blob: 8dc3b99321d91f4f8b5422672dca4ea8e76d6add [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Stephane Raux. Distributed under the MIT license.
//! Tools to iterate over the variants of a field-less enum.
//! See the `IntoEnumIterator` trait.
pub use enum_iterator_derive::IntoEnumIterator;
use core::iter;
/// Trait to iterate over the variants of a field-less enum.
/// Field-less (a.k.a. C-like) enums are enums whose variants don't have additional data.
/// This trait is meant to be derived.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use enum_iterator::IntoEnumIterator;
/// #[derive(Clone, IntoEnumIterator, PartialEq)]
/// enum Direction {North, South, West, East}
/// fn main() {
/// assert_eq!(Direction::VARIANT_COUNT, 4);
/// assert!(Direction::into_enum_iter().eq([Direction::North,
/// Direction::South, Direction::West, Direction::East].iter()
/// .cloned()));
/// }
/// ```
pub trait IntoEnumIterator: Sized {
/// Type of the iterator over the variants.
type Iterator: Iterator<Item = Self> + iter::ExactSizeIterator + iter::FusedIterator + Copy;
/// Number of variants.
const VARIANT_COUNT: usize;
/// Returns an iterator over the variants.
/// Variants are yielded in the order they are defined in the enum.
fn into_enum_iter() -> Self::Iterator;