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layout: slides
title: "Slides: What's Next for Cap'n Proto"
<section markdown="1" id="slides-cover">
What's Next for Cap'n Proto?
<section markdown="1" data-title="Streaming">
Cap'n Proto supports streaming!
{% highlight capnp %}
interface FileStore {
get @0 (name :Text, stream :Stream);
put @1 (name :Text) -> (stream :Stream);
interface Stream {
write @0 (data :Data);
end @1 ();
{% endhighlight %}
But flow control is up to the app.
<section markdown="1" data-title="Flow Control">
Let's build it in.
{% highlight capnp %}
interface Stream {
write @0 (data :Data) -> bulk;
end @1 ();
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="Realtime">
What about realtime streams?
{% highlight capnp %}
interface VideoCallStream {
sendFrame @0 (frame :Frame) -> realtime;
{% endhighlight %}
<br>Best served on a UDP transport...
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph.png">
Forwarded request.
Where does response go?
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph-proxy.png">
Classic solution:
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph-redirect.png">
Classic solution:
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph-0rt.png">
Cap'n Proto:
3-Party Handoff
(aka 3PH)
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph-0rt.png">
Cap'n Proto:
3-Party Handoff
(aka 3PH)
... gonna need UDP
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
<img class="ph3" src="3ph-0rt.png">
Cap'n Proto:
3-Party Handoff
(aka 3PH)
... gonna need UDP
... and 0-RT crypto
<section markdown="1" data-title="Three-Party Handoff">
API: "Tail call"
{% highlight c++ %}
kj::Promise<void> myRpc(MyRpcContext context) override {
// Begin sub-request.
auto subRequest = someCapability.someRpcRequest();
// Send as a tail call.
return context.tailCall(kj::mv(subRequest));
{% endhighlight %}
Today: Will proxy<br>Future: 3PH
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
KJ client networking, no TLS:
{% highlight c++ %}
void send() {
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
auto& network = io.provider->getNetwork();
auto addr = network.parseAddress("", 80)
auto connection = addr->connect().wait(io.waitScope);
connection->write("GET /", 5).wait(io.waitScope);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
KJ client networking with TLS:
{% highlight c++ %}
void send() {
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
kj::TlsContext tls;
auto network = tls.wrapNetwork(io.provider->getNetwork());
auto addr = network->parseAddress("", 443)
auto connection = addr->connect().wait(io.waitScope);
connection->write("GET /", 5).wait(io.waitScope);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
{% highlight c++ %}
void send() {
kj::TlsContext tls;
tls.wrapNetwork( );
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
{% highlight c++ %}
void receive() {
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
auto& network = io.provider->getNetwork();
auto addr = network.parseAddress("*", 80)
auto listener = addr->listen();
auto connection = listener->accept().wait(io.waitScope);
connection->write("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n", 26)
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
{% highlight c++ %}
void receive() {
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
kj::TlsKeypair keypair { KEY_PEM_TEXT, CERT_PEM_TEXT };
kj::TlsContext::Options options;
options.defaultKeypair = keypair;
kj::TlsContext tls(options);
auto& network = io.provider->getNetwork();
auto addr = network.parseAddress("*", 443).wait(io.waitScope);
auto listener = tls.wrapPort(addr->listen());
auto connection = listener->accept().wait(io.waitScope);
connection->write("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n", 26)
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ TLS Bindings">
{% highlight c++ %}
void receive() {
kj::TlsKeypair keypair { KEY_PEM_TEXT, CERT_PEM_TEXT };
kj::TlsContext::Options options;
options.defaultKeypair = keypair;
kj::TlsContext tls(options);
tls.wrapPort( );
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ HTTP Library">
{% highlight c++ %}
auto io = kj::setupAsyncIo();
kj::HttpHeaderTable headerTable;
auto client = kj::newHttpClient(
*headerTable, io.provider->getNetwork());
kj::HttpHeaders headers(*headerTable);
auto response = client->request(
kj::HttpMethod::GET, "", headers)
KJ_ASSERT(response.statusCode == 200);
KJ_LOG(INFO, response.body->readAllText().wait(io.waitScope));
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="KJ HTTP Library">
Headers identified by small numbers.
{% highlight c++ %}
kj::HttpHeaderTable::Builder builder;
kj::HttpHeaderId userAgent = builder.add("User-Agent");
auto headerTable =;
kj::HttpHeaders headers(*headerTable);
headers.set(kj::HttpHeaderId::HOST, "");
headers.set(userAgent, "kj-http/0.6");
{% endhighlight %}
Header parsing is zero-copy.
<section markdown="1" data-title="Designated Initializers">
Ugly imperative code:
{% highlight c++ %}
capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message;
auto root = message.initRoot<MyStruct>();
auto inner = root.initBaz();
capnp::writeMessageToFd(fd, message);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="Designated Initializers">
Nice declarative code:
{% highlight c++ %}
using namespace capnp::init;
capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message;
$foo = 123,
$bar = "foo",
$qux = true
capnp::writeMessageToFd(fd, message);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="Designated Initializers">
Even better:
{% highlight c++ %}
using namespace capnp::init;
$foo = 123,
$bar = "foo",
$qux = true
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="Designated Initializers">
{% highlight c++ %}
struct {
template <typename T>
struct Setter {
T value;
template <typename U> void operator()(U& target) {
template <typename T>
Setter<T> operator=(T&& value) {
return { kj::fwd<T>(value) };
} $foo;
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="POCS">
Not idiomatic:
{% highlight c++ %}
capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message;
MyStruct::Builder root = message.initRoot<MyStruct>();
InnerStruct::Builder inner = root.initBaz();
capnp::writeMessageToFd(fd, message);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="POCS">
Plain Old C++ Structs?
{% highlight c++ %}
MyStruct root; = 123; = "foo";
InnerStruct inner;
inner.qux = true;
root.baz = kj::mv(inner);
capnp::writeMessageToFd(fd, message);
{% endhighlight %}
Caveat: No longer zero-copy.
<section markdown="1" data-title="POCS">
{% highlight c++ %}
capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message;
capnp::readMessageCopy(input, message);
auto root = message.getRoot<MyStruct>();
auto oldListOrphan = root.disownStructList();
auto oldList = oldListOrphan.getReader();
auto newList = root.initStructList(oldList.size() - 1);
for (auto i: kj::indices(newList)) {
oldList[i < indexToRemove ? i : i + 1]);
capnp::MallocMessageBuilder message2;
capnp::writeMessage(output, message2);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="POCS">
{% highlight c++ %}
auto root = capnp::readMessageCopy<MyStruct>(input);
capnp::writeMessageCopy(output, root);
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="JSON-HTTP Bridge">
{% highlight capnp %}
interface AddressBook {
getPerson @0 (id :UInt32 $httpPath)
-> (person :Person $httpBody(type = json))
$http(method = get, route = "person");
# GET /person/<id>
# JSON response body
updatePerson @1 (id :UInt32 $httpPath,
person :Person $httpBody(type = json));
$http(method = put, route = "person");
# PUT /person/<id>
# JSON request body
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="JSON-HTTP Bridge">
{% highlight capnp %}
addPerson @2 (person :Person $httpBody(type = json))
-> (id :UInt32 $httpBody(type = jsonField));
$http(method = post, route = "person");
# POST /person
# JSON request body
# JSON response body (object containing field `id`)
getAll @3 (page :UInt32 = 0 $httpQuery)
-> (people: List(Person) $httpBody(type = json));
$http(method = get);
# GET /?page=<num>
# Query is optional.
# JSAN (JSON array) response body.
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" data-title="JSON-HTTP Bridge">
{% highlight capnp %}
interface AddressBookService {
getAddressBook @0 (key :String $httpPath)
-> (result :AddressBook $httpPipeline);
$http(route = "book");
# GET /book/JrpmUduyHd8uW3x3TOXn2g/person/123
# Becomes:
# service.getAddressBook("JrpmUduyHd8uW3x3TOXn2g").send()
# .getResult().getPerson(123).send()
# GET /book/JrpmUduyHd8uW3x3TOXn2g
# Becomes:
# service.getAddressBook("JrpmUduyHd8uW3x3TOXn2g").send()
# .getResult().getAll().send()
{% endhighlight %}
<section markdown="1" id="slides-cover">