Fixed add method quick fix after changing the element reported by the unresolved references inspection
a1e95ef: IDEA-70915 (inspection: implicit usage of platform default charset)
b3b145d: IDEA-116116 New Project Wizard: default folder for jars download is /lib
5a27ed3: fix table rows parsing in case row count is more than 2 #WEB-2414 fixed
10758ff: autoclose thead with tbody #WEB-2411 fixed
e136bf6: #WEB-2359 fixed
1ff8ae8: fill in empty tags from R# schema #WEB-6626 fixed
f485ada: TransferToEDTQueue.createRunnableMerger
6281d32: merge some java completion weighers into PreferByKindWeigher
c491893: support non-jetbrains notnull annotations in equals/hashCode generator (IDEA-120036)
7feba9e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
35603ff: Kill Python console with SIGKILL, because SIGINT generates KeyboardInterrupt and closes nothing.
6f94942: Add diagnostic attachments for commit document assertion
e0fbc63: resolve names conflicts inside lambda body (IDEA-120096)
876784b: wildcard bounds composition (IDEA-113297)
f0bfe36: forbid forward references from lambda again (IDEA-119936)
704285a: method refs constraint (IDEA-118437)
dab66b5: Add diagnostic attachments for commit document assertion
330f52b: Gradle: Module builder updated.
be3418b: Add indication that certificate expired or not yet valid in configurable and certificate info panel
b3be019: Rename CertificateInfo to CertificateInfoPanel. It no longer uses form editor
cbdda5d: Slightly refactor hostname verifier, add check of CertificatesManager 'checkHostname' option
ebd0cba: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
dc46fec: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
112e784: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8bf273f: NotNull annotation.
2afeaf5: Fixed EA-52685 - assert: MultiHostRegistrarImpl.doneInjecting
c7346ee: Annotations for Paths, Files and Channels
aab7556: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2db0f1e: custom steps are back
8204f64: NotNull annotation.
b5c312d: chronon class filters requires dot as delimiter
a6583ab: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
154bc88: IDEA-119366 Reformatting only VCS changed code produces unwanted side-effect [CR-IC-4175]
f276863: skinny doesn't work in most of the cases
5f2c78e: NPE (EA-52843)
fe79cc4: project type sorting fixed
35afccf: Reordered methods
f27ab12: Gradle: code cleanup
789eb57: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2ca9e60: Formatter & Scanner annotations
58ba880: FileInputStream, FileReader, FileWriter, InputStreamReader, OutputStream, PrintStream & PrintWriter annotations
d258c37: String.format annotation
5a75778: VcsRootDetectorI renamed
77af356: VcsRootDetector refactoring
ec25543: ChooseTemplateStep
2e82518: EA-49160
da0b420: WEB-10797 nodejs: strange exit code
5b436cc: StringUtil.splitByLinesKeepSeparators
43fc3e2: IDEA-120051 Maven Project ignores profile-specific dependencies
b44000d: NPE(EA-52907).
1ac0a95: IOOBE (EA-53138).
8e887d7: SIOOBE(EA-53677).
39a3ef5: EA-47815
c1728ca: IDEA-56096 Allow to create file templates with extension contains dot [CR-IC-3923]
e507a6f: spase within spread operator
4248fd8: [git] Fix NPE if process is not started
52db790: [log] Don't join if there is only one repository
619f11c: new project wizard: frameworks on the first page
3bffb58: Build fix
f4c8a46: 'cast parameter' fix if spread operator used
8ed8c4c: remove duplicate
a7bab7d: cleanup
b55ff2d: EA-51997 - CCE: GroovyAnnotator.registerMakeAbstractMethodNotAbstractFix
926fbff: EA-52115 - IAE: ResolveUtil.processNonCodeMembers & some @NotNull
430fc9a: EA-52506 - NPE: TypeConversionUtil$WildcardDetector.visitClassType
884380a: EA-52532 - CCE: GroovyCreateFieldFromUsageHelper.setupTemplateImpl
36c07d3: EA-52789 - diagnistics
8555cde: duplicates
8fc0687: EA-53288 - cast fixes.
be3da4b: EA-53309 - CCE: GrInplaceFieldIntroducer.checkLocalScope
935bc3d: EA-53448 - CCE: JavaCompletionUtil.setShowFQN
6a30279: deeply eliminate wildcards as they may appear during inference in wildcard's bounds
6773fcc: testdata for IDEA-104429
c17274e: lambda: check functional type return type before accepting cached value
e2c708d: method refs: add constraint P1->ReferenceType for inexact method references despite of spec (IDEA-117311)
9ef2c46: new inference: propagate current substitutors during additional constrains processing (IDEA-118965)
7dc476d: Gradle: Module builder updated. * New Module now adds module to the respective gradle project using settings.gradle inclusion * Support for *.ipr (file based) project format added
d88e160: IDEA-119651 DomStubBuilder uses physical files for indexing but it should use supplied one
e6fe39c: make constant search not block the UI
4037871: IDEA-119983 Smart type completion mixes order for Color.RED
589208f: test that stats is remembered for global static method completion variants
c314c53: make Show All Tabs action name & description closer to the behavior
23c0651: inspection considered harmful (IDEA-119766)
e72c1a3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5fd0a91: Fixed SQL 'select/insert/...' rule injection into indented string literals (PY-11970)
4ecd882: Fix NPE
5c4ef6b: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
2621f17: Assume that string without '%' operator or 'format()' contains no formatting (PY-11771)
0c35ee7: cleanup
6e66b22: Don't run code analysis for injections with interpolation in string formatting (PY-11962)
9f28f9d: AbstractCollectionComboBoxModel — specify list type
4428d76: MutableCollectionComboBoxModel — specify list type
e77b8c9: use gap instead of titled border move 'Clear ..." to new line (left-aligned), not right-aligned on the same line
8824507: breakpoint properties was not saved if breakpoints dialog was opened from line breakpoint popup
ba59486: Update appearance of certificates configurable. Buffer storage modifications in configurable, instead of applying them directly
5f4f22b: IDEA-79353 No completion in the Type field of Custom Renderer preference page
27d736e: don't allow edit action if not editable
4b5b6e8: assume custom stubs only if psifile's content element type isn't IStubElementType, this fixes performance problem of previous change (that added support for dom indices). The performance problem was manifested for flex stubs produced by decompiler.
cc66943: Fix typo.
447fa05: Make WorkspaceReader available to extensions.
217a6ba: Activate Maven extensions during project resolution.
f98b4ed: PY-11958 PullUp refactoring breaks class signature if class has more than 2 ancestors
6c989e6: high CPU and EditorTextField/LanguageConsole scrolling
c010442: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6040533: update browser icons add icons for custom browsers — yandex, chromium, canary
31f6857: [git] IDEA-120042 Protect against zero timestamp
fe3a49a: regress: don't hold strong reference to index content
470ad4d: GitRootFinder removed as unnecessary
003d00c: PY-11968 "Pull member up" refactoring should not allow user to move member up if parent already has one PY-11290 Target classes of "Pull Members Up" refactoring should be sorted in ancestry order PY-11289 "Pull Members Up" should not hoist code into python stubs/skeletons. PY-11288 Better default for target of "Pull Members Up" refactoring
e4bf6e4: Add injection place even if a string fragment consists of zero chunks
76e0d23: Fixed parsing of unbalanced new style string formatting (PY-11962)
3e71eee: IDEA-119738 Problem with Android Studio connecting to wrong VCS (Git vs. Mercurial)
1195dd4: style
4045914: fix incorrect fileChooser descriptor — use createSingleFileOrExecutableAppDescriptor
68771c2: IDEA-119965 Mac messages with one button should have focus on that button
4eb8664: IDEA-102508 error status of run configuration is not updated after fix Needless component revalidation fix
a6d541e: New Xib format
e706b96: CR-IC-3901 check isMacOSSnowLeopard
f04c8a6: CR-IC-3901 mac file chooser must respect FileChooserDescriptor.isFileSelectable
e9fdcd9: a few more words in the base dictionaries
5f70931: FoundationTest — junit 4
129898f: move createDict and fillArray to Foundation util
aa04a46: new inference: reduce additional constraints order fixed
4c7fec7: correct file name
38de625: IDEA-119976 Code | Completion | SmartType's Alt+Space shortcut does not work
09e3217: commit may change psiFile instance, completion should be prepared to that (EA-46770)
69b71e7: allow to use step into and smart step into shortcuts to select smart step into target
09846dc: proper size
fd6db9f7: [git] IDEA-119887 Support one more git version output format
bd9cc7f: [git] convert GitVersionTest to junit
89e5e54: UsefulTestCase.assertNotEmpty
299ca1f: inline protected method 'createAnnotation'
bfbcdc8: [^kb] on java 8/linux non-focusable popups get focus a bit later, workaround that (IDEA-94683)
55a4c7b: CR-IC-4150 use equals on vfiles
9200d31: add a description for Show All Tabs action (IDEA-119952)
86a57b2: IDEA-119961 List support for Expression Evaluation
b91fcf2: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
e37f9b1: Fixed spelling in names of variables
61f5888: Simplified always true expressions
fc7fabe: Fixed EA-49990: assert: TextRange.<init>
b132ae4: WEB-10741 Turning on Karma Plugin Autotest will highjack editor window upon retest.
40f3ae8: lambda: ground target type for implicit lambda
32094bf: temp solution (IDEA-118527)
486cac8: IDEA-119969 Root node has wrong offset
a05d051: IDEA-118817 Parameter annotations are not respected for @Delegate annotation
695bc50: corrected test data after fixing IDEA-119589
7d2fe18: IDEA-119910 Middle matching doesn't work if pattern starts with a digit
e0b2a8b: [vcs] IDEA-119891 Use correct line separators in commit message document
22463b1: CCE fixed
0f133cf: Gradle: buildscript configuration respect inheritance
e140b1e: IDEA-69253 completion in type elements of parameters after dot
d3a5dab: IDEA-117390 don't complete light elements containing IntelliJIdeaRulezzz
6a90cfb: IDEA-119658 Watches inplace editor does not resize
802f6de: category icons
d6f2453: IDEA-119894 "Customize data views" dialog is ugly
620b789: 'fixme' added to the dictionary (OC-9056) -> word moved to jetbrains.dic
b79e4f3: IDEA-119520 New Project / Module Wizard: last-selected template should be remembered
f5be91b: Cleanup (deprecated constant dropped)
b0116c0: EA-53411 (more reliable diagnostic and better recovery)
50c6083: extra fix after review
a5d9cdb: maven: webapp resource filtering supported (IDEA-25934)
b61e7f9: trying to fix blinking test
d6951b6: refactoring: class extracted
a6e1abc: IDEA-119864 indents
b7b65ba: IDEA-108964 caching field accessors
6e833dd: fix should not have psi refs
9e97414: allow to create an annotation with a custom severity
2106911: Fix CCE (PY-10999).
4fe2695: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2f3b719: Setup __loader__ for __main__ module (PY-10535).
a44092b: enable File|New action in Database view
b50f4bc: enable File|New action in Database view
bb558e8: better fix for IDEA-111684
3e8d5d8: fix regress IDEA-119720 : schedule for update if file isn't too large
5897d97: better code per review suggestion
445aa37: EJB method hierarchy shouldn't affect completion statistics (IDEA-117673)
be30e67: IDEA-116506 File Templates: can not delete duplicated template
8bafc21: NonTrivialActionGroup instead of NonEmptyActionGroup (the latter takes "registered" actions into account only).
b8f41b5: DEA-119860 Empty tab name if turn on option "hide file extension"
37e2a4c: IDEA-117852 NullPointerException when making project with mixed java/groovy sources
a4d5836: ignore groovyc stderr spam about JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS (IDEA-118182)
e82c49a: IDEA-119794 IntelliJ inspection "may produce NullPointerException" doesn't understand Objects.requireNonNull(...)
7e06961: IDEA-30947 Invalid error message in debugger/type renders dialog: "Incovertible types..."
8c4dc0e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a64db8a: EA-53583 - IAE: UsageViewPresentation.setNonCodeUsagesString
12a834f: case fixed
88c7770: graph inference: accept raw inference when return type was erased (IDEA-119844)
c8e5698: graph inference: recursive calls (IDEA-119834)
a1eef95: [log] IDEA-119898 Fix graph artifact in case of diagonal edges
9984c56: [log] dry
5960162: [log] @NotNull
7942f6c: restore "analyze stacktrace"
71d742a: Add possibility to add/remove certificates from application trust store
8122c69: keep java-docs in sync
41104b6: make sure 'startRunProfile' is invoked in EDT
4269a85: IDEA-103743 Settings > Code Style > Arrangement UI glitch (after-review improvement)
bd4e9ec: mac file chooser should not resolve symlinks +review
1413859: Revert "updated external tools. Added annoying *.whl for the needs of virtualenv."
798bcad: CR-IC-4108
eb65f3e: convenient "Done" ctor
59e3ab1: CR-IC-4046 use chooser description in mac native file chooser
4dba37a: IDEA-119855 Github: remove duplicates from "Share On Github" dialog
db9023c: Rethrow SSL exception in case "empty trust anchors" error, when Mac JRE has no default keystore
e2cdf40: CR-IC-4094 (confusing methods united)
e7106a4: return name of SettingStep#getModuleNameField()
388e840: fix installers: remove lint-cli module
34d1109: IDEA-118601 New Module: Maven: click on "Create from archetype" reverts typed coordinates.
0f28587: IDEA-116116 New Project Wizard: default folder for jars download is /lib
99ec69c: 'fixme' added to the dictionary (OC-9056)
9f73164: Refactor CertificatesManager components to standalone classes, add configurable for certificates management and truststore access.
5e029bf: Mercurial Repository info problem fixed
96ec395: style
9c77e2a: use explicit html4 to reduce variants
8129c49: IDEA-119680 Gradle: work offline
1d2d040: refactoring: file content filtering part extracted to separate class
4d12f56: standalone JPS build: added option to build all artifacts (IDEA-119784)
1eacef4: processFilesRecursively optimized by eliminating unnecessary 'isDirectory' calls (ZD-19763)
c9219f4: maven compiling tests: base class extracted
8d2a295: remove microdata, it is handled by custom directives provider for better code insight
59f3848: modifier fix should not contain psi refs
5877fa8: include only SVG-tiny
a0435ca: [diff] IDEA-119780 close dialogs with CANCEL exit code rather OK
2f8cda1: [diff] remove unused
a6b4095: [vcs] Don't allow returning duplicate VirtualFiles
6d904e2: [diff] Don't create inner class for customizing action's icon
64be498: [github] IDEA-119693 Don't share workspace.xml
0f1ccae: xhtml should be valid, only body/head/frameset are permitted under html node
f6a05c7: testdata corrected for new schema
4301bab: cleanup SVG and MathML hack
e7bc5492: new html5 schema with blackjack and extensions SVG, MathML and RDFa are now supported #WEB-462 fixed #WEB-417 fixed
d8e1c94: IDEA-119773 (slf4j placeholder inspection false warnings when passing in Object array)
173c6e8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0147c24: Added test for PY-11337
7d84519: Text changes: "unused" -> "irrelevant"
d120238: IDEA-102508 error status of run configuration is not updated after fix
5c5e163: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
25652d5: PY-3569 Inspection to warn if a loop variable is assigned inside the loop
8b70d81: remove stubs presuming to build jar locally before we move to java 7
3d8a6d0: IDEA-119826 Do not require confirmation each time I open an IPR file
9038ec4: IDEA-119589 Wrap when typing reaches right margin wraps one symbol before needed [CR-IC-4089]
5759064: IDEA-107538 java: "Go To..Next Method / Previous Method" should skip fields
c92cb87: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e628865: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2f3a48e: revert
aa68b40: IDEA-111122 remove attached jar artifact coming from "apklib" dependency from the dependencies of app module: users add it to deploy jar to Maven repository in addition to "apklib" file, but we don't need to add it to the classpath, because it leads to class duplication [rev=sergey.evdokimov] (cherry picked from commit 0663734)
03b007d: EA-53045 - NPE: PsiFileImpl.navigate (CR-IC-4127)
69ee7c8: IDEA-119509 do not show classes we're not going to import in "import" dialog [rev=peter]
e62c18d: advance bomb
315aa55: adapt android step to the new wizard
a7311eb: keep overridden group content option
66cf177: a less distracting thread dump filter (IDEA-99943)
6995ba8: remove AbstractMethodErrorWrapper
54879ea: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e4c8354: replace SBKit stubs with jar (it's under GPL license and we do not redistribute it)
643f3e1: revert of accidental previous commit revert
b79c1da: spring file based indexes/searchers
4fa374f: fixed EA-53497 - assert: TextRange.<init>
6e4c2d3: DevKit "language": restrict Language.getRegisteredLanguages() results to those available in project/SDK (CR-IC-4017#c21280)
7064f5c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
670d010: a way to detect bundled plugins when run Idea from Idea
6b8e5bb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e0e690c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2a9b3e2: updated external tools. Added annoying *.whl for the needs of virtualenv.
1d6519a: unavailable api inspection: support for java 8 api
f03ea37: Merge branch 'python-performance'
2fa8245: Cache presence or absence of a user skeleton for file in its user data
4aca40b: better project name for temp project + pass dummy status
10f6a0f: another stub update index fix: - stubs doesn't get buffered status update notifications because they aren't built out of unsaved documents - also index read also made affected to buffered status
455ca8f: WEB-10733 Mac OSX: disabling JSHint results in buggy presentation of version combo
e0d53aa: IDEA-119328 don't remove unresolved imports only if references in code could be resolved with them
eef5c14: IDEA-119328 parse code reference elements without name element
3c69c63: IDEA-119647 CCE on groovy file
ba0b939: cleanup
3dd03e8: cleanup
328c39f: FileUtil#loadLines moved to FileUtilRt
5404220: CR-IC-3879 (handle module component initialization errors)
3c288a8: Rewritten PyQualifiedReference.collectAssignedAttributes() for better performance
6bbdc88: Cache the result of asQualifiedName()
3306469: Forgot call to super
389fc76: EA-53504 - IOE: PsiJavaParserFacadeImpl.createExpressionFromText
3f409f1: EA-53575 - CCE: InlineMethodHandler.inlineElement
b00014b: method ref constrain (IDEA-119552)
bd80c20: cleanup
6404ec9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6c7831a: tune decoration color for Darcula
5485ead: filtering frameworks by template
1d47fa0: IDEA-114381 (do not use foreign clipboard contents in internal events)
03ca39f: IDEA-114381 (missed use case; tests)
db15563: Resolve conflict with "&Replace with"
7a8ad62: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
801f34d: fixed missing sys import
3e29ea2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a185876: Disabled comment injector for Python for performance reasons
228266b: IDEA-117522 Some dialogs are not disposed with the escape key
1ae36ce: ProjectCategoryTemplate
2d44f96: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
32d79c8: fixed missing sys import
115576d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
50c4cf3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
37645b4: fixed PY-11561 "Add super class call" incorrectly inserts parameter annotations
a9da411: Cleanup (typo)
714969c: build scripts: launch .jar reorder task in headless mode
8145dd4: IDEA-114381 (check clipboard data flavours before loading the whole content)
4fa6582: Cleanup (formatting)
acf1752: fixed PY-11495 Create function: do not propose quick-fix for unresolved parts of fqn
21e2c1d: fixed PY-11484 Implement abstract method: pushes docstring out of the way
43e98b8: fixed isAbstractmethod
1c85aca: Unnecessary parameter --ignore removed from appropriate status commands.
e0f86d5: do not check plugin name for non bundled plugins
00f955e: If Gradle task execution fails, now we throw an exception showing the message of the real cause.
774ae65: use system font on Windows (Segoe UI, 12)
8281f35: IDEA-119035 Select All shortcut for any table on mac with Darcula
abc190b: hide Show Implementation action just like Quick Doc when not appropriate
2ad99bc: IDEA-119630 Live template broke in IDEA 13
1216a4b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4db9093: Fix align multiline elements in parenthesized expressions, parameters and arguments lists.
46a84e6: Merge branch 'python-performance'
50d1e9b: Cleanup of API for qualified names of expressions
74c850c: Method call in indenting statement should have continuation indent.
b69f7d4: fixed PY-11353 Creating Run Configuration from specific test gets the "target" wrong
8775d1b: DRY
e8ac1dc: #WEB-5067 fixed
2c804f6: cls reference ignores passed outer class type arguments (IDEA-118733)
e6350af: IDEA-119677 AWT thread blocking during start up
c49bd1b: fixed PY-11312 False positive CamelCase variable imported as lowercase
1d6966b: fixed PY-11281 Convert dict comprehension to dict call omits if expression
b811619: Deprecated PyResolveUtil.treeCrawlUp() as a slow way of traversing the PSI
5deb882: Made several internal methods of PyResolveUtil private
5a2fdc9: cancel outdated quick info calculation on ctrl+mouse (IDEA-119642)
36d507f: fixed PY-11277 Python: Wrong "argument equals default" inspection
a5fc7ef: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8cdcea8: fixed PY-11617 Nosetest runner: simple function tests cannot jump to source
7b704287: fixed PY-11696 Cancel after adding new interpreter removes configured project interpreter
a2f1da9: IDEA-118773 Change Assembla's issue IDs to be project local instead of unique global
9e9dde3: Disable possibility to create feature branch in "Open Task" dialog, before at least one branch already exists
ae83297: proper fix for PY-11879
585e827: Added PyQualifiedReference.isQualified() that potentially doesn't require AST access
99af1d0: Use ScopeUtil.getScopeOwner() for preventing unnecessary stubs to AST switch
3421829: Add plugins to check: Pythonid, org.intellij.clojure, NodeJS
4e91422: fixed PY-11340 Invalid case for can't assign to literal inspection
501d6a5: FileUtil#loadLines and ExecUtil#execAndReadLine allow to specify encoding
7731644: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
80f6238: fixed PY-11341 Invalid case for identifier expected inspection after as in with statement
c7d5036: Fix continuation indentation in while statement (PY-11869).
5459b34: default test runner is unittest
3cb5420: IDEA-119467 Gradle: auto discovery of buildSrc project
3a98272: IDEA-119467 Gradle: auto discovery of buildSrc project
a33865b: Cache the results of asQualifiedName() for performance reasons
b275188: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
1a196a0: IDEA-73920 Auto-activate maven profile when in IDEA
24c45a2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
077da06: Indent comment in tuple (PY-11904).
dca7107: Gradle: respect the order of dependencies
4c154e6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2142a55: Fixed test data to satisfy PEP8.
6889a43: IDEA-111432 Mac OS X: Shortcut Alt-W in search dialog not working (the mnemonic should be consistent with find in path dialog)
90a0a5c: IDEA-111432 Mac OS X: Shortcut Alt-W in search dialog not working
f97694c: Remove wrong depends from module
a87dd11: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
ccd0d4a: Maven, Android, and Groove moved under Java
2b72075: EA-53537
a880968: IDEA-66430 "Find In Path" doesn't show up in "Recent Find Usages"
3c9a856: assertion for EA-52184 - IAE: FileTypeManagerImpl.isFileIgnored
ce5e012: IDEA-119617
e27d306: notnull
41d0ae5: already disposed
823b697: dispose progress if application exits unexpectedly
f11fc22: notnull
7c26960: fixed PY-11879 Refactor: Rename: references in ivar directive are not updated
b016bf2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
874f0ef: Fix Jira test related to time tracking (zero hours case)
76956c0: IDEA-119740 Ctrl+Shift+Space does not complete exception type after "final"
100bad7: fixed PY-11884 Missing completion for finally keyword after else statement
b2dc0d2: #WEB-7422 fixed
5106f0d: #WEB-8715 fixed
a19ebc2: IDEA-118759: Run ant headless so no dock icon will appear ( manually merged and improved)
5ad360e: fix grails tests
404f4e3: IDEA-119663 false positive Constant conditions & exceptions: "Argument ... might be null"
32ff621: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f831c81: IDEA-110055 Code Style: Copy to Project: Arrangement settings are not copied (copy empty grouping rules)
7567649: IDEA-110055 Code Style: Copy to Project: Arrangement settings are not copied
b55ee30: PY-11882 Assignment to for loop inspection false positive PY-3569 Inspection to warn if a loop variable is assigned inside the loop
11a158b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
56c1793: Insert two spaces before line comment (PY-11901).
3087918: hide some File-menu actions when appropriate:  File|Encoding, Line-separators, change R/O, HTML export
04af1dc: introduce NonTrivialActionGroup
e04ba66: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8984779: javadoc improved
97fee4e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
abfcab9: fix layout
6c0615a: Do not allow view to be larger than viewport with SCROLLBAR_NEVER policy
9f9aa28: javafx: scene builder: do not load javafx classes from multiple loaders
db4b9e9: restore "show hierarchy" when no element was selected
db9fa78: Fix indent in parenthesized expression in indenting statement (PY-11868).
85bcbe8: IDEA-119510 Update Pivotal connector to correctly set "Started" and "Finished" states for stories. Unify titles of error dialogs in "Close task" and "Open task" actions.
9623666: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
f9a833b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7ca0e52: Inject SQL only into strings that have SELECT/UPDATE... at the beginning
1eb3644: NPE fix
da3e2e3: select word should honor string literals in custom file types
fbdee48: move long griffon/grails framework detection into background
673ed61: IDEA-115351 Idea UI hangs after performing Move Module to group
77234b7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d6184d3: fixed PY-11428 "Variable in function should be lowercase" false positive for variables declared global
e4df7b8a: javafx: scene builder: eliminate dependency
36e15a7: IDEA-118605 Add missing attribute check in YouTrack response handling
66827e2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
bbdecb0: Try stub-based containers for Python PSI elements instead of getParent()
219d0fe: Use hasDefaultValue() instead of getDefaultValue() in order to prevent switching from stubs to AST
58065e5: Qualified targets are never local
54700b3: Use isQualified() instead of getQualifier() in order to prevent switching from stubs to AST
81794e4: Find owner via ScopeUtil in order to prevent switching from stubs to AST
5a5e085: Note about stubs to AST
1038077: javafx: scene builder: move stubs to separate module
a0f51bb: javafx: scene builder: embedder
41ac380: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7318d6d: IDEA-58838 Alt+Click on Exception breakpoint marker should switch this breakpoint off instead of creating new line breakpoint.
fa02045: External system: respect scopes for module level library dependencies
021501a: Add hostname verifier to SSL support (disabled for now)
1b3806b: Annotate for renamed/moved file fixed
4b8aad4: getFileNameInTargetRevision updated
64db488: Traverse class owners via ScopeUtil in order to prevent switching from stubs to AST
a21046b: Revert "added -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to tests.gant"
9b3d7f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
256144b: test fixed: do not assert order of ClassInheritors
1600ff2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
72f7af1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b3d735f: don't allow to change family of predefined browsers
9ea642c: set default editor for Enum
fdee8bc: IDEA-88390 Object variables could be casted to any class in Evaluation window
17002f6: javafx template is back
3234409: added -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 to tests.gant
3168f61: IDEA-88390 Object variables could be casted to any class in Evaluation window
41a0c8e: pass idea.config.path and related properties to external build process to ensure that APPLICATION_PLUGINS_DIR path variable is substituted properly (IDEA-118928)
c864c4b: Gradle: test data fix
fc69870: extract superclass events posting (IDEA-119248)
93330f8: restore that ClassInheritorsSearch returns unique results (IDEA-119628)
fb06a91: Filter out non-physical classes in DefaultClassNavigationContributor
debd3f2: AsyncGenericProgramRunner added to let program runners make some calculation before actual console appearance
47b6662: getSelectedObjects — use the same approach as in TableUtil to collect selected items
9d412b0: don't allow to remove predefined browsers
7702e1d: ComboBoxTableCellEditor — cleanup, it should extends DefaultCellEditor
9e3ecd3: myUpdaters contains only one item in most cases
76e1f83: cleanup — use isSelectionEmpty
e266783: TableToolbarDecorator — remove action supports multiple selection
5036cb3: cleanup
6ac47d8: use ContainerUtil.reverse instead of LinkedList ContainerUtil.reverse returns empty list if source is empty
99fee5d: JavaFX Scene Builder integration
aeb1257: IDEA-55171 (prevent sync refresh from locking if application is disposed)
1697889: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9e120cc: Compare decorators by name preventing unnecessary switch from stubs to AST
726c608: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e82fca2: IDEA-88390 Object variables could be casted to any class in Evaluation window
6d2b1e8: Don't analyze target expressions not located in the current file
3e8cc71: Emmet add diagnostic info
e45ecbf: Fixed NPE
8b820b6: IDEA-117373 Spacing options for Java type arguments/parameters [CR-IC-4071]
869e503: [log] IDEA-116322 Fix structure filter for multiple roots
4d4d364: [log] refactor: group filters before passing them to providers
a3f1fcc: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d873fec: DOM: use null, not empty StringRef for non-set ElementStub#elementClass
3a314c4: tests corrected for new schema
30527da: CR-IC-4025 (more concise fix)
7a31cf5: IDEA-119498 (only suppress plugin updates for true command-line usage)
93f8684: debugger value popup refactored: less duplication in different implementations, reduced coupling between classes, recreate tree component after disposing
290de68: tests corrected for new schema
a98faf2: updated schema for html5
58fa267: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6320d5f: do not replace checked exception with unchecked (IDEA-119345)
aaa813a: resolve conflicting names (IDEA-119412)
9cc6ad8: duplicate string literals: do not add introduce constant fix for batch mode
baee0eb: distinct prover: do not distinguish raw type arguments from type arguments without params (IDEA-119546)
3f6a77a: IDEA-119566 "Delegate Methods" doesn't work with fields of a generic type
a22c53c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
72fc2ed: update path field on data changed
0f41580: add profiling parameters to the right part of the classpath (has been broken after Launcher was introduced)
ed3781b: Merge branch 'python3.4'
3234c0b: IDEA-119336 Gradle build files: build.gradle scripts are checkout from Perforce even if the file is not changed
40ab35c: removed dependency on non-community module
ac0fe97: wrong unneeded dependency removed
7f1152e: Calculate iteration type via types, not PyClass elements
3217cdf: requestFocus after on edit dialog close
e979477: fixed PY-11875 Pycharm code analysis stalls on specific code    (caused by AIOOB in getArguments of decorator)
8df5aab: use existing byte[] from stream to avoid producing large garbage objects
fcd155b: inflate zipped contents out of the lock
62fd790: don't consume VK_EVENT in case of in-place editing
ccb42ff: String cell editor undoable by default +review
e2798fd: move createUndoableTextField to GuiUtils (we cannot depend on platform-impl)
801a351: fix isModified
7334354: WEB-3421 resolve RequireJS aliases from main path
711c0cc: IDEA-119467 Gradle: auto discovery of buildSrc project IDEA-98930 IDEA does not resolve dependencies in Gradle buildSrc/ project
20ae03f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
22ba22a: update copyright in artworks
f32591a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
82ddf7d: fixed empty headers and import (dependant in language level) for qt, gtk... skeletons.
b8ddcd4: Gradle: EA-53148 - NPE: AbstractExternalSystemConfigurable.getProjectName
d2a8310: Removed redundant PyTypeProvider.getIterationType()
0982afc: IDEA-119467 Gradle: auto discovery of buildSrc project IDEA-98930 IDEA does not resolve dependencies in Gradle buildSrc/ project
2bbb843: Types of Enum members' fields and type of Enum.__members__
d7435e4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8a38ae9: log problem if needed
47c08b7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a677cc2: mark root node as terminated if some nodes aren't final
5feb54c: notnull
b8772f1: decapitalize
245a416: assertion removed in CR-IC-4018 is back
cfe53d3: notnull
a42cc19: allow to call remove() on iterator
99c78160: obey "new ArrayList(Collection)" contract about created list capacity
0d881cd: cleanup
1e7e11b: replaced with reparseFiles
aa16517: notnull
7ab28bb: notnull
31b1b18: duplicate code
ba9f665: IDEA-72304 Namespace auto import does not work for EL functions
3ab8bc7: Code Style: Lazy arrangement settings save
22d7399: IDEA-95410 Arrangement: Preserve fold regions on arrangement
6e02e4d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
09916b5: PY-6955 Unused import not greyed out if also failing
f293c4a: IDEA-119619 Settings / Language Injections: project level XML tag injection loses Sub-Tags value on IDE restart
d2af13a: PY-6955 Unused import not greyed out if also failing
89beff8: Fixed PyABCUtil.isSubtype() check for class definitions that have metaclasses
14c2396: Type provider for enum.Enum members
6238d92: Store metaclass qualified name in class stub for better performance
2e110fd: PY-6955 Unused import not greyed out if also failing (test refactored)
cb9e823: Added PyClass.getMetaClassExpression()
1ee1c25: Extracted getMetaClassExpression()
48b90c2: Evaluate metaclass type using TypeEvalContext
2cfa88c: IDEA-118977 Minor alignment issues with the new style for bottom (and right) aligned tool window tabs
92107d2: Check __metaclass__ attribute only for Python 2.x
bf9a384: Refactored PyUtil.getMetaClass() into PyClass.getMetaClassType()
90548c0: Don't hide 3 or less "unused" items in "+" popup. Action text has been updated.
8adfd34: don't leak dom navigation targets from gutter icons (IDEA-103010)
04425c9: support table decoration on IntelliJ laf
a3030e6: browser table — continue "default browser" usability improvements
1f430b7: avoid use getItems() — use model directly (our ListTableModel provides handy methods) remove duplicated code — getSelection equals to getSelectedObject
55ee980: IDEA-118211 - also avoid double dispose
8068651: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
609c0db: Keywords already contains 'as' and 'with'
4d1ca37: Merge PyKeywords with PyNames
af674d6: IDEA-118374 Formatter chop down method arguments when long is not working correctly [CR-IC-4041]
e733d8c: IDEA-56062 Sticky custom data type renderers
2ff5892: EA-53317 - NPE: CompoundRendererConfigurable$.run
7f1c2d7: Add brokenPlugins.json
7813f62: ensure that editor listener removed
3ffe34f: fix java.lang.NullPointerException at com.intellij.ide.browsers.StartBrowserPanel$3.chosenFileToResultingText(
cfebc26: fix NPE on channel write
4ecf94b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
43105d2: fixed PY-11823 Test Runner detection in settings doesn't pick up just installed test runner
68bfa5e: Gradle: dependencies scope merge and sourceSets type handling updated related issues: IDEA-119365 Gradle import does not respect model customisations IDEA-118280 Gradle import: IDEA detect java folder as a resource folder IDEA-117668 IDEA v13 spontaneously changes additional test source root to source root
8e2ce03: IDEA-112303 Tool Windows Quick Access button: impossible to select item in list by mouse
63facd9: More fixes for IDEA-115200 Eclipse code style import: Line Wrapping: some categories are not applied
2cc69e5: AC/C++: OC-9003 Trailing whitespaces are stripped in PCH during typing +review CR-IC
47dee08: Trying to fix EA-51665 - assert: FTManager.createAndStoreBundledTemplate
a5e4cf4: Add additional diagnostic to investigate EA-51665 (assert: FTManager.createAndStoreBundledTemplate).
3c5ad21: fix test attempt 2
128b5ad: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7d3eeee: Fixed dedent in case of tabs ( PY-10120).
5753542: Correctly handle "chop down if long" option when importing from Eclipse
5e15a7d: Python keywords extracted. Cleanup.
9685932: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6ac50ed: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
416c4da: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
917a759: Fixed test data to satisfy PEP8.
79c766f: EA-52368 GeneralIdBasedToSMTRunnerEventsConvertor.findActiveNode: findActiveNode method simplification
9586436: IDEA-119444 Closure view shouldn't be flickering
ea36958: Extracted PyStdlibTypeProvider.getNamedTupleType()
fcea608: WEB-9743 Javascript file with compressed code at the top recognized as minified WEB-7143 Line(s) of minified CSS result(s) in CSS color previews disabled for entire file
c86df90: Move all certificate related classes in package. Update appearance of certificate warning dialog.
b805e1e: [log] IDEA-119316 Fix "go to commit" if there are log filters
b22a9a7: Don't mark PairFunction return type as Nullable
9ff4ea4: [vcs] Remove read action from loading byte content from
ba71108: [vcs] Don't wrap FilePath creation into read action
f5ade74: EA-42899 - CCE: XmlLanguageInjectionSupport.doEditInjection & cleanup
7db1bed: EA-53406 - IAE: ServiceManager.getService
33c31e6: Make right par indent=none in import statement (PY-9075).
0a33757: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9ee1b1e: Make continuation indent after continuation in indenting statement (PY-9573).
9d84c3f: fix UnscrambleDialogTest
14bdb82: PY-3569 Inspection to warn if a loop variable is assigned inside the loop
d912f2d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ab7b959: Test for PY-9573
334ca32: IDEA-99943 Allow to filter thread dump by a word in stacktrace
9dc5a4f: Fix IDEA-119515 for the other IDE's
2203503: avoid some duplication in ExpectedTypesProvider
032c188: IDEA-119416 Smart type completion proposes nothing in String concatenation expressions
e323fe1: WI-13685 PhpStorm doesn't save project name CR-PS-181 (cherry picked from commit ed41c77)
c62cebb: Merge branch 'python3.4'
0a359f1: IDEA-118389 Forbid completion inside guard blocks; honor greediness
9102f56: Handle 'mode' as a keyword argument to open() as well
40dbf8e: Detect text or binary I/O in
b7a28d6: IDEA-119514 Tip of the day in IntellliJ IDEA mentions Webstorm
a8474e6: Return instance types for instance types of superclasses
9ffaba9: IDEA-65566 Allow 'NotNull' as the default element behavior for a given class or package
0b9321b: IDEA-99331 Complete Statement: incorrectly completes at statement within new array size brackets
3594766: IDEA-115138 Eclipse code style import: Line Wrapping / Annotations is ignored, IDEA-115200 Eclipse code style import: Line Wrapping: some categories are not applied
6351c3b: Method to process stubs without firing error when stub index is overflown (for Upsource)
2d7f331: fixed PY-11837 nose test runner errors while formatting a test error
2e395dd: Bug fix: IDEA incorrect handle escaping.
4113b3e: IDEA-105253 Missing icon for Thread dumps view
ccb7872: initial ssl support
c69719b: RecentProjectManager -> applicationService
2d6afbe: IDEA-119521 improvement
85e7348: unix signals added
4a5e793: IDEA-104735 Dracula: INVALID string have not dracula style red color
8e8019c: Nullity annotations
4a6c046: Add test for time tracking support in JIRA, simplify test of task's state update
6c0c76a: DSGN-979 DevKit SDK icons update
b197141: IDEA-119523 IOE at com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.DocumentImpl.d
0cbfc8c: new project wizard preferred width fixed
78f09b8: IDEA-91376 Debugger links incorrectly to codeline in a class which name contains a dollar sign
13b4260: allow to disable "Testing started at <TIME>..." printing on test run
c2834c0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
24f4cf5: fixed test data
48eef72: fixed test data
64f9820: IDEA-119406 IDEA make corrupts files when performing Maven resource filtering (default value of escapeString is null)
952f6a1: IDEA-119515 (Tip of the day contains null character and unclear screen shot)
5b6b3f6: IDEA-119406 IDEA make corrupts files when performing Maven resource filtering
babf29a: print nothing for an ignored test if ignoredMsg is empty
7ddc070: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
cbe858f: javaModule.png
4c64507: fixed updater's tests.
4ebbcfd: EA-52519 - IAE: TObjectHash.throwObjectContractViolation
fa5d7c4: EA-52654 - NPE: TemplateState.setCurrentVariableNumber
c803a10: EA-52644 - assert: PsiUtilBase.reallyEvaluateLanguageInRange
0705193: make program HighlightSeverity.toString()-independent
fd7a60e: cleanup
e1472a8: cleanup
68d24f5: visibility
cd45f8e: EA-52792 - assert: PsiSearchHelperImpl.getFilesWithText
040aeb2: IDEA-119521 Adding RSA keys dialog becomes unclickable  if it is displayed when test connection is in progress
d0d85af: PY-3569 Inspection to warn if a loop variable is assigned inside the loop
4948059: [git] IDEA-119492 Don't add a newline to amended message
8a91462: filter non-project related keys
f935909: case-insensitive CharSequenceHashingStrategy
48b739f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
53660a9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
916fc5e: EA-53325 - NPE: GenerateXmlTagAction.generateRaw
0b6158a: External System - Maven: clear external system API module options during module Mavenization
1e7bbd2: External System - Maven: clear external system API module options during module Mavenization
c954c2b: try to find name element for rnc descriptor fixes documentation for some tags (e.g. dialog)
fe7db5c: generate html5 tag table descriptors #WEB-10489 fixed
5936b93: support 'nodeId' attribute in 'testStdErr' message
8072bd9: make nonDefaultProject="true" really work
ca3a6c2: cosmetics
2f4f868: use ExtensionException for AbstractMethodError handling
afdb280: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e01cd00: generator: do not drop the whole module in case there are broken __repr__ defined
7b058bd: PreferredProducerFind: remove duplication
f43d5aa: RunConfigurationProducer.EP_NAME should be final
cdb9746: implement alexander.doroshko suggestion: simplify&improve default browser UI (now you set first custom browser as default)
4e504cc: overrides
59ac759: must be in edt
c192b3a: fixed tests of updater.
bafdb6b: CR-IC-3918 a way to detect AbstractMethodError-causing plugin without introducing new Application method
f2dae4a: performance for generator: Split big generated modules (like _Gtk, PyQt) into smaller ones
7840ba3: IDEA-81893 "Do not step into the classes" feature does not work after calling of "Smart step" (Shift+F7)
32a579d: EA-53308 - CCE: DfaVariableValue.<init>
21cdea3: IDEA-119470 File and code templates: changes gone when switching tabs
298bb04: IDEA-119445 Remove first slash in "copy reference"
37521f0: IDEA-119153 file search too wide for users folder
a8c17de: EA-53176 - PIEAE: LazyParseablePsiElement.getContainingFile
2f368ec: EA-53286 - IAE: ObjectUtils._assertNotNull (tolerate null names in LookupElementBuilder.create)
54d19d8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
df0a55e: Refactoring for new Xib format
e8ffba6: better handling of EA-53318
b941c01: fix firefox debug use native file choosers — so, our JS Runners now must be async
3942b86: IDEA-118602 Input-method issues
b8514c9: IDEA-102508 error status of run configuration is not updated after fix
09c4961: Init project name by artifactId
f6af11f: hidpi support on Windows and Linux
ba8037d: IDEA-117555 Search everywhere dialog is being closed immediately
f678c44: Bug fix: IDEA can not guess parent maven project.
459eaa6: refactoring
e013fe3: quick evaluate popups: mysterious 2-pixel shifts removed
687755b: Simplified always true condition
dbd00ae: Extracted PyClassTypeImpl.findProperty()
b8a5d1e: Added 'inherited' parameter to PyClass.findProperty()
cb8f01e: IDEA-118211 Performance problem when closing project
1b24053: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
132cb01: fixed IDEA-119347 ../jre64 JDK not being picked up by idea64.exe
3df1ffd: IDEA-119463 NPE at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.wizards.MavenModuleBuilder.findPotentialParentProject
38bf2a6: Python skeletons class members provider now can provide new overridden members
a54f6af: fix getDisplayName nullability assertion
e2db1ea: Fixed code insight for returning 'self' in base class methods (PY-10977, PY-11413)
786df13: IDEA-119347 ../jre64 JDK not being picked up by idea64.exe
abd5ff0: DevKit: cleanup icons
3a5e120: IDEA-88390 Object variables could be casted to any class in Evaluation window
e16c973: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2a31a79: Fix formatter to add two blank lines between declarations with comment (PY-9923).
4623114: IDEA-119462 CCE at com.intellij.ide.actions.OpenProjectAction.actionPerformed
5f1a87b: project types sorting
cba9bda: SearchEverywhere doesn't work on Linux
1aed056: IDEA-119444 Closure view shouldn't be flickering
e7a2066: IDEA-31340 Type Renderers tab has a wrong 'Renderer name' field behaviour
c2cc029: DevKit: "JDK" -> "SDK", use "IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK" consistently
9a9c4bc: Gradle: respect module build classpath for build scripts resolving related issue - IDEA-118523 Gradle plugin is not resolving Apache Ant imports
35008d0: External System: clear maven module option on project import
6ade53e: IntelliJ Platform SDK: add Spring-API automatically
86f2bd7: EA-53082 - assert: ModuleManagerImpl.getSortedModules
79a7aa0: EA-46683 - assert: PsiDocumentManagerBase.doCommit
8c4583e: diagnostics for EA-53283 - assert: StringLiteralLexer.locateToken
3353fa8: EA-53287 - IAE: UpdateHighlightersUtil.a
43e0404: EA-49858 - assert: Divider.divideInsideAndOutside
ad757bf: faster getField(): do not traverse the whole hierarchy always
6d8156c: make extension dependencies explicit to fail fast when they are failed to load
16aea9d: cleanup
8277c63: Gradle: respect module build classpath for build scripts resolving related issue - IDEA-118523 Gradle plugin is not resolving Apache Ant imports
7f0c180: IDEA-79522 need ability to set display names for xml attribute and xml tag language injections
84ddafc: IDEA-117327 Add a setting to switch off autopopup completion item selection by Enter
8d1674e: don't use document.getText to detect encoding
83684a2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
540fd76: Use builder to create FileChooserDescriptor.
6676dee: there should be only one call to constructor and it should be done from static create method
1570b03: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
41cb6dd: Roll-back FileChooserDescriptor API change.
422b1cf: IDEA-119163 "Language Injections" settings should use toolbar decorator in the same way as other
dc80a3d: IDEA-108994 Breakpoints dialog: after pressing F4 on some breakpoint, breakpoint's location should be opened in editor and dialog closed.
b9e76ef: external build for artifacts: added API to filter contents of directory extracted from jar file
91110ad: show warning instead of error if Google AppEngine inspection is failed to load white-list because IDEA is running under JDK 1.6
b788397: 1) IDEA-103743 Settings > Code Style > Arrangement UI glitch 2) checkbox unselection doesn't disable combobox
163bff2: [diff] IDEA-77540 Add "Edit Source" action to the toolbar.
07dd8e6: IDEA-107925 Failed to evaluate varargs method in debugger
b5dc0f2: fixed debugger tests correctness
00b4633: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ddda8c9: add field after super call
7c9140f: style
f38de23: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
234b375: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
cfe29d7: Revert "Detect SQL fragments only in the beginning of string literals" (PY-11828)
7550df2: IDEA-114979 Patch update should leave a log of its application
1a84138: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
baabbad: Use default charset as python console encoding.
55d379b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0dc040c: DSGN-968 New Project Wizard icons for IDEA
ec099d3: IDEA-119353 (Required final modifier marked as unncessary for @SafeVarargs method)
83ff410: [log] simplify: if-else -> ?:
fee8b7b: IDEA-85627 amend commit supported in Mercurial
927440c: IDEA opens file from command line, same as e.g. WebStorm does
7181ca9: fix inspection description test
4e0dc9d4: EA-52862 - assert: DocumentImpl.doRemoveDocumentListener
050caa7: cleanup
46f846c: memory leak if application closed when ballons are still visible
0adc646: removed system.out
d62c7c5: notnull, cleanup
55469ef: notnull
fbe9a04: cleanup
7ff404b: notnull
148e9be: notnull
7c7f84f: EA-52945 - assert: ModuleManagerImpl.findModuleByName
8ec8ab9: cleanup, javadoc
cf011c3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
debf6f0: CR-IC-3901 revert
3807ba1: cleanup
75a6e39: remove ImmutableCharSequence from document API to avoid String wrapping and thus leave optimization possibilities
c7af9fe: groovy debugging agent that produces less garbage
2eb2739: CharTable: less garbage & more interning
d2262ca: some simple code for WI-1816 - open file creates temp directory for project instead of opening it
fca0242: dupes index / insection, controlled by property
54fcf2a: CR-IU-494 make "overrides" internal only
55143de: CR-IU-511 make abstract class abstract & leave getPresentableText mandatory
d2fef8b: rearrange code in commit message dialog (part of IDEA-96792) [CR-IC-3834]
e16bb5e: don't show browser if path is not specified
a60cfaa: cleanup
7a72712: DevKit: move "internal" inspections to "Plugin DevKit" group
c106233: external build for artifacts: method added
b56b6cc: Added Python 3.4 modules to the stdlib modules list
f000610: one random instance for daemon restarting
c5ce7ec: do not produce intermittent assertions & don't call sleep edt thread
d1c5ef3: Revert "Cleanup (code reuse)" Replace path selector in temporary file, otherwise it will stuck until next clean build
fb96650: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3e73aa2: IDEA-90352 plugin.xml: "language" support
0fe2cac: don't call robot on alt on Windows and when window is inactive
f14aab9: consume Alt events on WinXP in default handler to avoid WindowsRootPaneUI.AltProcessor
dde1494: add WinXP definition
149eb2e: IDEA-114979 Patch update should leave a log of its application
5d08937: AC/C++: Kryo lib is updated from 1.04 to 2.22 to prevent serialization buffer overflows +review CR-OC
bb9dfbf: IDEA-105350
dece38b: IDEA-119303 UI Designer: Create Form Snapshot failure
b8b48eb: fix reparse when a text was just appended to the document end
150a696: more tests on snakeCase() macro current behavior (IDEA-119192)
99c6435: validating web module
03c7955: fix dartium debug
cc24945: WEB-10422: make 'select whole CSS selector suffix' option affect SASS/LESS mixins, variables, functions and property values
91c362b: notnull
892c2b8: notnull
6010be5: IDEA-118273
23f9c97: EditorWindow: extracted interface and moved to platform
6a6cd63: assert thread usage even in tests
236d704: assertion for the curios case of disappearing extensions
24354b9: visibility
79b1073: cleanup, notnull
29e5efe: notnull
ff54cb4: EA-53080 - assert: LaterInvocator.isInModalContext
4d5b6a8: nonnls
052622f: com.intellij.xml.util.XmlStringUtil.wrapInHtml
585052b: don't change java identifiers when sanitizing
99b5a27: IDEA-107657 "Add to Watches" is always disabled in both "Expression Evaluation" and quick expression evaluation windows
0a9445d: don't hide completion popup in debugger on mouse wheel events (IDEA-76260)
c9239a7: DevKit: move and update inspection descriptions
32c9c09: IDEA-59252 "Customize Data Views" action should be available not only in Variables view, but in Watches view, too.
8540aec: revert GroovyOverrideImplementUtil hack
cb75c24: use existing psi for stub building to avoid issues when a fresh file from the same text has different structure
d5d5ff3: remove empty type parameter list from overriding groovy methods, as it doesn't appear on parsing the same text and causes stub index mismatch
5479f94: fix GroovyOverrideImplementTest test name typo
4aea702: fix groovy testdata case
ed030224: IDEA-119344 (Incorrect "Unnecessary call toString()" inspection when super is used)
15c56ec: hold local classes on a hard reference (EA-52225)
fb24d98: don't show parameter info for invisible editors (EA-53161 - NPE: ParameterInfoComponent.<init>)
a7320f0: EA-53223 - IOE: PsiUtil.checkIsIdentifier
2dc4ac2: IDEA-118551 Duplicated enum field in completion
b06366a: IDEA-119052 Java smart type code completion proposes incorrect variant if non-matching local variable hides a matching instance variable
df8967b: rethrow PCE from KeyedExtensionFactory reflection
9a116de: the users don't care if we're preparing editors to open (IDEA-115130)
5d81e8d: allow to turn off suggestion to create a file when creating a directory with file-like name (IDEA-118250)
a0be495: IDEA-119192 LiveTemplate function snakeCase() should convert the hyphens to underscores
db8902f: EA-52499 - NPE: BraceHighlightingHandler.highlightBraces
a34edd7: EA-53134 - IOE: DocumentImpl.doBeforeChangedUpdate
21bd013: unused code
a7cb0d4: avoid settings collisions (pre idea 14 vs idea 14) import old settings is not important in this case, but will be implemented later
c80c25d: save only custom path
b1fb92e: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
35a9cc0: Don't ignore unused attributes of empty constructors (PY-7527)
2c0ef61: tolerant findBrowser
968f634: continue — debug: select browser instead of debug engine
ae62fc5: finalize
8c630e9: debug: select browser instead of debug engine
925b976: Fixed NPE in PyUnusedLocalInspectionVisitor.visitPyCallExpression()
dd02782: [^maxim] build psi and index on the last committed document text (IDEA-117183, IDEA-116721)
f85e0e5: IDEA-118389 Forbid completion inside guard blocks
44f1ff0: IDEA-119222 Console folding does not fold single matching lines
c04b551: IDEA-30922 The "View As" options are shown for the undefined Watch items in the Watches tab.
4d2a597: IDEA-118989 Code Formatting broken in 13.0.2 EAP [CR-IC-3927]
a7d5dd0: IDEA-118521 Latest 13.0.1 keeps locking up. Editor becomes unresponsive. Various file types... using allScope()
ea99916: IDEA-21297 Debugger does not react to "F2" key which should open "Set Value" dialog
a377019: IDEA-21297 Debugger does not react to "F2" key which should open "Set Value" dialog
5963bc5: re-generate with icons.gant
3936e00: Add a couple of new methods in NewBaseRepositoryImpl, update Gitlab connector accordingly
133ac7e: Add notification about unsupported version of JIRA
23977ef: IDEA-117533 Return time tracking support in JIRA repository. Add missing nullability annotations.
ebd73df: [git] IDEA-119322 Use "unsorted" only since Git
b938477: IDEA-91148 Difficult to step over code due to tooltips
5f44d77: [diff] IDEA-77540 Go To Source from vcs diff
3eb7315: Remove unused stuff
56738b2: IDEA-118616 Lens mode with tool windows on the right side
7fb9772: fixed PY-11800 Parameter unfilled false positive for decorators with '*' arguments.
b1d9f99: IDEA-119272 Groovy: don't duplicate @Nullable in implemented methods
eefe03a: Add message about missing system cacerts keystore to log.
8aa8ca5: Postfix templates: fix template for anonymous classes
bf35035: fixed test data
84c7060: fixed add field declaration to the beginning of __init__
47997a4: fix NRE
2ba5691: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
25e4279: Simplify check, that certificates chain is self-signed
2b21866: fixed EA-52897 - CCE: ImportToggleAliasIntention$.execute
81bcb9d: fixed EA-53046 - NPE: PyExtractMethodUtil.a
c584766: Update JIRA integration tests, set socket timeout of 10000ms. Some cleanups in logging and task status handling.
c026100: Remove legacy EASY_HTTPS protocol from Task Management
22fd4f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
393df33: fixed quickdoc test
ea3b1ed: CR-IC-3884#c20360 "Setup" method should return VOID.
39237d0: WEB-10469 CSS Error Highlighting - Marking valid custom HTML tag as error
40274b7: fixed editing test
e4d168e: CR-IC-3246#c17895 hide LocalFileUrl
d079b49: IDEA-119085 Code style does not recognize Groovy spaceship operator <=>
b71b60b: tolerate removal of mouse and mouse motion listeners after disposal
973a88ca: use longs to access PagedFileStorage
9e5970a: fix "inner class may be static" inspection problems
29ecbf1: IDEA-117982 correct classpath for groovy scripts
721524a: IDEA-119172 Warning 'not all execution paths return a value' when using instanceof
45b9153: IDEA-119037 intention to alphabetically sort map entries
1df78c1: Groovy: align map entries in map literals by default
3743416: import exceptions from throws-list when implementing/overriding methods
db3de8c: Cleanup (code duplication; extra iterations)
aa23792: platform: specific method deprecated
1bbc497: devkit: another internal inspection; better applicability detection
79870fd: Cleanup (typo; code duplication)
e33f102: devkit: internal inspections moved from common code
7ae5b3f: EA-51122 - assert: TextRange.<init>
cd6bdd2: plugins advertiser: collect bundled plugins names to support ultimate choice
0977aaa: EA-53154 - NPE: CopyFilesOrDirectoriesHandler.checkFileExist
9a70c2a: EA-53127 - IAE: UnknownFeature.<init>
c1c99f3: IDEA-111535 Edit Language Fragment: Synchronization is broken after tab drag
9b30cda: true -> false!
ee5bc42: introduce variable in injected context: allow to check handler in context before starting execution (IDEA-118788)
aadac04: IllegalArgumentException fixed; cleanup
35886ad: extract method: fill elements to before refactoring data (IDEA-119223)
3d2c159: extract DummyCachingFileSystem: put all the weirdness in one place
8f85341: check psi syncability to document before the change and not after, to avoid text inconsistencies between the two
7c16b45: avoid side-effectful and range-marker-polluting JavaCompletionContributor.beforeCompletion when checking postfix template applicability
8f14bea: CR-IC-3920 (postpone class loading until extensions requested)
3de3063: extensions: collection-based sort API
dee2869: IDEA-82840 "test" button added to mercurial config panel
d456fd0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
814a86a: IDEA-112040 Customize Data Views control confused about data object's class
0ffe439: dead code
9a60903: IDEA-94950 Code Style | Arrangement: AIOOBE at ArrangementMatchingRulesModel.removeRow() on removing the last rule that is in edit mode
362fa2c: [git log] IDEA-119247 Use "--date-order" when requesting filtered results
fffa480: remove unused class
e9e968f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2ed945f: IDEA-119178 Implemented file revisions collecting in batch (for revisions cache)
53a1f57: comments updated
060efdc: Remove debug info.
594dfe8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
62ff983: trivial if inspection merged with trivial if predicate; fix comments again (IDEA-114798)
c379b42: extract ReplacementUtil for igg and ipp to remove duplication
eafb98d: remove duplication
ea17b09: fixed testdata
fa2153d: more javadocs for CharArrayExternalizable and CharSequenceBackedByArray
8f2417b: Groovy: 'null' type in inplace variable introducing
8b6d80a: IDEA-118915 Smart completion for binary expressions
36834aa: Fix blink maven test.
0aafdee: EA-52969 (extension correctness checked on registering; better fix + tests)
4b44633: appendable storage extracted from enumerator
1466df4: Add retina version for executeMavenGoal.png icon.
dbc92b6: EA-52664 - IOE: DocumentImpl.doBeforeChangedUpdate
8d65b72: IDEA-116403 allow add external annotations for library even if its language level is less than 1.5
5bee53f: disable 'change type signature' for classes and other invalid constructs
657cf24: EA-52863 - assert: TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor
ccad772: show different class pairs warnings
95d0f1c: EA-52980 - assert: CompositePsiElement.delete
b6378d2: EA-53048 - NPE: TestNGConfigurationEditor.applyEditorTo
d0c084d: testng: wrap in command document modification in ui
ac7eeca: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7566ddf: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4d6eee3: IDEA-96199 Debugger editor not disposed resulting in PSI leaks
34b48d1: IDEA-96199 Debugger editor not disposed resulting in PSI leaks
c4df089: DomApplicationComponent.getCumulativeVersion()
2007514: cleanup
c6c3721: test framework: hamcrest sources added
c730f89: Cleanup (test migrated to Junit 4 and generified)
1d944a1: introduce AbstractNavBarExtension with processChildren(..) API
bda26c0: some refactoring
baa4f977: add some words
1be3813: add/suppress <with> for EPs
6c0e58c: done WEB-2093: edit action JDOMUtil.isEmpty
cb8d43c: EA-52969 (extension correctness checked on registering)
e9c97c6: Add utility class for extraction information from X509 certificate
709a619: Use Commons Codecs DigestUtils for SHA-256/SHA-1 calculation
467de96: Certificate warning dialog shows SHA-1 and SHA-256 digests of certificate like in browsers.
e4df134: Add "Show certificate dialog" action to "Internal Actions" group
58f7dd5: Make CertificateManager application component for automatic initialization of default SSL context
8fb8ca23: do not spoil innocent classes
3ddac0b: IDEA-119151 Unable use 'Revert' in Editor Panel
4ec42a6: prevent cancellation upon removing data from indices, to avoid state data in e.g. stub index IDEA-117290
f9ef0bb: CR-IC-3880 (test added)
3b392a6:  CR-IU-494 EmptyActionGroup extracted. Both EmptyXXX classes made final, javadoc improved.
70b8663: detect the plugin responsible for run configuration AbstractMethodError (IDEA-119173)
5411708: IDEA-96199 Debugger editor not disposed resulting in PSI leaks
a1ba9d0: CharArrayExternalizable: javadoc, @NotNull
2191ef5: Problem with several users in log filter fixed.
fbb0fd6: IDEA-119021 Wrong accessibility warnings when inlining a static class to anonymous
3ee557a: Gradle: pre-import check added
b20f87d: IDEA-110113 spellchecker always on in commit text field
07c3b8c: extract CheckBoxListModelEditor, consolidate copy action button placement (file watchers vs external tools)
221dc49: fixed PY-11765 @ivar and @type in class documentation cause PyUnresolvedReferences inspection to file
c77d473: refactoring listeners: missed after data (IDEA-119118)
2a1ccb4: refactoringIDs: IDEA-119121;IDEA-119122
466c409: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a3dee86: test fixed
f09134f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2b27502: include hamcrest-library-1.3 into junit (IDEA-119067)
be1b190: junit version fixed for licenses (hamcrest has new BSD which is weaker than junit!)
2e89dfb: platform: PlatformUtils returned to the platform
93e1f40: platform: async refresh rate limited
fc95c37: ImmutableText implements CharArrayExternalizable
8457954: fix and deduplicate CharArrayUtil, introduce CharArrayExternalizable
b40eb53: revert "Platform: more accessible CaseInsensitiveStringHashingStrategy - available from StringUtil now"; get rid of trove deps from StringUtil
7ab2d0d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
44fd463: IDEA-57553 Optimize display of multiple similar editor gutter icons (e.g. Spring autowiring)
13fdd3e: tests fixed
bdfd016: IDEA-101710 Exception Breakpoints | Any Exception with Multiple Class Filters doesn't work
0230339: test assistance: @TestDataPath propagated to @Parameterized tests
cedfc01: typo
dc6fad7: toString
4945f56: remove unused com.intellij.psi.stubs.Stubbed
5940a39: CR-IC-3901 "mac file chooser must respect FileChooserDescriptor.isFileSelectable" real correct fix
3eb0d48: cleanup
511a608: CR-IC-3901 "mac file chooser must respect FileChooserDescriptor.isFileSelectable" revert stupid fix
0063990: cleanup (commented code)
517d80b: test assistance testdata -> test case navigation: ignore invalid identifiers when probe test names
cdd8c7f: test assistance: related files navigation from test data to test case
ca8fb58: test assistance: run test from test data
502f914: make IDEA-94683 fix controllable via registry (Completion popup loses focus when viewing documentation (sometimes, almost always))
3394c25: dfa: remove unused fields
ef55825: cesure is an english word
0c0e886: dfa: don't walk equals() method argument twice (IDEA-118971)
716fb90: use ContainerUtil
a455773: continue WEB-2093: fix reset, set empty text
57b7ed7: continue WEB-2093: copy action
5bda9aa: cleanup
be3fef5: continue WEB-2093: reset
297908b: init: consolidate control tool buttons orders
54ea61c: IDEA-118477 (optimization: root path is directory)
7eb1c2b: fix test!
4dda4fc: don't modify stdout lines (previously newline symbols handling was postponed)
8692f96: test assistance: navigate to test data from test view also for our parameterized tests
d417690: test assistance: navigate to test data from test view
276b989: test assistance: navigate to test data root
a777bdc: IDEA-118477 (new FS root creation moved out of write lock)
7b239df: allow external documentation over references with multiple resolve
1c993e8: Cleanup (typo)
7ddf6a8: continue WEB-2093: fix editing
9e02c06: cleanup, reuse getItem
5f46a76: mac file chooser must respect FileChooserDescriptor.isFileSelectable +review
fe523a9: overrides
871d53d: continue WEB-2093: up/down/add/remove actions
3969e28: getItem returns Item typed object +review
28b6591: [vcs-log] user-filter: treat empty user name as no filter.
cda9ec5: parameterized test: sample cases
a16d50b: IDEA-118970 (external URL formatting for Javadoc 8)
a1870c6: IDEA-118970 (preparation, cleanup, minor optimization)
fba5ecd: Cleanup (more common code extracted; dispose condition; wording)
ee40019: [log] IDEA-116242 Allow multiple users selection in the log filter
be0561a: 'writeln' added
2665a70: Java surrounders: if and not surrounder should be able to handle java.lang .Boolean expressions
d35b827: Java surrounders: check surrounder availability in tests
d8aa01e: remove unused IdSet
e3ec6fb: extract ReflectionUtil.getMethodDeclaringClass
60c6cdc: propagate multiple locations from tests view (IDEA-114248)
6d8c0f0: junit: restore MethodLocation after extracting parameter from ParametrizationLocation
2a4598d: junit: do not suggest to choose what to run when parametrization was selected
b6e117b: junit: search for children with initial runner
2344b22: junit: accept @RunWith on supers
67de9a4: remove unused suppression
64ae19c: deprecated doTestAll() outside of @Parameterized test
9564434: EA-52866 - NPE: DefaultChooseByNameItemProvider$.compare
76857c0: add read action (EA-51111)
31e5a94: use ensureValid (EA-51644)
01617e9: testall -> parameterized (I)
0a141f3: normalize tests
354936f: normalize tests
d9de437: Merge branch 'master' of
8eae751: IDEA-119097 - cloud run-configs: deployment source change does not update error/warnings
0974ff1: StartBrowserSettings — avoid boilerplate code — use our handy XmlSerializer ability to specify string converter for bean (Attribute and OptionTag annotations) use member name as default name of attribute (Attribute annotation) ability to serialize/deserialize/use private classes (is not used in production code yet, but useful for tests/custom converters (web browser converter is public))
1944ad3: Merge branch 'master' of
b073865: IDEA-119096 - Warning/QuickFix in cloud run-config when module name != app name
40847ee: Platform: more accessible CaseInsensitiveStringHashingStrategy - available from StringUtil now
e7154ee: simplification
9eef5fd: Cleanup (common method extracted)
0aac945: IDEA-119047 (MidnightBSD test)
277d2d4: platform: fake root dropped (test update)
dca3a8e: WEB-10517 warnings on startup
a512559: nullability
a24df11: #WEB-10492 fixed
b84ffb1: platform: fake root dropped
12617f2: junit: process Parameterized inheritors
779d2fd: fixed PY-11705 Nothing is selected by default in Docstring format field
d4a34fd: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
28f5328: added special case workaround for  IDEA-111701 according to CR-IC-3788
f1b481a: tests migrated to new wizard
a7f27f7: avoid exceptions in case of empty sourcemap avoid to create class only for configuring properties
1d52f11: JavaEETemplatesTest for new wizard
78f84c6: Empty Project icon
32269b8: IDEA-118436 Resource Bundle Editor converts UTF8 characters to ASCII even in UTF8 file
36cce0d: IDEA-116620 Some characters cause cursor to be misplaced
1b0b274: IDEA-118187 Change font size in run console only changes line height
1acb27b: IDEA-112730 PhpStorm goes crazy with collapsed comments and soft wraps until crash
de74e3b: IDEA-112730 PhpStorm goes crazy with collapsed comments and soft wraps until crash
2be15f5: IDEA-112730 PhpStorm goes crazy with collapsed comments and soft wraps until crash
e493f95: IDEA-112104 "Find Usages Settings Dialog" button re-emerged in "Find in Path" results
69cbd31: make show usages consistent with Find usages
de83cb0: do not show class icon for 'Find In Path' usages
ebd96b1: cleanup
13d7491: notnull
2c67d14: IDEA-117386 Introduce field/constant with it's class name
bcc9ac5: IDEA-117586 translation switch to if-else sequence
3a5fcae: fix flow searching
8301e91: rename file to class name intention now shows a new file name
ef9cc2e: IDEA-117586 invalid 'continue is unnecessary' inside case sections
412f350: WEB-825 Paths relative to the 'main' script aren't supported for RequireJS projects
2939027: fixed PY-11673 Error on project creation
43558ef: Prefer highlighting passes for the selected editor (IDEA-23831)
e61f6f2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
de36aec: updated test data for python3.4
b3ee771: IDEA-74428 Ability to turn on log debug categories from the GUI
899b70e: cleanup GroovyDocDialog
bac6ea3: EA-52747 logging
4f7d13c: EA-52865
d4bb110: Remove 'Help' action from maven toolbar.
09c14fa: IDEA-118747 Show IDE icon in the libnotify notification
79c397b: adding custom templates
0ad2452: no icons for subgroups
48c6f72: javadoc
6ef1f3d: test fix
6017ab7: IDEA-118708 libnotify is not avaliable in 32bit java 64bit OS configuration
1fc8800: show warning when generated source file is edited (IDEA-115757)
f6e9d9d: Fixed IDEA-116006 Eclipse code style import: import the same xml does not pick up changes until manual synchronization
419f61e: IDEA-115935 nulls and void in assignments
8d1e4ab: dispose injected documents on close
3575ed8: cleanup, made fields final
56354fd: performance: do not rewrite the whole file
f3bf9d0: notnull
938371b: optimisation: do not restore the element
1f869df: notnull
92d3e78: cleanup
7db9b0c: EA-27319 - assert: FoldingUpdate.getFoldingsFor
dc73830: IDEA-118394 "Delete to line end" missing
c323950: IDEA-118696 Replace with regex: IOOBE at SegmentArray.findSegmentIndex()
9dd6f07: SASS/SCSS: make functionBody lazy
1261c24: disable 'new' postfix template for a while again
6ac4b44: Add debug info to investigate blink test.
715a143: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
cc39211: dispose caret
a9768ee: Fixed IDEA-117788 Eclipse code style import: continuation indent is imported not multiplied to tab size
f4038db: don't run batch inspections and search for duplicates in generated sources
d3a97cf: IDEA-114811 Mouse drag over left gutter below the last line: IOOBE at SegmentArray.getSegmentStart()
b4e61bb: Added missing license for ANTLR 4 Runtime library
17b4dfa: add http-cleint 4.3.1 to dist +review
97a168d: EA-52850
063e8df: sources for Groovy 2.2.1
5c66005: attach messages to root node if no running node found
fe19e6a: Move WhitespaceBinders to core-impl
c395dcf: [log] Flush the Hash->Int persistent map more often
76acb3e: [git log] Don't display "index" and "stash" pseudo-commits in the log
f1a1706: already disposed
e3a8369: IDEA-72835 yet another attempt
8c00119: show the containing file if ambiguous method ref occurred
d70cd08: notnull
8cbb8a3: notnull
43cca9b: notnull
ab77496: diagnostics: show the reason for document lock
8734302: notnull
0912313: IDEA-118701 Multimodule project imported into IDEA via opening project file gets incorrect project name
6351d04: IDEA-118613: catch all possible exceptions, that may be caused by corrupted storages
933abc6: used assertion to check fold region
64575f6: take words from other files if there is no variants from current file at all (IDEA-117511)
fb7a33b: default highlighting level for generated sources corrected
9d52b67: IDEA-117452: Generated folder should not be reformatted/imports-optimized on batch actions and on pre-commit action
92caef0: reformat code: exclusion project files from formatting simplified
20a3dce: IDEA-117724: source files under "generated source root" should not be inspected
6fe9437: groovy 2.2.1 once again
b4d35ba: WEB-8262 Comment with line/block comment STILL doesn't work on HTML in ASP file
6018640: WEB-10387 Mocha console log statements are not correctly aligned to their encasing tests
975cfe8: IDEA-96131 Java: Braces placements don't work as expected for `Next Line`  [CR-IC-3694]
8fb92c4: more compact todo storage (since we advanced the version anyway)
caa3132: WEB-849 "Comment with line comment" on empty line in <script> block generates HTML instead of JS comment
9d00810: WEB-6700 TODOs not recognized on multiple level language template
4548db3: test fix: explicit encoding is required
5928448: Extract common used WhitespaceBinders
9e6c90a: Prepare css module for upsource: move indent parsers to core-impl
3dbc819: SASS: make declaration block lazy
9b111fe: reduce getNotNullHelper usage
15c7971: deprecate getNotNullHelper
ad17a0b: support keywords storage
a622b21: IDEA-118587 IDEA may not exit with black window
aa82d2a: WEB-9517 Npm: Error loading package list
892dab2: updated code compatibility inspection
7b0e37d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4b92724: one more fix for IDEA-111701 Emacs: pressing Ctrl+k several times should add lines to muti-line buffer
c2e7ccb: App Engine: refresh library roots when new module created (IDEA-71691)
124408c: IDEA-71691: appengine facet doesnt bring in required libraries
b100613: IDEA-115761 MakeInnerClassOf refactoring should probably exclude target classes from GeneratedSources roots
d5de3de: cleanup
5623916: [vcs] IDEA-95729 Don't ask about adding new files from patch to VCS
76665be: custom options panel leak fixed
955220b: "Configurable Project Types"
b801015: [vcs] IDEA-118644 Fix apply patch for new file in new folder + test
8420f9e: [log] IDEA-115423 Limit number of commits requested when filtering
92eb361: IDEA-93034 SQL: MySQL: erasing the first backtick could erase the pair
20604f7: in case when some output and source roots intersect: do not stop rebuild if caches version is advanced (IDEA-118613)
91047f0: external build: throw BuildDataCorruptedException instead of generic RuntimeException if caches are corrupted
cd70918: Groovy: don't skip 'null' type in inference
c482422: IDEA-118333 Groovy: Extract Parameter Refactoring: "Replace all occurrences" replaces only current occurrence
1533ed8: IDEA-116621 Groovy: Extract Parameter Refactoring: 'Replace this occurrence only' replaces all occurrences in current method [^peter]
a541ab1: ability to copy status text
7960886: netty 5.0.0.Alpha1
b021743: Add extra test for new-expression template
4d61bc1: Postfix: enabled new-expression template
7af3bf2: separate checks if compiler is enabled and compiler api is supported by compiler implementation
3feff30: IDEA-118675 - Errors in app server run configs not shown in UI
41db6bf: less garbage
af79d47: notnull
b963343: cleanup
62b2dde: notnull
9930be0: cleanup
de7798b: gant in libLicences.gant
d0f541a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
17e6328: added test for IDEA-111701 (2 editors for 1 document)
b8e4600: Fix JavaAutoPopupTest: test live template without description
7c4b4a1: NewProjectWizardAction removed
4f93b7d: ProjectTemplateList
c3ca08b: description font
4130824: new project wizard in work
00dda2f: IDEA-118419 Keep caret on the screen while changing font size
e23693c: IDEA-118495 (Cyclic package dependency inspection is unusable.)
878641fc: move test to correct location
9edbf08: Fix live templates tests
6b54183: Bug fix: check not-null +review CR-IC-3798
68b7ce4: fix and clarify "Cyclic class dependency" inspection warning
6bd22b4: WEB-10360 Javascript debugger with non unique file names
d94c9a1: IDEA-118601 New Module: Maven: click on "Create from archetype" reverts typed coordinates +review CR-IC
d25214a: Add debug info to investigate blink test.
1a0c297: WEB-10367 JavaScript Debugging in Firefox hangs PhpStorm
558b4ba: overrides, prefer to use our utils methods
668b0c1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7e3d1ab: static super methods: java 8 interfaces
1e147d8: Cleanup (formatting)
f45f27f: java: incorrect parsing of bounds in class files fixed
6d85c55: java: extra whitespace in class decompiler trimmed
e90c678: Groovy: reassigned vars without closures
89e472e: clean up literal type inference
3d634e4: fix performance problem on 'new Object() {}' test code
0a5485b: IDEA-118487 IDEA should suggest downloading missing plug-ins for unrecognised artifact configuration
59d1d4c: added copyright
43b7c90: use getElement instead of getParent
41ccbd2: EA-52292 fix (PHP template inside HTML comment case)
f6a4f20: IDEA-118419 Keep caret on the screen while changing font size, IDEA-117005 File can be scrolled automatically on setting a breakpoint
544d21f: ListTemplateAction should provide custom live templates
60a5c60: Extend block support API
107e9ae: IDEA-118569 Add quick doc for live template lookup items
5735d5c: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
9d07fd6: Introduced Bitness and JdkVersionInfo combining version and bitness
99aaa2c: lower the dfa inspection time limit in analyze mode (IDEA-118567)
461cd32e: plugin advertiser: do not suggest to update from ultimate to ultimate when 'bundled' plugin is not yet available for current version
6eaeefa: rename: do not show collisions for static methods rename in interfaces (IDEA-118577)
6565df2: untie static methods in interface hierarchy (IDEA-118577)
3d7a8fb: ensure public inner inside interface (IDEA-118564)
01753c7: IDEA-118588 (Concatenation with empty string fails to fix an expression)
9e8ef92: Added error message for missing python-skeletons diagnostics (PY-10411)
183e416: re-applied darcula changes correctly
8086000: IDEA-86907 Fold/unfold for the last node is incorrect
3a3bbff: Made builtins cache valid only if it has a valid reference to the builtins file (PY-11665)
5c0518e: roll back spy-js
b83d875: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
93b3fcc: fixed IDEA-111701 Emacs: pressing Ctrl+k several times should add lines to muti-line buffer
c21cd02: EA-35422 - IOOBE: EditorImpl.offsetToLogicalLine (from debugger)
6d025c1: IDEA-97930
8ff12a4: cleanup
016ee36: cleanup
bb63a9b: EA-52137
5a86a94: EA-52726 (assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getComponent)
4cfd001: correct dependency type for gant
ec97f82: IDEA-118138 don't highlight closures using unassigned vars
5b8d6b2: IDEA-117966 introduce variable from unresolved reference
1dd4665: dfa: don't grow stack infinitely on &= (IDEA-118522)
a8861db: corrected gant
dfbbfe2: revert groovy 2.2.1
cf379f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
77bf85b: update gant according to groovy version
87b06c1: disable 'new' postfix template for a while
62dec2d: get rid of GrBinaryExpressionImpl inheritors in code base
0ac89c0: don't run groovy shell if there is no full Groovy lib in a module
53ea375: groovy 2.2.1
12fd8d4: [log] simplify
4d55fdd: OutputSuppressed option added for HgCommandExecutor, style changed, unnecessary parameters removed
71f457f: Style: unnecessary array with indicator output command removed, myShowOutput  field used instead
f1c78e1: cosmetics: revision hash template changed to long.
669ae41: + "trie"
2acfe62: drop cls navigation element cache on the navigation element change
2c458f1: avoid creating string garbage when searching for external annotations
ec01e46: free the memory used to build RootIndex
b83ecae: Do not throw on quick-fix creation, just return null
718d70f: use ctrl(meta) + shift + K shortcut for push
2c70839: use ctrl(meta) + shift + K shortcut for push
181d69e: % sign is useless while indexing
3aac7ab: don't show active file in recent files section
2f2154b: assertion added to check that 'registerOutputDirectory' isn't called for inappropriate targets (CR-IC-3742)
317be6e: IDEA-104706 Remove currently active file from "Recent Files" popup
054ec7e: cache cls navigation elements that are not so cheap to calculate each time
34ab25e: [log] Take END_COMMIT_NODE as well as COMMIT_NODE
cb5ee86: [log] Fix identifying root of Node
23583d3: [git] Wrap the VcsException not to loose the cause
2beff60: [log] Flush & Close persistent enumerator on dispose()
9a92cb9: [log] Supply correct commit object to getCommitData in DetailsPanel
7e9eaf9: fixed problem mentioned in CR-IC-3742
77792a3: Show unnamed branch heads without bookmarks and not current revision implemented.
32ab1db: Parents revision hash template changed to long.
4e16c417: Multiply revision node presentation in HgLog  for only one revision fixed.
d4f5e53: VersionComparatorUtil.comparePriorities() simplified
fd3bc7f: Gradle: GrShiftExpressionImpl usage removed
0380bcf: constant-time ModuleManager.getModuleByFilePath
1feb27b: lazy sem contributor loading
628ff78: BackgroundTaskQueue doesn't postpone onSuccess/onCancel until next awt-event in test mode
be07183: BackgroundTaskQueue.waitForTasksToFinish API
d3be23f: check context for nullability
242a5e3: Switched back to char-based triple quotes detection for docstring element types (PY-11585)
fb53d06: can be final: ensure non final for base of anonymous class (IDEA-118493)
90d256c: allow autocompletion in dumb mode if provider is dumb aware
767d1ab: cosmetics
8d996fa: IDEA-118552 Generated ANT scripts do not honour cross-compile settings
f310fee: use folder icon for groups in Menus and Toolbars configurable
4e60af8: NotificationGroup constructor shouldn't require an initialized Application
0f2dda4: save RootIndex memory
93977b5: some cases to avoid Document.getText where CharSequence is enough
5c51405: uncomment DirectoryIndexTest assertions
b3a6dbb: free RootIndex memory on project dispose
aa52dce: don't fall into recursion while resolving annotation name
2ecd26f: Groovy: assignment type inference
7c2363d: Groovy: operator resolving & type inference
e48edcd6: save applicability in GroovyResolveResult
b9531f2: simplify type inference for unary expressions
dc77905: revert: IDEA-117864 optimize reference search scope
0f2e2a5: Copyright: commit document after comment updating
1684f09: Emmet: show 'Edit emmet settings' for emmet lookup item
a71af7f: Postfix: rename 'Edit postfix templates settings' action
e647f6f: Do not populate custom live template lookup with 'Edit live template settings'-action
e03fa18: Show "Split mode" action for sliding toolwindows.
32133c0: IDEA-118096 Documentation popup not usable because of Jetbrains annotations
c52f140: cleanup
c0a94d5: notnull
aa678f5: cleanup
11dad8c: optimisation: do not load document to check for isReadOnly
5202195: notnull
53fe9df: IDEA-118371 Partial find occurences disappear with 'group by ...' button
530c800: spy-js plugin initial commit
58e433a: IDEA-118496 disable boolean param inspection for library overriders
d35fc05: run manager: do not override shared status from default configuration when existing configuration is checked e.g. run from tests view
fa52498: junit: reject to start when no tests were found in package
7c4a448: add assert: respect initializer in ForStatement
ab1bebf: IDEA-118420 Better wording for quickfix to 'Declaration can have final modifier' analysis
fda7595: more precise quick fix name (IDEA-118416)
1da12c6: Cleanup (PTY runner decoupled from GeneralCommandLine)
f34a024: add missed src jar
d2e8aa1: Cleanup (duplicate)
2858767: platform: incompatible KTerm option stripped
4eb09a2: ui: correct icon for facet editor panel
c450665: IDEA-118429 (IDEA incorrectly suggests to remove unboxing)
bcebafd: polish "Difference using "Open in browser" vs browser icon" fix — we don't need to pass virtual file now
d4d4ad5: restore WebBrowserUrlProvider API
4777bfd: polish "Difference using "Open in browser" vs browser icon" fix
9348d2c: polish "Difference using "Open in browser" vs browser icon" fix — better name of context class
6b1ebcc: polish "Difference using "Open in browser" vs browser icon" fix — better name of context class
8e12a5e: use httpclient 4 in platform-impl
4c35a0c: don't use deprecated SimpleNodeRenderer
2f71cbc: GroovyDslScript: rethrow PCE
11f366b: more dfa predictability by using ordered data structures
0dc6c2b: more diagnostics and recovery on strange gdsl NPEs (IDEA-118457)
7cde1cb: VfsUtilTest.testPresentableUrlSurvivesDeletion
811cd43: New toolwindow animation
4ffacb9: commons-logging-1.1.3
52e167f: new project wizard: sorting groups
3206d79: Cleanup (non-public properties hidden)
9415eb8: platform: shell environment loading suppressed for tests and command-line apps
1b1bca4: IDEA-94565 (misleading "call to overridden method 'clone()' during object construction")
52794b6: Fix JavaAutoPopup test
509cbce: tests fixed
af49f19: WEB-9566 Debugger: optionally ignore certificate errors
70d4555: don't use deprecated class
402c994: cleanup
ee39199: better way to instantiate PersistentHashMap
1fa2163: IDEA-118029 Pressing TAB while having portion of a line selected causes indentation
ca4f7bc: IDEA-118063 Gradle: 'Add gradle plugin' action: 'Choose plugin' popup has lots of not clickable links
985ec94: IDEA-117792 Gradle Run/Debug Configuration: support adding Gradle specific parameters. Fix after review.
77c4739: IDEA-117380 Can't remove multiple Maven projects at the same time
60fba04: Postfix templates: rename all 'completion' to 'templates'
6b1a7b6: javawriter library
4cc2790: postfix templates cosmetics
09948c0: WEB-10158 Difference using "Open in browser" vs browser icon
9ef929f: Gradle: fix wrapper check
43d9b27: external build: added method to register output directory in source-to-output mapping instead of registering individual files to reduce occupied disk space (ZD-16651)
42ef854: added option to disable framework detection for all frameworks in whole project
ceee385: ! alias for not makes bulenkov happy
c138886: cleanup
d0eb168: made fields final to prevent some nasty bugs like EA-52519 - IAE: TObjectHash.throwObjectContractViolation
47267dc: extract delegate for IntroduceVariableBase.collectExpressions
8f82a73: get rid of JavaSurroundersProxy
6ee5fbc: IDEA-117792 Gradle Run/Debug Configuration: support adding Gradle specific parameters. Fix after review. + fix bug -
3c774d6: Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
dce2c17: move postfix templates to java-impl
d218b10: fix division by zero in IDEA-118443 UI hang on console hyperlink calculation
da559b8: fix some constant conditions concerning VirtualFile.getPresentableUrl
8286229: cleanup after merge
935cfc5: less compilation progress spam about groovy files
d244f07: more groovyc logging
347356c: IDEA-118443 UI hang on console hyperlink calculation
57cf9ce: control flow: visit assignment lValue only once (EA-51083 - ESE: Stack.pop)
746901e: IDEA-116947 Unqualified call NPE false positive with contracts
ea2b802: IDEA-118397 Resume build not working
23fc388: Merge postfix completion plugin
7865b3e: removed all data but folder to move
cac63bd: added rearrange checkbox on reformat code action for directories, modules and multiple files
b529f23: EA-52540 - AIOOBE: FunctionalInterfaceParameterizationUtil.getFunctionalType
db5abb5: open editor explicitly, do not rely on focus settlesDown
5d49870: restore classes in nav bar (IDEA-118168)
efb5693: IDEA-117792 Gradle Run/Debug Configuration: support adding Gradle specific parameters. Fix after review.
1208162: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9376c69: fixed PY-11654 Move Statement: IOE at com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.DocumentImpl.d
2a33922: com.intellij.execution.ExecutableValidator.ourNotificationGroup
d255c5b: dfa: make state merging result predictable when removing a!=b and a!=c && b==c, don't restore a!=c
ea2df38: fixed PY-11610 Django johnny-cache breaks
e7d7b61: Code style, alignment
188b963: IDEA-118111 (OpenJDK 6 check made strict)
4a221d0: update stubs per file type reverted
835ed38: IDEA-102942  Wrap always   Chained methods calls  over-format simple operations
16670a6: Slowpoke plugin compatibility restored
2f10822: 2x more compact mapping storage for 7bit ascii paths [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev]
c808606: cosmetics: "other head" text duplication removed from hg merge dialog
df31d58: nn alias
5ade729: IDEA-118292 (process in declaration order)
acc2554: avoid new CharSequence allocation inside document if possible
4bb3242: no smart icons and no parameter info in power save mode
adaceb9: IDEA-118281 Enable SystemNotifications.systemNotify() on Linux
5908944: platform: suppress update checker in headless mode
15de064: methods chains completion: fixed concurrency error and new indices creation refactored
ec8b243: IDEA-117297 @Contract doesn't play nice with @NotNull/@Nullable
8bca4a6: dfa: combine merge by equality and type into a generic relation-based merge
b75ba04: disable "increase language level fix" in libraries (IDEA-118378)
f3e093b: junit comparison: pass null implicitly (IDEA-118372)
a7df7ea: Cleanup (deprecation; dead code)
728f82a: platform: update check and notifications reworked
9efdbf5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
46fb4bb: NPE
4889341: @NotNull VirtualFile.getPresentableUrl (IDEA-117476)
6a771e7: preselect exact prefix match in autopopup completion (RUBY-14617)
c0860be: Find in Path notification group
da3be53: make com.intellij.execution.ExecutableValidator.myNotificationGroup static
7c9f008: IDEA-116806 Messages pane does not copy what is selected
b33d419: dump lookup weights in tests when the selected index doesn't match
d245447: Canonize .instanceof template line a bit
2c9fad1: IDEA-118116 (Intention to convert existing assertions/@NotNull to java.util.Objects#requireNonNull(T))
c61bbb8: Darcula: combobox as cell renderer/editor fixes
a64047e: fix default size of SourceMapInspector window
85700e4: lazy class loading for PtyProcess (r=Eugene.Zhuravlev), 2
e436b16: EA-52297 assert: CaretModelImpl.moveToLogicalPosition
60cf897: IDEA-106300 Sometimes PhpStorm doesn't exit rectangular selection mode on escape.
26a7d57: IDEA-118245 Retain the last used command line in the Execute Maven Goal dialog
77fcd32: [log] Correctly load details of commits around the selected commit
05b51ca: Merge branch 'no-unresolved-without-sdk'
9c3af9a: Use default Python interpreter from PATH on opening a directory for the first time (PY-4733)
a1a68a8: fixed PY-11581 RST: Header is not highlighted if there is a space after separator
ebc380b: CR-IC-3665#c19556
84cbbc9: fixed PY-11588 "Instance attribute %s defined outside __init__" in static method
ecafaa5: destructor rename fix
44f0697: fix ClassCastException: com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorState$1 cannot be cast to com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.text.TextEditorState
5753b4f: quick evaluate expression for sourcemap backed/dart debugging
a9f950d: cleanup
7e82f90: overrides
eeb5b4e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f36a786: Delete unsupported features from description
a239ed4: fixed PY-11617 Nosetest runner: simple function tests cannot jump to source
451f0f5: Fix while example link
37dc827: Add changlog, change version, add missing template description in readme
6731e36: Add examples link in README
433a9d8: Fix notnull gif link
132cb0c: Add examples page
3688a79: skip invalid highlighters (EA-37197) - 8K reports!
67d004a: Switched to synchronized count of running Python skeleton generators
e84d8d8: Add gifs
362a60b: Allow to disable configuration of language level via "idea.maven.configure.language.level" system property.
5674820: Don't add python-skeletons to Python paths during skeletons generation
e234e09: Don't show python-skeletons path in the Python interpreter paths tab (PY-11218)
a78597b: Don't report unresolved references and unused imports during skeletons generation
1e4e54d: Fix maven tests.
33c1579: notnull
fedfba1: EA-52689 - IOE: DocumentImpl.doBeforeChangedUpdate
fd6e27f: select word works in console
37823aa: Fix nullable issue
dbcb907: update progress on test done (finished, failed, or ignored), not on test started
3e3fc75: inst alias works
fbbb855: files compiled on first round may require additional recompilation on the next round (second part for IDEA-116914)  constant search on the IDE side rewritten: only direct dependencies are returned for each search round; all transitive dependencies will be additionally handled by make
eebad48: IDEA-118318 (Pointless Arithmetic Expression Inspection: false positives)
d85faec: remove braces
2218cb1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0dc9c17: Make weaker declarations
30b933e: aliases initial
c5ffafa: drop empty line
cc3d204: @NotNull
6e55733: support space between class and caret in IDEA-118194 complete statement works strange for inner classes / enums
fbf6511: reuse empty ImmutableText instance
5a69aad: don't build dom on dtd files
1f13be4: preserve order in FindInProjectUtil.getLocalScopeFiles
772e035: propagate available intentions to find action/search everywhere (IDEA-117167)
bd4018c: NPE
4765a6d: ensure project not disposed
293de59: EA-52462 - assert: SelectionModelImpl.doSetSelection
2f164b2: IDEA-117756 File structure: editor window is not scrolled to the chosen element if latter is folded
efc25bf: Return var template to readme
e04907f: Update example image
3fb8600: Remove redundant dots and parenthesis from lookup elements Remove unsupported template from readme
730c1f3: Rename foreach template
857aa95: MEGA CLEAN UP!!!11
b958846: Delete unused tests
84c3770: Reformat tests
934a752: Reimplement indexed-for templates
9f7fb6c: IDEA-116383 cannot reconnect Some RuntimeException contains not serializable class 'org.apache.maven.model.building.DefaultModelProblem'. So IDEA throw java.rmi.UnmarshalException  caused by
d159e53: Merge branch 'master' of
e3a5672: Cloud integrations - search for git remote by url
75e0a96: Use argLine parameter of maven-surefire-plugin when start JUnit process. +review (IDEA-118176 Failsafe plugin argLine should be taken into account when running integration test)
3096c5b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
27a4b18: suggest to extend class from Throwable when it participates in throw statement (IDEA-118215)
05d3b27: IRV: ensure selected, add empty text (IDEA-117972)
a257dc4: IDEA-118256 Introduce Constant/Field should insert spaces between generic parameters
67edbe5: method may be static: process default methods (IDEA-118272)
9e9ad29: more compact code
a07a0f2: better method name
ed529d5: IDEA-118053 Editor "deprived of mind" when editing settings.xml
75ec80e: IDEA-118266 time measurements for all Mercurial commands added and log command debug output suppressed.
42b483f: remove unused properties
bbc19f5: IDEA-118181 (false positive "number of placeholders does not match number of arguments" for multi-catch)
0035160: IDEA-117921 JRadioButton icons don't display in plugin forms on Windows/Linux.
9833bb1: Merge branch 'skeletons-in-background' into no-unresolved-without-sdk
96c8bca: lazy class loading for PtyProcess (r=Eugene.Zhuravlev)
186cee5: disable identifier highlighting in class files
4af1c4b: notnull
4247710: IDEA-117864
c741bf4: diagnostics for EA-52496 - SOE: PsiUtilCore.getLanguageAtOffset
73fd43a: Return unknown return type for generator functions if the built-in generator type is not found
35cf414: Don't report unresolved references and unused imports if the project interpreter is not selected (PY-11589)
9a71943: [git] IDEA-118067 Correctly identify if Update Project should rebase
7536b4d: [log] IDEA-115407 Disable graph-only-actions if there is no graph
c6c69d4: [log] IDEA-115568 Don't crash if the log is empty
7ca0d0b: redundant cast: ensure that temp variable would have unique name (IDEA-118197)
a449241: distinct prover: distinguish types when type parameter has bounds (IDEA-118037)
0d7a908: introduce constant from literal: ignore null anchors for non-physical elements (IDEA-118166)
c53f3ca: IDEA-12202 Refactorings do not update unused symbol dependency injection annotations
2bf19b4: IDEA-116593 improve choosing of Android and Java SDKs when creating new android-gradle project/module: choose only Android SDK location (if we don't know it) on first step, not build target; choose Java SDK (if there is no any) separately, set it as project sdk and as internal jdk for newly created android sdk entities
58aabd6: correct check
e78399c: VcsRoot detector tests updated
a3946b7: Call a static method via its defining class, not its subclass
db8ec59: Removed unused PythonSdkType.switchPathToInterpreter()
0b2b95d: Nullity annotations for overridden methods
03035cb: Moved skeleton generation progress on adding a Python interpreter to background
3a22d6f: DOM index: @StubbedOccurrence
79a529e: use direct call to storage.resize() so that IOException is not masked with RuntimeException (IDEA-118107)
a1a37eb: fix find in path NPE
5e3e92e: GroovyCompilerTestCase: guard against executor errors resulting in a semaphore never released
cdfd0d8: make "Invalidate Caches / Restart" action discoverable by entering "restart" in Goto Action (IDEA-117839)
ea159c5: IDEA-117362 Find/Replace in Path does not work for current file if current file isn't part of the project
924e475: IDEA-118100 Annotation enum attribute auto-completion
3874a1e: RootIndex: allocate a bit less memory, clarify a condition
7554e69: BracePair.toString
581851e: IDEA-116695 Rename "Reopen" action to "Reopen project"
1e6cb22: IDEA-118194 complete statement works strange for inner classes / enums
cef372d: IDEA-116944 Constant Conditions & Exceptions doesn't report if statements with literal true/false condition
c50714a: consider parentheses
7e72b91: [log] IDEA-115901 Keep selection between refreshes and filtering
8163d04: [log] rename type parameter to a more descriptive name
e1145ae: simplify and test
b89c26e: simplify and test
6131aad: IDEA-78206 Constructing 'mailto' link -> cannot resolve file 'mailto'
29bb231: Cyclic Expand Word leaves word highlighted (IDEA-115727)
0d501e2: Platform: AppCode and CPP tests autodetection
259e062: avoid defensive text copying in LazyParseableElement if it's already immutable
b9a7bc3: avoid leaking too many components by tracking a limited number of focus requests
a900497: optimizing ImmutableText.delete for empty ranges
4677312: DocumentImpl: DRY, cache getCharSequence().toString()
e0c5940: fix presentation in inspection's Browser fixed (IDEA-118110)
fa5241a: add owner dependency when type parameter extends (IDEA-118093)
c6757f1: #loc removed
6f5e28c: show param info: highlight overload vararg method
8db186e: IDEA-24924 Background task "Indexing" could use % sign
2e3a0d8: IDEA-117127 Editor: Throwable on Select word at caret inside plain text
6b825df: IDEA-117476 "Project Files Changed" message includes null
1ef83d5: IDEA-117682 Annotation parameter completion: show defaults in variants popup
82953ab: IDEA-117857 Add exception type variable to "Catch Statement Body" template
5ae8f86: IDEA-117947 Method completion in import static adds parentheses
41f6f858: IDEA-117831 After deleting last live template in a group, I can't click OK.
3880c45: IDEA-118082 "Constant conditions & exceptions" warning expected inside local class
9729ea9: IDEA-118159 "Search Everywhere" inconsistent api on ItemPresentation
0e548a8: - detect proper encoding for html5's <meta charset="charsetname"> - [performance fix] avoid (light) parsing of html content if there is no charset\s*= pattern inside the string
5e016d6: Switched from showing balloons to logging errors for serious skeleton generation exceptions
08677f9: REGISTERED state added
423cd4c: rewrite for template
41c98e5: Added ellipses for skeleton processing progress messages
e104209: Merge branch 'pieae-in-python-builtins-cache'
580df9c: BuiltInWebBrowserUrlProvider should not return list of urls — prefer custom
b5d9c7a6: Fixed PIEAE in referencing obsolete cached PSI elements for built-in 'str | unicode' type
4dc9e51: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
aa007bb: treat enum constructors as private (IDEA-118133)
140b91e: method references: smart completion to filter by return type
df47230: disable lambda completion after inserted qualifier
3c20d47: extract superclass from anonymous (IDEA-115663)
4268473: prefer keyboard shortcuts in Find Action (IDEA-115648)
1958e9a: introduced cvs.roots.refresh.uses.vfs property (true by default) and uses its value to refresh cvs roots after update using vfs to avoid performance problems (IDEA-112132)
1b7d320: rename
a948c54: test updated
831bab4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0d2810b: Rearranged fields and constructors
eea6898: fix and improve intention description
7cbd227: Removed unused PyBuiltinCache.isValid()
43d1fe1: Removed stdlib type cache unused after the switch to python-skeletons
6f415a8: Call static methods via classes where they are actually defined
0008bb2: fixed PY-11594 New Project: selected interpreter is not set as project interpreter when attaching project to already opened one
2e0f889: Style
b13cb70: IDEA-35996 Ant integration: provide more informative message in case ant file execution is stopped due to unknown command line argument
5ea95e3:  if IDEA sees text/plain and extension .java, perhaps it should infer that it's actually Java, because not everyone will set up their HTTP servers with language-specific mime types? (Particularly when following a URL to a source file in a sourcemap.) +review
d2bfd2d: regionMatches insteadof substring
a628d6f: better name
db99de4: remove unused import
646bc62: remove old tests
cca7354: IDEA-106716 Don't steal focus. Let IDE be active on startup.
c558b87: rewrite new template btw, I'm to lazy to rename the tests
64973e3: IDEA-118086 (Duplicate condition inspection is triggered on unresolved code)
ea200a4: ImmutableCharSequence cleanup
fb1b5fa: optimization for ImmutableText.concat(<empty seq>)
96c0ff9: chrome context menu action: Inspect in IDE
cf3e2c0: Remove inspection whose warnings are now covered by "Constant conditions & Exceptions" (IDEA-118025)
e610603: IDEA-118102 Maven: artifacts name not properly generated from pom in IDEA 13
237625e: IDEA-98419
cf82fe3: cleanup
447a3cb: notnull
92c2534: notnull
cbd2b73: IDEA-58977 Regression in Copy Line behavior
661b6b4: IDEA-58977 Regression in Copy Line behavior
dd41fbf: IDEA-117828 Groovy console:  execute groovy code shortcut changed back
c1f377f: Groovy: review reference search scopes
da3cbf3: IDEA-84166 Support "CTRL+H" on class in .xml file
59b2c02: cleanup
7261323:  IDEA-106300 Sometimes PhpStorm doesn't exit rectangular selection mode on escape.
fec1304: Gradle: null-check for project.getBaseDir added in a post startup activity
2143a06: use method instead of manual hack
e766068: better combobox rendering on aqua: no focus ring around combo button, fixed 1px size difference
cb1e878: Gradle: notification component, removed duplicate notification check and code cleanup
77ab090: cache Document.getText
9ddb619: compare char sequences using Comparing, not String.equals
0134ddd: do nothing if state didn't change
6ee0e48: IDEA-115859 Presentation mode is broken
d2014c1: add create method
a7ab87f: reuse parts of original document content in completion copy
b74c949: IDEA-117904 Ant integration: running: with an error (javac) the result is reported as "successful": perform all status calculations after all messages are processed
9e5ae50: [log] remove pointless code
1b63a25: [log] Don't use setFont(), instead supply value in getFont()
6d8ac44: [log] Fix showing dot in the root table header
69daed6: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: XmlHighlightingTest.testXhtmlSchemaHighlighting fixed
69e6a15: use equals for primitive types because of annotations for Java 8
3fda71a: get rid of some yellow code
ff86aab: public utility method for local disk detection (works on non-windows)
0fc9f5e: IDEA-117936 IDEA13 fails to stop at breakpoint inside advised method
258307f: Support Mac OS X 10.6+ keyboard setting "Full Keyboard Access" in sheets emulation. (after-review)
9e59f41: CapturingProcessHandler changed to OsProcessHandler for mercurial command execution, possibility to close some tasks added, text for process indicator added.
566ead9: Exception in log history fixed
89e66ae: Race condition fixed for configuration mercurial test.
65b6615: public utility method for local disk detection
1b964fd: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
645e475: do not register fixes which need editor in batch mode (IDEA-116248)
a4e3782: IDEA-117613 Gradle: tool window is missing after the update
db25ba2: EA-52652 - NPE:  ExceptionUtil.getUnhandledExceptions
cd7b2b2: rename inside injection: offset magic ( JSInplaceIntroduceVariableTest.testInitialOccurrenceSelected	)
900a440: boolean method is always inverted: skip methods with one usage (IDEA-117984)
76d90f0: redundant type args: process nested calls (IDEA-117945)
711f709: IDEA-117989 JUnit: Run/Debug java test output "scroll to stacktrace" not working as expected
6d95991: fixed PY-11595 Unable to move lines within Python doc strings
91deb93: file is not part of core, we must not rely on it
747815f: IDEA-117613 Gradle: tool window is missing after the update, fix after review
66867da: IDEA-117792 Gradle Run/Debug Configuration: support adding Gradle specific parameters
dfce2ba: IDEA-117864 optimize reference search scope
515619c: don't report silly assignment if lhs or rhs is unresolved
eaa86dc: IDEA-117977 Negative numbers as annotations arguments
3340beb: Fix for IDEA-116940 @formatter off still generating braces [CR-IC-3478]
ec44bbd: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: get schemaLocation from import tag
be385c1: toString()
908538b: RUBY-14672: better name for gracefulProcessTermination()
71e7853: annotation reference should skip processing declarations from class annotated with it
e8cafe5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
38f8048: add some technologies/framework names
03ec4af: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f22311a: IDEA-118027 Groovy: constructors with mixed privacy are flagged as errors
ab67bda: IDEA-116243 Class with same name as package prevents imports in Groovy
05c91bf: IDEA-117950 MacMessage Problem in mercurial clone dialog
912514c: IDEA-108447 Horizontal scrolling not possible or limited
e76fe51: refixing IDEA-57940 : the variants from other editors are suggested AFTER finishing variants from current file
95399a1: IDEA-118004 (Find's Regex Help Popup table header bad color with darcula)
cd5eb0c: Add configuration for expanding shortcut
670664d: Update configurable component on opening the settings
3b5880f: Clean up instanceof template
015306f: Clean up
da88bae: Do not expand templates if plugin is disabled
8cba0d8: Fix bottom border in templates lists
126eaf8: Show templates in completion according to postfix settings
288f972: New plugin options in configurable
77633e1: Rename panel
5913ae7: Delete unused testdata
5902c04: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
13f0d48: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b3dcc96: Added logging.
524bfe4: cleanup
ba88950: cleanup
cf71d6b: avoid allocating sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder when converting byte[] to String
5478fdf: don't create TIntArrayList(DEPTH_LIMIT) before we have clear indication that we might have a loop (parentId >= id)
a2fa6da: remove args template
7178198: rewrite throw template
2ad2cba: [log] Fix background of the details panel content
f796939: cleanup assert template
f5e6305: Merge branch 'master' of
f370545: OpenShift integration - deploy EAR artifacts
4546732: RUBY-14672: we need to send SIGINT to Ruby debugger twice
f3eb6ff: IDEA-117613 Gradle: tool window is missing after the update
2e72fcc: avoid unconditional trace properly
8667b3e: improve description
2874e61: reset predefined loggers table when it is empty for IDEA-117939 ("Logger initialized with foreign class" inspection had no predefined cases)
a3408c5: wording; make it weak warning (IDEA-117943)
43a6e05: IDEA-117911 Delegate methods duplicate @Override
437658f: generate javadoc: search for modules under progress
c6bc8a6: improved user experience with run configuration producers
601c3d4: diag for EA-51660 - IAE: SuppressManagerImpl.createSuppressActions
f3da68d: diag for EA-51788 - assert: FileEditorManagerImpl.openFileImpl
bd0530a: javadoc
f0b5885: cleanup: dereference
1018090: more correct test
2a06a31: tests: jdk6.0 under mac is weird
5855743: avoid calling PsiFileImpl.toString, use charsequence from FileViewProvider
03f7413: avoid garbage creation in JDK7 due to calling StringBuilder.toString() that copies buffer now
3b6f9bf: new in 13, because these inspections were not actually integrated into 12.1
2f71eef: Fix test of inplace renaming inside injection
7b607b3: replace PsiPrimitiveType with PsiType
ed993d0: rewrite field template
5743c3c: fix assertion
4fd1af4: project: update script fixed to allow path with spaces
7ba76d5: avoid unconditional trace
476b30d: we must not use getKnownFileTypeOrAssociate on navigate
d30684d: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: namespaces from standard resources should be considered relevant
0230aac: Support new Xib format
e419af2: IDEA-117772 (start application loading in EDT)
3dd4fe8: CE modules list ordered
8c59784: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0bba0e0: Better multiline code handling in console.
c8bd8c1: Correct test data path.
521d39f: lazier groovy stub import reference creation
e6bf527: use cache for implicitly imported groovy classes
594785c: fix showValuePopup — incorrect scrolling
ceded58: cleanup
384f8f9: WEB-10231 first navigation to http file doesn't open desired location
e2129a7: Reimplement autocomplete tests with java
1257700: IDEA-117863 (Package with disjoint dependency graph ignores interfaces)
c44080f: CustomFileTypeWordSelectionTest.isCommunity==true
a240a44: gdsl: be prepared to multithreaded scripts
c7b5b3a: structural brace based folding for custom file types (IDEA-83026)
97a55ea: highlight usages in custom file type works as text highlighting (IDEA-117189)
84ad379: in custom file types, don't complete keywords in literals or comments (IDEA-117226)
a3ec15e: brace matcher-based select word in custom file types (IDEA-117225)
b7feb11: custom file type completion rewritten as completion contributor
8072d23: IDEA-117894 Incorrect warning of 'non-varags methods overrides varargs method'
f74cd44: IDEA-117896 Behavior of variable checked for null inspection is influenced by brackets
932153e: Add new gitlab integration based on httpclient4.3.1
67ebb35: Add missing colon after "Token" label in TrelloRepository
45a5f0f: Move http-client library to community. Upgrade it to version 4.3.1. Update licenses and restClient module dependencies appropriately.
f4fcf72: Add default method for installation date deserializer to GsonBuilder in TaskUtil. Remove JiraUtil class.
4b84c12: CSS: extract methods for skipping lazy parseble elements
4f29f40: "Run in background" option from now on means "show build messages immediately" rather than "execute with modal dialog"
510ff4d: fix compilation
cd4a6bc: javadoc for InjectionBackgroundSuppressor
d4507c9: IDEA-117548 Bad function parameters highlight
78aa878: IDEA-117883 make <--tooltip end--> logic work in Inspections View; provide additional tooltip bounds
27054e8: inspection description (IDEA-117881)
9ef64c3: Merge branch 'master' of
02f5a16: use `==` instead of equals for PsiTypes
cae473d: Cloud integrations - refactor artifacts deploy
1a3e0a1: Merge pull request #9 from controlflow/var
3a4dfcd: rewrite var
699a6da: IDEA-117584 more stubs for annotations: tests
acd49e9: IDEA-117584 more stubs for annotations: use optimized operations
98be3a3: IDEA-117584 more stubs for annotations. Optimization for argument searching
9afba6b: IDEA-117317 Groovy SDK is not configured, if groovy-jar has name "groovy-all.jar"
30ea87e: Groovy: cache LiteralConstructorReferences
3e89815: IDEA-106716 Don't steal focus
a78f80d: condition replaced with assertion which checks contract expectation
ca0853d: update netty
d9dbaf9: cleanup
f80d692: Gradle: fix dependencies scope merge IDEA-117556 Gradle custom provided configuration added with compile scope IDEA-117601 Gradle integration ignores in build.gradle
b636208: IDEA-117698 Auto closing of tags in jsp seems to incorrectly prioritize html tags
3bdaae0: new inference: propagate outer method to constraints, initial (IDEA-117803)
b055f12: IDEA-117827 Invalid "ambiguous method call" error
d47b6d1: IDEA-117455 Github: do not ask user for fork repository if we can guess choice
c2124bd: platform: fix (notification group creation postponed)
a085c19: delegate to ClsStubBuilder for inner class identification
c1e0536: [log] fix name of variable
805b67c: [log] IDEA-115675 IDEA-116040 Fix table columns sizing
6730fef: IDEA-116202 Set active changelist causes IDEA to hang: changelist name truncated to 100.
f074332: cleanup
e15a154: fix Alloy trees
e1a4f76: platform: write unsupported JRE notifications to the event log
d42dc05: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
edc5e4e: fixed IDEA-111701 Emacs: pressing Ctrl+k several times should add lines to muti-line buffer (regression for IDEA-18764, broken in IDEA-111275)
4a1d393: Shouldn't try to move if myInfo.toMove2 is null
e2de67c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
515ef7a: IDEA-117584 more stubs for annotations
9207b87: avoid easy garbage java.util.ArrayList$Itr: 1,720,417,512 (1%) bytes in 71,684,063 (2%) objects (avg size 24 bytes) 	java.util.ArrayList.iterator: 1,720,392,864 (99%) bytes in 71,683,036 (99%) objects 		com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.impl.ProjectJdkTableImpl.findJdk: 938,831,640 (54%) bytes in 39,117,985 (54%) objects 		com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.ComplementaryFontsRegistry.getFontAbleToDisplay: 218,420,520 (12%) bytes in 9,100,855 (12%) objects
75c030c: don't call toString() without need to avoid garbage
d5a39325: rewrite var template, initial
d8ec59b: no need to create strings of PsiFile's Text when we can avoid it or use charsequence
b6ae811: look for xml properties in files with xml file type only
b46a384: do not claim inner / anonymous classes as indexable (we process them from top level class)
a1f95fa: IDEA-113922 incorrect statusbar text when hover Mercurial > Update to fixed
b64b76a: Add tests for boxed boolean variables
f525375: Boolean template should be able to handle boxed variables
20952d1: fix test data
1c3d516: fix test data
2c01929: Cleanup completion tests
5b1eb2a: Add tests of autopopup recalculation
59e3876: Uncomment test that requires Boolean class
d86bd2c: Add stub of Boolean class to environment
e3482a7: Add autopopup tests
07631d3: enable RootIndex
9c23c52: remove unnecessary dependencies from DomManager
d45e47d: replace condition with isAutoPopup method
b482595: Fix not template for boxed booleans
6a78db2: Rename test for better navigation
b6c7262: Completion should rerun on prefix changing
f72efa26: Delete help button from postfix completion configurable
6e26b1d: Fix psi pattern for 1.switch
99676d8: Add actions for completion items
e70714c: Postfix live template should return shortcut char from settings
0c61ab0: Implement live template completion
98332e8: Fix deadlock
4c947ab: [log] IDEA-117816 small optimization in graph cell drawing
bf9f135: create from usage: reuse 'completion inference' when create from argument list
778f002: [log] IDEA-117500 Don't repaint branches panel on every updateUI
1bb8fa1: [log] IDEA-117500 Optimize grouping of branch references
c3aabac: skip excluded nodes during prev/next occurrence navigation
44b1568: fix TextFieldWithHistory rendering on mac
1496a6b: IDEA-81565 Selection foreground is not applied in Column Mode
a0ba534: IDEA-117780 Bad code is green: non-static class T cannot be referenced from a static context
8970cc3: Cleanup (unused parameter; pointless array conversion)
ab9f14e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
913016a: rename & injections (fix for InjectedLanguageEditingTest.testRenameInPlaceDoesCorrectRangeMarking)
4af6570: fix PersistenceRenameTest blinking: inconsistent @NameValue placement and random methods order in DomGenericInfo
c3dd2bb: reassigned variables complicate back&forth debugging
6bafa09: IDEA-117784 ("type parameter hides visible type" inspection false positive)
781ba12: restore suppressions (IDEA-117763)
da48448: pull up: ignore conflicts coming from access object when it is also moved (IDEA-117671)
63044bd: skinny trees
7814a8f: EqualityPolicy.ByHashingStrategy
a7e4bdc: IDEA-117738 Incorrect warning about impossible ClassCastException
de5f46f: 13.1
639449e: platform: load Mac environment from interactive login shell
0c96a73: Test fixes (do not prematurely create config dir)
9492982: Branch information checks moved to appropriated separated methods.
6c3f3dd: suppress injection background for psql
a5dd92c: wait smart mode checks for isReadAccessAllowed too, so, we must not call it
44727c2: optimization — check isEmpty
88f7578: Gradle: fix to avoid simultaneous  project refresh
0924c2b: Method name simplified
e12e09e: remember different working dirs for rerun (IDEA-116110)
96dd995: clean up imports
caed8cc: scope to check for cheap search (IDEA-117665)
03271e6: Contains in branches feature implemented for mercurial log.
8700581: consistent package directories ordering in two directory indices
e800ade: CR-IC-3511 CFR-63806
6dc50e6: move CertificatesManager to platform
0be09aa: Gradle: fix GradleSettingsListener project refresh
b34a551: rename
458c964: IDEA-113344 An easy way to exit from full screen mode using mouse
6148fe7d: cleanup
47adec8: IDEA-117669 gradle multi-module project executing subtask uses wrong gradle version
8618268: IDEA-117669 gradle multi-module project executing subtask uses wrong gradle version
007dc0d: [git] Don't modify the unmodifiable collection
ce13ca6: IDEA_APPLICATION constant
f6b2dfa: cleanup
f598d51: javadoc
02d5e68: convenience method
7280b67: cleanup
602dadd: cache resolved results of new expression
35424c3: don't infer GrClosureType parameters when it is not really needed
f488de2: AppUIUtil.createUndoableTextField
713f323: cleanup
5b7f60f: remove outdated and buggy (in case of library code) property java.debugger.xBreakpoint.onlyIfHasFacets
3cf968c: standalone JPS build: propagate 'forceBuild' option to dependencies implicitly included into compile scope
fb4c1af: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
32eb3f3: IDEA-117704 (Add option to 'Non-static initializer'-inspection to ignore anonymous classes)
98baeca: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
adfaa05: avoid offset calculation in case of LightVirtualFile or HttpVirtualFile
b35548d: cleanup
db4ca37: VmFileEditor — prepare to fix postponed navigation problem in our HTTP file editor. VmFileEditor supports postponed navigation.
9fffb51: simplify — use subResult
bb4de38: overrides
d4b7a60: cleanup, use SmartList
ba81717: cleanup
2f9ce36: javadoc
5e76246: javadoc
397c92d: cleanup
80f3ece: extract StatementPostfixTemplate
56c5cb7: rewrite synchronized
2a3e876: check parent
0f61ced: WEB-10191 Weird field in the Configure NodeJS Modules Sources
f856110: code style
cee8778: update vendors
ef31c24: refactoring high level listeners (IDEA-115905)
daba93f: inline parameter: do not warn about inaccessible propagated parameter
022615c: NPE
7cecc22: type migration: do not search for conversion when types are convertible (IDEA-117634)
2ace283: extend local scope a set of containing files as visitors expect file level (IDEA-117649)
5e9c2c3: fix quickfix breaking code when non-static inner class was used from an other file
65d7ab4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2752d2f: IDEA-117378 Privilege escalation via JetBrains products by local attacker
5af5a62: safely skipping some invalid usages
7580ea3: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
35e38a8: modify code for single binary file stub builder
546c532: Detect SQL fragments only in the beginning of string literals
71fdf96: Fixed LiteralTextEscaper.getOffsetInHost() for partial ranges inside host that contain escapes
68b2eb1: proper synchronization
5224872: testdata for IDEA-114797
2e24dd4: testdata for IDEA-115210
aa63767: parse all generated classes no matter were errors detected or not. This is needed for  later "differentiate" operation to work correctly
713f671: Added caching of decoded fragments of string literals
658b3cf: Fixed detecting file references in Python strings without delimiters
bc9e47f: Removed unused PyStringLiteralExpression.iterateCharacterRanges()
e1d4530: Switched to new string value iteration in Python file references inside string literals
55c1a59: RootIndex: only mark as project-excluded roots that are not under module content
30dc10c: [git] IDEA-117500 Don't copy, just wrap in unmodifiable
587fd52: [git] remove unused method
b5f2137: [log] Fix "details pane" layout
7c6bb19: [log] Separate loading indicator for "Contained in branches"
c791b46: [log] Fix "Containing branches" for filtered list & for Mercurial
f78700e: [git] Move & rename method to get branches to GitBranchUtil for reuse
f95b122: [git] Simplify method to get branches: use branch names.
4296b11: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8f789af: rename affected clone dialog
6ae1477: File name fixed
2d0dc7d: Use Pair instead of a custom class
42b515e: unused class removed
07367e6: style
5e00978: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6688a87: analyze this dependency: filter left tree so only files with dependencies are left (IDEA-115818)
8964502: tests notification: separate not started notification from ignored when no 'not started' tests were detected (IDEA-116825)
3b44e81: use Url instead of plain string +review
bb94f47: introduce newUrl
cf2220c: cleanup — use constant
8f424b5a: cleanup
ad27c69: IDEA-31095 (Add inspection for "instance initializer could be moved to constructor")
55eb306: package renamed
7c961a7: implementation of methods chain completion indexing on jps
f6f19e8: Switched to new string value iteration in Python spellchecker
67c5643: StringUtilTest for unquote* methods
5d8bfc1: Gradle: fix dependency scope merge to respect artifact classifier option related bug - IDEA-117627 Transitive dependencies missing from imported Gradle project
f7a965e: IDEA-96207, IDEA-97651, IDEA-116896 Git and Mercurial Clone dialog unified and improved
61969ae: - use all BinaryStubBuilders versions in stable order to calculate stub version - introduce version for ClassStubBuilderFactory and use all class stub builder factories in stable order to calculate version of ClassFileStubBuilder
ac06c39: EA-52572 - NPE: XmlResourceUtil.parseResources
562fb4d: IDEA-116547 optimization in reassigned vars check
64c1f8a: typo in diagnostics
7f02a4f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e762f5d: ensure custom color schema is loaded for dif command line app (IDEA-116478)
44e5be9: suspicious names: highlight only variable name (IDEA-116475)
48ad86b: suppressions: accept variable suppressions for inspections which register problems on variable (IDEA-116475)
57a0cc6: IDEA-116640 Inspection suppression annotation: remove annotation fix
a22e845: CR-IC-3530 (fix refinement)
684fe1a: CR-IC-3530 (fix refinement)
dc79126: Gradle: hotfix disable extension point for executing tasks in external mode
fe3cabd: fix bad loop IDEA-117644 ("Move initializer to constructor" intention breaks code)
633834f: External system: build files modification triggers threads continuously if "auto-import" feature enabled
1540d12: differentiate between Sun and Oracle VMs
fd1b734: IDEA-117249 Optimize make's constant search algorithm, so that read action is not held for long time
3b31641: (unfinished)CSS module split into css-psi-impl which contains PSI and language implementation and css-analysis-impl which contains inspections and highlighting
f8f537e: notnull
cfac677: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2f0c878: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
647571b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ecc36c1: fixed silent installation mode.
f0eaa63: Cleanup (logging method moved to a better place)
1be5df4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
cd52e13: IDEA-117536 (No-op method in abstract class: Don't trigger when final)
a03bc48: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8ef8417: suggest using WriteCommandAction in document modification assertion
a5e3ec0: Local VCS tests quick fix (ignore temp. FS)
d1985af: disable introduce variable from part of literal expression which is not a string
3478706: testng: ignore default annotations attributes (IDEA-117575)
ae30b20: IDEA-117561 ("Magic Number": Allow use in final local variable?)
69847d4: preselect live templates in autopopup completion (IDEA-117153)
677ad2e: remove TextBlock
b979841: fix ftl test, demote StringBuffer/StringBuilder
7655390: IDEA-117378 Privilege escalation via JetBrains products by local attacker
82bdc89: RootIndex rewrite
bf5d349: make history almost unlimited
6bc6d61: no delay after tab or escape
7642400: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
49111e8: re-create components on every call (laf change fix)
7253375: + "rearranger"
528ec37: more java.lang classes preferred
7368b35: prefer java.lang.String* and System classes in completion
a888bb5: PsiUtilsCore.findLanguageFromElement: result for empty and non-empty files should be the same +review CR-IC
84d8e52: DevKit: refine DOM stubs + test
b2f3b78: Stability
29fb1ff: rewrite switch
6c6b53d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ce277a1: IDEA-117583 DevKit: highlight <idea-version> "min"|"max" as deprecated
59d8b84: Allow to navigate to goal definition.
3d8acf8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
baaaaa6: IDEA-117061 (Can not set location of proxy auto configuration (.pac) file at proxy setting auto-detect proxy settings)
3af91db: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fd41f02: DebugUtil psi modifications: add javadoc, instead of log.error for invalidations outside transactiond
32f1969: revert read access condition reordering: currentThread should be very fast
f56ca26: cleanup, update "since-build"
d552ee4: IDEA-117573 DevKit: highlight <vendor> "logo" as obsolete
0a0aecf: IDEA-103199 Undo: UTF problem (after-review improvements)
fcfc7e1: Cleanup (test)
d371503: correct definition of "oracle vm" for java 6
a774fd7: deprecate StubIndex.get, replace its usages with safeGet made static and renamed to getElements
ae7ef35: check if we're holding read lock before invoking native currentThread
d24d279: EA-52563 - assert: ChooseModulesDialog$MyTableCellRenderer$.customizeCellRenderer
4b83e57: StringUtil.unquoteString with custom quotation character
f33b6f8: trace when psi becomes invalid
cf33faf: inplace rename inside injected elements (IDEA-117489)
1b25c50: be honest, prevent heisenbugs due to incorrect HashingStrategy
2b92540: diagnostics
61e36eb: cleanup
38f2f05: IDEA-117498 Caret locks up after using ctrl+tab to switch editors [r=Peter.Gromov]
bd8611a: test reworked to avoid double-copying of test data and double-comparison
588cd01: IDEA-117494 133.193: Importing grails modules not labeled as grails enabled +review CR-IU
e028bd7: IDEA-79276 Valid xml element substitution highlighted
3417027: test: assertions on I/O ops
95a276c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9e07bda: rollback Denis's changes
3ddc0a4: IDEA-117227 load imports from stubs
7e72dbf: Added PyStringLiteralExpression.getDecodedFragments()
e1657e4: PsiExpressionStatement
7e401fb: remove obsolete EP "regExpPropertiesProvider"
ee55699: fix PyMultiFileResolveTest
fc4384d: use StubIndex.safeGet in GroovyDirectInheritorsSearcher
961e91c: groovy resolve: use internal package caches for faster class/subpackage retrieval by name
ffdb0d7: svn: Removed JavaHL from/to SVNKit types converters
4eaadc7: svn: Removed JavaHL logic - version checking, status client, acceleration type
1470364: svn: Refactored SvnStatusHandler - parse status value without using JavaHL classes
3ffe112: svn: Refactored SvnInfoStructure - parse conflict reason without using JavaHL classes
fa6cb4c: svn: Refactored SvnCommitRunner - use own constants instead of JavaHL Revision constants
5efbf3d: add missing licenses for Android libs
9a87f77: diagnostics
81ed6c6: jdk 8 compilation
9fb29f0: diagnostics
b28e2fd: method removed in JDK8
50c710a: tests fixed
3eaed12: cleanup
5c25635: add <with> to EP
70e1965: Minor optimization: use DomElementsInspection instead of BasicDomElementsInspection
0eb3de2: OC-8863 Add visual background to components groups in darkula
d6a9584: get rid of final classes
dfbbfd0: null
66af363: notnull
49fc4b7: Cleanup (test)
64ec592: PsiBuilder/GPUB: zero-length token parsing support (lexer-based macros)
f998a38: tolerate mysterious groovy class file corruption (IDEA-117454)
0edee1f: make "pointless arithmetic" inspection warn about i / i, i - i and i % i
29daad0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ebdd22e: IDEA-115667 (Inspection: Abstract class naming convention)
9eb00cf: inject java
8b97583: add explicit arguments: eliminate wildcards (IDEA-106741)
c7fcf6b: IDEA-117458 Conditional breakpoints in Grails debugging don't work
49815e2: VcsRootError changed to be an interface, implementation moved to vcs-impl
efbcaf9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3db176f: reverted module type from plugin_module to java_module for localization and rest
8896cc9: Merge branch 'master' of
71cfc6d: IDEA-116519 - Heroku Deployment facet: make the public key field more user-friendly
2cf7ed8: GroovyHotSwapper: use FileTypeIndex
310e294: IDEA-79312 text cursor gets lost
8fdaba4: format code +  style
ea49ecf: IDEA-103199 Undo: UTF problem
83b6571: check lambda return values during constant&conditions (IDEA-117420)
134c2e2: style
3934393: svn: Implemented parsing SVNConflictAction instances from their string codes without using JavaHL types
681278a: Add test for instanceof template
ce8dcc8: Replace instanceof template variable with variable segment
6450764: fix "Usage of obsolete 'junit.framework.Assert'" inspection's problem descriptor
b7ac73b: rewrite return
a70038a: merge junit and testng inspection and fix IDEA-117122 (Misordered assertEquals() arguments not reported for negative numbers)
771a647: mark as simple directory
6ccd631: get rid of throw clause
ba293ee: get rid of BooleanPostfixTemplate, hooray for BooleanPostfixTemplate2
3751c72c: rewrite not
0694e5d: IDEA-117432 Do not fail while resolving client factory for upgrade if "other factory" is configured incorrectly
6242d70: IDEA-117432 Do not fail while resolving client factory for checkout if "other factory" is configured incorrectly
0fdf921: OC-8840
4cc3742: IDEA-115906 Throwable ; IDEA-117401 IAE fixed
7793e6f: HEAD branch filter in new log fixed
b03f3a0: IDEA-117390 'IntelliJIdeaRulezzz' in Code Completion
72c0a83: fallback for expression selection
5dab608: IDEA-116059 After upgrade from 12, IDEA opens all new windows very small
e863612: par template
fd9047c: IDEA-101023 (There is no javax.sql.DriverManager class, the correct name is java.sql.DriverManager)
6919926: do not allow slash in the middle of the child name
02ee160: tests fixed
de1da66: make "Private member access between outer and inner classes" inspection not warn on uncompilable code
4076692: javafx: allow to configure custom manifest attributes (IDEA-115252)
e0222e9: FrequentEventDetector: log outside of synchronized (IDEA-117426)
b29d947: IDEA-117228 Import Gradle build script fails with NotSerializableException of DefaultModuleVersionSelector IDEA-117255 IDEA 133.124, does not recognize gradle project.
02f3e40: svn: Use decoded url string when loading branches (and displaying them in branches popup)
e9f8048: svn: Refactored BranchesLoader - removed unused code, code simplified
df3d4d4: svn: Implemented branches refreshing using command line for the "interactive auth" case (when dialog requesting credentials is shown if necessary)
5baddb3: svn: Implemented browse client - to list repository files and folders
3eb3eb4: svn: Removed unused ShowAllSubmittedFilesAction class
95c4383: svn: Removed unused Wrapper class
0ab2791: svn: Removed unused SVNChangelistClientI interface
3148494: svn: Removed unused imports from RelocateAction
fec66fe: svn: Removed unused SVNWCClient from SvnMergeInfoCache
44d74e4: svn: Removed unused SVNWCClient from BranchInfo constructor
e8d70bc: Move todos
bfdf190: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f573d2c: svn: Implemented "Show history" from repository browser for command line
9369ad1: Add todos
00e7ebf: typo
05b96b2: some words about future
0e08193: rewrite instanceof
4b02b95: svn: Added url targets support to history client
0c32386: another one
3b40534: cleanup
cef8f32: Introduce descriprtion and example for new templates
6375d5e: fix void cast test
be28300: Add extra test for cast template
bedab4d: cleanup?
07f185f: Make key-parameter optional
ab4a463: rewrite cast
2ecbb90: Fold tests + remove throws Exception
e4c55c2: Reimplement while template
dd594ce: In order to avoid deadlock disable prefix calculation by postfixLiveTemplate in LiveTemplateCompletionContributor
d359880: platform: Unix locale in DateFormatUtil
d96c9d0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/livetemplate' into livetemplate
1231fc7: final modifier
871a547: rename
c5819e4: remove all indexed state upon invalidateIndicesForFile (r=Eugene.Zhuravlev)
5012a9b: can not clear JarFileHandler caches (e.g. on JDK 7) -> no logging
b838f19: Reimplement else template
5324fb4: don't lose attachments on stub-ast mismatch reporting
17c6b55: Move key and presentable name initialization to constructor
393d831: IDEA-117391 (annotation highlighting fixed)
9553e5a: Cleanup (pointless test dropped)
cc947b8: IDEA-117359 On unknown variables (say SomeClass.methodCall()) suggest import as the first fix
2545176: warn about non-configured jdk for project files only; check module sdk
d98f1fc: IDEA-117314 Can not compile Java project with Eclipse dependencies storage format
c9359cf: IDEA-116732 Field can be converted to a local variable
96f18ec: Merge branch 'master' of
2694a1f: VisualizeScriptSourcemap action
30d4cdf: cleanup
10561f0: Merge branch 'master' of
9bba592: IDEA-96825 Removed revisions filtering by changed path when building file history
d0a3b13: cache default method signature
9e1e105: tolerate null substitutions (EA-52502)
62c8325: cache GroovyHotSwapper.containsGroovyClasses (IDEA-116851)
c971784: CR-IU-410 - add to git with GitFileUtils#addFiles
da4c45a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a7efa19: Reimplement AssertTemplate
ce7c8cd: fixed tests since we don't propose to make static decorated method
73392fb: Fix testData for if template
c889167: get max heap value for javac from the new location
657b8b5: * stop stdin scanning thread if stdin is ended * don't close process's output stream after sending control command
192a062: Check type in boolean templates
6fc6a21: + "redispatch"
caf3ece: fix actionSystem.fixLostTyping.description
ced044f: Check custom template availability in ChooseItem
10e95d0: @NotNull
5fcbea0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a114ad8: [log] IDEA-117365 Expect "empty" git tag; protect against errors
acc583e: fixed PY-10998 Wrong highlight in rst (restructured texts) for headlines
d3a81f0: IDEA-116087 Warning when using new wrapper.gradleVersion construction
bc527b1: Merge branch 'master' of
b875819: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9c2ae5e: CR-IU-410 - remove -a flag on commit
44b70b3: Groovy: introduce parameter: invoke in-place mode only when extracting from expression
3e946cc: IDEA-117389 Groovy: Introduce constant from string part
43b08e4: fix GenerateGetterSetterTest formatting expectations
b213f10: CR-IC-3471
73b245e: finalize consts
8086f92: gwt, ability to debug — one idea module to many gwt modules
0831af1: IDEA-78508 [Maven] Good Code Red with empty variables in classifiers
f3bf865: automatically starts rebuild if java builder caches are corrupted (IDEA-117024)
b5efe09: WaitForMultipleObjects always returns WAIT_OBJECT_0 (busy loop)
3b4eeac: Merge branch 'master' of
d682a15: Merge branch 'master' of
acb43b7: rename while we still can
95d9502: [log] Make fields volatile
4d5fb00: range fixed
afadf4d: IDEA-91899 Breakpoints: Edit breakpoint popup show point on the breakpoint icon
d55e730: Merge branch 'master' of
034aaf4: don't call default Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Break handler function, because it terminates runnerw.exe process forcibly
336ba48: CR-IU-410 - git repository in idea.system.path
6763822: EA-51913 - assert: DomNamespaceKeyIndex.hasStubElementsWithNamespaceKey
15b5563: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
092db72: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
90c30da: EA-51912 - IAE: CachedValueProvider$Result.<init>
a776fa8: EA-52324 - assert: ClassMappingNameConverter.getVariants: diagnostics
7abab14: test classes combined
6bd1c83: cleanup
f3faf8b: test the actual FileDocumentManager instead of a mock implementation
dc6469b: more robust javac server shutdown
3da930f: range re-fixed
569f3d2: cleanup
3226823: spelling
561c8d1: NullFileEditorState +review
aaa236a: overrides
1251fb6: spelling
0dee8e9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
61eff6f: xml tag completion after prefix
5b13469: rollback
3262dcb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
afa779a: a little bit more diagnostics
524a857: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b491b34: fixing IDEA-117328 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
7d8691d: Rename "Java" -> "JVMOptions" so MacOS doesn't require java 1.6 download from Apple.
c7abbf3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e5c53c6: Gradle: IDEA-116880 Intellij 13 doesn't auto-save files before Gradle task
4da70ec: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a1db704: Gradle: tooling model builders functional tests added
bf0cd69: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
140b618: Gradle: fix check for gradle-related files
5d60265: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
95fbdc9: Gradle: fix MultipleRepositoryUrlsInspection to operate on gradle-relevant files only
88a9b50: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3e6ebd9: IDEA-117347 Search Everywhere popup is too wide (cherry picked from commit f2aed4c)
df4e5d8: remove unnecessary tests
4d2d590: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
723b5df: New API
5d2a90d: Groovy: injection in command expression
28dc97f: IDEA-117292 Groovy: checks for @Immutable class
fd433a7: IDEA-117227 stubs for Groovy imports
af3a9a5: merging ConcurrentMapFactory and ContainerUtil
92c9abb: recover from possible exceptions during rootsChanged
72f945c: add javolution_license.txt
227c05a: more DirectoryIndex tests
310a331: nicer-looking DirectoryIndex inconsistency report, suppress consistency check for isProjectExcludeRoot which fails too often
ab3238e: save a volatile read
5113ad7: Remove useless assertion comments Fix codestyle
df039b6: Wrapping nazi!
6377b26: osx encoding fix moved to platform-api
1e48680: [log] Register disposable right away, not after initialization
cad277c: remove dumps
b27df78: instanceof initial
70f2546: right desc
452d217: final modifiers
a171f52: type parameter rename
c48a500: cleanup
ce447db: [git] IDEA-116690 Fix "Select in Git Log" from File History
6b75dd5: check all applicable helpers when adding files to completion #WEB-10377 fixed
662747e: Postfix completion: fix autopopup after float-literals
3f83d10: use bitset for storing extra large indices
61abae1: WEB-10503 NPE on start
337260e: WI-7226 Rename: PSR-0 support for "new" and "refactor"
6cd0b95: Fixed tips of the day.
a848ce5: continue WEB-2093: reference by id
1b1bd74: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a2eb867: New PyCharm tips of the day.
d78db0f: set ancestor nodes running when a test starts running
c03e613: we should not use Boolean as source of search + review
79f23d6: overrides
412606d: continue WEB-2093: speed search
182a32d: set JTable.autoStartsEdit to false — edit on F2 & double click, do not interfere with quick search
3696408: deprecate old ComboBoxTableCellEditor
3d5743c: add IconTableCellRenderer, ComboBoxTableCellEditor continue WEB-2093: editable browser family
8484b66: overrides
2989162: Cut out escapes from vagrant output in message dialogs.
baef757: Make setters return this to encourage functional style.
71f2736: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
548c6db: Fill providers combo depending on plugins list.
66045f4: IDEA-118330 (kill unresponsive environment reader after timeout)
401a323: revert breaking index change
139adb1: continue WEB-2093 adding user web browsers: path editor
c72dc25: use platform LocalPathCellEditor
47fdfa3: overrides
fd7fa21: continue WEB-2093 adding user web browsers
da7f771: TableUtil.setupCheckboxColumn
ef8f433: cleanup
4b3ea12: continue WEB-2093 adding user web browsers
ddec8b8: cleanup
fd6fe2a: cleanup
8179fb5: cleanup
ed794dd: finalize
28f07af: continue WEB-2093 adding user web browsers
e001efe: continue WEB-2093 adding user web browsers
413607f: init WEB-2093 adding user web browsers
cd5ead2: optimize memory usage for very frequent index occurrences
1898e3e: correct capitalization in some UI places (IDEA-118520, parts of PY-9806)
7b044cb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
717d210: testdata fixed
340bc7a: platform: fake root considered harmful
531ab9b: platform: temp FS excluded from local roots
80af195: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a3b2fc0: bundle junit-4.11.jar
aa53831: IDEA-118763 (handle project component initialization errors)
a6f80fc: [git] IDEA-116738 Don't eat newlines when amending
f4ea819: [git] IDEA-115594 Don't join equal commit messages from different roots
94e7166: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
45844ac: bundle junit 4.11
e422a27: [git] DRY
35d0bc2: [git] remove unused
b79e759: [git] write less garbage to the log
2004462: [log] simplify loading details around selected commit
57c9e85: junit: allow to run single method for single param set from parameterized test
fbd90f6: refactorings: propagate usage info to the 'before refactoring event'
c57e44f: junit: allow to run one-param-set parameterized test from tests view (~IDEA-65966)
05074bb: junit: allow run with working directory $MODULE_DIR$ across multiple modules
ed0efd1: junit: allow passing param set name to junit @Parameterized through program parameters
213c1d6: Make the constant final
bf1b263: IDEA-95729 Make a registry option
c2300b6: SmartList — fix testSingleToArray case
98c596e: CR-IC-3851 Consider to use factory methods
e9c8368: CR-IC-3851 Consider to use factory methods
79314e5: SmartList.toArray — copy without iterator creation
e9290dc: fix SmartHashSet iterator (singleton) +review
f6c3de8: "I've had to include some path mapping to avoid the "read only popup""
e7b96cb: SmartList.toArray — copy without iterator creation + review
b495f44: don't convert CharSequence to String before converting it to ImmutableText
1f5057f: IDEA-118914 typo: subnet
c78d7e4: LOG.debug which file is currently checked when running inspections globally (IDEA-118567)
23dfd86: IDEA-115577 Commit Changes: keyboard shortcut for Commit Message History does not work
dd9fd24: IDEA-118772 Pattern oracle.bnf should also match oracle-11.2.bnf
2f26745: IDEA-118787 IAE: Argument 0 for @NotNull parameter of com/intellij/codeInspection/dataFlow/value/DfaPsiType.<init> must not be null (with testcase)
1eca4f5: CR-IC-3851 cleanup — Consider to use factory methods
f653174: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d00138c: avoid NPE for non-text editors
561a3bc: junit: @Parameterized inheritors supported
2103908: don't cache custom cls navigation elements, as they might be outdated not only on root change
b1a787f: extracted requestBalloonHiding, per review recommendation
5bd84de: better name for API method, according to review comments
02a8cf9: AppCode: test diagnostic
297193a: Action path fixed
fa67089: Cleanup (VFS test moved to others; fields extracted)
7e3ec6d: remove "Open in Dartium" action
041d958: get rid of ReflectionCache
9b69b3b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b9c6939: do not loose all run configurations because of plugin error: ignore faulty configuration
f9b5884: inline deprecated methods of ReflectionCache
86bef20: Cleanup (formatting)
227e1aa: get rid of ReflectionCache
2aec3b6: do not loose all run configurations because of plugin error
1e17233: unable to remove qualifier from method reference even if the method is statically imported (IDEA-118979)
eb258ae: delete catch fix: introduce ARM
ef71e0b: unwrap: allow to unwrap catch for try-with-resources statement
63cf5b9: platform: minor VFS optimization and cleanup
eead8f1: nonempty check
ab602cb: project disposed check
22c7a4f: IDEA-118718 Occasionally seeing "Low disk space on a IntelliJ IDEA system directory partition"
598b328:  IDEA-116803 UI frozen after project open
e1cfccf: Happy New Year
3294bc5: simplify Combobox ctor +review use idea Combobox
fe70b8a: suppress annotation: allow values from //noinspection comments to be included in the list (IDEA-118948)
a8329a3: safe delete: do not change semantic on delete loop/if body (IDEA-114406)
e07f3b2: fix message with coverage/debugger rejection when $MODULE_DIR$ is set as working directory for tests (IDEA-118572)
1e89f7a: extract ComputableActionGroup, introduce WebBrowserManager continue WEB-9047 "Open in browser" usability
2865587: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
eb9ce37: Cleanup.
76a7612: Remove code duplication.
bd8c9c1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
dbb167a: Merge pull request #132 from lehnerj/tip13
17e82d2: IDEA-118756 Fix for stable changes in JUnit 4.12-SNAPSHOT
7071746: enable stripping policy per file (IDEA-118760)
ea66187: [git] Understand renames in the log
0830871: IDEA-101710 Exception Breakpoints | Any Exception with Multiple Class Filters doesn't work
fe16acc: fix arrow position for Retina
0063124: fix darcula colors
e87a766: slightly better fix for IDEA-118691
065fa6d: IDEA-111684 Quick Documentation should resolve values for aggregated / indirect constants
285751f: IDEA-118691 Quick Documentation (Ctrl+Q) often does not display correct javadoc after checking parameters with CTRL+P
6fe35d7: continue WEB-9047 "Open in browser" usability — remove "preview in" action from View menu
511e75c: continue WEB-9047 "Open in browser" usability — move class to appropriate package
a9e3f4a: init WEB-9047 "Open in browser" usability
313e968: strip @SuppressWarning on delegating (IDEA-118528)
a45470a: add inner border for IntelliJ LaF looks not disturbing
f4ed6fb: ensure i18n is available before dialog initialization (IDEA-118193)
3d9d563: quick documentation: fix formatting stripping html tags (IDEA-118673)
f7ce116: ActionManager: <action/> and <group/> "overrides" attribute
5d86370: IDEA-118916 "Install plugin from disk": do not show other files than accepted (JAR/ZIP) in browser
106a3b1: lambda -> anonym: stop at class level (IDEA-118641)
d53eabe: qualified name fixed (IDEA-118683)
a5bcb72: exclude suppressed problems from tree (IDEA-118697)
6591c25: refactored; accept lambda as run argument (IDEA-118775)
17f71f6: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
6a073c9: xml serialization: Support null values in fields marked as @Attribute (do not add corresponding attribute to output if value is null)
b20439d: new look for combo box button
8c42cb3: icons for combo box button
d8b2c49: move code from auto-generated class AllIcons to AppUIUtil
58f0397: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8f76e73: IDEA-118743 (False positive "Number of placeholders does not match number of arguments in logging call")
2542ac1: run under read action to ensure dumb mode state
4b4ea54: EA-50513 - assert: ExpressionGenerator.visitExpression
8a387be: IDEA-97803 Add ignore options to Groovy empty catch block inspection
df5655c: IDEA-118908 svn: Fixed url validation for "Merge From" action to use SVNURL instances (instead of just strings)
7387dee: IDEA-54304 svn: Refactored BranchConfigurationDialog - use SVNURL instances for validation (and not just string values)
c6a9252: IDEA-54304 svn: Do not explicitly save/load port in branch configuration if default port value is specified
c08341d: svn: Refactored SvnInteractiveAuthenticationProvider - removed duplication (for setting dialog title logic)
536608d: IDEA-54304 svn: Take user name (if any) from repository url when first initializing auth data for SSH protocol
f0b3042: HtmlUtil.isScriptTag
ce43bbc: continue WEB-10360: Now we use script preprocessor to support source map backed breakpoints (we add debugger keyword) and... in this case we MUST use script tag offset instead of absolute.
09efbc2: IDEA-97775 Backing out of empty watch editor creates blank watch entry
c34b260: to get version sort copy of ClsStubBuilderFactory implementation array
c8bb6fd: continue WEB-10360 Javascript debugger with non unique file names
602db68: IDEA-118521 Latest 13.0.1 keeps locking up. Editor becomes unresponsive.  Various file types. Using XmlPropertiesIndex to avoid getting xml file content
bb1a41b: Gradle: fix creation/sync of gradle wrapper files on project import (cherry picked from commit e8c50fa)
211d097: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0845f9e: faster xml properties indexing: don't process if no requered namespace string present
9987f8b: cleanup — Consider to use factory methods {@link #createLinked()}, {@link #createSet()}, {@link #createSmartList()}, {@link #create(gnu.trove.TObjectHashingStrategy)} instead of override.
27f0d06: cleanup — use MultiMap.createLinked
0bbfe5d: WEB-10382 Karma tests: allow "Test ignored" output to be suppressed
8fb96a5: Close session on logout option should be used (PY-11718).
bfeecb6: IDEA-118742 removed read action enclosing getting files with particular word (in case of not whole words search it was slow)
1f4910b: removed notnull
b245858: cleanup
f9efef5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1020ee4: fix debugging watch tree
efd6190: EA-52867 (null check)
e9d6759: proper processing of dom indices, 2
c80901e: removed afterUpdate runnable because it was actually not used: all arguments passed were empty runnables
f18f1b5: [log] IDEA-117680 IDEA-116207 Fix showing Changes for multi-selection
a9b17a6: extract checkDisposed() with verbose reporting
f735058: Don't warn for method
316d44c: cleanup code block generation
a8b7b63: Groovy: while's condition is expression
af0b7ba: tuple with parentheses are allowed only inside assignments
64aa586: fix switch testdata
227a659: Groovy control flow: do always process lhs of assignment
61ab9b1: Database navbar extension
e207b56: EA-49328 - diagnostics
4a85dff: IDEA-117377 more careful 'remove explicit type' intention for methods
559b6ef: whitespace checking
e5401d6: proper processing of dom indices
e560ee2: IDEA-118745 Show directory in editor tabs for non-unique filenames doesn't work for non-project files
90f2e9c: IDEA-118446 Installation and plugin update (patch) download ignores Settings / HTTP Proxy
cff5c6c: - fixed serialization for DOM indexes - DOM indices work without exception about stub mismatch
e826bed: typo fixed
db95c42: introduce InternalModuleType
0666a75: Added WinProcessManager for low level work with windows processes.
22c68ce: IDEA-118187 Change font size in run console only changes line height
52aafbb: EA-27319 - assert: FoldingUpdate.getFoldingsFor added more information to error report
a899539: cleanup
227468a: notnull
3a0ed45: EditorSplitters: update shortcuts on keymap change
c714b45: IDEA-99036 Changing breakpoint suspend policy from popup does not actually change the policy
8d3dd02: IDEA-81789 Expression Evaluation goes crazy when multiline expression is inserted
bc118c0: fix second <application/project-components/> error highlighting
8ebc84d: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - encapsulated "myUseAcceleration" (in tests)
00af757: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - removed old compatibility logic for "checkout urls" config parameter (which was moved from workspace file to app config)
c0c0136: svn: Removed unused "PASSWORD" configuration parameter
3658903: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - encapsulated configuration parameters fields - fields are still public not to break configuration persisting - simple renames
e57aca9: svn: Removed unused "LAST_MERGED_REVISION" configuration parameter (and related logic)
851d0f2: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - "create auth manager for command line" methods inlined to IdeaSvnkitBasedAuthenticationCallback
3fc6f6f: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - moved "clear auth cache" logic to SvnAuthenticationNotifier
e0538af: svn: Authentication tests refactored - methods extracted, removed duplication
035b208: svn: Refactored SvnConfigurable - moved "clear auth cache" logic to SvnAuthenticationNotifier
591ad78: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - moved config file utility methods to IdeaSVNConfigFile
20ac89b: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - fields encapsulated
249a78b: svn: Removed unused "addpath" configuration parameter
ec72d3c: svn: Removed unused "remoteStatus" and "upgradeMode" configuration parameters
f936508: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - removed unused methods, fixed simple warnings
bbae5a3: svn: Implemented usages collector of svn working copy formats used in project
644cc4e: svn: Refactored CompareWithBranchAction - inner classes with compare logic extracted to separate classes
a946a94: svn: Moved CompareWithBranchAction to "diff" package
47e7518: svn: Fixed CurrentContentRevision handling for properties diff
6e139b9: svn: Fixed CmdDiffClient to create correct ContentRevision and Change instances for retrieved changes - correctly handle directories, non-local files, deleted files
fb9a151: svn: Refactored SvnRepositoryContentRevision to use FilePath for remote path (instead of just String)
42c824a: svn: Refactored SvnRepositoryContentRevision not to use explicit repository root path (but just required item path)
11e0f08: svn: Refactored SvnRepositoryContentRevision - removed unnecessary catch blocks
62b3c16: svn: Implemented "Compare with Branch" action for svn 1.8 for command line
e160938: svn: Implemented diff client for command line - to compare local/remote directories content
b6ed9e4: svn: Refactored SvnStatusConvertor - removed unused code, inlined methods, not null
e9fde92: svn: Refactored CompareWithBranchAction - method extractions, object extractions, removed unused code
573e468: svn: Implemented "Compare with Branch" action for files for command line
95c04d1: svn: Use common path resolution logic while command output parsing for status, info, commit, update
ac3960b: svn: Implemented support to get info for several files in batch (for command line)
54ea88b: svn: Refactored ReceivedChangeList type checks - used ReceivedChangeList.unwrap()
606d680: svn: Remote revisions caches - added comments, removed unused methods
a5820de: svn: Fixed conflict reason and conflict action parsing (for info command)
19400c2: update tip of the day
c39a2fb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d7b3afb: Get rid of 'Provider' thing as Alex suggested (naming, drop multiple lookup elements per template kind). Chop lines longer >140 symbols (IDEA default, I'm really hoping I'm following IDEA's guidelines)
3c82358: allow V8 map on IBM JDK 1.7
1f08bb4: do not disable "ext.dirs" location, because IBM jdk stores some of its essential jars there
332885d: better assertions
c6731e1: code style
2b49ac9: introduce variable inside lambda: do not step out of lambda block
2fdb93a: invalid range
abea706: Cleanup (formatting; arrangement)
eb9686b: Cleanup (single-use util class deprecated)
3f8057b: default concurrency level upper limit
dcfb1d8: encapsulation of factory's implementation details
75beb19: NPE protection for IDEA-117277, but actual NPE already fixed by Anna
10641fe: EA-52516 - IAE: HighlightUsagesHandlerBase.addOccurrence
8d22bd8: EA-52505 - NPE: MethodCandidateInfo.getPertinentApplicabilityLevel
17e9296: invalid range for xml attribute
19ac5df: IDEA-117252 Extract variable bug
4920da7: IDEA-113339 "replace with method reference" ignores side effect of expression: ignore any new expressions in qualifiers
5252a51: IDEA-117298 Darcula&IntelliJ on Windows: Inspection description is too small in Settings
7cf6caa: IDEA-117095 Goto File: checkbox 'include non-project files' is remembered between invocations [r=Anna.Kozlova]
f57d5ab: fix three state check box under intellij and darcula lafs
132a7c6: IDEA-117296 Fixed buttons look bad under Darcula and IntelliJ lafs
9a5b1b5: fix three state check box under intellij and darcula lafs
610c318: all code in "util" module to create CHM implementation via dedicated factory (see IDEA-116404 Java code compilation does not work with IBM JDK)
d7e8e2a: CodeInsightTestUtil#doIntentionTest(): remove Throwable declaration
40ae21d: CR-IU-366
e962648: close process's input stream after process termination
77e0f1a: support Windows soft kills using runnerw.exe in KillableColoredProcessHandler
b567581: IDEA-117258 IntelliJ theme: selected tabs in Debugger and in Run <application server> views get black color
b5afa13: IDEA-117113 Can't Start Mercurial
e42d12e: Problem — we use short gwt module name (Hello) instead of output name (hello, rename-to specified in Hello.gwt.xml). 1) if rename-to specified, url will be http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/{rename-to} rename-to=“hello” => http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/hello 2) if rename-to is not specified, url will be http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/{qualified name} => http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/
ecf090a: cleanup
cbc278d: enable the correct inspection by default
4613bad: fix NPEs
dfacab8: "read access" assertion and NPE fixes
77ed2ca: fix "read access" assertion
9c4f089: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c500616: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e668634: fix Url equality (scheme)
ec22c2e: fix NPE — url could be in any form, so, parsed can be null
fc8a662: Remove broken dependency on 'markdownj' from tasks-core module
2fdd102: IDEA-113543 Removed revisions filtering by changed paths for "Quick Manual Select" merge option
9d05ff2: IDEA-115786 Allow the number of Maven threads to be specified
d9d898d: EA-52459 (assert: JavaParserUtil.parseFragment)
03d2433: tests fixed
97b228f: interruptibility
0454a91: memory
a7c22bd: WI-21234 (NPE fixed, method argument annotated)
8813143: use uppercase first letter for options text
ffa841a: IDEA-117265 java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.intellij.psi.PsiCallExpression
09fd3ba: IDEA-115953 Editor: Line Spacing < 1.0 no longer works
c613f66: IDEA-117191 (Inspection "Inner class may be static" not working if inner class is return type)
2ea48a5: Gradle: respect IdeaNameDeduper work from Tooling API
79cba99: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
16baacc: NPE on invalid expressions
61d51d0: cleanup
689a977: move all stupid casts to the one place: extract ExpressionPostfixLookupElement
9007d7c: *Base classes
8b11913: drop "ignore in test code" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
fca2783: remove obsolete test
3c9eb69: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
52f0867: do not try to merge stubs if version changed: take three, NPE fix
c2b9a6e: do not try to merge stubs if version changed: take three
bb941b0: External system: add support for different naming of external entities within IDEA models. E.g. external lib name: 'somelib' -> IDEA lib name: 'Gradle: somelib'. external module name: 'some/module' -> IDEA module name: 'some_module'.
a6aa2bb: Fix NPE.
7a0f6ef: Don't break compatibility (PY-11499).
0ecc836: enable abbreviations
43378ec: more searchable options (cherry picked from commit 1dc77a9)
9a96a3f: fix history and symbols 'More' action (cherry picked from commit 31750db)
65eaf17: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
79c9f36: add new actions (cherry picked from commit 84f584a)
6f3a339: change action place to Main Menu (cherry picked from commit 5a49390)
1d00a04: don't use smart search for files (don't use space as a separator) (cherry picked from commit 4a50f96)
8b01ecf: restore empty AST loading filter after highlighting
399eaf2: Docs & cosmetics. v0.7.6
6bcb2f9: Make use of 'JavaSurroundersProxy.ifStatement' in .notnull/.null templates
07d19f6: ImmutableText: include complete BSD license text
a9d3ef2: Make use of 'JavaSurroundersProxy.ifStatement' in .else template
6a6dcbb: One more unchecked cast, now compiles without warnings
4a7cbcd: Normalize formatting a bit, suppress unchecked warning
756937e: drop "ignore in test code" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
7bff718: drop "ignore exceptions declared in tests" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
3c78ab4: lambda -> method ref: do not convert if resulted ref would be ambiguous (IDEA-116964)
9859872: IDEA-117059 (error reporting in updater fixed)
d38a23d: IDEA-117059 (same temp. directory for updater)
9154ab0: NPE in mouse handler
9b13a43: IDEA-117071 (language level in decompiled .class files)
f99fa02: reuse stub reference text in qualified name calculation [^peter]
4b36fa1: introduce variable: forbid to replace write occurrences which occur after read; insert declaration after write usage (IDEA-117204)
d88f344: ready to nulls (EA-52470 - IAE: TypeCompatibilityConstraint.<init>)
bb9f2c7: drop "ignore in test code" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
f0a13c2: cleanup and clarify
5840189: drop "ignore in test code" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
13835cf: drop "ignore unused 'catch' parameters in tests" and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
f6ac8fe: drop "ignore feature envy in tests" checkbox and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
5aa9b8e: IDEA-116260 ISE: RPC handler object "AddOnlineUser" not found at com.intellij.ide.XmlRpcServerImpl.process
2eb0332: let test AST loading filters be more robust to test failures
50d1e11: fix null project
05a93b5: reconfigure navbar toolbar actions
76889ca: show separators in navbar toolbar
d14a620: update Source Code Pro to version 17
9006519: IDEA-117211 empty elements in Search Everywhere
7f304c1: IDEA-104734 Dracula: Cannot see well active tab in Modules Settings
a4e1707: IDEA-117192 NavBar popup shows in wrong place when navigating to the directory from popup
f1d09b5: tuned UI for got it button
e2cdb6d: introduced idea.register.bundled.fonts registry to be able to switch off bundled fonts registration in order to avoid garbled text in editor (IDEA-93404) [r=Konstantin.Bulenkov]
25cf3c5: use java surrounder for if template
f3e71c6: report missing optimizedFileManager only once
69cc0a4: correct place for optimizedFileManager.jar
bd134c2: tests for inside command modification
d7ce337: disable "document modification inside command only" for free-threaded documents
1cd19f7: command name
76880d9: build scripts: added dependencies to required jps plugins to fix starting build scripts from IDEA
99b0894: remove dependency on platform-impl — move data uri related util methods to util +review
356afaa: drop "ignore empty 'catch' blocks in tests" and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
6976e88: don't respect boolean any longer because there's no ui to disable it
ebeb994: make adapt_builder_() overridable (initState -> public)
869fa42: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
342026e: Jediterm updated.
3c85c69: drop "ignore exceptions declared in test" and use "suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
166d33a: enable by default
3b2bc9c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
bdd7043: Merge pull request #6 from ignatov/cast
d5d96de: deprecate useless ReflectionCache methods
184c578: fixed PY-11500 False positive in method may be static inspection for decorated methods
f060500: Mouse selection should always work in Terminal (IDEA-117210).
797ade1: EA-52484 - IOOBE: ConsoleHistoryModel.getHistoryPrev
dc4cc5a: notnull ImmutableText.valueOf parameters
1810858: avoid double DocumentImpl.assertWriteAccess
f22cec8: use ensureValid (EA-52448)
4479456: IDEA-115945 Provide support for Per Environment Bootstrapping
c2b27d2: use java cast surrounder
d0301c6: prefer URLUtil +review
a3081ca: [git] Quick-fix for IDEA-115581: don't fail, just skip such hashes
2e0c576: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7b6b8de: fixed problem of starting on mac 10.8.5+with no java installed
4617618: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
852785e: testdata to check invalid method refs
282bfb6: EA-52426 - NPE: JavaDocInfoGenerator.generateSuperMethodsSection
34cbde3: EA-52436 - IAE: PsiElementFactoryImpl.createType
e305473: Remove dynamic dependencies on JavaVM.framework. Otherwise we will be asked to download java from Apple site
055d3bf: added rearranger test for anonymous classes
7bf1e6f: Use Source Code Pro as we don't have problems with unprintable pseudo-graphics as we iterate fonts to find suitable one for unprintable characters.
9e88e3b: [vcs] IDEA-109608 Apply patch: Fix path detection for new files + test
3afe8b5: Merge pull request #5 from ignatov/tests-cleanup
8e13a6a: missed test
be8da2f: Merge pull request #4 from ignatov/tests-cleanup
6a19297: Project parameter to runWriteCommandAction
c0f358c: cleanup
cdcb414: cleanup
04e17d1: overrides
01f1fa8: tests cleanup
b2307d0: IDEA-115412 Diff window is minimized  after the appearance
9c31319: Merge pull request #3 from ignatov/shared-configs
7349d49: move tests to the appropriate package; run configurations added
32a21fb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
be905df: ActionTestCase extracted from CoffeeScript and Puppet
5847e27: suggest casting int to long when Long is expecting
f2c576c: method refs: do not choose more specific method between methods with different number of params (cherry picked from commit f986c7c3541f032da16736f43fd34c92337242c4)
41f4842: plugin advertiser: ensure that older plugins won't be ever suggested (cherry picked from commit 3bd2a55d4272f3154be73a93155cc6c512a7dcaa)
b9ee30c: plugins advertise: download plugin if it was not explicitly disabled (IDEA-117003) (cherry picked from commit f739564c0fb744ef8b819f2df4011a9eaeb00685)
ca248d8: plugins advertiser: provide loading plugin version for renderer (cherry picked from commit df398a91a558ef3c1a4f85c34b119fa4859bfd6f)
8818860: CCE (IDEA-117119) (cherry picked from commit 751d401cd177c5da5cd454ec9ebbcd6464a1b08f)
301efb1: lambda: do not distinguish between ellipsis and arrays for formal lambda params checks (IDEA-117124) (cherry picked from commit 03b253b084ddb93ce485b1997d47a4b00284eb74)
acdf70a: ~update mockJDK-1.7 used classes to be at least from jdk 1.5 (cherry picked from commit 7e1f100585719ad9c686d24d43a9c9e2a78109f1)
ad9486d: do not create raw outer types during diamond inference (cherry picked from commit c812622e14b3cb86ec18cedd406118789abb2e83)
834793e: mock 1.8 jdk (cherry picked from commit 86b3924bc3c6dca79f9d5f75bc5e93307a5da4f4)
0057f81: check that index for which indexUnsavedDocument is performed can be applied to given file type (EA-47740) [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev]
8eb6624: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6156989: Lowercase directory names on OS X... argh
15869e7: IDEA-96723 Java Rearranger deletes blank lines in field declarations
9d6c3a8: FileUtil.readLines(File) method
5b6dadb: use ImmutableText for document contents
39c059f: removed signing for CE launchers.
3c553d6: Minor typo fix (IDEA-116432 Incorrect Spelling of Eclipse)
13b5a46: IDEA-116558 Update state transition requests for JIRA REST API 2
3d0d149: a couple of tests fixed to avoid assertion of document modification outside command
ab71fcb: assertion for changing document inside command or undo-transparent action only and warning of PSI modifications inside document save listener
fa708d3: moved to psi
75151b1: IDEA-116866 (path overriding for plugins/log dirs fixed once again)
8e2ad06: IDEA-116756 Gradle multi-module project with deep-nested modules - idea places iml file in the wrong directory
9ecbdc6: special icon for generated test root
b076862: ver 0.7.5
0a139a6: Cleanup
8613b2c: Normalize 'import' style
731a05f: Fix naming of packages
af70c0e: faster dfa concatenation processing
117a25c: Rename SDK 2
00bd16a: Rename SDK
b34ebc4: Fix column widths in configurable
3721e70: Convert field to local variable Show column titles
790e23b: Rename templates panel
4077201: Merge pull request #2 from ignatov/cast
2520fb1: small cleanup for cast template
af0f00c: Revert (signer is not available within CE)
dc6be5b: IDEA-116866 (path overriding for plugins/log dirs fixed)
8fd2f55: Cleanup (punctuation)
cd9c425: EA-52322 (diagnostic)
80d5bcb: util: LinkedHashMap from pairs
4c4fc8c: Reimplement confugurable, first iteration
4d5bfb7: IDEA-92545 (Type maybe weakened does not always work)
641eabb: Extract method for retrieving PostfixTemplatesService
5558fef: Merge branch 'master' of
6534861: CR-IU-410 - replace init method with constructor
f141c64: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
329fe2b: Add out/ directory to .gitignore
c93fd52: Add idea codestyle
7fe0024a: Add idea inspection profile
56f1936: dfa: don't try to merge obviously incompatible states
b889d6e: cache intermediate dir infos in RootIndex
661b9da: Merge branch 'master' of
554b244: CR-IU-410 - drop unused import
3de5bbe: Setup composite as it is done in EditorImpl.paintComponent.
a8e1e9a: don't let invalid fold regions and hyperlink highlights add up on console overflow (IDEA-117120)
25eb9fc: don't drop all caches on second completion invocation in the same place after the copy has already been reused
cbd50b3: Behave the same as EditorImpl.
c19e163: continue WEB-9968 Dart: ClassCastException when debugging web application in Dartium
62f5430: finalize constants
a708a6e: newHttpUrl — authority must be NotNull
95c5bb9: cosmetics
a13d7be: use the same background color
69ddb19: refactored AbstractLayoutCodeProcessor, ReformatCodeAction
b2bce83: set lower limit of 1 for max_worker_threads_count (for low-profile cpu)
6ccdae5: IDEA-111388 Built-in server not "available external" — it is unclear that port number must be also changed
e11330e: make IntelliJ laf by default on Linux
b412249: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
eec2e4a: use backported V8 CHM only for Oracle or Apple JDK (IDEA-116404 Java code compilation does not work with IBM JDK)
abea23a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
ed3c105: added signing for community launchers in zip distr.
96e001e: avoid blocking runReadAction in debug logging
5b4f290: VfsUtilTest.testNotCanonicallyNamedChild under Linux
76896b9: moved to core
a63aaeb: isCaseSensitive method
e77ddeb: reaction to range highlighter' renderers change: repaint gutter non only when renderer appears but also when it is gone
50873ad: utility method
33fcb9e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3052d82: fixed PY-2984 Surround with try/except reformats entire file
c847d67: save / load per project key hash codes
b929c67: use existing project
c102290: update artwork for version 13
6dafd1d: add history
8093829: CR-IC-3403#CFR-62470
d7a7a2f: IDEA-111161 Flat tool window design (hover shouldn't look like selected)
14c9ec9: CR-IC-3403 we must return empty state if empty, but not null
cd35a94: test for unzipping malformed zip archive
8e10c3a: target error message for a newly created project
fa39c70: NetUtils.tryToFindAvailableSocketPort
4ecac7f: introduce Urls.newUri, prepare to fix WEB-9968 Dart: ClassCastException when debugging web application in Dartium
391caac: Merge pull request #1 from zolotov/infrastructure-improvements
a128fa5: FinderRecursivePanel: do not perform getListItems() in EDT on update
02da50f: use ZipFile, because it throws exception for a malformed zip archive
eaf3233: mutating methods pushed down into SoftWrapModelImpl
d43e5d9: Fix maven tests.
691aebb: remove caching from ReflectionCache
c317710: Remove old TemplateProviders package
ec7f98e: Reimplement PostfixCompletionManager with Service
a6f9141: External System: support for multiple tasks execution added
b749bf1: better colors? fix balloon and popup borders
01e9748: utility class holding two colors for gradient painting
9750b3a: Simplify if-statements
dc07e66: Reimplement TemplateProviders with extensions
05c0e14: removed duplicate module definition
414a185: fixed clicking on stacktrace links in console when several classes are found: prefer modules over libraries, show popup if necessary (IDEA-52913)
691e7e2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
15cb709: File chooser for shell path (PY-11334).
99d62c8: Take shell path setting before every process creation.
189973d: Merge branch 'master' of
036cc96: Cloud integrations - deploy artifacts to git clouds
01ef080: switching to java.util.ConcurrentHashMap in jps code; eliminate unneeded map queries
740725d: fix NPE [^Ann] (cherry picked from commit 403f9a5)
7f1b705: IDEA-114952 Eclipse code style import: would be nice to remember imported file location (URL fix for Windows)
896e23a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b08500c: args can be immutable (PY-11465).
d08af6d: javadoc: keep whitespaces in {@code} tags (IDEA-109997)
02cabc4: IDEA-117082 Anonymous class assigned to final field
cbcc0e8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
aa90618: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3656e43: CR-IC-3403#CFR-62470 leads to changes between IDEA versions and we try to avoid this as much as possible
c5d4fdb: Take default shell from env variable.
95c72cb: don't drop all caches on second completion invocation in the same place
ab741be: Restore selection after undo delete operation
6646b18: some memory tune-ups
682c71d: Problem with username fixed
a4a8e3a: copyright: ensure that we update copyright in the correct project (IDEA-114186)
354fece: junit: do not reuse directory configuration from another test root (IDEA-116871)
effc865: junit: do not create directory configuration when selection is not under test root, e.g. module content root (IDEA-116871)
2b4dc10: product name -> full product name (IDEA-117070)
5d8f8fd: diagnose and recover from IOOBE when node ranges are inconsistent during commit
17cc299: Allow to pass parameters for MavenEmbedder via system properties.
fb583bf: IDEA-117077 Can't remove files from Recent Files
ee2e304: IDEA-117073 Recent files and Switcher are not centred in ide window
510da92: file watchers tips should be in WS only
dc69039: use ensureValid
9ef47ff: RootIndex: no package name for ignored directories
032b1f2: Copyright must not save empty settings +review
32453bd: cleanup
009ca28: IDEA-114418 (Grails SDK of an dependency)  -Dgrails.disable.structure.update=true should work for JDK synchronization.
27557a3: index property optimization
5c1d10a: class searching optimization
fdb6916: typo
7c076b6: EA-52338 - assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getComponent
a7b76f5: shorter message
aadeb26: IDEA-117030 Groovy/Gradle frequent, severe hangs
99ffd83: plugins advertiser: ensure that all installed plugins would be enabled - check also unknown plugins (IDEA-117068)
e545297: plugins advertiser: do not suggest to update to ultimate on implicitly disabled plugins (IDEA-117040)
9af3c15: update complete statement tips
3e4c22c: removed LOG.error for null syntax highlighter
8d73687: remove image tag
423f210: missed images
53ae1ad: Enter in SE should close popup if selection is a setting
5b14b47:  button placed on top, should be in the middle
e2953b9: fixed PY-11435 Can't run script by context menu action if it has method named test
283a1cf: Add missing module definition. (cherry picked from commit b975e7d)
1fe89e9: Fixed detection of the largest string literal for right parts of '%' operator
0df2a18: Add license for "aether-api-0.9.0.M2.jar"
79c4e6e: IDEA-116881 Please time stamp gradle tasks
e0712b9: IDEA-54405 Use decoded url for "Checkout"
9732da7: IDEA-116891 gradle import creates a lot of extra empty directories
ca7e083: IDEA-116891 gradle import creates a lot of extra empty directories
881fdc6: IDEA-117022 Use decoded url for "Show History"
58704c7: relative path - special url, encoding is not required
3868464: cleanup
065a7d1: CCE fixed (IDEA-116968)
36bacc0: IDEA-100294 Cannot edit a file - text jumps all over the screen
3b21d86: IDEA-116636 Android-Gradle facet is created when Gradle synchronization related bug IDEA-116887 Gradle web artifacts do not contain compiled classes and JSP files
64e7f51: IDEA-116636 Android-Gradle facet is created when Gradle synchronization related bug IDEA-116887 Gradle web artifacts do not contain compiled classes and JSP files
d3f9d06: IDEA-116974 Gradle Plugin doesn't handle 'providedCompile' dependencies in 'war' projects correctly
d274eb6: revert changes to fix problem with saving settings when WriteExternalException is thrown (cherry picked from commit a6fa4dd)
ef475ea: IDEA-97696 Custom tool windows layout is lost on exiting IDE with closed projects (cherry picked from commit 984cdfb)
20b26a1: Search fields: native border visual glitch (cherry picked from commit 922ecfc)
a4d51a6: Lens pixel hunting (reviewed by kb) (cherry picked from commit 17913b8)
7175093: IDEA-111161 Flat tool window design PATCH(reviewed by kb) (cherry picked from commit 4055528)
2a9a91b: IDEA-115546 Full Screen Mode: main menu persists on screen, when invoked by the keyboard shortcut(reviewed by kb) (cherry picked from commit 5be1c50)
3b1fe7f: compilation fixed
c30d973: don't write new settings to profile if they have the default value
cbe65f9: do not change parameter types in MethodSignature
243927e: copyright: common scope chooser before update
956e568: info -> debug in the old code
9062554: optimization: do not check scope if attributes are empty (^peter)
92adf45: inspection profile: no need to initialize on write when tool was not initialized (=had default settings on read)
fdb3b74: possible NPE, explanation for the used scope
094ac76: IDEA-116991 "IDE is up to date" message
bf64625: lambda: process lambda as parameter for anonymous class (IDEA-116987)
383ad37: export inspections: delegate severity of entry points to unused declaration (IDEA-116984)
d7dc6ca: IDEA-66494 Switching between search and replace
684ec2c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5965955: Add idea.log to exception report attachment
0f9f94c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c44098a: use exactly parent url
1088e3f: IDEA-115862 Find in Path should default to current files's path
d06f31a: IDEA-116921 Run configuration can't resolve test dependency when "Resolve workspace artifacts" ticked on.
1290923: handling cases when added class hides imported class with the same short name (IDEA-116914 Incremental compilation of Java project fails)
8c35e68: IDEA-116452 "Resolve workspace artifacts" option doesn't work with Maven 3.1.x +review CR-IC
89924a0: fixed PY-11452 tcunittest errors with single-character failure message
0520f19: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
690f786: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
afd0517: fixed test data
e6c7dba: do not update recent projects on closing in headless mode (cherry picked from commit 5b8fb93329ce88fd24e5b6dca913fb0b78fe880a)
9f23d62: plugin advertiser: filtering fixed (cherry picked from commit e2750ea61032f2a041cb012bb7b90cffa0deba73)
868f52a: new inference: cache functional type to check (cherry picked from commit 31bdea83bd3bcbffabdaed4f09d9b6ddfce04090)
220d3f6: respect search scope searching for constructor refs (cherry picked from commit a9669b2d78dad206f25ffc939199b20bd47ac7ad)
e493e0c: new inference: lift containing class type parameters for method references (cherry picked from commit a341be1196484b6e4c33a7d10059d2bec5bdf955)
912722b: new inference: raise a error when function type was not inferred (supposing well-formed type as free from wildcards) (cherry picked from commit a9173e822d2aab629265baf295248950e2319e31)
24cd3f0: wildcards inside: fix for intersection types [^roma] (cherry picked from commit 6e88ca6de6e921f45f069a34d1e48f5566d362a1)
b15fa5d: new inference: propagate calculated substitutor to use in B3 reduction process (cherry picked from commit 9e70662bfae9dd6419ded2928e30b28b31eeee68)
6bdc2b9: new inference: do not incorporate during B1 phase; TypeCompatibilityConstraint reduces to true for raw substitution and erase in this case method return type (cherry picked from commit bde1932a613b16a37843d93082763fc172626550)
75dbc07: plugins advertiser: ensure that installed plugin is not suggested (IDEA-116927) (cherry picked from commit 0f50ba85bb24c992749a5e61503e03cd635b3e26)
b1582ae: plugin advertiser: suggest ultimate edition for bound plugins (cherry picked from commit ddadbb201b8a127d4c27c692a340f020f99f58a0)
114485f: NPE (cherry picked from commit 4f8711f13c3a3ebb847d879c0347013397792e84)
3658742: quickfix name (IDEA-116639) (cherry picked from commit c56f91baa99d6946b3fc432c86072da44196b8a5)
4360e42: new inference: testdata to prevent regression (cherry picked from commit 48a86f05e7661d2a96cf6c6d95eaa4629446d0bb)
4001f9f: new inference: include containing class params for constructor refs (cherry picked from commit be696513a9ed7e418385a25a879b1e0373dd4cf2)
693eddf: new inference: testdata (cherry picked from commit 6f0f160f905ae275a2eeaca58343a176df1a42c8)
a6e99dd: new inference: incomplete methods ready (cherry picked from commit 59177525941b8cb78cb8f99d7402e9528c8894ad)
9ac34fc: new inference: highlight method refs with incompatible inferred bounds (cherry picked from commit e1af6d1b69f93db6915d3c4f86eaee95389607d2)
fc58e5e: new inference: include lifting constraint when parent call is being investigated (cherry picked from commit aaeafcdce1c8d49512cc1fece17afb3e1705492e)
45cf19c: new inference: skip null subtypes (cherry picked from commit 837fc3567e628ac753d3e3c19f5c1039465ecf7d)
5f1db87: new inference: avoid one type parameter inference (cherry picked from commit f764e69e3f7e98e0c94e701706121069f2775586)
f3950b7: method refs: take ref type arguments into account (cherry picked from commit 47474aaa3b68d2fa4c88276cb4e52cf17c6c55ac)
69191bf: new inference: accept Object/null type argument equivalence (cherry picked from commit e631676784df65aa2f68a4fcaddcae3802d3d7df)
3188589: new inference: do not instantiate vars with upper bounds mix when incomplete substitutor is supposed (cherry picked from commit ff73c519f10ec947b86832a0c4ce5d6ee9b9e4c3)
80e8321: intersection types for PsiTypeVisitor; do not convert intersection type to class type even when no actual substitution is needed (cherry picked from commit 4670ddf57981f596122082365e43587990c3a53e)
d338bc7: lambda: break/continue inside lambda body checks (cherry picked from commit a290c356e646bb8ad9c097664648ad9033adf2a8)
f8e74f0: new inference: temp solution for inexact method refs (cherry picked from commit e94cddb696cbcb3e3a8d8e4f62f8903b4bd71403)
19852e6: new inference: infer from thrown exceptions in lambda body (cherry picked from commit 04056c01aa1eef1239ac88d48baec7ff109ef0df)
709b616: lambda: void-compatibility check for expression's lambda void type conditional (cherry picked from commit 76bab4d85984e95279b0358b53ff85734c4589a5)
a1bf37f: new inference: lift type params from referenced method (cherry picked from commit 057bd4d4d576711b77141b64987079ef8d59a583)
12baf9a: new inference: accept all inexact refs during overload resolution (cherry picked from commit c21ac7ada213c2de28b3e8e5aa15d3fde4490458)
a6c8262: new inference: overload resolution: check return types when method refs are exact (cherry picked from commit ccacf897e97a121f795a079e485249842c95c273)
82fd892: new inference: overload resolution: check SAM specific withing common specific check (cherry picked from commit 2bbd45e57bc5df7ff2a5cae7acedc0d2428d9afe)
e3197b6: constructor refs: forbid raw constructor references with explicit new type args (cherry picked from commit a127d801aa080f2efe3784edd5cca419dccfda2e)
f66adc7: new inference: refinement on generics array creation/forbid wildcards in ClassType qualifier (cherry picked from commit 72a410e804b569893f0bad7739bdd9a7c1c270f1)
d42efc0: unchecked generics array creation for method references (cherry picked from commit 742ea955d1a88c4ac8cb7727a9221bdf65038c11)
e351956: lambda: void-compatibility check for expression's lambda refined (cherry picked from commit c59e6beb8c42c48a46550b39725587d3aa8f560a)
af2681e: new inference: forget old instantiations before reduction (need for incorporation) (cherry picked from commit aca9abc4139024765594cb7c683bed77ae8db74e)
10439a1: new inference: reject methrefs with inconsistent number of parameters (cherry picked from commit 9c41270192e140ed28067e2740333c6d3fa49bd2)
a9bc9bf: check bounds should ignore recursive substitution also when wildcard is captured (cherry picked from commit bb08b50baa9e80cf8f99a87e1d8d040bb099e12c)
b8c1c38: new inference: raise a conflict for 2 captured wildcards as equality constraints (cherry picked from commit 52bf5c35f05483ed957af17eb80b1b70cd3ed1c9)
73bf021: new inference: javac bug registration (JDK-8028503) (cherry picked from commit 76727c790a9fcac64dce762d8d6fc674680d1905)
b340126: new inference: cleanup (cherry picked from commit 7dc1d2239b2a40c8aa0a9905adf39b14d49d21fc)
d30bcb3: new inference: accept unbounded wildcards (cherry picked from commit ff37a13662a6d85d7890755130e6a696db00c4a6)
b3d9ff9: new inference: array creation notional method; testdata (cherry picked from commit dc1b25b74db12a5282332b5bae1d10da1aed99e8)
3c3f917: new inference: method constructor array reference processing (cherry picked from commit dbc986aab8519ee3c93f39f04c31cbae0bfd2657)
d7e914b: new inference: use policy to pass that params should be lifted without Object assignment (cherry picked from commit ba466100e201658701fa056c1a3641a42abb2d8d)
628e05b: new inference: isValueCompatible check during reduce (IDEA-116548) (cherry picked from commit 3d028a86a23efeba68187c5a43d822c7aeb388f3)
a6309f6: extend testdata for IDEA-93587 (cherry picked from commit d4939f7b93989a0e3387c225de335ef7bf19949f)
6086b17: testdata for IDEA-106670 (cherry picked from commit 78c98d762dd449ff86ea805179b51c2d2b4fc00f)
b612209: testdata for IDEA-116359 (cherry picked from commit bd1ca6826f3a5449c2a26a1ea3b471c21f4bc7d5)
bd64f40: testdata for IDEA-116252 (cherry picked from commit 263652d7e97e6caab5dce7fb95a37d14ff34de4b)
260977a: enable new inference for 1.8 (cherry picked from commit f8ab566aafbb1b639e935b34975440a7172a637c)
481bc25: switch tests on new inference (cherry picked from commit d2cbf3f2833104c3a0381059b0d6ef8ac0b3c94c)
23432e3: new inference: array constructor refs are always exact (IDEA-115725) (cherry picked from commit 0f6538fc54bbee0aaf6cbab9884c0407937d4568)
0c02d87: new inference: process type arguments withing bounds (cherry picked from commit 18c175ea17eb26b4baec7cc1f7b9579849783a5e)
f7fd852: lambda: catch exception by SAM method substitution (IDEA-116441) (cherry picked from commit 0bce39590bdcc6e6a74c0dcedbb02add3333e685)
79c9afb: testdata for IDEA-116493 (cherry picked from commit 9270256d3bb30a40be89fee9609f49f288a69040)
8d066a2: new inference: preserve the order (cherry picked from commit d83860b652f9510c2ed59109ccfdee2d02557241)
a9b10b9: new inference: unintended raw substitutor (cherry picked from commit 80cc211ac832022cebd429774cd4661b1b47877a)
d37bf95: disable tests for a while (cherry picked from commit ad536eda6f2b09b366dae6ab2322526e32558eb6)
7f5f6bf: new inference: reject wrong overloaded methods earlier (cherry picked from commit 1ae5a895d4ae466df6106913c268339d63dbbe64)
530d047: new inference: merge equals constraints before rejection (cherry picked from commit 3a660f4b84a23f42f1355bc7702c6d9904984ee2)
bbd2b72: new inference: skip wildcards in SAM return types (cherry picked from commit a2d6c53f181a000945b42777d21046ee7a05bff3)
ec99a45: new inference: include constraint without input variables first (cherry picked from commit f971c6fad15e7037cba08ba474bc8965ba7dc130)
492398b: new inference: simplify check for call expression (cherry picked from commit 3624126e79fd72af03425299300bbdd9cda75ef2)
72cf910: new inference: do not skip contradicted bounds (cherry picked from commit 8ce52d2dc87cfde0471a65c55df972711bffa1c4)
fa579af: new inference: input/output variables strictly after spec (cherry picked from commit 7a6936834b386b54df9e7901ee9c7452704ba084)
ba7784c: new inference: is poly expression strictly after spec (cherry picked from commit a66cfe3806da068d012952170e22000a47bbfda1)
adc1ea2: new inference: is pertinent to applicability strictly after spec (cherry picked from commit d1573452f675df60c3aa9155f29fb6c794ac964e)
0c5ad3e: new inference: equals/hashcode for final fields only (cherry picked from commit c1c6e161f6036938bb712c76e58c9270b4b86c38)
1f5e19e: inference testdata fixed (cherry picked from commit 684b8905b9b3be10200c855af7b54d543b128f2b)
c0c190f: CCE in scala (cherry picked from commit 88a43e939198ae9a966f457d27d381d283d4c112)
a1e0e12: new inference: check all overload methods during return type constraint detection (cherry picked from commit 7017ba9d1c7f0f911241331f03ef61198fc69d5c)
8e571b3: new inference: capture return type to emulate method call expression type (cherry picked from commit a14b996d8c3efe5b1dc4a6fc3d45aea5feff6197)
64c3ce5: plugins advertiser: ensure before open files (cherry picked from commit d8c3c254ae0f839b5dcc61ccc2bbfd42d274ff6b)
d881e4b: new inference: process mutual dependencies (cherry picked from commit 72dcb6d8ce54a6be5f236a9c3cae0350293375cd)
c8c35de: IDEA-116362 ignore extension does not work (cherry picked from commit 84fe96736fb2fbbbaf5f739b3aed4ea2072edb0e)
fbc9904: Guava and Pty4J libraries dependencies.
18db741: fixed PY-11476 No error given for mismatched accolade and squarebracket
70533cb: Pty lib updated - run in console mode.
8945d78: IDEA-116945 IDE unresponsive with too many console foldings
304a802: Allow to run processes with PTY.
abb93f2: IDEA-116917 check for jansi in classpath
9da2215: select correct shell runner in title
b6df353: IDEA-116837 Groovy: don't suggest to shorten references in comments
7e8b160: [log] IDEA-116399 Fix filter by branch
4696e18: grayed text is invisible on Linux
e5e7602: NPE fix: editor is not shown case
aa73c61: really enable by default
10eaf8a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9609156: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b459118: Overriding language in VariableInplaceRenamer. (CoffeeScript)
6ebb2ee: Merge branch 'python-intellilang-injector'
ae9b9ba: IDEA-102449 Mac OS + JDK 1.7: dialog sheets go to background if focus is moved from IDEA and then back [Filechooser part added and refactoring]
f4303eb: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
b98ce36: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b0fa5ca: Added comment-based language injector for Python
ae50061: fixed tests
efd5985: IDEA-113730 Implemented "cat" command to read content as binary data (not to read as text data and then convert to bytes using some encoding)
884c0ff: fix bounds violation when uncommenting EOF comment
1704b4a: DRY bug fixed
db52690: IDEA-55970 (Erroneous "type may be weakened to 'null'" in generic method)
16650f3: Merge branch 'python-intellilang-injector'
78fc601: Fixed un-inject language availability for temporary Python injections
61ee967: menu is not visible on Linux + IntelliJ theme
9de9e34: [vcs] IDEA-115571 Don't clean change lists's commit message until committed
ab2d17a: Method renamed.
11bc558: update tips
baafab9: Extracted PyInjectionBase.registerInjection
c132ce6: suppressed detection for all frameworks in our project
240a1ff: IDEA-116682 ("Collection declared by class, not interface" suggests abstract classes)
02b261e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
726ffc1: [log] Make "show details" & "show long edges" actions dumb aware
7021a46: style
0e1c820: IDEA-113684 Soft wraps insert additional spaces
372d6c1: javadoc
dfee10f: error reporting in 'Project Structure' dialog: merge UI updates (IDEA-116808, IDEA-110799)
495fddc: added quick-fix to delete all unused libraries (IDEA-99885)
7c80f38: IDEA-116910 (Invalid "unnecessary explicit numeric cast" warning)
f119c2e: IDEA-108838 Wrong code when introducing variable in injection
07385a6: get rid of invoke later
768f1de: IDEA-115275 (bundle compiler migrated from VFS to plain files)
2d366e6: Cleanup (formatting)
bcd648e: update CharArrayUtil.fromSequence doc, use it instead of fromSequenceStrict
85253bd: introduce multi-token nextTokenIs()
79ef033: do not auto-switch current suspend context if a new thread with suspenPolicy=thread hits a breakpoint (IDEA-116160)
49a033a: [log] IDEA-116950 Draw just "tag +" instead of "tag + 5 more"
9f24b72: [log] IDEA-116950 Don't display all tags if there are too many of them
3bb3524: [log] Refactor: move ref painter & drawRefs & calc refs padding to the common parent class
332b443: Do not initialize docks in test mode
030c5f3: IDEA-102449 Mac OS + JDK 1.7: dialog sheets go to background if focus is moved from IDEA and then back
307f301: [log] Fix possible race conditions in "Containing branches"
662f63c: [log] Don't display "Loading..." immediately, let a 300ms delay
cff1db6: enable by default
7ad802c: [log] Show details panel by default (as it were in the old log)
73ae4b2: [log] More clear name for "Go To Ref" action
4d1e0c0: [log] No need in "Copy Hash" action on the toolbar
538fcaf: [log] Don't hide "Go to ref" action when focus is not in the log
49939da: align RootIndex.isProjectExcludeRoot with DirectoryIndexImpl
bd9bfa8: fix testdata
51f20ec: IDEA-116628 No nulls in type parameters
1db5836: CharArrayUtil should not return array that's longer than CharSequence
2199afd: IDEA-116838 Make iteration order in com.intellij.util.containers.hash.LinkedHashMap consistent with java.util.LinkedHashMap's
5cde14b: platform: partial refresh fixed
702fee5: Cleanup (formatting)
264bf33: platform: more readable diagnostic message
c4e9893: Cleanup (bug reference updated)
a0c7d51: WEB-9933 What should happen when creating node.js Express App as New Module?
06d747d: Some html contains wrong width and height for images
c91c593: allow only string and int literals to have provided references in java
85af401: try to recover after finding stub in a non-stub file
c7a0408: get rid of psi/doc inconsistency before reparse by not relying on TextBlock information
badc25d: trying to make sense of p4 timeout in tests
8baba96: avoid double vfs name retrieval on initialization
68c0e46: UI HELL
f588bc4: Merge branch 'python-intellilang-injector'
f4a5f9a: Don't inject any language into percent-based Python formatting even without formatting operator (PY-10771)
67c086f: Fixed SQL select IntelliLang pattern (PY-10926)
3cf543e: notnull
59858a4: IDEA-76725 New option: "Find Usages: open in new tab" to be ON by default
c5bbe86: correct test
7a68cd1: IDEA-116929 [regression] Ant: after rewriting to DOM API create target quick fix is missing
fd11bd2: Support for temporary and configuration-based IntelliLang injections in Python (PY-10983, PY-10721)
c12b687: IDEA-116497 UI hang during index update [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev]
64636bb: fix one exception from IDEA-116497
58da86d: don't search classes if there is dot in pattern
8d4977a: introduce boolean empty_element_parsed_guard_()
a83276a: Connections & GestureRecognizers
d5248a1: introduce current_position_()
52412b3: rebomb
95940fa: EA-52260 (AIOOBE: SearchTextField$MyModel.addElement)
29278f8: enable softwraps for the text viewer
48a0044: IDEA-116862 Added Maven Dependency (via Quick Fix) added with incorrect scope add tests +review CR-IC-3321
8e82d1f: UpdateToRevision and CreateTag for revision implemented for mercurial (IDEA-116440)
e1eab58: IDEA-116071 (Field can be final inspection change)
425dcbb: disable rearranger grouper test: test utility and overriden methods
49639e8: IDEA-116508 ("Local variable or parameter can be final" inspection use generates uncompilable code not extracting a really finalizable variable)
fd8772d: [log] IDEA-116470 Show "Contained in branches:" information in details
fe846c1: [log] fix action's update()
55ad98c: [log] extract SequentialLimitedLifoExecutor from DataGetter for reuse
9acf2ac: IDEA-116816 Language Injection: Parameter Info: the popup is shown at the wrong place if 'Use tabs' is on
ce567b1: IDEA-116911 Speed search: wrong background in recent files
900039e: check for disposed editor or project
6f8c745: Retina for toolwindow icons
5f8bccf: Retina for general icons
0b4bf6c: update threads icons
8f15d7f: IDEA-116784 Error Parsing Regex /\s/ in Groovy. test
1a5a951: test fix (stupid type error fixed)
bcf55e0: inverse COLLAPSE handling & sync GPUB with GK version
eee493c: rearranger test fix
9059b86: IDEA-116784 Error Parsing Regex /\s/ in Groovy
981282e: IDEA-105131 fix inplace introduce of JSExpressionStatement
d006433: EA-50192 (IOOBE: CharArrayCharSequence.<init>)
0c6d5f0: EA-51155 (IOOBE: CharArrayCharSequence.<init>)
3fadd9a: avoid unexpected read action
eaea89e: correctly handle request for the not-canonically named child
1a0e321: IDEA-107909 Rearrange entries, permanent change arrangement of elements [CR-IC-3214]
7a0250a: better colors
ad7e85e: redesign and add checkbox
c550498: NPE fix
810199f: IDEA-116824 Gradle: Provide an inspection & quickfix for multiple custom maven repo links
5bd841b: IDEA-111702 Java Rearranger illegal forward reference on fields rearrangement [CR-IC-3034]
3b019b5: registry cleanup
8b7f449: IDEA-116318 Mercurial Log: on very first context menu invocation NewBranch etc actions are available
5ea19b4: IDEA-116862 Added Maven Dependency (via Quick Fix) added with incorrect scope
5f71e19: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
57ac847: fix test
10ee1ac: Version 0.7-beta
5357494: New '.synchronized' template + tests
4cf7e59: New '.assert' template + tests
ab95a5d: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
d86de0f: svn: Implemented "Integrate Directory" action for command line
2539615: svn: Added useAncestry option support to merge client
c784988: New '.throw' template + tests
f90fb46: New '.switch' template + tests
d58146c: cleanup
0486d44: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
5fdcd75: svn: Implemented "Integrate to Branch" for command line for the case when only some changes of revision are integrated
6abd8f1: svn: Implemented support to copy files from repository to working copy
456ed31: svn: Updated merge command for command line - ensured working directory used in output parsing corresponds to process working directory
ba4ff98: svn: Added event handler support to delete client
aacc6af: svn: Added dryRun option support to delete client
7de409a: Rrrr
f8d0774: 0.6-beta
55c3c44: New '.return' template provider + tests
842b299: introduce rawTokenIndex
24bb6f8: check '' property set to 'bundled-jdk' to distinguish patch for installation package with jdk from installation package without
70460fa: 'final' all the things!
e5396f4: Tests for '.par' template
5f0fae5: svn: Implemented "Integrate to Branch" for command line for the case when all changes of revision are integrated
5d5903c: do not search usages of removed constant fields in injected PSI
810cc71: New '.par' template
17cffb7: WEB-9774 Suggest camel cased identifiers for jQuery expressions
3334c0b: support hippie completion at the file start (EA-52100)
6729189: SelectAll action
7d24aa5: update tips
7f01bcd: IDEA-111702 Java Rearranger illegal forward reference on fields rearrangement [CR-IC-3034]
6837234: EA-41668 (diagnostic)
0e3ad2c9: Cleanup (readability)
8f4c028: Excluding JumpList from unit testing.
424bea4: EA-52037 - PSE: MavenProjectsTree.matchesIgnoredFilesPatterns Use PatternUtil.convertToRegex(mask)
641f934: Add additional loggin.
4bae9af: NotNull
3ae7fd7: FinderRecursivePanel: missing super.dispose() call
be23034: [log] IDEA-116100 Fix Splitter leaks.
f04ec34: [log] IDEA-116267 files -> items in the structure filter
4acdb64: SelectAll action
8c3e8d4: MacMessages. Handling untitled and non-modal dialogs.
f61dc40: FinderRecursivePanel#hasChildren() -> abstract
a084cd4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f1db274: added to Info.plist.
8c117e9: new icon
2ccc5e9: turn jump lists on
703852d: revisions timestamp range updated for HgBrowseTest
c165c6e: Merge branch 'master' of
ebf70ac: less memory
2165e8f: more diagnostics
3b4f846: Merge branch 'master' of
df14eec: fix inspired by
558f3e6: remove obsolete file
35806f22: special icon for 'generated source' roots
3c9a22c: icon class regenerated
dd55e70: IDEA-113977 Formatter: caret is moved on next line if closing brace has wrong indent  [CR-IC-3034]
119488b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2ddfd6a: If command executed but is incomplete and more lines are needed prompt shouldn't be changed to ordinary one in this case.
2e9d7fa: IDEA-116833 External System: clear orphan project libraries
3fd7878: better method naming, assertion conditions correction; reliably process events posted to debugger manager thread on its termination
f4edcef: add FinderRecursivePanel#isEditable()
56e0385: WEB-9986 CSS: fuzzy search shows turned off abbreviations
e879da5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8e0156e: added tests for LayoutCodeProcessor [CR-IC-2957]
0bd5325: IDEA-116833 External System: clear orphan project libraries
c8a0a87: add @since
54cd711: add @since
2609798: IDEA-116792 Valid JSP/JSPX expression marked as invalid
d611594: cleanup
5d6a0c8: CR-IC-3246
2bcd0fb: IDEA-110654 Change Signature inserts unnecessary new line in comment block
e52b7db: [git] Update the widget content on click.
c031097: test added (cherry picked from commit 7058df1)
8b48bfb: Add missing files to AppCode build
9c664ac: do not try to merge stubs if version changed: take two
7974766: Obsolete test disabled
1c11805: java: .class stub builder fixed
d4e5553: fix outdated javadoc (completion is performed in a read action)
435817e: VcsRootDetector and NotifierError tests fixed (there were .git in T ot tmp dir above, so appropriate checker found its root,then error)
51864f4: CR-IC-3246
b3fff55: open in browser — choose url, show full url, not only path (decoded form with parameters)
86971b9: WeightBasedComparator — string natural compare +review
716766a: overrides
4676884: Merge branch 'master' of
8b7b23a: SSH console - credentials validation
29d749c: display order entries in DirectoryInfo.toString
c76de8d: New '.field' template + tests
dca7bbf: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
11398a8: internal action to show non retina icons
84f5d7c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
1b3e25e: fit value rectangle
73eb9ba: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
21ce816: Fix modified console options modified after creation.
239c72d: add examples to description
f000351: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
302d210: Pty4j updated - don't close streams in UnixPtyProcess.waitFor()
f916b25: problem with several hashes argument in mercurial log fixed
250a9f8: cleanup
a8ebab2: test for Cls parsing duplicates
a6f5b9e: test fix
dae8a3c: more diagnostics
faa180a: IDEA-116758 ('equals()' between objects of inconvertible types - not working for ...= equals("differentClass"));
9256d20: Version 0.5
843e41a: Test for '.forr' template
9e238fe: fixed
d9f14ad: Extract 'ForIterationTemplateProviderBase'
f14b604: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
eeba354: simplify visitors
d878e93: read access
b2f25d8: remove unnecessary setting
148ca98: EA-52004 (NPE: CyclicClassDependencyInspection.checkElement)
d9a30c6: platform: detect case-only name changes in case-insensitive FS only
7459a38: avoid using WolfTheProblemSolver.hasSyntaxErrors is possible, because it isn't designed to be a public API
0f79597: IDEA-116731 IntelliJ theme: Database Connections dialog: Scope combobox is too narrow IDEA-116768 IntelliJ theme: text end is too close to combobox button
c35c4f9: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4cfe198: fixed PY-11394 "no tests were found" with django 1.6 DiscoverRunner
278d4c8: IDEA-116727: Excluded library directories: removing a root does not removes its excludes
76312cd: IDEA-116713: Excluded library directories: it's possible to exclude the same directory twice
dfb4199: IDEA-116708: Excluded library directories in jar: a) show what is excluded; b) allow to include them back
17c219c: IDEA-115760: Spring: create class intentions should not create class in 'generated sources' roots
59ff22d: disable 'mark directory as resource root' action for Flex modules (IDEA-114866)
fb27e2c: EA-51314 - Throw process start exception right in CommandExecutor.start() (without catching it and rethrowing later)
0c2e0b2: read action
0bc2bc6: Double sets property value for one change
ceafea2: do not try to merge stubs if version changed: reverted
4ce8c5b: IDEA-115308 Find usages causes IDEA to hung forever
31ddc7e: removed js-analysis-impl module
a6a900e: javadoc
7acfa4a: cleanup
4e298bc: use indicator which is less dependencies demanding
f37078b: use ApplicationEx for mock application
eb73e5d: moved to core-impl
07e864d: moved to core-impl to prevent abuse
2e7e757: IDEA-116343 IntelliJ theme: selected radio button is misplaced
3538fec: filter out artificial 'documentChanged' events from FileDocumentManager#saveAllDocuments
267e10a: IDEA-116346 IntelliJ theme: comboboxes have darker background
2ba69f0: EA-45917 - IAE: RangeMarkerImpl.<init>
3629c77: do not try to merge stubs if version changed
dcbce74: RUBY-14570: fixing strings according to proofreading results.
127560f: WEB-10019 Don't show emmet preview after simply dot
8bdc013: WEB-10017 New "Surround with emmet" popup breaks usability
40a3f43: Gradle: basic detection of test resource folders added
874cc0e: IDEA-116097 Gradle: Code Completion for dependencies doesn't work inside brackets
2859d27: don't copy ui-designer runtime classes to output if only NetBeans *.form files are found (ZD-14954)
5ec83bb: BrokenLiteralPostfixTemplateContext FATTY BOOM BOOM
e91a047: Bunch of '.fori' tests, broken literal now have valid PsiType.INT type, prefix patching for broken literals + templates starting with 'e' and 'f' (such prefixes emits double/float literals and missing from reference expression name)
2c14348: Template for ".fori" postfix
f0a81ba: Refine ".fori" behavior
a0fa1a7: EA-52027 - assert: TextRange.<init>
f227ff4: Initial '.fori' template (iteration with index) bits
5bbf2d5: Cleanup
130da8b: 0.4-beta version, cosmetics
3d4922b: Fix undo for [Tab]-expansion
5d4caa2: [Tab]-expansion, refactor
0ff1fd5: [Tab]-expansion reparse with DUMMY_IDENTIFIER
01b02eb: [Tab]-expansion kind of works...
950a800: [Tab]-expansion bits...
6b02edd: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5083045: Cleanup (field visibility; deprecated API)
3ae8ca2: Classes moved
875ccbd: FinderRecursivePanel: cleanup, @Nullable
f7f4ae6: com.intellij.index.IndexTest._testSavedUncommittedDocument
f0f9f18: fix user completion popup dimensions + add empty border
356a1d3: turn logging on
ce8a057: fix color
c82cb23: remove border
26e7c1d: IDEA-116350 IntelliJ theme: file settings tree views colors are misplaced
44c2332: simplify by extending ActionsTopHitProvider
572e0eb: + private static final
e17ab9d: vcs top hits
66201bd: bae class for action hits
9f9efd1: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8551ccb: Jython doesn't support 'exec' symbol in interactive console.
8cf3335: Path escaping in PyCharm build script
de091aa: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
87cbca6: One more test
794b4f4: make "Suppress for 'Tests' scope" fix undoable and only show in test roots
8d2e559: More '.new' test with statements after
c77f4b7: PyConsole: correctly indent after execution of incomplete multi-line string.
efae0fc: Relocate test data into separate folders
d7a0fe6: IDEA-116701 ISE at com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiToDocumentSynchronizer.a
2afc2a7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e90eef2: test names
74dc868: avoid stub index inconsistency when psi was gc'd (IDEA-111448)
5a7f3a5: cleanup  removed properties used for separate licensing of RefactorJS   GuiceyIDEA
357f8a1: Lot of fixes when working with types, tests for .new, cleanup
fdfc865: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d2b7abe: failing tests on java structure updates without modification count change
62cbb8c: FinderRecursivePanel*Test: split
a54ff04: cleanup, assertions
1d4b59b: unbalanced markers fix and also some sqlite grammar cleanup
8975b3d: Gradle: update to  Gradle 1.9
5b01566: External system: project import builder fix
d8c608d: Style
0fb37e9: Style
f84f608: Style
5b4cb26: svn: @NotNull for client factories in SvnVcs
c0de092: EA-52111 (diagnostic)
1685ef9: use Set for myEnabledDescriptors instead of List (as a side effect, not-thread-safe Set implementation is used, so there would be fewer locks)
cb7367d: External system: not serializable com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtilRt$EmptyList replaced with Collections.emptyList
890c7d0: External system: not serializable com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtilRt$EmptyList replaced with Collections.emptyList
2c56fc9: show indexed file names in progress for internal mode
744ea00: Merge branch 'master' of
aad94bb: IDEA-115689 - IU-132.844. Heroku AS web app deployment link
80d1203: VcsRootDetector tests temporary fix
18e2e69: EA-52123 (IAE: InvertBooleanHandler.invoke)
7774de8: code simplification
1ac6cf0: don't get compiled file text to diagnose stub-psi mismatch
7bb1b86: (IDEA-116490) remove --debug argument if hg supports parents template variables
5eda813: Email info parsing fixed
2f3154a: [log] Improve javadoc
3afe644: fixed "enterprise view" providers (cherry picked from commit a2f8611)
7ac63f3: EA-51727 - RE: PostprocessReformattingAspect.beforeDocumentChanged
8947a38: EA-47998 - assert: GrIntroduceHandlerBase.processLiteral
03b64f6: IDEA-115702 DomAnchorImpl exception
d841051: comment about syntax errors checking added
630a1ee: moved to core
dd2be1e: consider variable prefixes from code style settings
463dbe3: Gradle: EA-46321 - assert: GradleScriptType$.configureCommandLine
9b1d84d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
8ad5e39: External system: EA-51698 - assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getPicoContainer
2f64e67: "Suppress for 'Tests' scope" quickfix
b6da22d: Gradle: EA-51873 - AIOOBE: ImportMavenRepositoriesTask.findMavenRemoteRepositories
9d36513: frameworks step removed for Groovy modules
e899eb0: improved layout of 'setup detected frameworks' dialog (IDEA-73513)
11e0307: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
99705ad: Unused
9c46aac: IDEA-112787 Use peg revision when retrieving file content for given revision (as file url could not exist in repository anymore)
ec4d678: Huge cleanup
6d3c75a: OMFG refactor fixUp() for '1.postfix'-like expressions from PSI to document changes, much easier but still hard as hell :(
36e1e18: Fix 'smth == 0.else' case ("0.e" is valid double literal, still breaks prefix matching a bit...)
dfa1d3d: New '.new' template on types initial impl, constructor accessibility calculation
ca01868: IDEA-113732 Handled https 'certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted' error for command line using SVNKit authentication lifecycle
1d4229a: Cleanup
7fef758: Specify dependencies, so now it works under AndroidStudio
72cf41e: API cleanup: deprecated methods dropped
e1f6bd5: 0.3 beta
e734a8e: Extract anonymous to named class
8db9c43: Fixes for no-variant completion mode
68a3555: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
bf277bb: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
19202bd: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c8938aa: Fixed execution of incomplete multiline code fragments.
c4af687: IDEA-114717 Combined supported formats for upgrade action from both svnkit and cmd client factories
5b09102: another fix for EA-49431 - PEBCE: PersistentEnumeratorBase.<init>
f679ad3: EA-51558 - assert: PersistentHashMap.updateValueId
74fd2bd: boo
d0ca2ab: RRRR
513a1ea: Mmmm?
d2bd82b: Basic no-variants mode tests
1ec26a7: IDEA-113533 Combined supported formats for "share directory" from both svnkit and cmd client factories
ccbb1fc: IDEA-114718 Combined supported formats for checkout from both svnkit and cmd client factories
a5c24ba: Dump all lookup elements in tests, not only pure postfix
7035aa0: wait for user input out of read action (IDEA-115944, consequence of IDEA-115258)
17c0f6c: First evaluate more then add to queue.
e6bc842: Cosmetics
ed83ac2: Fix prefix matching for chained items ('in.nn' now matches 'integers.notnull')
75f377b: Simplified.
cc63d32: Attribute renamed.
c79830a: NotNull annotation.
006e155: Fixed IPython and debug console broken by console execution model changes.
07f4120: eliminate SOE
aec0db5: fix SOE
364822c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6ab00eb: Destruct some code
5bbdafe: Fixed write lock assertion.
7f76634: less AI in determining whether to process words in injected PSI
6f44a83: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6cf0e03: IDEA-116596 (New inspection: Exception printed using System.out.println())
7807a2e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d124327: Merge branch 'master' of
f47f98a: Urls.newFromIdea returns not-null
d4e4a40: move Url to platform - avoid raw string
65520cb: IDEA-116521 - Heroku deployment facet: application by sample creation doesn't work
cbabd0b: Execute multi-line code fragments by runsrouce with 'exec' option instead of one line by one (PY-10769).
7c9fdd3: Refactor
47a80e9: catch unexpected exception
eaafe8b: Refactor things
9fdd3d2: IDEA-116348 IDEA 13 starts with toolbar and Project structure toolbar hidden (cherry picked from commit e2be35a)
6112f27: remove stack trace (cherry picked from commit fc628f7)
48cbe1b: set timeout to 30 secs (cherry picked from commit 9cfb433)
10dc037: Gradle: IDEA-116166 Cannot re-import or refresh gradle project
473a17b: replace obsolete myFileType/lexer-highlighting with ConsoleViewUtil.printAsFileType
e061457: IDEA-111020 Status bar changes its height when progress is shown
496e519: LiveTemplates: Fix broken API
9b8aac5: UriUtil.trimLastSlash refine Url nullability (newFromIdea is not yet done)
3ab82b6: replace obsolete myFileType/lexer-highlighting with ConsoleViewUtil.printAsFileType
6880758: External system: prepare data in project import builder for import
d58edeb: not again.
30fedf3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3611dc0: [log] Fix one more commit/author time mixture in commit details panel
026dae8: used consistent name prefix
0895ae0: EA-49679 - NSE:
2bcf8e5: Use GrLightParameterListBuilder.copyParameters() to avoid copy-paste.
f299784: removed module js-analysis-api, fixed layout of JavascriptPlugin
f3828b0: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
0ad875a: fixed PY-11415 GAE: Lazy Handler reference is not updated when moving to other module
34ef731: CR-IC-2986
e50df4c: cleanup
b4e7d2a: disposed check
76b3bee: fixed PY-9967 App Engine: do not resolve to installed to interpreter library
95e6103: Gradle: basic codeinsight for Gradle IdeaPlugin script block
2e427c8: wording
7951492: fix typo
f9b11f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b51fb7a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a6d0ed6: report hidden type parameters (for IDEA-62748)
a6248e5: ignore internal exceptions when deleting (possibly invalid) requests
638d993: exception fix
8399e19: IDEA-115586 Support specifying default base branch and branch prefix for branches created through Task system: fixed
f2e274d: refactored for Upsource: - extracted js-analysis-* modules - moved ui-independent code to js-psi-*
57a72da: moved to indexing
6201961: moved to core-impl
0a27988: NPE in Upsource
1999b51: CR-IC-2986 MessageBuilder -> MessageDialogBuilder
07b62d0: Gradle: IDEA-115169 EAP Cardea Gradle Integration does not detect additional source folders
d8c651e: extract vars to find NPE
715d14c: EA-47212
036e287: cleanup
6f31031: EA-51728
0e495b1: avoided using JobLauncher for file downloading (CR-IC-3079)
55c498b: @NotNulls
d0b977b: IDEA-115702 DomAnchorImpl exception: element stubs indexed
f959ef1: Hides "Use auto-import" checkbox in the "Import Project" dialog.
bcfc005: Relocate copy&paste...
9128c91: Mmm
e1cd9ff: Cleanup
efb6b2b: Drop some typing :O
d5f0855: Generalize a bit
6806525: Support for 'UnfnshdTypNm.var', fixes
81e314d: AutoTestManager improvements
3d6cade: Refactor everything...
c44230b: switch off content cache (low hit rate) to save some memory
6ee757d: Decompose...
a673c02: [log] Use commit time instead of author time. Step 4. Update the filter
1a6e58d: [log] Use commit time instead of author time. Step 3. Actual change.
a5b0d90: [log] Use commit time instead of author time. Step 2. Renaming.
7388aa5: [log] Using commit time instead of author time. Step 1. Renaming.
04d706e: Cleanup.
f41449f: Broken indentetion in console fixed (PY-10776).
30e087a: Epic copy & paste :(
0f5abc4: Experimental no-variants mode support
8962e56: IDEA-116503 (some improvements to Unix shell scripts)
4403959: replacing infinite while loop with do-while doesn't need 'if'
a4236bf: replacing an infinite do-while loop with a while loop shouldn't use trickery
80450e7: ignore parentheses
ea1016c: don't let parentheses interfere with the "Redundant 'if' statement" inspection results
257df09: rename
5b1c002: Cleanup (misplaced test data)
4645f02: IDEA-113062 (using file naming convention to tell top-level classes from inner)
1483356: Cleanup (overspecified class)
dbbb643: IDEA-115580 (path selector for build as part of UE)
3023d26: Cleanup (code reuse)
88f123d: Use Condition instead of a BooleanFunction.
458145d: Fix undo issues with .arg/.cast/.for templates
52deb98: Cosmetics
318d854: Disable some templates inside code fragments (like 'evaluate expression' debugger window and so on)
0550fde: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c75587b: Fixed saving of env in console settings. Mappings format saving changed.
76b1549: EA-51231 (diagnostic)
ee627bb: EA-51924 (log corrupted .jar files)
cabce05: test: utility method extracted
3ede25d: IDEA-116503 (line separators in in Mac distributions fixed)
37056ef: Cleanup (javadoc)
f5898c5: Fixes and tests
9fbed52: New '.cast' template
28afe8b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7a22316: AbstractBaseJavaLocalInspectionTool: make abstract
2aff3c0: IDEA-112242 (Improve Suspicious Array Cast)
d2b8150: clarify description
1b9ba24: clarify problem description
783d9ed: by default use breakpoint location filtering in java files with "java" language only: (IDEA-116518 AspectJ support. Add breakpoint handling)
fc91f19: tweak search match drawing on retina a little more room at the top for letters like 'l' and 'b' a little less room at the right side so the next letter is not overlapped
80d92ca: GitIntegrationEnablerTest changed to java test
752dc25: IDEA-116368 ("overly broad throws clause" "ignore exceptions declared in tests" doesn't work)
645e5c2: [git] IDEA-109511 Quick-fix of "Git Add" for tracked files.
b3ec037: more logging for NonUndoableAction
6fd000f: IDEA-108348 Add generic-based integration for Gitlab
fc3f452: IDEA-115708 Add workaround by setting global SSLContext
298a704: preload "New" action group (IDEA-116483)
3b6995e: no completion variants after class name and dot in javadoc (IDEA-116520)
b7fe304: IDEA-116446 Wrong label at report button
3e2513e: Improvment for "IDEA-106716 Don't steal focus". The effect is narrowed to progress dialogs and tip dialogs.
50501f2: cleanup
bebe0c1: update netty (investigate ref count exception)
d20effc: Fixed working directory setting in console settings.
4cad3d7: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6383733: Fixed saving path mappings in console settings (PY-9855).
5d851ae: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
13f480a: IDEA-116393 ("java.lang.Error not rethrown" false negative for multi-catch)
d143f1c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
99ab501: improve description
925a7c5: Fix pycharm build.
2ecd8faa: IDEA-115586 Support specifying default base branch and branch prefix for branches created through Task system
07fab55: ok, but null literals shouldn't have references for sure
936a7e6: Improvement for "IDEA-106716 Don't steal focus" WelcomeScreen should not steal focus as well.
0529611: Gradle: fix issue with Gradle Tooling API classpath inferer
893ffaa: EA-50899 - ISE: GrRegexImpl.createLiteralTextEscaper
7959ed4: Groovy intentions: don't use selection model if block selection is enabled
0a0696a: IDEA-95170 closure parameter type
f38c1bc: Groovy Introduce constant: 'move to other class' in inplace mode should invoke dialog
1b7d8fc: Ups
aca0057: New .arg template
b8c4af2: standard java html browser doesn't support % in width and height
ff90a81: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
567beaf: fix hardcoded completion popup bg (cherry picked from commit fa7a25b)
80bc6b9: Prettify code
f5125ce: Fix .var over expressions (caret placement, prevent from loosing comments/whitespace/semicolons)
8cb7aa7: IDEA-116415 Event log: all notifications before its opening get the timestamp of the opening
2d2caa6: Fix '2 + 2.var * 2' case
f121a2b: PsiSearchHelper.processElementsWithWord that doesn't walk injected PSI
673551a: Cosmetics
7e92b87: Set since-version to first IDEA 13 preview build version. Update
6c4e09e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
057b563: add debug logging to see who is guilty of "Cannot undo" messages
72f189d: let non-string literal expressions have no references
5e48524: remove external annotation root duplicates resulting by several modules using the same sdk
b4e89df: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
c6cc5c7: Extracted Python path walking and fixed broken symlink check (PY-10534)
9df86d3: Make .for work independently from standard "I" (Iterate shortcut) template existence
0dfae8b: revert platform fix for PY-6095, apply Python specifix fix instead
778380c: Fix broken Grails debug.
9741a1d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6dd1423: IDEA-116324 IDEA 13 compiler uses some old xmx setting
eb5911c: Show branch name only once in case of multiple heads ( in status bar widget and log branch filter).
668c3f4: The functionality should be temporary disabled on Mac. The focus stays on dialog owner.
d65b254: Gradle: fixed IndexNotReadyException for MavenProjectIndicesManager usage in startup activity
fc03f41: IDEA-116422 Tweak "Drag'n'Drop" wording
b07b78d: faster simple accessor folding check
1d18499: [^jeka] ant create property cosmetics
368c36f: Made Run-configuration-related keys public.
f670e1d: IDEA-116458 Application menu is lost after rejecting exit from IDE
baff9f0: make 'No matches' bold
5d0e2d3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
323d9b1: installer fixes
f33c8aa: Improvement for IDEA-106716.  We should not rely on the recent focused frame if we have only one empty frame.
36a5241: IDEA-114804 File types mapped to text are not remapped when corresponding plugin is installed
f39c910: ignore width and height in img tag
73b216c: determine tag end by doctype #WEB-2229 fixed
6a6560e: don't check script inside true html files #WEB-9833 fixed
5222ad0: fix installer
c88b649: return back custom maven index restoration upon corruption, only avoid logging exception when persistent enumerator version was upgraded
28e3c0d: throw VersionUpdatedException if existing enumerator wasn't dirty, there is no need to report it for example
e9ba764: InspectionDescriptionNotFoundInspection -> ERROR level
b3c0ae1: IDEA-116445 IntelliJ laf: Menu bar is hardly visible on Linux
84a4644: IDEA-116431 IntelliJ laf: menu shortcuts are invisible
502dff5: update tips resources
b0f008b: update camel case in goto tips
a6f250f: update camel completion tips
a8e4da3: update annotations tips
2e90122: support for retina and darcula images
88e9127: merge AntMissingPropertyInspection into more general AntResolveInspection
a200ab2: fix merge error
dfef0e3: CR-IC-2986 MessageBuilder
d4a628e: cleanup
d544bad: assertion for PersistentFS returning unique file names, a bit of optimisation
6516b9a: avoid using CharBuffer.subSequence() because its signature is different in jdk6/7
5e84485: compare Messages.showYesNoCancelDialog with correct values: Messages.YES/Messages.NO/Messages.CANCEL
b4e394f: compare Messages.showYesNoDialog with correct values: Messages.YES/Messages.NO
a51190d: compare Messages.showOkCancelDialog with correct values: Messages.OK/Messages.CANCEL
61be092: Don't ask to reconnect remote interpreter in case of fail as it never helps but causes problems (PY-10590).
28d673a: Cleanup (test)
c980dd8: platform: OS release info in usage statistics
1522798: IDEA-116328 (Method can be variable arity method inspection should not highlight for @Nullable parameters)
6039b2b: [by the patch from opticyclic] quick fix to create a property from unresolved property reference (IDEA-57875)
c161577: module util must not depends on Guava (incorrect usage was moved to platform-impl UriUtil) +review
e452798: continue "open actual script source" extract common code to XSourcePositionWrapper
fcddb47: cleanup
1baa4fa: IDEA-113730 Reverted CmdContentClient implementation back - as export could not be used to get contents of scheduled for deletion file
4fc7cd5: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
28987dc: Jar updated.
042d6f3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
774b67c: pty4j updated to avoid multi-threading problem with ptsname()
2155e52: IDEA-116241 filtering by structure  supported in Mercurial log
28f2ac3: correctly handle inner classes removal
9cbd59e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
812465c: Fixed libpty location for pycharm community build.
27308fa: Decompose
f371c40: [log] Remove unused methods & fields
f81d6b8: IDEA-113152 Groovy: In-Place Introduce Refactoring: PIEAE at GrCodeReferenceElementImpl.multiResolve()
f296f2c: unwanted reference overwriting fix, take 3
3323bec: IDEA-116371 (NPE in BrowserUtil fixed)
2bfb1f5: typo
fdba133: don't show dependencies in 'add module dependency' fix if they are forbidden by dependency validation rules
d9188ea: Exception fix
973fd26: IDEA-116271 groovy autocomplete tries to complete in /* */ comments
80755bd: IDEA-115699 Groovy: "Convert to Singleline Literal" intention shouldn't be shown for single-line slashy and dollar-slashy string literals
9249c20: Gradle: war artifact configuration IDEA-109369 External system: Correct WAR artifact setup on external system config change
30efd4e: IDEA-113730 Implemented content retrieval using export command (this eliminates encoding issues and correctly handle binary formats)
88ad884: Annotation for HgRepoInfo changed
22f4b6a: import new .iml file into community project
f736377: [log] Better approach to details filtering
01525be: Templates: add diagnostic info
35597e5: Parse username and user email if it is possible.
00cdb40: Problem with annotation user fixed
41d5f82: IDEA-116378 only expressions are available in loop conditions
a4e4ceb: fix typo that broke GeneralCodeFormatterTest
276f65a: svn: Unify credentials caching in memory logic for ssh and other protocols
ca13b82: platform: prematurely deprecated API returned
1fd0181: EA-51338 - CME: DocumentFoldingInfo.clear
d278cef: EA-51538 - assert: PsiDocumentManagerBase.cancelAndRunWhenAllCommitted
023aed1: EA-51560 - assert: TextRange.<init>
9efc4b2: trunk now 134
92c68fe: IDEA-106716 Don't steal focus [for jdk7]
3410f4d: about: scheme handling via web reference #WEB-7451 fixed
18c2e9a: IDEA-115798 New Project Wizard: templates panel changes its width on selecting some technologies
ec0ee95: edit contract for the compiled element, not its source
821bd24: remove frequently changing and likely useless file name from index progresses (IDEA-115130)
ab04a9d: simple testdata
f693902: New .while template, tests
7b2c051: Update plugin.xml
805e4f2: Less .for availability, test and other refinements
cd75f75: Assert final caret position in tests, fix caret, disable .null/.notnull on 'new T()' expressions, etc
f9904cc: IDEA-113860 Display dialog if credentials for certain repository are asked more than one time during single command execution (treat such situation as "previous credentials were wrong")
115f30b: svn: Refactored "svn process finished" logic in CommandRuntime (method extractions)
16d7f4a: Much better detection of nullable and boolean expression, disable all templates on types by default
2e3c561: Bring back useless code, lol
b7f56b4: More tests, remove some useless code
751597a: Simplifying things
2adbe3c: .gitignore rrrr
56e4c35: .gitignore
0dc3f74: .gitignore
c8d2a34: Notes
fa99902: Extract PostfixExecutionContext, get and store dummyIdentifier, all tests green.
9172e27: Decompose, fix issues with "xs.length > 0"
7ef1dd3: Support hard expression like "2 * 2.var + 2 * 2"
93733c5: Handle cases like '2 * 2.var + 2 * 2', moar .var tests, bits of standalone types support
47e970a: Delete alexander.xml
86507b1: Delete workspace.xml
ffdd40c: Initial .for template for iteration, disable some templates on types/packages
93e107a: New .not template for expressions + tests, .notnull/.null tests
12c66cb: Cosmetics
825c6e8: New .notnull/.null templates pair for nullability checks
87b080c: Refine force mode for .var, expression.var tests
972b6ee: Small fix
562ee90: Now .var works on expressions
ed16be7: So freakin tired :(
f9ab422: Basic .var on types, disable when expression type is unknown/on vars/locals, fixes
f72087e: fix 'fixUp' phase for expressions like `o != null.postfix`
7ea7425:  Decompose
bc81fbb: new T() { }.var tests
57d1bc3: .var test, fix some issue
6e31aa7: .else test, readme
2eae01f: Meaningless project-wide code reformat (get rid of 'final' modifier for locals and parameters where possible)
d87c9b5: Decompose, new .else template
a6760ce: Downgrade project to java 1.6
66cb584: Support for "o is T.if" expressions
b91ee72: Tests all green
f8499a3: Remove workspace.xml from vcs
06a54ac: Optimize usings
7b3af96: Cleanup
ac7d68f: Cleanup
3780280: Basic .var functionality, solve undo stack issues
7abf5f8: Java shit bits, decompose
187498d: Moar workarounds, tests
a8431a9: First green test
a07c277: Trying to implement tests
27d95ba: Expression 'fixing' logic bits2
4ec9b7c: Expression 'fixing' logic bits
c8c91a6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
51552f0: Small fixes
a7b2ddb: Code monkey
f64564d: Code monkey
472d129: Even moar code
8050ba5: Moar code
ccc1053: 'final' all the things, lol. PrefixExpressionContext building
1c54ba9: Bits of 'x > 0.if'-like expressions support
2040031: Mmmm
eca0326: Fighting against component model
2456976: Exploring Java, lol
2686df7: Mmm
d6eb6dc: Initial
5b63b3e: Initial commit
725754d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
933ff6b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d73a2d5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5928f8a: IDEA-111701 Emacs: pressing Ctrl+k several times should add lines to muti-line buffer

Change-Id: Ib325575bfdf68fc4009119574543e2ef6217f113
6166 files changed
tree: 9b6c9335dbef28424d2bdb157a48a5535e6b6abc
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. colorSchemes/
  5. community-resources/
  6. community-tests/
  7. images/
  8. java/
  9. jps/
  10. lib/
  11. license/
  12. native/
  13. platform/
  14. plugins/
  15. python/
  16. RegExpSupport/
  17. resources/
  18. resources-en/
  19. samples/
  20. spellchecker/
  21. tools/
  22. updater/
  23. xml/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. build.txt
  27. build.xml
  28. community-main.iml
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. NOTICE.txt
  32. test-log.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

This is the official GitHub mirror of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition source code.


To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. To build and run the code:

  • Make sure you have the Groovy plugin enabled. Parts of IntelliJ IDEA are written in Groovy, and you will get compilation errors if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Make sure you have the UI Designer plugin enabled. Most of IntelliJ IDEA‘s UI is built using the UI Designer, and the version you build will not run correctly if you don’t have the plugin enabled.
  • Open the directory with the source code as a directory-based project
  • Configure a JSDK named “IDEA jdk”, pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6
  • On Windows or Linux, add lib\tools.jar from the JDK installation directory to the classpath of IDEA jdk
  • Use Build | Make Project to build the code
  • To run the code, use the provided shared run configuration “IDEA”.

To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure that you follow the IntelliJ Coding Guidelines. Note that you'll need to submit a Contributor Agreement before we can accept your pull request.

See for more information.

Developer Documentation

You can find information on the internal architecture of IntelliJ IDEA and plugin development at the PluginDevelopment site.