blob: 733c4f83e37d4ca283153b1288601223ff137973 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::ast::{self, Ident};
use crate::source_map::FilePathMapping;
use crate::parse::{ParseSess, PResult, source_file_to_stream};
use crate::parse::{lexer, new_parser_from_source_str};
use crate::parse::parser::Parser;
use crate::ptr::P;
use crate::tokenstream::TokenStream;
use std::iter::Peekable;
use std::path::PathBuf;
/// Map a string to tts, using a made-up filename:
pub fn string_to_stream(source_str: String) -> TokenStream {
let ps = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
), None).0
/// Map string to parser (via tts)
pub fn string_to_parser<'a>(ps: &'a ParseSess, source_str: String) -> Parser<'a> {
new_parser_from_source_str(ps, PathBuf::from("bogofile").into(), source_str)
fn with_error_checking_parse<'a, T, F>(s: String, ps: &'a ParseSess, f: F) -> T where
F: FnOnce(&mut Parser<'a>) -> PResult<'a, T>,
let mut p = string_to_parser(&ps, s);
let x = panictry!(f(&mut p));
/// Parse a string, return a crate.
pub fn string_to_crate (source_str : String) -> ast::Crate {
let ps = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
with_error_checking_parse(source_str, &ps, |p| {
/// Parse a string, return an expr
pub fn string_to_expr (source_str : String) -> P<ast::Expr> {
let ps = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
with_error_checking_parse(source_str, &ps, |p| {
/// Parse a string, return an item
pub fn string_to_item (source_str : String) -> Option<P<ast::Item>> {
let ps = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
with_error_checking_parse(source_str, &ps, |p| {
/// Parse a string, return a pat. Uses "irrefutable"... which doesn't
/// (currently) affect parsing.
pub fn string_to_pat(source_str: String) -> P<ast::Pat> {
let ps = ParseSess::new(FilePathMapping::empty());
with_error_checking_parse(source_str, &ps, |p| {
/// Converts a vector of strings to a vector of Ident's
pub fn strs_to_idents(ids: Vec<&str> ) -> Vec<Ident> {
ids.iter().map(|u| Ident::from_str(*u)).collect()
/// Does the given string match the pattern? whitespace in the first string
/// may be deleted or replaced with other whitespace to match the pattern.
/// This function is relatively Unicode-ignorant; fortunately, the careful design
/// of UTF-8 mitigates this ignorance. It doesn't do NKF-normalization(?).
pub fn matches_codepattern(a : &str, b : &str) -> bool {
let mut a_iter = a.chars().peekable();
let mut b_iter = b.chars().peekable();
loop {
let (a, b) = match (a_iter.peek(), b_iter.peek()) {
(None, None) => return true,
(None, _) => return false,
(Some(&a), None) => {
if is_pattern_whitespace(a) {
break // trailing whitespace check is out of loop for borrowck
} else {
return false
(Some(&a), Some(&b)) => (a, b)
if is_pattern_whitespace(a) && is_pattern_whitespace(b) {
// skip whitespace for a and b
scan_for_non_ws_or_end(&mut a_iter);
scan_for_non_ws_or_end(&mut b_iter);
} else if is_pattern_whitespace(a) {
// skip whitespace for a
scan_for_non_ws_or_end(&mut a_iter);
} else if a == b {;;
} else {
return false
// check if a has *only* trailing whitespace
/// Advances the given peekable `Iterator` until it reaches a non-whitespace character
fn scan_for_non_ws_or_end<I: Iterator<Item= char>>(iter: &mut Peekable<I>) {
while lexer::is_pattern_whitespace(iter.peek().cloned()) {;
pub fn is_pattern_whitespace(c: char) -> bool {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn eqmodws() {
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b ","a \n\t\r b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b "),false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("ab","a b"),false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","ab"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern(" a b","ab"),true);
fn pattern_whitespace() {
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("","\x0C"), false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b ","a \u{0085}\n\t\r b"),true);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \u{0085}\n\t\r b "),false);
fn non_pattern_whitespace() {
// These have the property 'White_Space' but not 'Pattern_White_Space'
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a\u{2002}b"), false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a\u{2002}b"), false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("\u{205F}a b","ab"), false);
assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a \u{3000}b","ab"), false);