This guide describes the current state of syntax trees and parsing in rust-analyzer as of 2020-01-09 (link to commit).
The things described are implemented in three places
into rust-analyzer specific API. Nothing in rust-analyzer except this crate knows about rowan
if it means better memory/cpu usage.The syntax tree consists of three layers:
Of these, only GreenNodes store the actual data, the other two layers are (non-trivial) views into green tree. Red-green terminology comes from Roslyn (link) and gives the name to the rowan
library. Green and syntax nodes are defined in rowan, ast is defined in rust-analyzer.
Syntax trees are a semi-transient data structure. In general, frontend does not keep syntax trees for all files in memory. Instead, it lowers syntax trees to more compact and rigid representation, which is not full-fidelity, but which can be mapped back to a syntax tree if so desired.
GreenNode is a purely-functional tree with arbitrary arity. Conceptually, it is equivalent to the following run of the mill struct:
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)] struct SyntaxKind(u16); #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] struct Node { kind: SyntaxKind, text_len: usize, children: Vec<Arc<Either<Node, Token>>>, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone)] struct Token { kind: SyntaxKind, text: String, }
All the difference between the above sketch and the real implementation are strictly due to optimizations.
Points of note:
. We don't make special efforts to guarantee that the depth is not linear, but, in practice, syntax trees are branchy and shallow.ERROR
kind, and treated just like any other node.An input like fn f() { 90 + 2 }
might be parsed as
[email protected] [email protected] "fn" [email protected] " " [email protected] [email protected] "f" [email protected] [email protected] "(" [email protected] ")" [email protected] " " [email protected] [email protected] "{" [email protected] " " [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] "90" [email protected] " " [email protected] "+" [email protected] " " [email protected] [email protected] "2" [email protected] " " [email protected] "}"
(significant amount of implementation work here was done by CAD97).
To reduce the amount of allocations, the GreenNode is a DST, which uses a single allocation for header and children. Thus, it is only usable behind a pointer.
*-----------+------+----------+------------+--------+--------+-----+--------* | ref_count | kind | text_len | n_children | child1 | child2 | ... | childn | *-----------+------+----------+------------+--------+--------+-----+--------*
To more compactly store the children, we box both interior nodes and tokens, and represent Either<Arc<Node>, Arc<Token>>
as a single pointer with a tag in the last bit.
To avoid allocating EVERY SINGLE TOKEN on the heap, syntax trees use interning. Because the tree is fully immutable, it's valid to structurally share subtrees. For example, in 1 + 1
, there will be a single token for 1
with ref count 2; the same goes for the
whitespace token. Interior nodes are shared as well (for example in (1 + 1) * (1 + 1)
Note that, the result of the interning is an Arc<Node>
. That is, it‘s not an index into interning table, so you don’t have to have the table around to do anything with the tree. Each tree is fully self-contained (although different trees might share parts). Currently, the interner is created per-file, but it will be easy to use a per-thread or per-some-contex one.
We use a TextSize
, a newtyped u32
, to store the length of the text.
We currently use SmolStr
, a small object optimized string to store text. This was mostly relevant before we implemented tree interning, to avoid allocating common keywords and identifiers. We should switch to storing text data alongside the interned tokens.
In the above model, whitespace is not treated specially. Another alternative (used by swift and roslyn) is to explicitly divide the set of tokens into trivia and non-trivia tokens, and represent non-trivia tokens as
struct Token { kind: NonTriviaTokenKind, text: String, leading_trivia: Vec<TriviaToken>, trailing_trivia: Vec<TriviaToken>, }
The tree then contains only non-trivia tokens.
Another approach (from Dart) is to, in addition to a syntax tree, link all the tokens into a bidirectional link list. That way, the tree again contains only non-trivia tokens.
Explicit trivia nodes, like in rowan
, are used by IntelliJ.
As noted before, accessing a specific child in the node requires a linear traversal of the children (though we can skip tokens, because the tag is encoded in the pointer itself). It is possible to recover O(1) access with another representation. We explicitly store optional and missing (required by the grammar, but not present) nodes. That is, we use Option<Node>
for children. We also remove trivia tokens from the tree. This way, each child kind generally occupies a fixed position in a parent, and we can use index access to fetch it. The cost is that we now need to allocate space for all not-present optional nodes. So, fn foo() {}
will have slots for visibility, unsafeness, attributes, abi and return type.
IntelliJ uses linear traversal. Roslyn and Swift do O(1)
IntelliJ uses mutable trees. Overall, it creates a lot of additional complexity. However, the API for editing syntax trees is nice.
For example the assist to move generic bounds to where clause has this code:
for typeBound in typeBounds { typeBound.typeParamBounds?.delete() }
Modeling this with immutable trees is possible, but annoying.
A function green tree is not super-convenient to use. The biggest problem is accessing parents (there are no parent pointers!). But there are also “identify” issues. Let's say you want to write a code which builds a list of expressions in a file: fn collect_expressions(file: GreenNode) -> HashSet<GreenNode>
. For the input like
fn main() { let x = 90i8; let x = x + 2; let x = 90i64; let x = x + 2; }
both copies of the x + 2
expression are representing by equal (and, with interning in mind, actually the same) green nodes. Green trees just can't differentiate between the two.
adds parent pointers and identify semantics to green nodes. They can be called cursors or zippers (fun fact: zipper is a derivative (as in ′) of a data structure).
Conceptually, a SyntaxNode
looks like this:
type SyntaxNode = Arc<SyntaxData>; struct SyntaxData { offset: usize, parent: Option<SyntaxNode>, green: Arc<GreenNode>, } impl SyntaxNode { fn new_root(root: Arc<GreenNode>) -> SyntaxNode { Arc::new(SyntaxData { offset: 0, parent: None, green: root, }) } fn parent(&self) -> Option<SyntaxNode> { self.parent.clone() } fn children(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = SyntaxNode> { let mut offset = self.offset;|green_child| { let child_offset = offset; offset += green_child.text_len; Arc::new(SyntaxData { offset: child_offset, parent: Some(Arc::clone(self)), green: Arc::clone(green_child), }) }) } } impl PartialEq for SyntaxNode { fn eq(&self, other: &SyntaxNode) -> bool { self.offset == other.offset && Arc::ptr_eq(&, & } }
Points of note:
The reality is different though :-) Traversal of trees is a common operation, and it makes sense to optimize it. In particular, the above code allocates and does atomic operations during a traversal.
To get rid of atomics, rowan
uses non thread-safe Rc
. This is OK because trees traversals mostly (always, in case of rust-analyzer) run on a single thread. If you need to send a SyntaxNode
to another thread, you can send a pair of rootGreenNode
(which is thread safe) and a Range<usize>
. The other thread can restore the SyntaxNode
by traversing from the root green node and looking for a node with specified range. You can also use the similar trick to store a SyntaxNode
. That is, a data structure that holds a (GreenNode, Range<usize>)
will be Sync
. However, rust-analyzer goes even further. It treats trees as semi-transient and instead of storing a GreenNode
, it generally stores just the id of the file from which the tree originated: (FileId, Range<usize>)
. The SyntaxNode
is the restored by reparsing the file and traversing it from root. With this trick, rust-analyzer holds only a small amount of trees in memory at the same time, which reduces memory usage.
Additionally, only the root SyntaxNode
owns an Arc
to the (root) GreenNode
. All other SyntaxNode
s point to corresponding GreenNode
s with a raw pointer. They also point to the parent (and, consequently, to the root) with an owning Rc
, so this is sound. In other words, one needs one arc bump when initiating a traversal.
To get rid of allocations, rowan
takes advantage of SyntaxNode: !Sync
and uses a thread-local free list of SyntaxNode
s. In a typical traversal, you only directly hold a few SyntaxNode
s at a time (and their ancestors indirectly), so a free list proportional to the depth of the tree removes all allocations in a typical case.
So, while traversal is not exactly incrementing a pointer, it's still pretty cheap: TLS + rc bump!
Traversal also yields (cheap) owned nodes, which improves ergonomics quite a bit.
C# and Swift follow the design where the red nodes are memoized, which would look roughly like this in Rust:
type SyntaxNode = Arc<SyntaxData>; struct SyntaxData { offset: usize, parent: Option<SyntaxNode>, green: Arc<GreenNode>, children: Vec<OnceCell<SyntaxNode>>, }
This allows using true pointer equality for comparison of identities of SyntaxNodes
. rust-analyzer used to have this design as well, but we've since switched to cursors. The main problem with memoizing the red nodes is that it more than doubles the memory requirements for fully realized syntax trees. In contrast, cursors generally retain only a path to the root. C# combats increased memory usage by using weak references.
s are untyped and homogeneous, because it makes accommodating error nodes, arbitrary whitespace and comments natural, and because it makes possible to write generic tree traversals. However, when working with a specific node, like a function definition, one would want a strongly typed API.
This is what is provided by the AST layer. AST nodes are transparent wrappers over untyped syntax nodes:
pub trait AstNode { fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNode) -> Option<Self> where Self: Sized; fn syntax(&self) -> &SyntaxNode; }
Concrete nodes are generated (there are 117 of them), and look roughly like this:
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub struct FnDef { syntax: SyntaxNode, } impl AstNode for FnDef { fn cast(syntax: SyntaxNode) -> Option<Self> { match kind { FN => Some(FnDef { syntax }), _ => None, } } fn syntax(&self) -> &SyntaxNode { &self.syntax } } impl FnDef { pub fn param_list(&self) -> Option<ParamList> { self.syntax.children().find_map(ParamList::cast) } pub fn ret_type(&self) -> Option<RetType> { self.syntax.children().find_map(RetType::cast) } pub fn body(&self) -> Option<BlockExpr> { self.syntax.children().find_map(BlockExpr::cast) } // ... }
Variants like expressions, patterns or items are modeled with enum
s, which also implement AstNode
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum AssocItem { FnDef(FnDef), TypeAliasDef(TypeAliasDef), ConstDef(ConstDef), } impl AstNode for AssocItem { ... }
Shared AST substructures are modeled via (object safe) traits:
trait HasVisibility: AstNode { fn visibility(&self) -> Option<Visibility>; } impl HasVisibility for FnDef { fn visibility(&self) -> Option<Visibility> { self.syntax.children().find_map(Visibility::cast) } }
Points of note:
s, AST nodes are cheap to clone pointer-sized owned values.SyntaxNode
s allow modeling of arbitrary intersecting subsets of AST types.SyntaxNode
treeIn IntelliJ the AST layer (dubbed Program Structure Interface) can have semantics attached, and is usually backed by either syntax tree, indices, or metadata from compiled libraries. The backend for PSI can change dynamically.
At its core, the syntax tree is a purely functional n-ary tree, which stores text at the leaf nodes and node “kinds” at all nodes. A cursor layer is added on top, which gives owned, cheap to clone nodes with identity semantics, parent links and absolute offsets. An AST layer is added on top, which reifies each node Kind
as a separate Rust type with the corresponding API.
The (green) tree is constructed by a DFS “traversal” of the desired tree structure:
pub struct GreenNodeBuilder { ... } impl GreenNodeBuilder { pub fn new() -> GreenNodeBuilder { ... } pub fn token(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, text: &str) { ... } pub fn start_node(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind) { ... } pub fn finish_node(&mut self) { ... } pub fn finish(self) -> GreenNode { ... } }
The parser, ultimately, needs to invoke the GreenNodeBuilder
. There are two principal sources of inputs for the parser:
Additionally, input tokens do not correspond 1-to-1 with output tokens. For example, two consecutive >
tokens might be glued, by the parser, into a single >>
For these reasons, the parser crate defines a callback interfaces for both input tokens and output trees. The explicit glue layer then bridges various gaps.
The parser interface looks like this:
pub struct Token { pub kind: SyntaxKind, pub is_joined_to_next: bool, } pub trait TokenSource { fn current(&self) -> Token; fn lookahead_nth(&self, n: usize) -> Token; fn is_keyword(&self, kw: &str) -> bool; fn bump(&mut self); } pub trait TreeSink { fn token(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind, n_tokens: u8); fn start_node(&mut self, kind: SyntaxKind); fn finish_node(&mut self); fn error(&mut self, error: ParseError); } pub fn parse( token_source: &mut dyn TokenSource, tree_sink: &mut dyn TreeSink, ) { ... }
Points of note:
might advance further than one atomic token ahead.Syntax errors are not stored directly in the tree. The primary motivation for this is that syntax tree is not necessary produced by the parser, it may also be assembled manually from pieces (which happens all the time in refactorings). Instead, parser reports errors to an error sink, which stores them in a Vec
. If possible, errors are not reported during parsing and are postponed for a separate validation step. For example, parser accepts visibility modifiers on trait methods, but then a separate tree traversal flags all such visibilities as erroneous.
The primary difficulty with macros is that individual tokens have identities, which need to be preserved in the syntax tree for hygiene purposes. This is handled by the TreeSink
layer. Specifically, TreeSink
constructs the tree in lockstep with draining the original token stream. In the process, it records which tokens of the tree correspond to which tokens of the input, by using text ranges to identify syntax tokens. The end result is that parsing an expanded code yields a syntax tree and a mapping of text-ranges of the tree to original tokens.
To deal with precedence in cases like $expr * 1
, we use special invisible parenthesis, which are explicitly handled by the parser
Parser does not see whitespace nodes. Instead, they are attached to the tree in the TreeSink
For example, in
// non doc comment fn foo() {}
the comment will be (heuristically) made a child of function node.
Green trees are cheap to modify, so incremental reparse works by patching a previous tree, without maintaining any additional state. The reparse is based on heuristic: we try to contain a change to a single {}
block, and reparse only this block. To do this, we maintain the invariant that, even for invalid code, curly braces are always paired correctly.
In practice, incremental reparsing doesn't actually matter much for IDE use-cases, parsing from scratch seems to be fast enough.
We use a boring hand-crafted recursive descent + pratt combination, with a special effort of continuing the parsing if an error is detected.
Parser itself defines traits for token sequence input and syntax tree output. It doesn't care about where the tokens come from, and how the resulting syntax tree looks like.