| ant.substitution.not.allowed.error.message=Substitution not allowed |
| ant.cant.resolve.property.error.message=Can''t resolve property: {0} |
| ant.implicit.ant.properties.property.declaration.name=implicit ant properties |
| ant.actual.attribute.value.additional.info.to.xml.attribute.error.message=(actual attribute value''{0}'') |
| ant.properties.declaration.element.description=Ant properties declaration |
| ant.intention.create.target.family.name=Create Target |
| ant.create.target.intention.description=Create target ''{0}'' |
| ant.role.ant.target=Ant target |
| ant.role.ant.property=Ant property |
| ant.role.ant.task=Ant task |
| ant.target=Target |
| cannot.add.build.files.from.excluded.directories.error.message=Cannot add build files from excluded directories\n{0} |
| cannot.add.build.file.dialog.title=Cannot Add Build File |
| build.file.properties.action.name=Properties |
| build.file.properties.action.description=Show Ant build file properties dialog |
| ant.view.toggle.tree.text.action.name=Toggle tree/text mode |
| ant.view.pause.output.action.name=Pause Output |
| remove.build.file.action.name=Remove |
| rerun.ant.action.name=Rerun |
| stop.ant.action.name=Stop |
| ant.target.name.default.target=<default target> |
| ant.verbose.show.all.messages.action.name=Show All Messages |
| ant.verbose.show.all.messages.action.description=Show all messages produces by ant build |
| ant.build.tab.content.title=Ant Build |
| ant.is.active.terminate.confirmation.text=Ant process from the same build file is active. Terminate it? |
| starting.ant.build.dialog.title=Starting Ant Build |
| ant.process.is.active.terminate.confirmation.text=Ant Process is active. Terminate Ant process? |
| close.ant.build.messages.dialog.title=Close Ant Build Messages |
| cannot.start.build.name.error.message=Cannot start {0} |
| #0 - formatted execution time as string (i.e. 2h 35m 29s), 1 - finish date (as string) |
| build.finished.status.ant.build.aborted=Ant build aborted in {0} at {1} |
| #0 - formatted execution time as string (i.e. 2h 35m 29s), 1 - finish date (as string) |
| build.finished.status.ant.build.completed.successfully=Ant build completed successfully in {0} at {1} |
| #0 - warnings count, 1 - formatted execution time as string (i.e. 2h 35m 29s), 2 - finish date (as string) |
| build.finished.status.ant.build.completed.with.warnings=Ant build completed with \ |
| {0, choice, 0#no warnings|1#one warning|2#{0} warnings} in {1} at {2} |
| #0 - errors count, 1 - warnings count, 2 - formatted execution time as string (i.e. 2h 35m 29s), 3 - finish date (as string) |
| build.finished.status.ant.build.completed.with.errors.warnings=Ant build completed with \ |
| {0, choice, 0#no errors|1#one error|2#{0} errors} and {1, choice, 0#no warnings|1#one warning|2#{1} warnings} \ |
| in {2} at {3} |
| project.jdk.not.specified.error.message=Project JDK not specified |
| jdk.with.name.not.configured.error.message=JDK ({0}) needed to run this ANT target is not configured. Please update your settings in the Project | Libraries menu. |
| jdk.with.name.bad.configured.error.message=JDK ({0}) needed to run this ANT target is incorrectly configured. Please update your settings in the Project | Libraries menu. |
| ant.installation.not.configured.error.message=Ant installation is not configured. Check out Ant build file properties |
| cancel.button=Cancel |
| background.button=&Background |
| ant.build.progress.dialog.title=Ant Build Progress |
| ant.build.local.history.label=Running Ant: ''{0}'' |
| run.ant.erorr.dialog.title=Run ANT |
| cant.run.ant.erorr.dialog.title=Cannot Run ANT |
| could.not.start.process.erorr.dialog.title=Could Not Start Process |
| ant.build.started.status.message=Ant build started |
| canceled.by.user.error.message=Canceled by user |
| user.inout.request.ant.build.input.dialog.title=Ant Build Input |
| ant.build.message.node.prefix.text=Build: |
| ant.target.message.node.prefix.text=Target: |
| ant.task.message.node.prefix.text=Task: |
| target.tag.name.status.text=Target: {0} |
| executing.task.tag.value.status.text=Executing task: {0} |
| ant.execution.next.error.warning.action.name=Next Error/Warning |
| ant.execution.previous.error.warning.action.name=Previous Error/Warning |
| ant.explorer.expand.all.nodes.action.description=Expand all build file nodes |
| ant.explorer.collapse.all.nodes.action.description=Collapse all build file nodes |
| select.ant.build.file.dialog.title=Select Ant build file |
| select.ant.build.file.dialog.description=Select one or more build.xml files to be added to the list |
| cannot.add.ant.files.dialog.title=Cannot Add Files |
| remove.the.reference.to.file.confirmation.text=Do you want to remove the reference to\n{0}? |
| confirm.remove.dialog.title=Confirm Remove |
| ant.explorer.execute.on.action.group.name=Execute on |
| add.ant.file.action.name=Add |
| add.ant.file.action.description=Add an existing Ant build file to the list |
| remove.ant.file.action.name=Remove |
| remove.ant.file.action.description=Remove the selected build file from the list |
| run.ant.file.or.target.action.name=Run |
| run.ant.file.or.target.action.description=Run the selected build file or selected target(s) with Ant |
| run.ant.build.action.name=Run Build |
| run.ant.target.action.name=Run Target |
| run.ant.targets.action.name=Run Targets |
| filter.ant.targets.action.name=Filter targets |
| filter.ant.targets.action.description=Filter targets |
| executes.before.run.debug.acton.name=Before Run/Debug... |
| ant.create.meta.target.action.name=Create Meta Target |
| ant.create.meta.target.action.description=Save selected targets as a meta-target |
| remove.meta.targets.action.name=Remove |
| remove.meta.targets.action.description=Remove selected meta target(s) |
| remove.meta.target.action.name=Remove Meta Target |
| remove.selected.build.file.action.name=Remove Build File |
| remove.selected.meta.targets.action.name=Remove Meta Targets |
| ant.explorer.assign.shortcut.action.name=Assign Shortcut... |
| ant.tree.structure.no.build.files.message=<The list of build files is empty> |
| execute.target.before.run.debug.dialog.title=Execute Target Before Run/Debug |
| save.meta.data.such.sequence.of.targets.already.exists.error.message=Such sequence of targets already exists |
| save.meta.data.name.label=&Name: |
| save.meta.data.targets.label=Targets: |
| button.move.up=Move &Up |
| button.move.down=Move &Down |
| cant.add.file.error.message=Cannot add file {0}: {1} |
| ant.unknown.version.string.presentation=Unknown version |
| path.to.ant.does.not.exist.error.message=Path {0} does not exist |
| lib.directory.not.found.in.ant.path.error.message=lib directory not found in {0} |
| ant.jar.not.found.in.directory.error.message=ant.jar not found in directory ''{0}'' |
| ant.jar.is.directory.error.message={0} is directory |
| apache.ant.with.version.string.presentation=Apache Ant version {0} |
| cant.read.from.ant.jar.error.message=Can''t read from {0} |
| cant.run.ant.no.ant.configured.error.message=No ANT configured |
| cant.run.ant.ant.reference.is.not.configured.error.message=ANT ''{0}'' is not configured |
| ant.event.after.compilation.presentable.name=After Compilation |
| ant.event.before.compilation.presentable.name=Before Compilation |
| ant.event.before.run.debug.presentable.name=Before Run/Debug |
| ant.reference.bundled.ant.name=Bundled Ant |
| meta.target.build.sequence.name.display.name=Build sequence {0} |
| execute.target.wrong.name.format.error.message=Wrong name format: {0} |
| additional.classpath.tab.classpath.border=Class&path: |
| add.action.name=Add |
| additional.classpath.tab.add.all.in.directory.button=Add A&ll in Directory |
| button.remove=&Remove |
| button.add=&Add |
| ant.settings.classpath.label=&Classpath: |
| ant.settings.home.label=&Home: |
| ant.settings.name.label=&Name: |
| configure.ant.dialog.title=Configure Ant |
| ant.property.value.editor.insert.macro.tooltip.text=Insert Macro |
| project.jdk.project.jdk.name.list.column.value=Project JDK ({0}) |
| project.jdk.not.specified.list.column.value=Project JDK (not specified) |
| unnamed.string.presentation=<Unnamed> |
| build.file.properties.close.message.view.checkbox=&Close message view if no error occurred |
| build.file.properties.maximum.heap.size.label=Maximum &heap size (Mb): |
| build.file.properties.make.in.background.cjeclbox=Make build in &background |
| build.file.properties.dialog.title=Build File Properties |
| edit.ant.properties.name.column.name=Name |
| edit.ant.properties.value.column.name=Value |
| edit.ant.properties.tab.display.name=Properties |
| edit.ant.properties.description.column.name=Description |
| edit.ant.properties.filters.tab.display.name=Filters |
| edit.ant.properties.execution.tab.display.name=Execution |
| edit.ant.properties.additional.classpath.tab.display.name=Additional Classpath |
| run.execution.tab.ant.command.line.label=Ant command &line: |
| run.execution.tab.ant.command.line.dialog.title=Ant Command Line |
| run.execution.tab.run.under.jdk.label=Run under &JDK: |
| run.execution.tab.run.with.ant.border=Run with Ant\: |
| run.execution.tab.set.default.button=&Set Default... |
| run.execution.tab.use.custom.ant.radio=Use c&ustom Ant\: |
| run.execution.tab.use.project.default.ant.radio=Use project &default Ant\: |
| run.filters.tab.targets.label=Targets: |
| remove.action.name=Remove |
| ant.setup.dialog.title=Ant Setup |
| ant.element.role.ant.project.name=Ant project name |
| ant.element.role.user.task=User task |
| ant.element.role.macrodef.element=Macrodef element |
| ant.element.role.scriptdef.element=Scriptdef element |
| ant.intention.create.property.family.name=Create Property |
| #0 - property name |
| ant.intention.create.property.text=Add property definition ''{0}'' |
| ant.file.structure.narrow.down.the.list.on.typing.checkbox=&Narrow down the list on typing |
| delete.selected.ant.configuration.confirmation.text=Delete selected Ant configuration? |
| delete.selected.ant.configurations.confirmation.text=Delete selected Ant configurations? |
| create.property.quickfix.name=Create property ''{0}'' |
| create.property.in.file.quickfix.name=Create property ''{0}'' in file ''{1}'' |
| undefined.element=Element ''{0}'' is undefined |
| attribute.is.not.allowed.here=Attribute ''{0}'' is not allowed here |
| nested.element.is.not.allowed.here=Nested element ''{0}'' is not allowed here |
| cannot.resolve.target=Target ''{0}'' is unknown |
| cannot.resolve.refid=Cannot resolve ''{0}'' refid |
| unknown.property=Property ''{0}'' is unknown |
| unknown.macro.attribute=Macro attribute ''{0}'' is unknown |
| file.doesnt.exist=''{0}'' does not exist |
| integer.attribute.has.invalid.value=Attribute ''{0}'' should have an integer value |
| intention.create.target.family.name=Create target |
| intention.create.property.family.name=Create property |
| intention.create.macrodef.family.name=Create macrodef |
| intention.create.presetdef.family.name=Create presetdef |
| ant.target.before.run.description=Run Ant target ''{0}'' |
| ant.target.before.run.description.empty=Run Ant target |
| ant.target.choser.title=Choose Ant Target to Execute |
| please.specify.a.property=Please set a property here |
| failed.to.load.types=Failed to load type(s) |
| using.definition.which.type.failed.to.load=Using definition which type failed to load |
| target.is.duplicated=Target ''{0}'' is duplicated |
| target.is.duplicated.in.imported.file=Target ''{0}'' is duplicated in file ''{1}'' |
| ant.inspections.display.name=Ant inspections |
| ant.duplicate.targets.inspection=Duplicate targets |
| ant.duplicate.imported.targets.inspection=Duplicate targets in imported files |
| ant.missing.properties.file.inspection=Missing properties file |
| register.ant.build.progress=Registering Ant build file ''{0}''... |
| loading.ant.config.progress=Loading Ant configuration... |
| intention.configure.highlighting.family.name=Configure highlighting |
| intention.configure.highlighting.text=Configure highlighting |
| build.file.properties.maximum.stack.size.label=Maximum &stack size (Mb): |
| run.execution.tab.ant.command.line.hint=Use "-J" prefix to specify JVM arguments |