blob: 308023537d58d2cf5df43a905333b11af0e21580 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::builder::{Builder, RunConfig, ShouldRun, Step};
use crate::util::t;
use serde_derive::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::env;
use std::fmt;
use std::fs;
use std::io::{Seek, SeekFrom};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
use std::time;
// Each cycle is 42 days long (6 weeks); the last week is 35..=42 then.
const BETA_WEEK_START: u64 = 35;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
const OS: Option<&str> = Some("linux");
const OS: Option<&str> = Some("windows");
#[cfg(all(not(target_os = "linux"), not(windows)))]
const OS: Option<&str> = None;
type ToolstateData = HashMap<Box<str>, ToolState>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
#[serde(rename_all = "kebab-case")]
/// Whether a tool can be compiled, tested or neither
pub enum ToolState {
/// The tool compiles successfully, but the test suite fails
TestFail = 1,
/// The tool compiles successfully and its test suite passes
TestPass = 2,
/// The tool can't even be compiled
BuildFail = 0,
impl fmt::Display for ToolState {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
ToolState::TestFail => "test-fail",
ToolState::TestPass => "test-pass",
ToolState::BuildFail => "build-fail",
/// Number of days after the last promotion of beta.
/// Its value is 41 on the Tuesday where "Promote master to beta (T-2)" happens.
/// The Wednesday after this has value 0.
/// We track this value to prevent regressing tools in the last week of the 6-week cycle.
fn days_since_beta_promotion() -> u64 {
let since_epoch = t!(time::SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.elapsed());
(since_epoch.as_secs() / 86400 - 20) % 42
// These tools must test-pass on the beta/stable channels.
// On the nightly channel, their build step must be attempted, but they may not
// be able to build successfully.
static STABLE_TOOLS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[
("book", "src/doc/book"),
("nomicon", "src/doc/nomicon"),
("reference", "src/doc/reference"),
("rust-by-example", "src/doc/rust-by-example"),
("edition-guide", "src/doc/edition-guide"),
// These tools are permitted to not build on the beta/stable channels.
// We do require that we checked whether they build or not on the tools builder,
// though, as otherwise we will be unable to file an issue if they start
// failing.
static NIGHTLY_TOOLS: &[(&str, &str)] = &[
("embedded-book", "src/doc/embedded-book"),
// ("rustc-dev-guide", "src/doc/rustc-dev-guide"),
fn print_error(tool: &str, submodule: &str) {
eprintln!("We detected that this PR updated '{tool}', but its tests failed.");
eprintln!("If you do intend to update '{tool}', please check the error messages above and");
eprintln!("commit another update.");
eprintln!("If you do NOT intend to update '{tool}', please ensure you did not accidentally");
eprintln!("change the submodule at '{submodule}'. You may ask your reviewer for the");
eprintln!("proper steps.");
fn check_changed_files(toolstates: &HashMap<Box<str>, ToolState>) {
// Changed files
let output = std::process::Command::new("git")
let output = match output {
Ok(o) => o,
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Failed to get changed files: {e:?}");
let output = t!(String::from_utf8(output.stdout));
for (tool, submodule) in STABLE_TOOLS.iter().chain(NIGHTLY_TOOLS.iter()) {
let changed = output.lines().any(|l| l.starts_with('M') && l.ends_with(submodule));
eprintln!("Verifying status of {tool}...");
if !changed {
eprintln!("This PR updated '{submodule}', verifying if status is 'test-pass'...");
if toolstates[*tool] != ToolState::TestPass {
print_error(tool, submodule);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct ToolStateCheck;
impl Step for ToolStateCheck {
type Output = ();
/// Checks tool state status.
/// This is intended to be used in the `` script. To use
/// this, set `save-toolstates` in `config.toml` so that tool status will
/// be saved to a JSON file. Then, run ` test --no-fail-fast` for all
/// of the tools to populate the JSON file. After that is done, this
/// command can be run to check for any status failures, and exits with an
/// error if there are any.
/// This also handles publishing the results to the `history` directory of
/// the toolstate repo <>
/// if the env var `TOOLSTATE_PUBLISH` is set. Note that there is a
/// *separate* step of updating the `latest.json` file and creating GitHub
/// issues and comments in `src/ci/`, which is only
/// performed on master. (The shell/python code is intended to be migrated
/// here eventually.)
/// The rules for failure are:
/// * If the PR modifies a tool, the status must be test-pass.
/// NOTE: There is intent to change this, see
/// <>.
/// * All "stable" tools must be test-pass on the stable or beta branches.
/// * During beta promotion week, a PR is not allowed to "regress" a
/// stable tool. That is, the status is not allowed to get worse
/// (test-pass to test-fail or build-fail).
fn run(self, builder: &Builder<'_>) {
if builder.config.dry_run() {
let days_since_beta_promotion = days_since_beta_promotion();
let in_beta_week = days_since_beta_promotion >= BETA_WEEK_START;
let is_nightly = !( == "beta" || == "stable");
let toolstates = builder.toolstates();
let mut did_error = false;
for (tool, _) in STABLE_TOOLS.iter().chain(NIGHTLY_TOOLS.iter()) {
if !toolstates.contains_key(*tool) {
did_error = true;
eprintln!("error: Tool `{tool}` was not recorded in tool state.");
if did_error {
let old_toolstate = read_old_toolstate();
for (tool, _) in STABLE_TOOLS.iter() {
let state = toolstates[*tool];
if state != ToolState::TestPass {
if !is_nightly {
did_error = true;
eprintln!("error: Tool `{tool}` should be test-pass but is {state}");
} else if in_beta_week {
let old_state = old_toolstate
.find(|ts| ts.tool == *tool)
.expect("latest.json missing tool")
if state < old_state {
did_error = true;
"error: Tool `{tool}` has regressed from {old_state} to {state} during beta week."
} else {
// This warning only appears in the logs, which most
// people won't read. It's mostly here for testing and
// debugging.
"warning: Tool `{tool}` is not test-pass (is `{state}`), \
this should be fixed before beta is branched."
// `` is responsible for updating
// `latest.json` and creating comments/issues warning people
// if there is a regression. That all happens in a separate CI
// job on the master branch once the PR has passed all tests
// on the `auto` branch.
if did_error {
if == "nightly" && env::var_os("TOOLSTATE_PUBLISH").is_some() {
fn should_run(run: ShouldRun<'_>) -> ShouldRun<'_> {
fn make_run(run: RunConfig<'_>) {
impl Builder<'_> {
fn toolstates(&self) -> HashMap<Box<str>, ToolState> {
if let Some(ref path) = self.config.save_toolstates {
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
// Ensure the parent directory always exists
let mut file =
serde_json::from_reader(&mut file).unwrap_or_default()
} else {
/// Updates the actual toolstate of a tool.
/// The toolstates are saved to the file specified by the key
/// `` in `config.toml`. If unspecified, nothing will be
/// done. The file is updated immediately after this function completes.
pub fn save_toolstate(&self, tool: &str, state: ToolState) {
use std::io::Write;
// If we're in a dry run setting we don't want to save toolstates as
// that means if we e.g. panic down the line it'll look like we tested
// everything (but we actually haven't).
if self.config.dry_run() {
// Toolstate isn't tracked for clippy or rustfmt, but since most tools do, we avoid checking
// in all the places we could save toolstate and just do so here.
if tool == "clippy-driver" || tool == "rustfmt" {
if let Some(ref path) = self.config.save_toolstates {
if let Some(parent) = path.parent() {
// Ensure the parent directory always exists
let mut file =
let mut current_toolstates: HashMap<Box<str>, ToolState> =
serde_json::from_reader(&mut file).unwrap_or_default();
current_toolstates.insert(tool.into(), state);
t!(serde_json::to_writer(&file, &current_toolstates));
t!(writeln!(file)); // make sure this ends in a newline
fn toolstate_repo() -> String {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| "".to_string())
/// Directory where the toolstate repo is checked out.
const TOOLSTATE_DIR: &str = "rust-toolstate";
/// Checks out the toolstate repo into `TOOLSTATE_DIR`.
fn checkout_toolstate_repo() {
if let Ok(token) = env::var("TOOLSTATE_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN") {
if Path::new(TOOLSTATE_DIR).exists() {
eprintln!("Cleaning old toolstate directory...");
let status = Command::new("git")
let success = match status {
Ok(s) => s.success(),
Err(_) => false,
if !success {
panic!("git clone unsuccessful (status: {status:?})");
/// Sets up config and authentication for modifying the toolstate repo.
fn prepare_toolstate_config(token: &str) {
fn git_config(key: &str, value: &str) {
let status = Command::new("git").arg("config").arg("--global").arg(key).arg(value).status();
let success = match status {
Ok(s) => s.success(),
Err(_) => false,
if !success {
panic!("git config key={key} value={value} failed (status: {status:?})");
// If changing anything here, then please check that `src/ci/` is up to date
// as well.
git_config("", "[email protected]");
git_config("", "Rust Toolstate Update");
git_config("credential.helper", "store");
let credential = format!("https://{token}:[email protected]\n",);
let git_credential_path = PathBuf::from(t!(env::var("HOME"))).join(".git-credentials");
t!(fs::write(&git_credential_path, credential));
/// Reads the latest toolstate from the toolstate repo.
fn read_old_toolstate() -> Vec<RepoState> {
let latest_path = Path::new(TOOLSTATE_DIR).join("_data").join("latest.json");
let old_toolstate = t!(fs::read(latest_path));
/// This function `commit_toolstate_change` provides functionality for pushing a change
/// to the `rust-toolstate` repository.
/// The function relies on a GitHub bot user, which should have a Personal access
/// token defined in the environment variable $TOOLSTATE_REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN. If for
/// some reason you need to change the token, please update the Azure Pipelines
/// variable group.
/// 1. Generate a new Personal access token:
/// * Login to the bot account, and go to Settings -> Developer settings ->
/// Personal access tokens
/// * Click "Generate new token"
/// * Enable the "public_repo" permission, then click "Generate token"
/// * Copy the generated token (should be a 40-digit hexadecimal number).
/// Save it somewhere secure, as the token would be gone once you leave
/// the page.
/// 2. Update the variable group in Azure Pipelines
/// * Ping a member of the infrastructure team to do this.
/// 4. Replace the email address below if the bot account identity is changed
/// * See <>
/// if a private email by GitHub is wanted.
fn commit_toolstate_change(current_toolstate: &ToolstateData) {
let message = format!("({} CI update)", OS.expect("linux/windows only"));
let mut success = false;
for _ in 1..=5 {
// Upload the test results (the new commit-to-toolstate mapping) to the toolstate repo.
// This does *not* change the "current toolstate"; that only happens post-landing
// via `src/ci/docker/`.
// `git commit` failing means nothing to commit.
let status = t!(Command::new("git")
if !status.success() {
success = true;
let status = t!(Command::new("git")
// If we successfully push, exit.
if status.success() {
success = true;
eprintln!("Sleeping for 3 seconds before retrying push");
let status = t!(Command::new("git")
let status = t!(Command::new("git")
if !success {
panic!("Failed to update toolstate repository with new data");
/// Updates the "history" files with the latest results.
/// These results will later be promoted to `latest.json` by the
/// `` script if the PR passes all tests and is merged to
/// master.
fn publish_test_results(current_toolstate: &ToolstateData) {
let commit = t!(std::process::Command::new("git").arg("rev-parse").arg("HEAD").output());
let commit = t!(String::from_utf8(commit.stdout));
let toolstate_serialized = t!(serde_json::to_string(&current_toolstate));
let history_path = Path::new(TOOLSTATE_DIR)
.join(format!("{}.tsv", OS.expect("linux/windows only")));
let mut file = t!(fs::read_to_string(&history_path));
let end_of_first_line = file.find('\n').unwrap();
file.insert_str(end_of_first_line, &format!("\n{}\t{}", commit.trim(), toolstate_serialized));
t!(fs::write(&history_path, file));
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct RepoState {
tool: String,
windows: ToolState,
linux: ToolState,
impl RepoState {
fn state(&self) -> ToolState {
if cfg!(target_os = "linux") {
} else if cfg!(windows) {
} else {