blob: 413318bcc009d4d195a81b171b5f1a7d1911123a [file] [log] [blame]
use crate::{Delimiter, ToTokens, TokenStream};
use core::ops::BitOr;
pub struct HasIterator; // True
pub struct ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition; // False
impl BitOr<ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition> for ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition {
type Output = ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition;
fn bitor(self, _rhs: ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition) -> ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition {
impl BitOr<ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition> for HasIterator {
type Output = HasIterator;
fn bitor(self, _rhs: ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition) -> HasIterator {
impl BitOr<HasIterator> for ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition {
type Output = HasIterator;
fn bitor(self, _rhs: HasIterator) -> HasIterator {
impl BitOr<HasIterator> for HasIterator {
type Output = HasIterator;
fn bitor(self, _rhs: HasIterator) -> HasIterator {
/// Extension traits used by the implementation of `quote!`. These are defined
/// in separate traits, rather than as a single trait due to ambiguity issues.
/// These traits expose a `quote_into_iter` method which should allow calling
/// whichever impl happens to be applicable. Calling that method repeatedly on
/// the returned value should be idempotent.
pub mod ext {
use super::RepInterp;
use super::{HasIterator as HasIter, ThereIsNoIteratorInRepetition as DoesNotHaveIter};
use crate::ToTokens;
use core::slice;
use std::collections::btree_set::{self, BTreeSet};
/// Extension trait providing the `quote_into_iter` method on iterators.
pub trait RepIteratorExt: Iterator + Sized {
fn quote_into_iter(self) -> (Self, HasIter) {
(self, HasIter)
impl<T: Iterator> RepIteratorExt for T {}
/// Extension trait providing the `quote_into_iter` method for
/// non-iterable types. These types interpolate the same value in each
/// iteration of the repetition.
pub trait RepToTokensExt {
/// Pretend to be an iterator for the purposes of `quote_into_iter`.
/// This allows repeated calls to `quote_into_iter` to continue
/// correctly returning DoesNotHaveIter.
fn next(&self) -> Option<&Self> {
fn quote_into_iter(&self) -> (&Self, DoesNotHaveIter) {
(self, DoesNotHaveIter)
impl<T: ToTokens + ?Sized> RepToTokensExt for T {}
/// Extension trait providing the `quote_into_iter` method for types that
/// can be referenced as an iterator.
pub trait RepAsIteratorExt<'q> {
type Iter: Iterator;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter);
impl<'q, 'a, T: RepAsIteratorExt<'q> + ?Sized> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for &'a T {
type Iter = T::Iter;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
<T as RepAsIteratorExt>::quote_into_iter(*self)
impl<'q, 'a, T: RepAsIteratorExt<'q> + ?Sized> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for &'a mut T {
type Iter = T::Iter;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
<T as RepAsIteratorExt>::quote_into_iter(*self)
impl<'q, T: 'q> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for [T] {
type Iter = slice::Iter<'q, T>;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
(self.iter(), HasIter)
impl<'q, T: 'q> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for Vec<T> {
type Iter = slice::Iter<'q, T>;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
(self.iter(), HasIter)
impl<'q, T: 'q> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for BTreeSet<T> {
type Iter = btree_set::Iter<'q, T>;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
(self.iter(), HasIter)
macro_rules! array_rep_slice {
($($l:tt)*) => {
impl<'q, T: 'q> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for [T; $l] {
type Iter = slice::Iter<'q, T>;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
(self.iter(), HasIter)
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impl<'q, T: RepAsIteratorExt<'q>> RepAsIteratorExt<'q> for RepInterp<T> {
type Iter = T::Iter;
fn quote_into_iter(&'q self) -> (Self::Iter, HasIter) {
// Helper type used within interpolations to allow for repeated binding names.
// Implements the relevant traits, and exports a dummy `next()` method.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct RepInterp<T>(pub T);
impl<T> RepInterp<T> {
// This method is intended to look like `Iterator::next`, and is called when
// a name is bound multiple times, as the previous binding will shadow the
// original `Iterator` object. This allows us to avoid advancing the
// iterator multiple times per iteration.
pub fn next(self) -> Option<T> {
impl<T: Iterator> Iterator for RepInterp<T> {
type Item = T::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
impl<T: ToTokens> ToTokens for RepInterp<T> {
fn to_tokens(&self, tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
pub fn push_group(tokens: &mut TokenStream, delimiter: Delimiter, inner: TokenStream) {
pub fn parse(tokens: &mut TokenStream, s: &str) {
pub fn push_ident(tokens: &mut TokenStream, s: &str) {
match tokens.0.chars().last() {
None | Some(':') => {}
_ => tokens.0.push(' '),
pub fn push_colon2(tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
match tokens.0.chars().last() {
Some(':') => tokens.push_str(" ::"),
_ => tokens.push_str("::"),
macro_rules! push_punct {
($name:ident $char1:tt) => {
pub fn $name(tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
($name:ident $char1:tt $char2:tt) => {
pub fn $name(tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
($name:ident $char1:tt $char2:tt $char3:tt) => {
pub fn $name(tokens: &mut TokenStream) {
tokens.push(' ');
push_punct!(push_add '+');
push_punct!(push_add_eq '+' '=');
push_punct!(push_and '&');
push_punct!(push_and_and '&' '&');
push_punct!(push_and_eq '&' '=');
push_punct!(push_at '@');
push_punct!(push_bang '!');
push_punct!(push_caret '^');
push_punct!(push_caret_eq '^' '=');
push_punct!(push_colon ':');
push_punct!(push_comma ',');
push_punct!(push_div '/');
push_punct!(push_div_eq '/' '=');
push_punct!(push_dot '.');
push_punct!(push_dot2 '.' '.');
push_punct!(push_dot3 '.' '.' '.');
push_punct!(push_dot_dot_eq '.' '.' '=');
push_punct!(push_eq '=');
push_punct!(push_eq_eq '=' '=');
push_punct!(push_ge '>' '=');
push_punct!(push_gt '>');
push_punct!(push_le '<' '=');
push_punct!(push_lt '<');
push_punct!(push_mul_eq '*' '=');
push_punct!(push_ne '!' '=');
push_punct!(push_or '|');
push_punct!(push_or_eq '|' '=');
push_punct!(push_or_or '|' '|');
push_punct!(push_pound '#');
push_punct!(push_question '?');
push_punct!(push_rarrow '-' '>');
push_punct!(push_larrow '<' '-');
push_punct!(push_rem '%');
push_punct!(push_rem_eq '%' '=');
push_punct!(push_fat_arrow '=' '>');
push_punct!(push_semi ';');
push_punct!(push_shl '<' '<');
push_punct!(push_shl_eq '<' '<' '=');
push_punct!(push_shr '>' '>');
push_punct!(push_shr_eq '>' '>' '=');
push_punct!(push_star '*');
push_punct!(push_sub '-');
push_punct!(push_sub_eq '-' '=');