blob: 371e6c55a7389afd6ab90457de8994d8fd32164f [file] [log] [blame]
//! Computes the restrictions that result from a borrow.
use crate::borrowck::*;
use rustc::middle::expr_use_visitor as euv;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization as mc;
use rustc::middle::mem_categorization::Categorization;
use rustc::ty;
use syntax_pos::Span;
use log::debug;
use crate::borrowck::ToInteriorKind;
use std::rc::Rc;
pub enum RestrictionResult<'tcx> {
SafeIf(Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>, Vec<Rc<LoanPath<'tcx>>>)
pub fn compute_restrictions<'a, 'tcx>(bccx: &BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
span: Span,
cause: euv::LoanCause,
cmt: &mc::cmt_<'tcx>,
loan_region: ty::Region<'tcx>)
-> RestrictionResult<'tcx> {
let ctxt = RestrictionsContext {
// Private
struct RestrictionsContext<'a, 'tcx> {
bccx: &'a BorrowckCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
span: Span,
loan_region: ty::Region<'tcx>,
cause: euv::LoanCause,
impl<'a, 'tcx> RestrictionsContext<'a, 'tcx> {
fn restrict(&self,
cmt: &mc::cmt_<'tcx>) -> RestrictionResult<'tcx> {
debug!("restrict(cmt={:?})", cmt);
let new_lp = |v: LoanPathKind<'tcx>| Rc::new(LoanPath::new(v, cmt.ty));
match {
Categorization::Rvalue(..) => {
// Effectively, rvalues are stored into a
// non-aliasable temporary on the stack. Since they
// are inherently non-aliasable, they can only be
// accessed later through the borrow itself and hence
// must inherently comply with its terms.
Categorization::ThreadLocal(..) => {
// Thread-locals are statics that have a scope, with
// no underlying structure to provide restrictions.
Categorization::Local(local_id) => {
// R-Variable, locally declared
let lp = new_lp(LpVar(local_id));
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(lp.clone(), vec![lp])
Categorization::Upvar(mc::Upvar { id, .. }) => {
// R-Variable, captured into closure
let lp = new_lp(LpUpvar(id));
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(lp.clone(), vec![lp])
Categorization::Downcast(cmt_base, _) => {
// When we borrow the interior of an enum, we have to
// ensure the enum itself is not mutated, because that
// could cause the type of the memory to change.
Categorization::Interior(cmt_base, interior) => {
// R-Field
// Overwriting the base would not change the type of
// the memory, so no additional restrictions are
// needed.
let opt_variant_id = match {
Categorization::Downcast(_, variant_id) => Some(variant_id),
_ => None
let interior = interior.cleaned();
let base_ty = cmt_base.ty;
let result = self.restrict(&cmt_base);
// Borrowing one union field automatically borrows all its fields.
match base_ty.sty {
ty::Adt(adt_def, _) if adt_def.is_union() => match result {
RestrictionResult::Safe => RestrictionResult::Safe,
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(base_lp, mut base_vec) => {
for (i, field) in adt_def.non_enum_variant().fields.iter().enumerate() {
let field = InteriorKind::InteriorField(
let field_ty = if field == interior {
} else {
self.bccx.tcx.types.err // Doesn't matter
let sibling_lp_kind = LpExtend(base_lp.clone(), cmt.mutbl,
LpInterior(opt_variant_id, field));
let sibling_lp = Rc::new(LoanPath::new(sibling_lp_kind, field_ty));
let lp = new_lp(LpExtend(base_lp, cmt.mutbl,
LpInterior(opt_variant_id, interior)));
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(lp, base_vec)
_ => self.extend(result, &cmt, LpInterior(opt_variant_id, interior))
Categorization::StaticItem => {
Categorization::Deref(cmt_base, pk) => {
match pk {
mc::Unique => {
// R-Deref-Send-Pointer
// When we borrow the interior of a box, we
// cannot permit the base to be mutated, because that
// would cause the unique pointer to be freed.
// Eventually we should make these non-special and
// just rely on Deref<T> implementation.
let result = self.restrict(&cmt_base);
self.extend(result, &cmt, LpDeref(pk))
mc::BorrowedPtr(bk, lt) => {
// R-Deref-[Mut-]Borrowed
if !self.bccx.is_subregion_of(self.loan_region, lt) {
BckError {
span: self.span,
cause: BorrowViolation(self.cause),
cmt: &cmt_base,
code: err_borrowed_pointer_too_short(
self.loan_region, lt)});
return RestrictionResult::Safe;
match bk {
ty::ImmBorrow => RestrictionResult::Safe,
ty::MutBorrow | ty::UniqueImmBorrow => {
// R-Deref-Mut-Borrowed
// The referent can be aliased after the
// references lifetime ends (by a newly-unfrozen
// borrow).
let result = self.restrict(&cmt_base);
self.extend(result, &cmt, LpDeref(pk))
// Borrowck is not relevant for raw pointers
mc::UnsafePtr(..) => RestrictionResult::Safe
fn extend(&self,
result: RestrictionResult<'tcx>,
cmt: &mc::cmt_<'tcx>,
elem: LoanPathElem<'tcx>) -> RestrictionResult<'tcx> {
match result {
RestrictionResult::Safe => RestrictionResult::Safe,
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(base_lp, mut base_vec) => {
let v = LpExtend(base_lp, cmt.mutbl, elem);
let lp = Rc::new(LoanPath::new(v, cmt.ty));
RestrictionResult::SafeIf(lp, base_vec)