blob: 00b00d8d94fd70323f154cbd26bc80b2437ead14 [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::future::poll_fn;
use crate::io::PollEvented;
use crate::net::udp::split::{split, RecvHalf, SendHalf};
use crate::net::ToSocketAddrs;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::fmt;
use std::io;
use std::net::{self, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr, SocketAddr};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
cfg_udp! {
/// A UDP socket
pub struct UdpSocket {
io: PollEvented<mio::net::UdpSocket>,
impl UdpSocket {
/// This function will create a new UDP socket and attempt to bind it to
/// the `addr` provided.
pub async fn bind<A: ToSocketAddrs>(addr: A) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
let addrs = addr.to_socket_addrs().await?;
let mut last_err = None;
for addr in addrs {
match UdpSocket::bind_addr(addr) {
Ok(socket) => return Ok(socket),
Err(e) => last_err = Some(e),
Err(last_err.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"could not resolve to any address",
fn bind_addr(addr: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
let sys = mio::net::UdpSocket::bind(&addr)?;
fn new(socket: mio::net::UdpSocket) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
let io = PollEvented::new(socket)?;
Ok(UdpSocket { io })
/// Creates a new `UdpSocket` from the previously bound socket provided.
/// The socket given will be registered with the event loop that `handle`
/// is associated with. This function requires that `socket` has previously
/// been bound to an address to work correctly.
/// This can be used in conjunction with net2's `UdpBuilder` interface to
/// configure a socket before it's handed off, such as setting options like
/// `reuse_address` or binding to multiple addresses.
/// # Panics
/// This function panics if thread-local runtime is not set.
/// The runtime is usually set implicitly when this function is called
/// from a future driven by a tokio runtime, otherwise runtime can be set
/// explicitly with [`Handle::enter`](crate::runtime::Handle::enter) function.
pub fn from_std(socket: net::UdpSocket) -> io::Result<UdpSocket> {
let io = mio::net::UdpSocket::from_socket(socket)?;
let io = PollEvented::new(io)?;
Ok(UdpSocket { io })
/// Splits the `UdpSocket` into a receive half and a send half. The two parts
/// can be used to receive and send datagrams concurrently, even from two
/// different tasks.
pub fn split(self) -> (RecvHalf, SendHalf) {
/// Returns the local address that this socket is bound to.
pub fn local_addr(&self) -> io::Result<SocketAddr> {
/// Connects the UDP socket setting the default destination for send() and
/// limiting packets that are read via recv from the address specified in
/// `addr`.
pub async fn connect<A: ToSocketAddrs>(&self, addr: A) -> io::Result<()> {
let addrs = addr.to_socket_addrs().await?;
let mut last_err = None;
for addr in addrs {
match {
Ok(_) => return Ok(()),
Err(e) => last_err = Some(e),
Err(last_err.unwrap_or_else(|| {
"could not resolve to any address",
/// Returns a future that sends data on the socket to the remote address to which it is connected.
/// On success, the future will resolve to the number of bytes written.
/// The [`connect`] method will connect this socket to a remote address. The future
/// will resolve to an error if the socket is not connected.
/// [`connect`]: method@Self::connect
pub async fn send(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_send(cx, buf)).await
/// Try to send data on the socket to the remote address to which it is
/// connected.
/// # Returns
/// If successfull, the number of bytes sent is returned. Users
/// should ensure that when the remote cannot receive, the
/// [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`] is properly handled.
/// [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`]: std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock
pub fn try_send(&self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
// Poll IO functions that takes `&self` are provided for the split API.
// They are not public because (taken from the doc of `PollEvented`):
// While `PollEvented` is `Sync` (if the underlying I/O type is `Sync`), the
// caller must ensure that there are at most two tasks that use a
// `PollEvented` instance concurrently. One for reading and one for writing.
// While violating this requirement is "safe" from a Rust memory model point
// of view, it will result in unexpected behavior in the form of lost
// notifications and tasks hanging.
pub fn poll_send(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &[u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
match {
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {;
x => Poll::Ready(x),
/// Returns a future that receives a single datagram message on the socket from
/// the remote address to which it is connected. On success, the future will resolve
/// to the number of bytes read.
/// The function must be called with valid byte array `buf` of sufficient size to
/// hold the message bytes. If a message is too long to fit in the supplied buffer,
/// excess bytes may be discarded.
/// The [`connect`] method will connect this socket to a remote address. The future
/// will fail if the socket is not connected.
/// [`connect`]: method@Self::connect
pub async fn recv(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<usize> {
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_recv(cx, buf)).await
pub fn poll_recv(&self, cx: &mut Context<'_>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
ready!(, mio::Ready::readable()))?;
match {
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {, mio::Ready::readable())?;
x => Poll::Ready(x),
/// Returns a future that sends data on the socket to the given address.
/// On success, the future will resolve to the number of bytes written.
/// The future will resolve to an error if the IP version of the socket does
/// not match that of `target`.
pub async fn send_to<A: ToSocketAddrs>(&mut self, buf: &[u8], target: A) -> io::Result<usize> {
let mut addrs = target.to_socket_addrs().await?;
match {
Some(target) => poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_send_to(cx, buf, &target)).await,
None => Err(io::Error::new(
"no addresses to send data to",
/// Try to send data on the socket to the given address.
/// # Returns
/// If successfull, the future resolves to the number of bytes sent.
/// Users should ensure that when the remote cannot receive, the
/// [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`] is properly handled. An error can also occur
/// if the IP version of the socket does not match that of `target`.
/// [`ErrorKind::WouldBlock`]: std::io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock
pub fn try_send_to(&self, buf: &[u8], target: SocketAddr) -> io::Result<usize> {, &target)
// TODO: Public or not?
pub fn poll_send_to(
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &[u8],
target: &SocketAddr,
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
match, target) {
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {;
x => Poll::Ready(x),
/// Returns a future that receives a single datagram on the socket. On success,
/// the future resolves to the number of bytes read and the origin.
/// The function must be called with valid byte array `buf` of sufficient size
/// to hold the message bytes. If a message is too long to fit in the supplied
/// buffer, excess bytes may be discarded.
pub async fn recv_from(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::Result<(usize, SocketAddr)> {
poll_fn(|cx| self.poll_recv_from(cx, buf)).await
pub fn poll_recv_from(
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &mut [u8],
) -> Poll<Result<(usize, SocketAddr), io::Error>> {
ready!(, mio::Ready::readable()))?;
match {
Err(ref e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {, mio::Ready::readable())?;
x => Poll::Ready(x),
/// Gets the value of the `SO_BROADCAST` option for this socket.
/// For more information about this option, see [`set_broadcast`].
/// [`set_broadcast`]: method@Self::set_broadcast
pub fn broadcast(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
/// Sets the value of the `SO_BROADCAST` option for this socket.
/// When enabled, this socket is allowed to send packets to a broadcast
/// address.
pub fn set_broadcast(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Gets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
/// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_loop_v4`].
/// [`set_multicast_loop_v4`]: method@Self::set_multicast_loop_v4
pub fn multicast_loop_v4(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
/// Sets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
/// If enabled, multicast packets will be looped back to the local socket.
/// # Note
/// This may not have any affect on IPv6 sockets.
pub fn set_multicast_loop_v4(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Gets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` option for this socket.
/// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_ttl_v4`].
/// [`set_multicast_ttl_v4`]: method@Self::set_multicast_ttl_v4
pub fn multicast_ttl_v4(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
/// Sets the value of the `IP_MULTICAST_TTL` option for this socket.
/// Indicates the time-to-live value of outgoing multicast packets for
/// this socket. The default value is 1 which means that multicast packets
/// don't leave the local network unless explicitly requested.
/// # Note
/// This may not have any affect on IPv6 sockets.
pub fn set_multicast_ttl_v4(&self, ttl: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Gets the value of the `IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
/// For more information about this option, see [`set_multicast_loop_v6`].
/// [`set_multicast_loop_v6`]: method@Self::set_multicast_loop_v6
pub fn multicast_loop_v6(&self) -> io::Result<bool> {
/// Sets the value of the `IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP` option for this socket.
/// Controls whether this socket sees the multicast packets it sends itself.
/// # Note
/// This may not have any affect on IPv4 sockets.
pub fn set_multicast_loop_v6(&self, on: bool) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Gets the value of the `IP_TTL` option for this socket.
/// For more information about this option, see [`set_ttl`].
/// [`set_ttl`]: method@Self::set_ttl
pub fn ttl(&self) -> io::Result<u32> {
/// Sets the value for the `IP_TTL` option on this socket.
/// This value sets the time-to-live field that is used in every packet sent
/// from this socket.
pub fn set_ttl(&self, ttl: u32) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Executes an operation of the `IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP` type.
/// This function specifies a new multicast group for this socket to join.
/// The address must be a valid multicast address, and `interface` is the
/// address of the local interface with which the system should join the
/// multicast group. If it's equal to `INADDR_ANY` then an appropriate
/// interface is chosen by the system.
pub fn join_multicast_v4(&self, multiaddr: Ipv4Addr, interface: Ipv4Addr) -> io::Result<()> {, &interface)
/// Executes an operation of the `IPV6_ADD_MEMBERSHIP` type.
/// This function specifies a new multicast group for this socket to join.
/// The address must be a valid multicast address, and `interface` is the
/// index of the interface to join/leave (or 0 to indicate any interface).
pub fn join_multicast_v6(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv6Addr, interface: u32) -> io::Result<()> {, interface)
/// Executes an operation of the `IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP` type.
/// For more information about this option, see [`join_multicast_v4`].
/// [`join_multicast_v4`]: method@Self::join_multicast_v4
pub fn leave_multicast_v4(&self, multiaddr: Ipv4Addr, interface: Ipv4Addr) -> io::Result<()> {, &interface)
/// Executes an operation of the `IPV6_DROP_MEMBERSHIP` type.
/// For more information about this option, see [`join_multicast_v6`].
/// [`join_multicast_v6`]: method@Self::join_multicast_v6
pub fn leave_multicast_v6(&self, multiaddr: &Ipv6Addr, interface: u32) -> io::Result<()> {, interface)
impl TryFrom<UdpSocket> for mio::net::UdpSocket {
type Error = io::Error;
/// Consumes value, returning the mio I/O object.
/// See [`PollEvented::into_inner`] for more details about
/// resource deregistration that happens during the call.
/// [`PollEvented::into_inner`]: crate::io::PollEvented::into_inner
fn try_from(value: UdpSocket) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl TryFrom<net::UdpSocket> for UdpSocket {
type Error = io::Error;
/// Consumes stream, returning the tokio I/O object.
/// This is equivalent to
/// [`UdpSocket::from_std(stream)`](UdpSocket::from_std).
fn try_from(stream: net::UdpSocket) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
impl fmt::Debug for UdpSocket {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
mod sys {
use super::UdpSocket;
use std::os::unix::prelude::*;
impl AsRawFd for UdpSocket {
fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
mod sys {
// TODO: let's land these upstream with mio and then we can add them here.
// use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
// use super::UdpSocket;
// impl AsRawHandle for UdpSocket {
// fn as_raw_handle(&self) -> RawHandle {
// }
// }