Snapshot 360576332daeb98660f594b84800d615f73977a3 from idea/132.947 of git://
3605763: better font on Linux
6a9ca0b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7211304: fix equals()
effa719: IDEA-115986 ctrl+shift+n not found files: IOOBE in com.intellij.util.indexing.IdFilter$2.contains
f59423e: [^maxim] IDEA-96343 "Find Usages..." settings are not applied
b51049f: IDEA-115092 Progress indicator: Throwable at AbstractProgressIndicatorBase.start()
058ef8c: EA-51542 - PIEAE: ClsFileImpl.getContainingFile
2653c20: compilation fixed
1467565: extracted method to fetch library versions synchronously
6835df8: javadoc updated
4cf9761: [log] issue links in the table (IDEA-115992)
90761be: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
01790a5: make IntelliJ available on Ubuntu
750d558: EA-51479 - IAE: PsiManagerImpl.findFile
f1d78bd: Error notification for root scanner fixed
3a8109e: fix SuppressLocalInspectionInJspTest
7b0e4f4: External system: adding more source types to ExternalSystemSourceType (GENERATED, RESOURCE, TEST_RESOURCE)
1030d67: [log] Better UI of details + issue links in details (IDEA-115992)
4e871dd: add option to only report on truly superfluous (un)boxing
6e592a1: some dirs-by-package fixes
6099b1b: cache all directory infos
7a9c45f: show some meaningful progress for pushers
0962a75: registry properties controlling whether RootIndex is used
5088277: fix stupid typo in RootIndex
8768c25: import from Maven: mark a source root as 'generated' if it was imported as a ordinary source root by previous version of IDEA (IDEA-115755)
ec31385: Deprecated methods dropped; javadoc refined
dbb43a2: Get rid of needless check
a0c0793: fix
cf242e8: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6abc87f: Empty text rendering fix
7dbd71c: [log] IDEA-115908 Expect null value
e1a32de: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
5dec682: IDEA-115817 Correctly create SVNCopySource for both url and file targets
271099a: Application menu on Unity (Ubuntu) is enabled now. To disable use registry key.
5aa669d: IDEA-113876 Changed working directory for delete command - use idea home instead of folder being deleted
3bae8b9: CR-IU-343 javadoc
15135eb: simplify file info (use ony parsed Url)
4b61382: added comment to test
0602677: Flat & round stripe buttons (Internal Mode Only) v.3 (rectangles patch)
e798bd6: Gradle: extension point for executing tasks added
204c842: skip locations with lineNumber==1 to fix GWT debugging
1b92d0c: WEB-9744 Surround with Emmet dialog usability problems
445de2c: UI: add isComboPopupKeyEvent utility method
44cbcd6: Emmet usability fixes:
37a8a38: IDEA-115904 Mercurial Log: avoid exception with old (<2.6) versions
9ed136c: show it in 2 minutes after start
eb18856: IDEA-115959 IDEAC-132.940 Start Failed with java.lang.RuntimeException
d3d5a8be: IDEA-115788 Error Messages in Run Configuration Dialog
83eb8ea: IDEA-115788 Error Messages in Run Configuration Dialog
4af50cb: IDEA-115838 FQN inserted for annotated code instead of using imports
ae7e30e: java 8: forbid super in static methods
dda9d7d: CR-IC-2999 simplify API chooseFile — use native Mac OS X file chooser
1304a2a: JSPX supports jvm debugging, but not in XHTML files
058408f: simplify
0f6e267: DirectoryIndexTest reflecting current state of excluded lib dirs under module content
769720b: RootIndex: return no dirs for packages starting with a dot
c3e03fb: [log] implement CustomActionComponents to correctly add filters to the toolbar
989e597: in power save mode, display a hint in settings that autopopup completion and automake don't work (IDEA-115749, IDEA-102048)
7a50c93: remove smelly isPhysical() check
f64c700: (IDEA-115964) Fix root scanner and errors notification for vcs without RootChecker
4a3e403: [log] layout: align the changes browser toolbar with the log toolbar
714bfeb: Flat & round stripe buttons (Internal Mode only) v.2
483e172: IDEA-115884 Auto-complete qualified super reference in virtual extension methods.
49042b4: IDEA-115883 Add auto-fix for compiler error "Unqualified super reference is not allowed in extension method"
1753fe6: refixed IDEA-114815 (maven: new project from archetype: checkbox enabled but treeview inactive)
72ce296: IDEA-115074 New Project Wizard: Grails: grails-specific settings are missing
53ef1cf: source roots editor: panels swapped, toolbar extended, group for 'mark as resource' actions eliminated
bf9d331: don't throw exception on attempt to invoke 'setValue' for key which doesn't exist in
5aa216c: Introduce field: 'initialize in method' option should exist only when all occurrences are in the single method
bb97c01: Introduce field: correct flow for introducing field from variable
c997b3c: in-place introduce variable from string part and from control branch without code block
99e5e55: Flat & round stripe buttons (Internal Mode only)
38099ed: document another checkbox
5d2c8a9: part 2 of IDEA-106425 (Ignore some 'Code maturity issues'-inspections for test code)
d7a7025: move test to correct location
ea4ea5c: document the new checkbox
89c52c3: when copying breakpoints to clipboard, use their display text instead of toString()
1d09658: remove unused field
781028d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a201080: add Search Everywhere to statistics
6a0d9c6: enable filtering in autoimport candidates list (PY-10571)
048f2bd: enable configuring logs in Python run configurations (PY-8859)
596244e: allow running PEP8 inspection from Analyze | Inspect Code (PY-9157)
5696efb: FileReferenceCharFilter checks if the reference being completed is actually a file reference (PY-8341)
0bd6d87: register optimize imports quickfix for "multiple imports on one line" pep8 issue (PY-9745)
dd5841d: optimize imports inserts blank lines between groups also when we don't have any missorted imports (PY-8355)
4ca7cb7: restore space in Python line comment prefix (PY-10929); re-fix PY-9840 correctly
a00e03f: remove garbage from git
5cfd1a1: don't inject regexp into first argument of RegexpObject.sub() (PY-11069)
5d48217: define CTRL_CLICKABLE color in WarmNeon scheme (PY-3280)
63a2620: if an attribute is declared in __init__ and another method, prefer navigating to __init__ (PY-9228)
7b29990: if there are two existing import statements that import from the same file, don't show two same items in import popup (PY-9138)
363b5a6: select word works correctly inside escape sequence (PY-9014)
27d5125: move registration of RunConfigurationBeforeRunProvider to correct place (PY-9495)
de8bad3: enable rename project in PyCharm, handle attached modules better (PY-5787)
1b78c56: don't add parentheses when using class name completion for decorator (PY-10235)
ed93e59: [log] Shift mouse-over-node/branch area in multi-root projects
75a447a: foolproof null directory info caching
e9bd45e: RootIndex: cache null infos for foreign directories
bb9fa53: Merge branch 'master' of
799303a: IDEA-106425 (Ignore some 'Code maturity issues'-inspections for test code)
08b28fa: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
577ecc5: Merge branch 'master' of
bde6166: testdata fixed
c2b39c7: IDEA-115885 False positive "Abstract method with missing implementations" using virtual extension methods.
3a224a1: just consider dash a part of word for hippie completion (IDEA-115762)
28dee7c: add println to jetbrains.dic (IDEA-115852)
ab339b8: [log] Consume less temporary memory
b23a916: [log] dispose the log structures on project dispose
2c0d754: [log] Don't display commit time if equal to author time
0f794b2: [log] defensive copying
78d0991: CloudFoundry integration - move to clouds api
95492f9: Cleanup (formatting)
df385cc: EA-51567 (JRE bug - just catch and log)
6afc6fc: Cleanup (code de-duplication)
fd00a8e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
a4da206: can't call actions by mouse
802cab3: make action event param Nullable
c66e59c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
fb98413: testdata fixed
4a725b5: IDEA-115789 an interface inheriting a default method and an abstract method
9ae4ece: IDEA-115790 default methods cannot override Object methods
3f2a4dc: IDEA-115867 Copy to temp final variable does not work correctly inside expression without braces
514b389: fix dom stub tests: visit attribute children before subtags
10066cc: SourceMapInspectorWindow
efff7e3: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
cebd056: community splash + about
1da10b5: no code generation during dom stub building
ef17004: lazy runtime code generation in dom
b643124: cache complete directory infos in RootIndex
b1fdb06: optimization trick: on debugger attach invoke vm.allClasses() to cache loaded classes inside JDI, which makes operations involving class search work faster
aed76e8: hotswap's listener to consider under compile output roots only: IDEA-115853 plugin project hotswaps classes from sandbox when it shouldn't
8507ff3: enable IntelliJ laf on Windows
7f31deb: [log] Don't collect huge log.error attachments unless on debug level
df0f43a: [log] Less frightening pi text
12fcf3d: ArrayOutOfBounds Exception fixed when update log after commit
c343140: use same button painting in Darcula and IntelliJ
9cc66e7: custom colors for Darcula and IntelliJ
2ef657c: arrows should be centered
b160a77: fix Spinners
4cdc9b9: [log] Display tooltip above the root column indicator
fdeaac1: [log] display table header to allow columns resizing
0d93174: [log] Branch filter: remove branches with identical names for multi-root
49626ad: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
e39e614: test fixed
196320b: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c8f60d6: intersection type presentable name with & (IDEA-115802)
0d65efb: EA-51497 - assert: FunctionalInterfaceParameterizationUtil.isWildcardParameterized
93a1d5e: disable test listener for non-java frameworks for a while
923195c: EA-51525 - NPE: TestNGUtil.isTestNGAnnotation
ea6a8c8: Test for root scanner and root errors detector moved to platform.
e4180e6: Root Checker and Root Problem Notifier
f519dd3: optimize imports
7f0888e: VcsRootErrorsFinder moved to vcs platform directory
68e50cc: GitRootErrorsFinder renamed to VcsRootErrorsFinder, git dependencies removed from RootErrorsFinder for future moving
45ec26a: VcsRootDetector moved to Vcs platform directory
14e9b61: GitRootDetector renamed to VcsRootDetector, git dependencies removed from RootDetector for further moving
54d4c7a: VcsRootDetectInfo moved to platform vcs
616bb51: GitRootDetectInfo renamed to VcsRootDetectInfo
e062077: new grid color
76acb20: Tab colors
14b5156: [log] Don't fail if there are more roots than predefined colors
791cae8: simplify API chooseFile — use native Mac OS X file chooser Dart — use native Mac OS X file chooser +review
3a94882: [log] Darcula-friendly colors for the root indicator.
3693ab4: [log] quick fix for the deadlock in IDEA-115483
502ebb5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
3d2d239: IDEA-115894 New git log looks scary on Retina + Java 7
232746d: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
17fbe75: not initialized problem: fix static fields checks
0169da0: [log] Show "No commits selected" initially
fd333e0: [log] IDEA-115676 Details panel: centralize messages
d581f94: [log] Details panel: more precise "no commits selected"
32a0e7c: IDEA-115693 Exception on Show Bookmarks
757a12c: Github: fix Gists after using 'v3' media type
21e9980: Github: fix issues test
636548b: Github: specify 'Accept' header for all GET requests
daf54b1: support javac's line/column syntax in goto popups (IDEA-55616)
a1f8ef4: rationalize static import PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
f2a5483: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
6d7d4cf: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
2cab88d: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
7c2e721: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
11e7d75: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
995e7f0: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
bd64990: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
6eacef1: PlatformDataKeys -> CommonDataKeys
59de59f: not only static constants may be inlined by compiler: IDEA-115878 Constants search should work for final fields
cd139bd: ensure smart step into methods, whose first statement's line has no executable instructions mapped
ad779bf: IDEA-115368 Smart type completion popup offers Object.class ahead of local Class<?> variable
60d1e15: log.debug who changes preselected completion elements
e99b775: recognize column number in choose by name popups (IDEA-55616)
e0124d9: continue VisualizeSourceMapAction
f359bd1: another Double Shift includes libs. UI and cosmetics
14b1ffa: property for disabling search ring
370f414: customizable search controls
84a81cc: Nimbus is cheating with colors
95081a2: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
253ed8a: IDEA-115876 ToolWindow combo looks weird under Retina + jdk1.7
956ede2: [log] IDEA-115676 Don't scroll details panel to bottom on text update
324a0f6: [log] Details panel: display author/commit date
1915764: [log] Details panel: hide empty space if there are no refs on a commit
ec630c6: [log] "Revert" and other actions above the changes browser
279e5b6: [log] Add "Create Patch" action
32c3c35: [log] Add "New Branch", "New Tag" actions to the log + refactor
aef03d9: [log] "Checkout Revision" action to the new log, some refactoring
e5f8410: fix "not resumed" assertion
e06d91c: don't use editor highlighter from editor as it is built with other options
49e112c: api for (re)creating PHM that rewrites it if it is broken (IDEA-115334)
8353b38: add a registry key to allow to preselect live templates in the autopopup
f7ae406: there's no need anymore to artificially move live template items to the second place in the autopopup
f92ce9a: add "pure" attribute to @Contract (IDEA-107864)
612c075: [log] Hide the Branches Panel by default, introduce log quick settings
b7dedf3: [log] cleanup
e0f3ec3: better error reporting
840b9f5: avoid IllegalThreadStateException
553a88b: do not check for obsolete
50e8277: EA-49101: getContainingFile() must not be called on invalid PsiElement
fc45939: avoid UnsupportedOperation exceptions
bbc6dbb: base tag support: file reference helper for local paths silence inspections for urls #WEB-497 fixed
dc5c46f: continue SourcemapVisualizationServer
9c7a198: continue WEB-6659 JS Debugger stops at arbitrary point in code
2b731b1: unmapped source entry must be mapped to effective script source
a80811a: Don't suggest idea-print-project-settings in Run Target dialog.
7e3644f: IDEA-115827 IDEA crashes with jayatana
18c466a: Minor code change: remove unnecessary cast.
b53b96a: cleanup
f7d60cd: IDEA-115605 New Project wizard: extra settings fields disappear on switching template (memory leak re-fixed)
67993a0: deprecate doWhenDone(Handler)
413c3d4: messages are broken under Mac: IDEA-115258
a3ed291: assertion
89cbfa1: cleanup
6bdf2d1: made fields final, cleanup
ba6b81f: @Override
e22b7e6: @Override
8b0a2b0: moved to right dir
b7bade6: IDEA-115584 (try-with-resources quickfix munges code)
a31a0d4: Hide fullscreen menu when mouse leaves IDE frame
d569722: google app engine: supported importing from Maven (IDEA-110891)
ceb5909: methods moved
0a6a0a4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c5eff37: revert: NavigationGutterIconBuilder#DEFAULT_PSI_CONVERTOR -> public
b349b82: getChangeset instead of revision number if it is possible.
a1dc7dd: Gradle: update to Gradle 1.9-rc-2
275b54f: NavigationGutterIconBuilder#DEFAULT_PSI_CONVERTOR -> public
02b1eab: remote servers: generified
ff4f1bd: remote servers: pass server configuration to deployment editor
21808c8: navigation actions should be DumbAware
503dbe6: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
bc12eaf: dead lock after indexes are built
9010d9f: Merge branch 'master' of
627a698: build fix
aad3fad: IDEA-113879 "Show this page" in Run Configuration does not work
3d48c2d: Merge branch 'master' of
61bcef3: Heroku integration - independent of JavaEE
f5ed1c1: methods chains completion on one index
4f6bbf3: IDEA-115687 Gradle: code completion for maven dependencies
4187d15: Gradle: code insight fixes
eb3c5b4: IDEA-115687 Gradle: code completion for maven dependencies
c155564: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9d1e4fb: Parameter type Class<T> changed to Class<? extends T> for PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfAnyType() +review CR-IC @traff
d9d8b47: Installers fix
8a3ee27: fix tests
6d542a6: "Editor Font Settings" fontsize fix
a558b1d: highlight star expression used outside of assignment context (PY-10177)
56b50d1: report parsing error if no expression was found after * (PY-10177 part 1)
8e3e414: verify argument list even if unable to resolve callee (PY-10351)
eb53fab: highlight keyword argument after **kwarg as error (PY-9934)
c61eb4b: default color for builtin names under darcula (PY-9529)
39bdf7e: external tool macro for directory containing Python interpreter (PY-6533)
9c4cb80: snakeCase() macro for live templates (PY-9989)
4216441: import sorter skips from __future__ imports (PY-10022)
09b25c1: from __future__ import is moved after module docstring (PY-10080)
2067b87: help for Python language injection settings (PY-10753)
d4fc857: PyStringLiteralLexer doesn't handle escape sequences in raw strings (PY-10322)
997bc54: allow "create class" fix for names which start with multiple uppercase characters but aren't entirely uppercase (PY-7423)
a867f5e: check for disposed project in invalid SDK notification (PY-7570)
eafc40e: expand ~ in file chooser path (PY-3138)
134b317: fix yellow code
6df23a1: hotswap: allow class reload task cancelling as long as no classes are actually reloaded
17a014e: IDEA-94376 Icons: web.xml
f16be9c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
adb5954: fix missing property
5ad289f: load file content for hotswap only if corresponding class is loaded in VM
32e25e52: more strict check for flattened intersection type
322e9f3: remove unknown property
11b281c: compilation fix for 1.6
7168a92: new inference: clear initial instantiations before resulted one is performed to avoid skip of non-proper types of the first run which become proper on the second one
7445e7f: accept intersection types in javadoc
cbb010a: Improve "Editor Font Settings" usability
364a57e: TreeElementPattern.withSuperParent returned true if there was no parent of that level gradle completion contributor should only work in .gradle files
f328160: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
f5b0d17: disable double shift by adding dedicated shortcut
0e38755: Override getState method for HgRepository
ac377d4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b590707: fix backspace. again
2239378: set "scan required" flag in DebugSession if hotswap was cancelled
804b35a: test fix, wrong test data params order
e927837: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b067500: Tags added to HgRepositoryUpdater
2f15377: Tags and local tags references added to new log and repository reader
7c84831: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
df823d6: IDEA-115756 Caret is moved on the start of line after formatting, if positioned not on the end of line [CR-IC-2978]
97c9424: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b5a9cef: preview for introduce constant
8299623: preview for introduce field
f382bd4: simplifying
0f4872f: canceling introduce constant
96a0923: canceling introduce field
4c1e697: canceling introduce variable
12d0c64: shorten reference
2853332: unnecessary 'static'
0f469fb: fix CCE in introduce field to script
fbea82c: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
578826b: disable flip intersection conjuncts for equal sides
67ccffd: rearrange package; check writable
6e8c549: warn about unsupported intersections in casts before 1.8
5bd8b62: fix to switch intersection types order in casts when one of the last types is not an interface
5eb0e62: accept intersection types in casts for 1.8 (IDEA-115720)
47fee8e: new inference: throws clause processed
eebe810: [log] Compact Changes in VcsFullCommitDetails
aaed311: [git] remove throws from methods where exception is not thrown
8ab2051: revert: the actual "reload classes" hotswap stage cannot be made cancelable, because this way application is brought into "partially reloaded" state.
7a8cabd: parentheses needed when a conditional is used as condition in a conditional
249c32e: IDEA-115602 (IDEA changes code semantic after "Replace 'if else' with '?:'" intention)
22f2bc2: IDEA-115729 Removed jna-platform.jar - existing jna-utils.jar should be used (and also for pty4j)
42f4d0f: expand ~ in WORKON_HOME (PY-10336)
74d8bc0: add some more builtin functions to PyNames (PY-10544)
3507095: hide skeletons from project view (PY-8916)
9de3be0: GradleL code cleanup
a2b32663: Merge branch 'python-fixes'
ae33c21: [git] Log exception if it prevented to start the Git process
9f32285: IDEA-114988 Hide error panel by escape
df9dea5: EA-51398
d18021f: convert if statement with any throwable to assert, not just AssertionErrors
df966e7: handle incomplete code and do not force braces
cebb81d: Fixed pyparsing imports
27e83cb: we should sort all action [rev Sergey Ignatov]
719fbf9: use correct category
e5b9ccc: IDEA-115687 Gradle: code completion for maven dependencies
55b0458: Made 'dict.fromkeys' a '@staticmethod' (PY-11169)
1913a06: IDEA-115604 (Intention "Negate '?:'")
66a17be: Fixed signatures of str() and unicode() (PY-11162)
81fe359: update jar version in required_for_dist.txt (IDEA-115728)
9460bc65: Make emmet configurable scrollable
908ace7: do not fail to report when StringBuilder constructor has method call argument
a618934: do not use deprecated DelegatingRuntimeConfiguration
9cfb82b: tests notifications: listener api for tests finish
8da75cc: allow statically imported static interface methods (IDEA-115716)
8e35162: disable FinderRecursivePanelTest#testUpdate
b46165e: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9323727: Infer Nullity action place (IDEA-115673)
f3e9903: cleanup
2da964c: open unsupported links in browser
c4511b6: trim html headers from template, remove #end and #treeend directives
9940fdd: support description trimming in tree nodes
dd55847: tests fix, jmockit was removed
c5b8b46: Gradle: EA-51407 - assert: PsiElementFactoryImpl.createType
1bb68c4: External system: EA-48201 - assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getPicoContainer
7668b0f: OpenShift integration - initial
1694ee4: new "Negated conditional expression" inspection (for IDEA-115604)
909c03f: speed search
c96acd5: use correct language level when creating name identifiers for renamed elements (EA-43620 - CCE: PyElementGeneratorImpl.createNameIdentifier)
f8ecd71: EA-43679 - NPE: OpenProjectFileChooserDescriptor.isProjectDirectory
bbbcefe: EA-51102 - assert: ComponentManagerImpl.getComponent
f64832e: diagnostics for EA-51270 - NPE: NewDirectoryProjectAction.generateProject
9de01fa: Apache Commons Codec updated to latest version (EA-49145 - NSME: GGSSchemeBase.<init>)
de58cf0: EA-51040 - IAE: PyClassImpl.findProperty
c41ede9: make hotswapping really cancellable
831a938: IDEA-115705 "Go to definition" for table names stopped working
5c70e41: Merge branch 'svn_18_2'
b1bd165: Added readme file for libpty library
8127178: Updated pty4j library version - support search native libraries in "libpty" subfolder
1e0a4e0: Moved pty4j (with dependencies) from terminal plugin to community
276e71e: svn: AuthCallbackCase refactored - update Command directly (instead of parameters list)
84b7ba4: svn: Refactored Command - renamed addParameters() to put()
1064a75: svn: Implemented proxies support for command line - use "--config-option" arguments (instead of temp directory with updated configuration file)
6b5ce91: svn: Refactored AuthenticationCallback - extracted methods to provide proxy server credentials
62e17cf: svn: Refactored SvnConfiguration - extracted methods to find config group for given host
b03dd2b: new inference: skip Object bound during incorporation
9286cb4: testdata fixed
cc96563: new inference: infer for constructor calls by containing class
b06d2d9: svn: Refactored CommandParametersResolutionModule - proxy settings initialization moved to separate ProxyModule
df370df: Refactored IdeaSvnkitBasedAuthenticationCallback - do not throw checked URISyntaxException when converting SVNURL to URI
abc8681: correct fix for PY-9356
4887bb6: svn: Refactored CommandRuntime - resolving command parameters (repository url, working directory) logic moved to separate command runtime module
987e2c6: IDEA-113593 Used new map instead of immutable empty map for ProxyGroup properties
699c06d: cleanup
b8d6cd5: Possibility to modify move refactoring dialogs in from scala plugin
781fa3e: more diagnostics for "tree changed while calculating text" (EA-51450)
585a0d6: RotoIndex: a bit more diagnostics for infinite VFS nesting
0083f69: IDEA-99810 Provide an automated mode to surround something with `
67114f7: remove color from more file template descriptions to get them to display nicely under Darcula
fbe5538: bold keyword
b9cc351: restore ability to compile under JDK 1.6.0_23
541daa4: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
c09fed7: continue WEB-6413 sourcemap backed breakpoints do not work until page is loaded
210f353: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7eb82bd: Terminal shortcut conflicts with } symbol on French keyboard. Now it is Alt+F12 (PY-11011).
de1b9f2: optimization: for OptimizedFilemanager classes always use directory cache and clear affected cache entries on new files generation
8d80445: Cleanup (typos)
a9eacb0: [log] Don't load the log on startup: wait until user opens it
6fece30: WI-20091 Rename refactoring produces unexpected results damaging code (cherry picked from commit 599fd3e)
09594c5: IDEA-115691 Keyboard shortcut for 'Refresh all Gradle project' should be accessible globally
45bfafe: revert changes with log command optimization instead of status command
12234b8: IDEA-115677 Jumplist shows a single project name, though there are several projects opened in one window
ea6952f: methods and commit details constructors changed to VcsLogObjectsFactory methods.
7ed7cf8: jmockit added \IDEA\community\.idea\libraries\Mocks.xml
576df26: decrease font size
19687d9: method refs: ignore same method signatures, include superclass substitutions
3c0c498: new inference: choose proper type from equality bounds if present
f6a8f67: EA-51451 (avoid resolve on building .class mirror)
a4c1643: injected smart pointers
0b9244f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
b2c593b: IDEA-95533 Darcula: cannot use comboboxes with a keyboard
c68c3a6: IDEA-90470 Add Gradle Dependencies With Alt-Insert
59260a4: restored 'recover from PersistentHashMap storage format change' change
95e6d8c: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
6fc37c0: migrated to SequenceLock from jsr166
1f47d8f: cleanup
a9da1ee: weak list implementation simplified, made not-random access, blinking tests nomore
9146a68: cleanup
efa003b: Gradle: support for discovery of Gradle 1.9 src layout
c5e1af3: Gradle: fix discovery of module path for custom named root project
2c448e7: EA-51361 - assert: PsiParserFacadeImpl.createLineOrBlockCommentFromText
8cdbb18: Make mercurial distributed vcs
92f362a: mercurial ref group changed to SingletonRefGroup
fe6fda3: IDEA-115660 Fix Spock library in Create test dialog does not work
d0c0584: new inference: simplification
fdd55c5: lambda: skip wildcards in return types for now
0b6ae5f: ensure junit_rt class version for community
df00d54: method refs: separate ::new now in api
0ba945c: new inference: method refs: do not provide raw substitutor when containing class provides empty one
80131fa: code style
de0ac91: [log] turn new Git log on by default
2aea0a6: [log] Don't wait under a modal progress until the log is loaded & built
ac28ad0: [log] Disable the assertion until properly fixed.
c7de3a7: NPE fix
9490f57: Restoring fix for RUBY-14390
9c59b57: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d30ad70: IDEA-115629 plugin.xml: provide bundle/property-key reference where applicable
d30cf27: remove annotation altogether
945d18b: fixed PY-10248 Suggestion does not suggest "in" keyword after "for x "
58c2b08: NPE fix
7e9c756: fixed PY-3687 No completion for keywords in list comprehensions
20ee27d: NPE fix
0ee1660: RUBY-12993 Quick Fix puts a new created sass file to the not corresponding place
00d0ef5: ThreadFactory.newThread() is allowed to return null
365c726: Fix OC-5992 Formatter: PsiComment.BlockFormatting ->PsiDocCommentBase +review CR-OC-1034
07a29bd: RootIndex: less vfs lookups when searching for non-existing packages, don't cache empty results
54b7936: new inference: infer from return value from method ref
c61dbfb: root model: don't create synthetic entries for excluded output folders - fixed importing excluded roots from Maven
9d3d310: FacetImporterTestCase simplified
f9145cb: place of '' item in 'New' menu corrected (IDEA-115658, IDEA-115086)
6212b1d: root model: don't create synthetic entries for excluded output folders - 2
b8937b2: FIX: IllegalStateException with many duplicates
97cfae5: compile fix: implementation for RefGroup changed interface
00f7ea1: Find: Comments only: Groovy javadoc comments are skipped (IDEA-115578)
35f9256: new log for mercurial first implementation
4ff44ec: Fixing IDEA-115649 Compiler cannot resolve references to classes generated by annotation processors 1. save generated files synchronously 2. do not use cache when listing files from output directories
9b9dd9f: do not unwrap index elements in TypeScript when resolving type name
8685c8e: Fix winpty executables.
49b36a5: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
2bfd6ef: Pty libraries for windows updated (PY-10548, PY-11207, PY-11179).
a9fb95a: NPE fix
2d080ba: to make programmatic registration easier, use explicit ExtensionPointName instance in extension points that use KeyedExtensionFactory
6c1b0cc: move XML highlighters to xml-psi
4919510: target 1.5 also for testng (IDEA-115618)
ed14625: init WEB-6413 sourcemap backed breakpoints do not work until page is loaded
4cfc285: IDEA-115583 exception on CTRL+SHiFT+A on welcome screen
0af73af: [log] log the error only once per request
d59d5f2: [log] toString()
633f1c7: [git] Don't print git log --tags command output to the log & console
6377dc2: [log] Allow null roots in the GraphTableModel.
f317ede: [log] Don't allow the graph table to repaint during graph modification
843a2a5: [log] IDEA-115370 Execute potentially slow tasks under modal progress
9e22d99: [log] invokeLater only if needed
54e1744: [log] New icons for expand/collapse branches & show/hide long edges
8afe9ac: Merge branch 'types-db-to-skeletons'
7a6ff4c: check disposed state
1f6b15f: more diagnostic for assertion
8ca343f: Removed properties-based stdlib types database
53a88a7: #WEB-555 fixed
bb0b789: Disabling JumpList because of some issues on win32 platform.
83f4128: Bug fix: Create Test dialog does not initialize 'superclass' field.
9f92b82: Added canonical import path for names of 'sqlite3' module
8c7b497: IDEA-113332 Typing an attribute in XML/HTML files ends up with corrupted XML
c4f7d79: IDEA-113332 Typing an attribute in XML/HTML files ends up with corrupted XML
1d41f55: fixed PY-4540 Completion: else keyword should be available in try block only after except
7eea5ac: Fix OC-3040 rollback changes in platform +review CR-OC-1015
c74d76e: Enabling jumplist for IDEA-108265.
d56e66b: IDEA-113758 Create Specifications when creating tests
e6d73b2: fixed PY-4539 Completion: elif keyword shouldn't be available in completion list after else extracted keyword completion tests
2f1950f: IDEA-115561 Appearance of vertical and horizontal scroll bars in the search results is unexpected often
aa8d3a6: make static method public
ad20fee: 'os.error' is now defined in Python skeletons
4b8e087: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
989d844: make selected group always visible
fcc533c: added sources for asm4 to community project
54a9e14: adjust popup according to screen size
1675867: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9ac6c97: allow to change gap between popups
4bc1556: fixing tests
d88d171: support line-separated editing #WEB-2407 fixed
053d812: WEB-9778 Strange bug on Emmet when using curly braces
9aabdfa: fix test mem leak?
6abbcee: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4b0090a: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
d2af65c: simplification: processing and removing excluded folders
7f3c767: IDEA-115541 'Navigate to class' is opened after Enter if nothing was found in 'Search Everywhere'.
7c26cf8: Revert API changes
f99d0ec: Cloud Bees: show application URL in console when application is deployed
4f00f3f: Decimal is a subclass of numbers.Number
a632bbd: Use constants for names of the 'numbers' classes
Change-Id: I3a503061740122065cef5ac45a01f0759b8f4073
diff --git a/python/testData/resolve/ b/python/testData/resolve/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2466ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/testData/resolve/
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+class Foo:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.xyzzy = 1
+ def bar(self):
+ if self.xyzzy:
+ self.xyzzy = None
+ else:
+ self.xyzzy += 1
+ def baz(self):
+ print(self.xyzzy)
+# <ref>
\ No newline at end of file