Snapshot 020d29497847701e84e383d965abf543b80758e2 from idea/133.370 of git://

020d294: platform: incompatible KTerm option stripped
589c8be: ui: correct icon for facet editor panel
00b8db5: skip invalid highlighters (EA-37197) - 8K reports! (cherry picked from commit 3688a79) [r=Peter.Gromov]
663de5b: IDEA-114952 Eclipse code style import: would be nice to remember imported file location (URL fix for Windows) (cherry picked from commit 7f1b705)
fd13ff8: IDEA-116071 (Field can be final inspection change) (cherry picked from commit e1eab58)[CR-IC-3389]
ae3b411: IDEA-116508 ("Local variable or parameter can be final" inspection use generates uncompilable code not extracting a really finalizable variable) (cherry picked from commit 49639e8)[CR-IC-3388]
e31eafc: EA-52123 (IAE: InvertBooleanHandler.invoke) (cherry picked from commit 18e2e69)
b318047: 2x more compact mapping storage for 7bit ascii paths [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev] (cherry picked from commit 2f10822)
42fa68e: IDEA-117378 Privilege escalation via JetBrains products by local attacker (cherry picked from commit 81b56c6)
87e3a49: IDEA-118063 Gradle: cosmetic fix 'Add gradle plugin' action: 'Choose plugin' popup has lots of not clickable links (cherry picked from commit ca4f7bc)
1245a78: IDEA-117792 Gradle Run/Debug Configuration: support adding Gradle specific parameters; review -
8558b99: 13.0.2 with EAP
997edcb: no smart icons and no parameter info in power save mode (cherry picked from commit 4bb3242)
bdd56c0: [^jeka] tolerate mysterious groovy class file corruption
a346506: IDEA-118397 Resume build not working (cherry picked from commit ea2b802) +review CR-IC
a659297: IDEA-118245 Retain the last used command line in the Execute Maven Goal dialog (cherry picked from commit 26a7d57) +review CR-IC
a604811: IDEA-118102 Maven: artifacts name not properly generated from pom in IDEA 13 (cherry picked from commit e610603) +review CR-IC
a8ffcf9: IDEA-118053 Editor "deprived of mind" when editing settings.xml (cherry picked from commit ed529d5) +review CR-IC
0e9a065: IDEA-78508 [Maven] Good Code Red with empty variables in classifiers (cherry picked from commit 0831af1) +review CR-IC
cbd34cb: IDEA-116921 Run configuration can't resolve test dependency when "Resolve workspace artifacts" ticked on. (cherry picked from commit d06f31a) +review CR-IC
75e374a: Fix for IDEA-116940 @formatter off still generating braces [CR-IC-3478] (cherry picked from commit 3340beb)
1f6f81f: avoid unconditional trace properly (cherry picked from commit 2e72fcc)
5f45643: Compilation fix
a4749db: IDEA-118292 (process in declaration order)
679e1c4: IDEA-118111 (OpenJDK 6 check made strict)
950225b: restore classes in nav bar (IDEA-118168)
cfe1124: NPE
0a41d99: method may be static: process default methods (IDEA-118272)
6ff67d9: redundant cast: ensure that temp variable would have unique name (IDEA-118197)
9549258: distinct prover: distinguish types when type parameter has bounds (IDEA-118037)
0dcb258: show param info: highlight overload vararg method
c40975b: method references: smart completion to filter by return type
319017d: disable lambda completion after inserted qualifier
ed361ec: do not register fixes which need editor in batch mode (IDEA-116248)
30cba59: EA-52652 - NPE:  ExceptionUtil.getUnhandledExceptions
c9199b7: redundant type args: process nested calls (IDEA-117945)
fad3ead: IDEA-117989 JUnit: Run/Debug java test output "scroll to stacktrace" not working as expected
c9d58cc: IDEA-117911 Delegate methods duplicate @Override
35afc12: generate javadoc: search for modules under progress
bf0ec72: IDEA-117883 make <--tooltip end--> logic work in Inspections View; provide additional tooltip bounds
056b529: new inference: propagate outer method to constraints, initial (IDEA-117803)
cd65706: IDEA-117827 Invalid "ambiguous method call" error
8251b5d: IDEA-117780 Bad code is green: non-static class T cannot be referenced from a static context
4a1ae2f: restore suppressions (IDEA-117763)
b7003c6: pull up: ignore conflicts coming from access object when it is also moved (IDEA-117671)
282c332: remember different working dirs for rerun (IDEA-116110)
8224a17: scope to check for cheap search (IDEA-117665)
b2affde: refactoring high level listeners (IDEA-115905)
a2ae64e: NPE
f75829b: extend local scope a set of containing files as visitors expect file level (IDEA-117649)
c72c42f: tests notification: separate not started notification from ignored when no 'not started' tests were detected (IDEA-116825)
5a0aebc: suspicious names: highlight only variable name (IDEA-116475)
62ba24a: disable introduce variable from part of literal expression which is not a string
740bbf2: testng: ignore default annotations attributes (IDEA-117575)
52c384c: add explicit arguments: eliminate wildcards (IDEA-106741)
31e57cc: check lambda return values during constant&conditions (IDEA-117420)
c8ff7ea: javafx: allow to configure custom manifest attributes (IDEA-115252)
99b89cc: IDEA-117314 Can not compile Java project with Eclipse dependencies storage format
528f2d5: introduce variable inside lambda: do not step out of lambda block
48cb2be: IDEA-117252 Extract variable bug
8724806: IDEA-113339 "replace with method reference" ignores side effect of expression: ignore any new expressions in qualifiers
6f6d61b: lambda -> method ref: do not convert if resulted ref would be ambiguous (IDEA-116964)
d9a89a1: EA-52426 - NPE: JavaDocInfoGenerator.generateSuperMethodsSection
df01945: IDEA-118264 Rearrange Entries stopped working in Intellij 13
5e7d560: files compiled on first round may require additional recompilation on the next round (second part for IDEA-116914)  constant search on the IDE side rewritten: only direct dependencies are returned for each search round; all transitive dependencies will be additionally handled by make
4792865: handling cases when added class hides imported class with the same short name (IDEA-116914 Incremental compilation of Java project fails)
e99d464: correct check
ea90776: safely skipping some invalid usages
3a16b61: proper synchronization
0c9c72e: IDEA-117249 Optimize make's constant search algorithm, so that read action is not held for long time
f19231c: do not search usages of removed constant fields in injected PSI
d6ef061: Merge branch '133' of into 133
fa65f8e: IDEA-35996 Ant integration: provide more informative message in case ant file execution is stopped due to unknown command line argument
9519530: IDEA-117904 Ant integration: running: with an error (javac) the result is reported as "successful": perform all status calculations after all messages are processed
5a9f9a8: IDEA-111702 Java Rearranger illegal forward reference on fields rearrangement [CR-IC-3034] (cherry picked from commit 7f01bcd)
a2dd3a6: IDEA-115786 Allow the number of Maven threads to be specified (cherry picked from commit 9d05ff2) +review CR-IC
abfd9a5: IDEA-114418 (Grails SDK of an dependency)  -Dgrails.disable.structure.update=true should work for JDK synchronization. (cherry picked from commit 009ca28) +review CR-IU
491ceb6: IDEA-96723 Java Rearranger deletes blank lines in field declarations (cherry picked from commit 15869e7)
85fe89f: IDEA-118159 "Search Everywhere" inconsistent api on ItemPresentation (cherry picked from commit 9729ea9) [r=Konstantin.Bulenkov]
bcf528b: revert platform fix for PY-6095, apply Python specifix fix instead (cherry picked from commit 0dfae8b)
fec8fe7: IDEA-117864
930439c: cosmetics
6c1df41: IDEA-108838 Wrong code when introducing variable in injection (cherry picked from commit f119c2e)
2a40aeb: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
d92cdcc: IDEA-117391 (annotation highlighting fixed)
05a20ae: IDEA-117772 (start application loading in EDT)
ef18d70: DevKit: refine DOM stubs + test (cherry picked from commit 84d8e52)
15d7962: IDEA-117583 DevKit: highlight <idea-version> "min"|"max" as deprecated (cherry picked from commit ce277a1)
be71e9a: cleanup, update "since-build" (cherry picked from commit f56ca26)
e9aa79b: IDEA-117573 DevKit: highlight <vendor> "logo" as obsolete (cherry picked from commit d552ee4)
d5d86be: EA-52563 - assert: ChooseModulesDialog$MyTableCellRenderer$.customizeCellRenderer (cherry picked from commit d24d279)
009d144: CodeInsightTestUtil#doIntentionTest(): remove Throwable declaration (cherry picked from commit d7e8e2a)
e543b44: lazy class loading for PtyProcess (r=Eugene.Zhuravlev), 2 (cherry picked from commit 85700e4)
edd9c56: save / load per project key hash codes (cherry picked from commit c847d67) [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev]
eff72da: avoid garbage creation in JDK7 due to calling StringBuilder.toString() that copies buffer now (cherry picked from commit 03f7413) [r=Peter.Gromov]
40c73d4: no need to create strings of PsiFile's Text when we can avoid it or use charsequence (cherry picked from commit d8ec59b) [r=Peter.Gromov]
10c479c: introduced cvs.roots.refresh.uses.vfs property (true by default) and uses its value to refresh cvs roots after update using vfs to avoid performance problems (IDEA-112132) (cherry picked from commit 1958e9a) [r=Peter.Gromov]
8cac2e5: - detect proper encoding for html5's <meta charset="charsetname"> - [performance fix] avoid (light) parsing of html content if there is no charset\s*= pattern inside the string (cherry picked from commit 2f4be38) [r=Alexey.Kudryavtsev]
cee6644: IDEA-78206 Constructing 'mailto' link -> cannot resolve file 'mailto' (cherry picked from commit 3166c04) [r=Konstantin.Ulitin]
98571ff: Cyclic Expand Word leaves word highlighted (IDEA-115727) (cherry picked from commit 29bb231) [r=Peter.Gromov]
31fe1a1: refixing IDEA-57940 : the variants from other editors are suggested AFTER finishing variants from current file (cherry picked from commit e76fe51) [r=Peter.Gromov]
e3975be: avoid allocating sun.nio.cs.US_ASCII$Decoder when converting byte[] to String
1053bdb: don't create TIntArrayList(DEPTH_LIMIT) before we have clear indication that we might have a loop (parentId >= id) (cherry picked from commit 5478fdf) [r=Alexey.Kudryavtsev]
364e80e: avoid unconditional trace (cherry picked from commit 2e72fcc) [r=Alexey.Kudryavtsev]
70980d8: don't call toString() without need to avoid garbage (cherry picked from commit 75c030c) [r=Alexey.Kudryavtsev]
466dc64: Apply again "update stubs per filetype  reverted for 133 branch"
3f66295: Apply again "IDEA-113684 Soft wraps insert additional spaces"
028b3ae: Darcula: combobox as cell renderer/editor fixes
e96975a: fix default size of SourceMapInspector window (cherry picked from commit a64047e)
edfb4da: if IDEA sees text/plain and extension .java, perhaps it should infer that it's actually Java, because not everyone will set up their HTTP servers with language-specific mime types? (Particularly when following a URL to a source file in a sourcemap.) +review (cherry picked from commit 5ea95e3)
6162222: fix ClassCastException: com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.FileEditorState$1 cannot be cast to com.intellij.openapi.fileEditor.impl.text.TextEditorState (cherry picked from commit 44f0697)
6c8dbc0: update progress on test done (finished, failed, or ignored), not on test started (cherry picked from commit dbcb907)
a4038dd: REGISTERED state added (cherry picked from commit 08677f9)
bf0da3a: fix PersistenceRenameTest blinking: inconsistent @NameValue placement and random methods order in DomGenericInfo
1f08879: PsiBuilder/GPUB: zero-length token parsing support (lexer-based macros)
352056d: EA-52484 - IOOBE: ConsoleHistoryModel.getHistoryPrev
21ab06f: EA-52027 - assert: TextRange.<init>
b452663: IDEA-116383 cannot reconnect Some RuntimeException contains not serializable class 'org.apache.maven.model.building.DefaultModelProblem'. So IDEA throw java.rmi.UnmarshalException  caused by (cherry picked from commit 9f7fb6c) +review CR-IC
a4e9447: Revert "IDEA-113684 Soft wraps insert additional spaces"
231adec: Revert "update stubs per filetype  reverted for 133 branch"
d62a526: use method instead of manual hack
cae16e2: better combobox rendering on aqua: no focus ring around combo button, fixed 1px size difference
7d9b58c: fix TextFieldWithHistory rendering on mac
95d40df: determine tag end by doctype #WEB-2229 fixed
556c3bc: lazy class loading for PtyProcess (r=Eugene.Zhuravlev) (cherry picked from commit 96c8bca)
749d89f: RUBY-14672: better name for gracefulProcessTermination() (reviewed by Dennis Ushakov and Sergey Simonchik ) (cherry picked from commit 908538b)
dd5dd11: RUBY-14672: we need to send SIGINT to Ruby debugger twice (reviewed by Dennis Ushakov and Sergey Simonchik ) (cherry picked from commit 4546732)
3c01a72: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
6378e77: [git] IDEA-118265 Fix showing Git Branches menu
b9446e2: close process's input stream after process termination (cherry picked from commit e962648) CR-WS-272
c8fbe68: support Windows soft kills using runnerw.exe in KillableColoredProcessHandler (cherry picked from commit 77e0f1a) CR-IC-3459
988c990: fix showValuePopup — incorrect scrolling (cherry picked from commit 594785c)
1f67166: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: XmlHighlightingTest.testXhtmlSchemaHighlighting fixed (cherry picked from commit 69daed6)
eb3a323: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: get schemaLocation from import tag (cherry picked from commit ec44bbd)
8bb9587: IDEA-105450 Attribute id in OSGI reference element not allowed: namespaces from standard resources should be considered relevant (cherry picked from commit d30684d)
a129c6c: IDEA-84166 Support "CTRL+H" on class in .xml file (cherry picked from commit da3cbf3)
7162d4b: update stubs per filetype  reverted for 133 branch
377bf70: IDEA-113684 Soft wraps insert additional spaces (cherry picked from commit 0e1c820)
643cd5d: use direct call to storage.resize() so that IOException is not masked with RuntimeException (IDEA-118107)
2e7c85f: Plugin for IDEA 133.286 3.0.1 EAP CE
f75f35e: Merge branch '133' of into 133
9186d35: PyCharm 3.1
58936a1: add create method
ecf556d: do nothing if state didn't change
dcfbfb5: IDEA-115859 Presentation mode is broken
1d6443d: Javascript tests fixed, IDEA-113977 Formatter: caret is moved on next line if closing brace has wrong indent  [CR-IC-3034] (cherry picked from commit dd55e70)
b75041b: Merge branch '133' of into 133
2a74e83: Pty lib updated - run in console mode.
390900e: Guava and Pty4J libraries dependencies.
10a39d8: Contains in branches feature implemented for mercurial log.
37a14b0: Added logging.
9355a2b: improved user experience with run configuration producers
78e57f9: Better multiline code handling in console.
fc7702f: Correct test data path.
6bba62d: Detect SQL fragments only in the beginning of string literals
ba5ff19: Fixed LiteralTextEscaper.getOffsetInHost() for partial ranges inside host that contain escapes
df0c579: Added caching of decoded fragments of string literals
f93a871: Fixed detecting file references in Python strings without delimiters
01bf006: Removed unused PyStringLiteralExpression.iterateCharacterRanges()
147ed7a: Switched to new string value iteration in Python file references inside string literals
f8e775c: Use Pair instead of a custom class
0106a10: Switched to new string value iteration in Python spellchecker
69ac8c5: Added PyStringLiteralExpression.getDecodedFragments()
d703ca5: reverted module type from plugin_module to java_module for localization and rest
2cb9a61: fixed tests since we don't propose to make static decorated method
d6ed1d7: fixed PY-10998 Wrong highlight in rst (restructured texts) for headlines
5511e2f: Fix NPE.
9f0c134: Don't break compatibility (PY-11499).
f80fc2e: fixed PY-11500 False positive in method may be static inspection for decorated methods
0bfaaf2: fixed PY-2984 Surround with try/except reformats entire file
0ed12da: args can be immutable (PY-11465).
1bb8318: fixed PY-11435 Can't run script by context menu action if it has method named test
0336898: Fixed detection of the largest string literal for right parts of '%' operator
cb5714e: fixed PY-11452 tcunittest errors with single-character failure message
2503a60: fixed test data
16aa28c: fixed PY-11476 No error given for mismatched accolade and squarebracket
403b937: Allow to run processes with PTY.
4740054: Added comment-based language injector for Python
f56fecc: fixed tests
45a824c: Fixed un-inject language availability for temporary Python injections
ea707eb: Method renamed.
4b349d3: Extracted PyInjectionBase.registerInjection
909a31d: Don't inject any language into percent-based Python formatting even without formatting operator (PY-10771)
b928248: Fixed SQL select IntelliLang pattern (PY-10926)
55239bf: If command executed but is incomplete and more lines are needed prompt shouldn't be changed to ordinary one in this case.
a061c7e: Fix modified console options modified after creation.
52b6eb3: Jython doesn't support 'exec' symbol in interactive console.
1213be2: PyConsole: correctly indent after execution of incomplete multi-line string.
38b4e20: Fixed execution of incomplete multiline code fragments.
5306cfb: First evaluate more then add to queue.
4f18cfe: Simplified.
9688ef7: Attribute renamed.
10a0e30: NotNull annotation.
5e5c546: Fixed IPython and debug console broken by console execution model changes.
e53607e: Fixed write lock assertion.
78ea78d: Execute multi-line code fragments by runsrouce with 'exec' option instead of one line by one (PY-10769).
0dcf990: Cleanup.
9f4dca96: Broken indentetion in console fixed (PY-10776).
3c4550e: Fixed saving of env in console settings. Mappings format saving changed.
699255f: Fixed working directory setting in console settings.
9b98ce9: Fixed saving path mappings in console settings (PY-9855).
14fbafd: Don't ask to reconnect remote interpreter in case of fail as it never helps but causes problems (PY-10590).
f8a096a: Support for temporary and configuration-based IntelliLang injections in Python (PY-10983, PY-10721)
5def9d3: fixed
e6a24df: fixed PY-11394 "no tests were found" with django 1.6 DiscoverRunner
1fb4a8a: used consistent name prefix
923f8c0: fixed PY-11415 GAE: Lazy Handler reference is not updated when moving to other module
0a3c840: fixed PY-9967 App Engine: do not resolve to installed to interpreter library
ea42fbf: [log] Fix showing dot in the root table header
decac91: [log] Fix background of the details panel content (cherry picked from commit 2ad2cba)
224a2be: [log] fix name of variable
f79c2e4: [log] IDEA-115675 IDEA-116040 Fix table columns sizing
668c021: [log] IDEA-117500 Don't repaint branches panel on every updateUI
ed4a8ca: [log] IDEA-117500 Optimize grouping of branch references
a98e6c8: [git] Don't modify the unmodifiable collection (cherry picked from commit 007dc0d)
9321b17: [git] IDEA-117500 Don't copy, just wrap in unmodifiable
f3cd826: [git] remove unused method
d7db0fc: [log] Separate loading indicator for "Contained in branches"
ab8606f: [log] Fix "Containing branches" for filtered list & for Mercurial
c190668: [git] Move & rename method to get branches to GitBranchUtil for reuse (cherry picked from commit f78700e)
0ae4458: [git] Simplify method to get branches: use branch names.
423dbc6: IDEA-117936 IDEA13 fails to stop at breakpoint inside advised method
4587a46: IDEA-117613 Gradle: tool window is missing after the update, safe check for newly created project added
18e44f3: IDEA-117613 Gradle: tool window is missing after the update review:
b9b4c6c: fixed IDEA-111701 Emacs: pressing Ctrl+k several times should add lines to muti-line buffer (regression for IDEA-18764, broken in IDEA-111275)
a843386: we must not use getKnownFileTypeOrAssociate on navigate (cherry picked from commit 476b30d)
cf363b6: fix actionSystem.fixLostTyping.description (cherry picked from commit caf3ece) CR-IC-3481
4dfe767: IDEA-117548 Bad function parameters highlight (cherry picked from commit d4507c9)
b83ac23: fix assertion (cherry picked from commit 5743c3c)
f7e5eeb: WEB-10231 first navigation to http file doesn't open desired location (cherry picked from commit 384f8f9)
fe39b87: wait smart mode checks for isReadAccessAllowed too, so, we must not call it (cherry picked from commit a5dd92c)
f4c9d17: optimization — check isEmpty (cherry picked from commit 44727c2)
cd8fb58: VmFileEditor — prepare to fix postponed navigation problem in our HTTP file editor. VmFileEditor supports postponed navigation. (cherry picked from commit db4ca37)
c669320: "Run in background" option from now on means "show build messages immediately" rather than "execute with modal dialog"
d83aedd: don't generate large substrings when creating CompletionResultSet [r=Peter.Gromov]
87ad24b: 13.0.1
14361cd: avoid easy garbage java.util.ArrayList$Itr: 1,720,417,512 (1%) bytes in 71,684,063 (2%) objects (avg size 24 bytes) 	java.util.ArrayList.iterator: 1,720,392,864 (99%) bytes in 71,683,036 (99%) objects 		com.intellij.openapi.projectRoots.impl.ProjectJdkTableImpl.findJdk: 938,831,640 (54%) bytes in 39,117,985 (54%) objects 		com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.ComplementaryFontsRegistry.getFontAbleToDisplay: 218,420,520 (12%) bytes in 9,100,855 (12%) objects (cherry picked from commit 9207b87) [r=Peter.Gromov]
41efe97: look for xml properties in files with xml file type only (cherry picked from commit b6ae811) [r=Dmitry.Avdeev]
ea2590e: WEB-10191 Weird field in the Configure NodeJS Modules Sources (cherry picked from commit 0f61ced)
a2b39c2: Gradle: fix dependencies scope merge IDEA-117556 Gradle custom provided configuration added with compile scope IDEA-117601 Gradle integration ignores in build.gradle (cherry picked from commit f80d692) Safe hotfix, the code works in a separate process (in gradle daemon, not in IDE process)
ce53010: External system: build files modification triggers threads continuously if "auto-import" feature enabled review-
4d9ae0c: Gradle: fix dependency scope merge to respect artifact classifier option related bug - IDEA-117627 Transitive dependencies missing from imported Gradle project Safe hotfix, the code works in a separate process (in gradle daemon, mot in IDE process)
d9c3f83: IDEA-117669 gradle multi-module project executing subtask uses wrong gradle version review -
87819e2: Gradle: IDEA-116880 Intellij 13 doesn't auto-save files before Gradle task (cherry picked from commit e5c53c6)
5b87b39: Gradle: fix MultipleRepositoryUrlsInspection to operate on gradle-relevant files only (cherry picked from commit 95fbdc9)
1c2f07c: IDEA-117432 Do not fail while resolving client factory for upgrade if "other factory" is configured incorrectly (cherry picked from commit 0694e5d)
d11b435: IDEA-117432 Do not fail while resolving client factory for checkout if "other factory" is configured incorrectly (cherry picked from commit 6242d70)
db15422: Branch information checks moved to appropriated separated methods. (cherry picked from commit 9492982)
6f85df3: Method name simplified (cherry picked from commit 0924c2b)
16e2328: IDEA-115906 Throwable ; IDEA-117401 IAE fixed
eedd7fe: HEAD branch filter in new log fixed (cherry picked from commit 7793e6f)
a787eb2: VcsRootDetector and NotifierError tests fixed (there were .git in T ot tmp dir above, so appropriate checker found its root,then error)
ddc643d: remove outdated and buggy (in case of library code) property java.debugger.xBreakpoint.onlyIfHasFacets (cherry picked from commit 5b7f60f)
ab9cce8: CR-IC-3511 CFR-63806 (cherry picked from commit e800ade)
d3e739f: introduce newUrl (cherry picked from commit bb94f47)
5009fbf: VisualizeScriptSourcemap action (cherry picked from commit 2694a1f)
2051c1e: cleanup (cherry picked from commit 30d4cdf)
586ef62: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
3a93fee: rollback IDEA-117378. It will be available in 13.0.2
d72ed2a: IDEA-117227 load imports from stubs [^Peter]
5568b0d: Groovy: injection in command expression [^Peter]
b0ef47e: IDEA-117389 Groovy: Introduce constant from string part [^Peter]
7076f89: IDEA-117227 stubs for Groovy imports [^Peter]
605a0a9: IDEA-117390 'IntelliJIdeaRulezzz' in Code Completion [^peter]
ac4417e: fix testdata
8607b4d: IDEA-116547 optimization in reassigned vars check [^peter]
1e7c610: WEB-10019 Don't show emmet preview after simply dot (cherry picked from commit 127560f)
4b36aad: WEB-9986 CSS: fuzzy search shows turned off abbreviations (cherry picked from commit 56e0385)
4b4958e: WEB-10017 New "Surround with emmet" popup breaks usability (cherry picked from commit 8bdc013)
0bd5b71: automatically starts rebuild if java builder caches are corrupted (IDEA-117024) [rev by Jeka]
f536c49: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
81b56c6: IDEA-117378 Privilege escalation via JetBrains products by local attacker
633cd5e: a temporary workaround for HiDPI on Windows/Linux
b7a8a38: Local VCS tests quick fix (ignore temp. FS)
eecd3d1: make history almost unlimited
72de836: no delay after tab or escape
96b5a46: re-create components on every call (laf change fix)
9aa347b: Extracted Python path walking and fixed broken symlink check (PY-10534)
66b3393: differentiate between Sun and Oracle VMs
6b27a51: fixed silent installation mode.
0e4a0fc: IDEA-117378 Privilege escalation via JetBrains products by local attacker IDEA-113862 Confusing Run as dialog
a7300cd: [^maxim] FrequentEventDetector: log outside of synchronized (IDEA-117426)
9d0b588: [^nik] GroovyHotSwapper: use FileTypeIndex
3228a63: [^nik] cache GroovyHotSwapper.containsGroovyClasses (IDEA-116851)
57ff2da: IDEA-103199 Undo: UTF problem (after-review improvements) (cherry picked from commit 0a0aecf)
75ed596: IDEA-103199 Undo: UTF problem (cherry picked from commit ea49ecf)
0a705a8: correct definition of "oracle vm" for java 6
7464e2f: can not clear JarFileHandler caches (e.g. on JDK 7) -> no logging (cherry picked from commit 5012a9b) [r=Alexey.Kudryavtsev]
299f014: IDEA-117498 Caret locks up after using ctrl+tab to switch editors [r=Peter.Gromov] (cherry picked from commit 38f2f05)
99b71dc: IDEA-117494 133.193: Importing grails modules not labeled as grails enabled +review CR-IU (cherry picked from commit 588cd01) reviewer: Peter Gromov
48ce506: do not auto-switch current suspend context if a new thread with suspenPolicy=thread hits a breakpoint (IDEA-116160)
64dc9f5: CR-IC-3489 restore old API
f1dcd4c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
4b41e83: [log] IDEA-117365 Expect "empty" git tag; protect against errors
725c360: [log] Register disposable right away, not after initialization (cherry picked from commit 1e48680)
265d0df: EA-51913 - assert: DomNamespaceKeyIndex.hasStubElementsWithNamespaceKey (cherry picked from commit 6763822) CR-IC-3472
42ecb1a: CR-IC-3471 (cherry picked from commit b213f10)
89ee113: finalize consts (cherry picked from commit 73b245e)
d033d07: gwt, ability to debug — one idea module to many gwt modules (cherry picked from commit 8086f92)
056f905: NullFileEditorState +review (cherry picked from commit 561c8d1)
ca7af60: overrides (cherry picked from commit aaa236a)
4f2af9c: CR-IU-366 (cherry picked from commit 40ae21d)
c8c0d46: Problem — we use short gwt module name (Hello) instead of output name (hello, rename-to specified in Hello.gwt.xml). 1) if rename-to specified, url will be http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/{rename-to} rename-to=“hello” => http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/hello 2) if rename-to is not specified, url will be http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/{qualified name} => http://localhost:9876/sourcemaps/
40f41b5: IDEA-116260 ISE: RPC handler object "AddOnlineUser" not found at com.intellij.ide.XmlRpcServerImpl.process (cherry picked from commit 5aa9b8e)
3265387: enable all lafs by passing a special registry key
bf2b0c6: Rename "Java" -> "JVMOptions" so MacOS doesn't require java 1.6 download from Apple.
c825894: [log] Make fields volatile
3cc0a09: [git] IDEA-116690 Fix "Select in Git Log" from File History
8b85de3: fixing IDEA-117328 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
7e1850e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
f2aed4c: IDEA-117347 Search Everywhere popup is too wide
3675b82: merging ConcurrentMapFactory and ContainerUtil
98ef79b: fix Url equality (scheme) (cherry picked from commit e668634)
290e4a4: fix NPE — url could be in any form, so, parsed can be null (cherry picked from commit ec22c2e)
f90eaba: allow V8 map on IBM JDK 1.7
845ffae: do not disable "ext.dirs" location, because IBM jdk stores some of its essential jars there
5278615: EA-52516 - IAE: HighlightUsagesHandlerBase.addOccurrence
cae4139: EA-52505 - NPE: MethodCandidateInfo.getPertinentApplicabilityLevel
9b6b81e: default concurrency level upper limit
91cefef: encapsulation of factory's implementation details
1081168: IDEA-117298 Darcula&IntelliJ on Windows: Inspection description is too small in Settings
7799dc3: IDEA-117095 Goto File: checkbox 'include non-project files' is remembered between invocations [r=Anna.Kozlova] (cherry picked from commit 7cf6caa)
8eecc0f: all code in "util" module to create CHM implementation via dedicated factory (see IDEA-116404 Java code compilation does not work with IBM JDK)
81ae633: [Filechooser sheets] IDEA-102449 Mac OS + JDK 1.7: dialog sheets go to background if focus is moved from IDEA and then back
ea058b0: fix NPEs
8fbca43: Remove broken dependency on 'markdownj' from tasks-core module
5c1098b: IDEA-117258 IntelliJ theme: selected tabs in Debugger and in Run <application server> views get black color
5e02eb3: IDEA-116558 Update state transition requests for JIRA REST API 2
c2f531a: "read access" assertion and NPE fixes
ea4f96b: fix "read access" assertion
787438f: IDEA-117265 java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to com.intellij.psi.PsiCallExpression
99ae1f5: NPE on invalid expressions
ffc7fa5: IDEA-115953 Editor: Line Spacing < 1.0 no longer works (reviewed by Roman Shevchenko)
886b675: External system: add support for different naming of external entities within IDEA models. E.g. external lib name: 'somelib' -> IDEA lib name: 'Gradle: somelib'. external module name: 'some/module' -> IDEA module name: 'some_module'. (cherry picked from commit bb941b0)
0634d95: enable abbreviations (cherry picked from commit 0ecc836)
1dc77a9: more searchable options
31750db: fix history and symbols 'More' action
bc4db67: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
84f584a4: add new actions
5a49390: change action place to Main Menu
4a50f96: don't use smart search for files (don't use space as a separator)
93dd505: ready to nulls (EA-52470 - IAE: TypeCompatibilityConstraint.<init>)
174531a: EA-52436 - IAE: PsiElementFactoryImpl.createType
e58f16d: IDEA-115412 Diff window is minimized  after the appearance (cherry picked from commit b2307d0)
8146462: IDEA-117059 (error reporting in updater fixed)
be1c105: NPE in mouse handler
a460658: IDEA-111388 Built-in server not "available external" — it is unclear that port number must be also changed (cherry picked from commit 6ccdae5)
dfdaaae: continue WEB-9968 Dart: ClassCastException when debugging web application in Dartium (cherry picked from commit c19e163)
ee28c75: newHttpUrl — authority must be NotNull (cherry picked from commit a708a6e)
01efd39: NetUtils.tryToFindAvailableSocketPort (cherry picked from commit fa39c70)
ca466c8: introduce Urls.newUri, prepare to fix WEB-9968 Dart: ClassCastException when debugging web application in Dartium (cherry picked from commit 4ecac7f)
e6b739a: IDEA-117059 (same temp. directory for updater)
2679834: introduced idea.register.bundled.fonts registry to be able to switch off bundled fonts registration in order to avoid garbled text in editor (IDEA-93404) [r=Konstantin.Bulenkov] (cherry picked from commit e2cdb6d)
16eb783: fix null project
05de913: report missing optimizedFileManager only once
1b747fe: correct place for optimizedFileManager.jar
4713bfc: Merge branch '133' of into 133
c2c0281: Jediterm updated.
26cf0f4: Mouse selection should always work in Terminal (IDEA-117210).
1f68d01: reconfigure navbar toolbar actions
1ae092c: show separators in navbar toolbar
afcfe95: Setup composite as it is done in EditorImpl.paintComponent.
66f161d: Behave the same as EditorImpl.
013c138: Use Source Code Pro as we don't have problems with unprintable pseudo-graphics as we iterate fonts to find suitable one for unprintable characters.
9796737: special icon for generated test root [rev by Peter]
2398eb9: make adapt_builder_() overridable (initState -> public)
2ef1c62: [git] Quick-fix for IDEA-115581: don't fail, just skip such hashes
1578562: [vcs] IDEA-109608 Apply patch: Fix path detection for new files + test
080813c: update Source Code Pro to version 17
f9c2953: IDEA-117211 empty elements in Search Everywhere
32ebdf3: error reporting in 'Project Structure' dialog: merge UI updates (IDEA-116808, IDEA-110799) [rev by Maxim M.]
2bab20f: added quick-fix to delete all unused libraries (IDEA-99885) [rev by Maxim M.]
f069657: disable GroovyShell because it doesn't work on win {^Peter]
637a5ba: Merge branch '133' of into 133
dd8e18a: moved to core-impl
47f94f0: IDEA-104734 Dracula: Cannot see well active tab in Modules Settings
e2c1637: removed LOG.error for null syntax highlighter (cherry picked from commit 3e4c22c) [r=Peter.Gromov]
d4240b2: check that index for which indexUnsavedDocument is performed can be applied to given file type (EA-47740) [r=Eugene.Zhuravlev] (cherry picked from commit 0057f81)
acede1f: Merge branch '133' of into 133
5ffb206: PsiSearchHelper changes cherry-picked (r:Peter)
1669188: avoid blocking runReadAction in debug logging
ba70dd4: Minor typo fix (IDEA-116432 Incorrect Spelling of Eclipse) (cherry picked from commit 3c553d6)
aadedc9: IDEA-117192 NavBar popup shows in wrong place when navigating to the directory from popup
c3b6615: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
a915da31: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
9a90c16: IDEA-116866 (path overriding for plugins/log dirs fixed once again)
bc3d847: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
6081b4f: removed signing for CE launchers.
21cd0c7: tuned UI for got it button
f986c7c: method refs: do not choose more specific method between methods with different number of params
aa7db43: IDEA-116756 Gradle multi-module project with deep-nested modules - idea places iml file in the wrong directory (cherry picked from commit 8e2ad06)
3bd2a55: plugin advertiser: ensure that older plugins won't be ever suggested
f739564: plugins advertise: download plugin if it was not explicitly disabled (IDEA-117003)
df398a9: plugins advertiser: provide loading plugin version for renderer
751d401: CCE (IDEA-117119)
03b253b: lambda: do not distinguish between ellipsis and arrays for formal lambda params checks (IDEA-117124)
ca191c9: index property optimization [^Peter]
4f7ba3a: class searching optimization [^Peter]
4e7ff49: IDEA-116628 No nulls in type parameters [^Peter]
a30f59b: typo [^Peter]
580cb5e: Merge branch '133' of into 133
9c2489a: Take default shell from env variable.
9b2b7f3: File chooser for shell path (PY-11334).
9758753: Take shell path setting before every process creation.
3dbe4eb: use the same background color
8b8c0df: set lower limit of 1 for max_worker_threads_count (for low-profile cpu)
2a67fed: test for unzipping malformed zip archive (cherry picked from commit cd35a94) CR-WS-267
2c74d46: target error message for a newly created project (cherry picked from commit 8e10c3a) CR-WS-267
41311ea: use ZipFile, because it throws exception for a malformed zip archive (cherry picked from commit 02da50f) CR-WS-267
323523c: make IntelliJ laf by default on Linux
9d74b04: update artwork for version 13
d7ce47d: add history
42733a8: utility class holding two colors for gradient painting
537dd04: better colors? fix balloon and popup borders
787ec72: added signing for community launchers in zip distr.
f577493: use backported V8 CHM only for Oracle or Apple JDK (IDEA-116404 Java code compilation does not work with IBM JDK)
ae19efc: isEap = false, no error reporting
7e1f100: ~update mockJDK-1.7 used classes to be at least from jdk 1.5
c812622: do not create raw outer types during diamond inference
d0bc4ad: Merge branch '133' of into 133
b6fe06f: FinderRecursivePanel: do not perform getListItems() in EDT on update (cherry picked from commit a128fa5) CR-IC-3413
e189085: IDEA-116866 (path overriding for plugins/log dirs fixed)
c50b1f1: Cleanup (punctuation)
cf75962: External System: support for multiple tasks execution added (cherry picked from commit a6f9141)
60418e9: IDEA-100294 Cannot edit a file - text jumps all over the screen (cherry picked from commit 36bacc0) [cdr]
3da28ad: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
86b3924: mock 1.8 jdk
ae8c2b0: switching to java.util.ConcurrentHashMap in jps code; eliminate unneeded map queries
f3d2761: EA-52322 (diagnostic)
f0d71c1: copyright: fix for 2 open projects
e797eb4: javadoc: keep whitespaces in {@code} tags (IDEA-109997) (cherry picked from commit d08af6dfed35217f3bb03093e8c549ec3065d258)
aa52879: IDEA-117082 Anonymous class assigned to final field (cherry picked from commit 02cabc4e849835259d9d837f86493c5e4ff7269c)
c040d2f: junit: do not reuse directory configuration from another test root (IDEA-116871) (cherry picked from commit 354fece7efab569fa05b135ab912bee758a6d3f7)
99043c6: junit: do not create directory configuration when selection is not under test root, e.g. module content root (IDEA-116871) (cherry picked from commit effc865ab3bff89d4651054569ef7ac4f86d7b33)
f8ff71b: product name -> full product name (IDEA-117070) (cherry picked from commit 2b4dc107514b4bd13ec4dced1144c81de79a0bb7)
d60166d: plugins advertiser: ensure that all installed plugins would be enabled - check also unknown plugins (IDEA-117068) (cherry picked from commit 99ffd837ba1ec2523ae8c4faa2060c84b5941986)
b3ed3c2: plugins advertiser: do not suggest to update to ultimate on implicitly disabled plugins (IDEA-117040) (cherry picked from commit e5452974f1a45693dd8ddb967525d37cd54f3ba4)
61ebb02: IDEA-116991 "IDE is up to date" message (cherry picked from commit 094ac76636050b6f0796c9802342cb3d431eeab0)
a4dc3a5: lambda: process lambda as parameter for anonymous class (IDEA-116987) (cherry picked from commit bf64625fb2e79f29f924d47fb68ec55d7c46d954)
7be1ec1: IDEA-117071 (language level in decompiled .class files)
5e5d914: relative path - special url, encoding is not required (cherry picked from commit 58704c7)
7f786c5: cleanup (cherry picked from commit 3868464)
208311d: cleanup (cherry picked from commit d58146c)
53f1175: CR-IC-3246 (cherry picked from commit 5d6a0c8)
a186992: CR-IC-3246 (cherry picked from commit 51864f4)
04cd96d: open in browser — choose url, show full url, not only path (decoded form with parameters) (cherry picked from commit b3fff55)
bb59091: WeightBasedComparator — string natural compare (cherry picked from commit 86971b9)
52c78b1: overrides (cherry picked from commit 716766a)
5b53293: Urls.newFromIdea returns not-null (cherry picked from commit f47f98a)
fde95ae: move Url to platform - avoid raw string (cherry picked from commit d4e4a40)
7dabf92: UriUtil.trimLastSlash refine Url nullability (newFromIdea is not yet done) (cherry picked from commit 9b8aac5)
e1bcebb: CR-IC-2986 (cherry picked from commit 34ef731)
6a65720: cleanup (cherry picked from commit e50df4c)
60e168b: CR-IC-2986 MessageBuilder -> MessageDialogBuilder (cherry picked from commit 1999b51)
be3b2ec: some memory tune-ups
cfbafa0: IDEA-117077 Can't remove files from Recent Files
3f42891: EA-52338 - assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getComponent (cherry picked from commit 7c076b6)
58bc683: IDEA-117030 Groovy/Gradle frequent, severe hangs (cherry picked from commit aadeb26)
0ef7db2: IDEA-117073 Recent files and Switcher are not centred in ide window
4a2dde3: file watchers tips should be in WS only
39ee2d2: update complete statement tips
292b280: remove image tag
bffe81e: missed images
b975e7d: Add missing module definition.
3cd9608: Add license for "aether-api-0.9.0.M2.jar" (cherry picked from commit 0df2a18)
d63a566: IDEA-116452 "Resolve workspace artifacts" option doesn't work with Maven 3.1.x (cherry picked from commit 8c35e68)
9103476: Enter in SE should close popup if selection is a setting
4f37f20:  button placed on top, should be in the middle
6c28556: [log] IDEA-116399 Fix filter by branch
7684e66: IDEA-116881 Please time stamp gradle tasks (cherry picked from commit 79c4e6e)
db139a1: IDEA-116891 gradle import creates a lot of extra empty directories (cherry picked from commit 9732da7)
9ed8e39: WEB-9933 What should happen when creating node.js Express App as New Module? (cherry picked from commit a0c7d51) CR-WS-262
2e2fd29: IDEA-116891 gradle import creates a lot of extra empty directories (cherry picked from commit ca7e083)
5902fb8: IDEA-116974 Gradle Plugin doesn't handle 'providedCompile' dependencies in 'war' projects correctly (cherry picked from commit d3f9d06)
0e97c89: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
5be1c50: IDEA-115546 Full Screen Mode: main menu persists on screen, when invoked by the keyboard shortcut(reviewed by kb)
4055528: IDEA-111161 Flat tool window design PATCH(reviewed by kb)
17913b8: Lens pixel hunting (reviewed by kb)
38dd8e8: select correct shell runner in title [^Peter]
57befaf: IDEA-116917 check for jansi in classpath [^Peter]
93e3010: IDEA-66494 Switching between search and replace (cherry picked from commit d7dc6ca) [r=Peter.Gromov]
45d852b: IDEA-66494 Switching between search and replace (cherry picked from commit d7dc6ca) [r=Peter.Gromov]
7673aeb: IDEA-116952 IntelliJ LAF issue (set label.disabledForeground to 999999)
56d2cb6: IDEA-116911 Speed search: wrong background in recent files
6ecd960: IDEA-115577 Commit Changes: keyboard shortcut for Commit Message History does not work
27aa855: IDEA-115708 Add workaround by setting global SSLContext (cherry picked from commit fc3f452bbbef193a3ebf6fd28d7e0bffb14a9a5a)
7c3e066: get rid of invoke later [^Peter]
3f10d5b: special icon for 'generated source' roots: added file forgotten by first cherry-pick (cherry picked from commit 35806f22)
6f3780e: grayed text is invisible on Linux
f64ba46: menu is not visible on Linux + IntelliJ theme
e7f0816: [vcs] IDEA-115571 Don't clean change lists's commit message until committed
f0226f9: [log] Make "show details" & "show long edges" actions dumb aware (cherry picked from commit 726ffc1)
8ca08ac: [log] IDEA-116950 Draw just "tag +" instead of "tag + 5 more" (cherry picked from commit 49a033a)
976a8ef: [log] IDEA-116950 Don't display all tags if there are too many of them
4a1db8f: [log] Refactor: move ref painter & drawRefs & calc refs padding to the common parent class (cherry picked from commit 3bb3524)
5dd3597: IDEA-113730 Implemented "cat" command to read content as binary data (not to read as text data and then convert to bytes using some encoding) (cherry picked from commit efd5985)
4201c87: update tips
5c4c6e0: special icon for 'generated source' roots [rev by Peter] (cherry picked from commit 35806f2)
fcc237f: [^nicity] fix outdated javadoc (completion is performed in a read action) (cherry picked from commit d4e5553)
0f918a9: [^nicity] support hippie completion at the file start (EA-52100) (cherry picked from commit 3334c0b)
41b5038: IDEA-102449 Mac OS + JDK 1.7: dialog sheets go to background if focus is moved from IDEA and then back
aff52ee: IDEA-116784 Error Parsing Regex /\s/ in Groovy [^Peter]
8bf0c61: IDEA-95170 closure parameter type [^peter]
8f7c63d: IDEA-116378 only expressions are available in loop conditions [^peter]
d889262: IDEA-116837 Groovy: don't suggest to shorten references in comments [^peter]
f835a08: IDEA-116621 Groovy: Extract Parameter Refactoring: 'Replace this occurrence only' replaces all occurrences in current method [^peter]
6ee4359: [log] fix action's update()
5b8fb93: do not update recent projects on closing in headless mode
3fb3322: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/133' into 133
9251d90: SSH console - credentials validation (cherry picked from commit 8b7b23a)
9947162: IDEA-116824 Gradle: Provide an inspection & quickfix for multiple custom maven repo links (cherry picked from commit 810199f)

Change-Id: I47b8e5f8b6b865ec46d5625dd1838900539d7d93
1092 files changed
tree: 9facfcf805e92469be9bab9f274b1b383c93ac79
  1. .idea/
  2. bin/
  3. build/
  4. colorSchemes/
  5. community-resources/
  6. community-tests/
  7. images/
  8. java/
  9. jps/
  10. lib/
  11. license/
  12. native/
  13. platform/
  14. plugins/
  15. python/
  16. RegExpSupport/
  17. resources/
  18. resources-en/
  19. samples/
  20. spellchecker/
  21. tools/
  22. updater/
  23. xml/
  24. .gitattributes
  25. .gitignore
  26. build.txt
  27. build.xml
  28. community-main.iml
  29. LICENSE.txt
  30. NOTICE.txt
  32. test-log.xml

IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

This is the official GitHub mirror of the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition and PyCharm Community Edition source code.


To develop IntelliJ IDEA, you can use either IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition or IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate. To build and run the code:

  • Make sure you have the Groovy plugin enabled. Parts of IntelliJ IDEA are written in Groovy, and you will get compilation errors if you don't have the plugin enabled.
  • Make sure you have the UI Designer plugin enabled. Most of IntelliJ IDEA‘s UI is built using the UI Designer, and the version you build will not run correctly if you don’t have the plugin enabled.
  • Open the directory with the source code as a directory-based project
  • Configure a JSDK named “IDEA jdk”, pointing to an installation of JDK 1.6
  • On Windows or Linux, add lib\tools.jar from the JDK installation directory to the classpath of IDEA jdk
  • Use Build | Make Project to build the code
  • To run the code, use the provided shared run configuration “IDEA”.

To build the distribution archive of IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition, execute build.xml Ant build script in the root directory of the source code. The results of the build execution can be found at out/artifacts.


Pull requests are welcome. Please make sure that you follow the IntelliJ Coding Guidelines. Note that you'll need to submit a Contributor Agreement before we can accept your pull request.

See for more information.

Developer Documentation

You can find information on the internal architecture of IntelliJ IDEA and plugin development at the PluginDevelopment site.