
mdBook 0.3.1



  • 🔥 Added ability to include files using anchor points instead of line numbers. #851
  • Added language configuration value to set the language of the book, which will affect things like the <html lang="en"> tag. #941


  • Updated to handlebars 2.0. #977


  • Fixed memory leak warning. #967
  • Fix more print.html links. #963
  • Fixed crash on some unicode input. #978

mdBook 0.3.0



  • Added ability to resize the sidebar. #849
  • Added load_with_config_and_summary function to MDBook to be able to build a book with a custom Summary. #883
  • Set noindex on print.html page to prevent robots from indexing it. #844
  • Added support for strikethrough and GitHub-style tasklists. #952


  • Command-line help output is now colored. #861
  • The build directory is now deleted before rendering starts, instead of after if finishes. #878
  • Removed dependency on same-file crate. #903
  • 💥 Renamed with_preprecessor to with_preprocessor. #906
  • Updated ACE editor to 1.4.4, should remove a JavaScript console warning. #935
  • Dependencies have been updated. #934 #945
  • Highlight.js has been updated. This fixes some TOML highlighting, and adds Julia support. #942
  • 🔥 Updated to pulldown-cmark 0.5. This may have significant changes to the formatting of existing books, as the newer version has more accurate interpretation of the CommonMark spec and a large number of bug fixes and changes. #898
  • The diff language should now highlight correctly. #943
  • Make the blank region of a header not clickable. #948
  • Rustdoc tests now use the preprocessed content instead of the raw, unpreprocessed content. #891


  • Fixed file change detection so that mdbook serve only reloads once when multiple files are changed at once. #870
  • Fixed on-hover color highlighting for links in sidebar. #834
  • Fixed loss of focus when clicking the “Copy” button in code blocks. #867
  • Fixed incorrectly stripping the path for additional-js files. #796
  • Fixed color of code spans that are links. #905
  • Fixed “next” navigation on index.html. #916
  • Fixed keyboard chapter navigation for file urls. #915
  • Fixed bad wrapping for inline code on some browsers. #818
  • Properly load an existing in mdbook init. #841
  • Fixed some broken links in print.html. #871
  • The Rust Playground link now supports the 2018 edition. #946

mdBook 0.2.3 (2018-01-18)



  • Added an optional button to the top of the page which will link to a git repository. Use the git-repository-url and git-repository-icon options in the [output.html] section to enable it and set its appearance. #802
  • Added a default-theme option to the [output.html] section. #804


  • 💥 Header ID anchors no longer add an arbitrary a character for headers that start with a non-ascii-alphabetic character. #788


  • Fix websocket hostname usage #865
  • Fixing links in print.html #866

mdBook 0.2.2 (2018-10-19)



  • 🎉 Process-based custom preprocessors. See the docs for more. #792

  • 🎉 Configurable preprocessors.

    Added build.use-default-preprocessors boolean TOML key to allow disabling the built-in links and index preprocessors.

    Added [preprocessor] TOML tables to configure each preprocessor.

    Specifying [preprocessor.links] or [preprocessor.index] will enable the respective built-in preprocessor if build.use-default-preprocessors is false.

    Added fn supports_renderer(&self, renderer: &str) -> bool to the Preprocessor trait to specify if the preprocessor supports the given renderer. The default implementation always returns true.

    Preprocessor::run now takes a book by value instead of a mutable reference. It should return a Book value with the intended modifications.

    Added PreprocessorContext::renderer to indicate the renderer being used.

    #658 #787


  • Fix paths to additional CSS and JavaScript files #777
  • Ensure section numbers are correctly incremented after a horizontal separator #790

mdBook 0.2.1 (2018-08-22)



  • Update to handlebars-rs 1.0 #761


  • Fix table colors, broken by Stylus -> CSS transition #765

mdBook 0.2.0 (2018-08-02)


  • 💥 This release changes how links are handled in mdBook. Previously, relative links were interpreted relative to the book's root. In 0.2.0+ links are relative to the page they are in, and use the .md extension. This has several advantages, such as making links work in other markdown viewers like GitHub. You will likely have to change links in your book to accommodate this change. For example, a book with this layout:


    Previously a link in to would look like this:


    Now it must be changed to this:

  • 💥 mdbook test --library-path now accepts a comma-delimited list of arguments rather than taking all following arguments. This makes it easier to handle the trailing book directory argument without always needing to put -- before it. Multiple instances of the option continue to be accepted: mdbook test -L foo -L bar.

  • 💥 mdbook serve has some of its options renamed for clarity. See mdbook help serve for details.

  • Embedded rust playpens now use the “stable” playground API. #754


  • Escaped includes (\{{#include}}) will now render correctly. f30ce01
  • index.html will now render correctly when the book's first section is inside a subdirectory. #756