Build make using cmake+ninja
For Windows, we need to avoid cross-compiling using the configure
script, because it will link with more gnulib modules than is
supported. gnulib's fcntl.c module breaks --output-sync (NDK bug 1492).
Instead, mimic build_w32.bat by:
- building the same list of C files
- copying the same gnulib headers
- reusing the same config.h.W32.template file
For Darwin, the host-cpu-c-abi gnulib module breaks universal builds,
but it's easy to disable the module by editing config.h by hand
afterwards. (Removing that module from bootstrap.conf and rerunning
bootstrap might also be an option, but it changes a lot of stuff.)
I created CMakeLists.txt by translating Android.bp manually.
Change-Id: I367109233967ec6f0a1637b3ab262a234c93bc5b
6 files changed