blob: 8b804e8333a38089dfa3edc314909d56d006bef5 [file] [log] [blame]
use {DepthFirstNumber, TableIndex};
use std::ops::{Index, IndexMut, Range};
/// See `Forest`.
pub(crate) struct Stack {
/// Stack: as described above, stores the in-progress goals.
stack: Vec<StackEntry>,
/// The StackIndex identifies the position of a table's goal in the
/// stack of goals that are actively being processed. Note that once a
/// table is completely evaluated, it may be popped from the stack,
/// and hence no longer have a stack index.
index_struct! {
pub(crate) struct StackIndex {
value: usize,
pub(crate) struct StackEntry {
/// The goal G from the stack entry `A :- G` represented here.
pub(super) table: TableIndex,
/// The DFN of this computation.
pub(super) dfn: DepthFirstNumber,
impl Stack {
pub(super) fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
/// Searches the stack to see if `table` is active. If so, returns
/// its stack index.
pub(super) fn is_active(&self, table: TableIndex) -> Option<StackIndex> {
.filter_map(|(index, stack_entry)| {
if stack_entry.table == table {
} else {
pub(super) fn top_of_stack_from(&self, depth: StackIndex) -> Range<StackIndex> {
depth .. StackIndex::from(self.stack.len())
pub(super) fn push(&mut self, table: TableIndex, dfn: DepthFirstNumber) -> StackIndex {
let old_len = self.stack.len();
self.stack.push(StackEntry { table, dfn });
pub(super) fn pop(&mut self, table: TableIndex, depth: StackIndex) {
assert_eq!(self.stack.len(), depth.value + 1);
assert_eq!(self[depth].table, table);
impl Index<StackIndex> for Stack {
type Output = StackEntry;
fn index(&self, index: StackIndex) -> &StackEntry {
impl IndexMut<StackIndex> for Stack {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: StackIndex) -> &mut StackEntry {
&mut self.stack[index.value]