blob: aaac6384d31df726e02b6b082292e98fffe2d976 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Core implementation of the backtracking allocator.
use log::{debug, log_enabled, Level};
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use std::default;
use std::fmt;
use crate::analysis_data_flow::{add_raw_reg_vecs_for_insn, does_inst_use_def_or_mod_reg};
use crate::analysis_main::{run_analysis, AnalysisInfo};
use crate::avl_tree::{AVLTree, AVL_NULL};
use crate::bt_coalescing_analysis::{do_coalescing_analysis, Hint};
use crate::bt_commitment_map::{CommitmentMap, RangeFragAndRangeId};
use crate::bt_spillslot_allocator::SpillSlotAllocator;
use crate::bt_vlr_priority_queue::VirtualRangePrioQ;
use crate::data_structures::{
BlockIx, InstIx, InstPoint, Map, Point, RangeFrag, RangeFragIx, RangeId, RealRange,
RealRangeIx, RealReg, RealRegUniverse, Reg, RegClass, RegVecBounds, RegVecs, RegVecsAndBounds,
Set, SortedRangeFrags, SpillCost, SpillSlot, TypedIxVec, VirtualRange, VirtualRangeIx,
VirtualReg, Writable,
use crate::inst_stream::{
edit_inst_stream, ExtPoint, InstExtPoint, InstToInsert, InstToInsertAndExtPoint,
use crate::sparse_set::SparseSetU;
use crate::union_find::UnionFindEquivClasses;
use crate::{AlgorithmWithDefaults, Function, RegAllocError, RegAllocResult, StackmapRequestInfo};
pub struct BacktrackingOptions {
/// Should the register allocator generate block annotations?
pub request_block_annotations: bool,
impl default::Default for BacktrackingOptions {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
request_block_annotations: false,
impl fmt::Debug for BacktrackingOptions {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"backtracking (block annotations: {})",
// The per-real-register state
// Relevant methods are expected to be parameterised by the same VirtualRange
// env as used in calls to `VirtualRangePrioQ`.
struct PerRealReg {
// The current committed fragments for this RealReg.
committed: CommitmentMap,
// The set of VirtualRanges which have been assigned to this RealReg. The
// union of their frags will be equal to `committed` only if this RealReg
// has no RealRanges. If this RealReg does have RealRanges the
// aforementioned union will be exactly the subset of `committed` not used
// by the RealRanges.
vlrixs_assigned: Set<VirtualRangeIx>,
impl PerRealReg {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
committed: CommitmentMap::new(),
vlrixs_assigned: Set::<VirtualRangeIx>::empty(),
fn add_RealRange(
&mut self,
to_add_rlrix: RealRangeIx,
rlr_env: &TypedIxVec<RealRangeIx, RealRange>,
frag_env: &TypedIxVec<RangeFragIx, RangeFrag>,
) {
// Commit this register to `to_add`, irrevocably. Don't add it to `vlrixs_assigned`
// since we will never want to later evict the assignment. (Also, from a types point of
// view that would be impossible.)
let to_add_rlr = &rlr_env[to_add_rlrix];
fn add_VirtualRange(
&mut self,
to_add_vlrix: VirtualRangeIx,
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
) {
let to_add_vlr = &vlr_env[to_add_vlrix];
.add(&to_add_vlr.sorted_frags, RangeId::new_virtual(to_add_vlrix));
fn del_VirtualRange(
&mut self,
to_del_vlrix: VirtualRangeIx,
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
) {
// Remove it from `vlrixs_assigned`
// FIXME 2020June18: we could do this more efficiently by inspecting
// the return value from `delete`.
if self.vlrixs_assigned.contains(to_del_vlrix) {
} else {
panic!("PerRealReg: del_VirtualRange on VR not in vlrixs_assigned");
// Remove it from `committed`
let to_del_vlr = &vlr_env[to_del_vlrix];
// For a given `RangeFrag`, traverse the commitment tree rooted at `root`,
// adding to `running_set` the set of VLRIxs that the frag intersects, and
// adding their spill costs to `running_cost`. Return false if, for one of
// the 4 reasons documented below, the traversal has been abandoned, and true
// if the search completed successfully.
fn search_commitment_tree<IsAllowedToEvict>(
// The running state, threaded through the tree traversal. These
// accumulate ranges and costs as we traverse the tree. These are mutable
// because our caller (`find_evict_set`) will want to try and allocate
// multiple `RangeFrag`s in this tree, not just a single one, and so it
// needs a way to accumulate the total evict-cost and evict-set for all
// the `RangeFrag`s it iterates over.
running_set: &mut SparseSetU<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>,
running_cost: &mut SpillCost,
// The tree to search.
tree: &AVLTree<RangeFragAndRangeId>,
// The RangeFrag we want to accommodate.
pair_frag: &RangeFrag,
spill_cost_budget: &SpillCost,
allowed_to_evict: &IsAllowedToEvict,
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
) -> bool
IsAllowedToEvict: Fn(VirtualRangeIx) -> bool,
let mut stack = SmallVec::<[u32; 32]>::new();
assert!(tree.root != AVL_NULL);
while let Some(curr) = stack.pop() {
let curr_node = &tree.pool[curr as usize];
let curr_node_item = &curr_node.item;
let curr_frag = &curr_node_item.frag;
// Figure out whether `pair_frag` overlaps the root of the current
// subtree.
let overlaps_curr = pair_frag.last >= curr_frag.first && pair_frag.first <= curr_frag.last;
// Let's first consider the current node. If we need it but it's not
// evictable, we might as well stop now.
if overlaps_curr {
// This frag is committed to a real range, not a virtual one, and hence is not
// evictable.
if {
return false;
// Maybe this one is a spill range, in which case, it can't be
// evicted.
let vlrix_to_evict =;
let vlr_to_evict = &vlr_env[vlrix_to_evict];
if vlr_to_evict.spill_cost.is_infinite() {
return false;
// Check that this range alone doesn't exceed our total spill
// cost. NB: given the check XXX below, this isn't actually
// necessary; however it means that we avoid doing two
// SparseSet::contains operations before exiting. This saves
// around 0.3% instruction count for large inputs.
if !vlr_to_evict.spill_cost.is_less_than(spill_cost_budget) {
return false;
// Maybe our caller doesn't want us to evict this one.
if !allowed_to_evict(vlrix_to_evict) {
return false;
// Ok! We can evict the current node. Update the running state
// accordingly. Note that we may be presented with the same VLRIx
// to evict multiple times, so we must be careful to add the cost
// of it only once.
if !running_set.contains(vlrix_to_evict) {
let mut tmp_cost = *running_cost;
// See above XXX
if !tmp_cost.is_less_than(spill_cost_budget) {
return false;
*running_cost = tmp_cost;
// Now figure out if we need to visit the subtrees, and if so push the
// relevant nodes. Whether we visit the left or right subtree first
// is unimportant, at least from a correctness perspective.
let must_check_left = pair_frag.first < curr_frag.first;
if must_check_left {
let left_of_curr = tree.pool[curr as usize].left;
if left_of_curr != AVL_NULL {
let must_check_right = pair_frag.last > curr_frag.last;
if must_check_right {
let right_of_curr = tree.pool[curr as usize].right;
if right_of_curr != AVL_NULL {
// If we get here, it means that `pair_frag` can be accommodated if we
// evict all the frags it overlaps in `tree`.
// Stay sane ..
impl PerRealReg {
// Find the set of VirtualRangeIxs that would need to be evicted in order to
// allocate `would_like_to_add` to this register. Virtual ranges mentioned
// in `do_not_evict` must not be considered as candidates for eviction.
// Also returns the total associated spill cost. That spill cost cannot be
// infinite.
// This can fail (return None) for four different reasons:
// - `would_like_to_add` interferes with a real-register-live-range
// commitment, so the register would be unavailable even if we evicted
// *all* virtual ranges assigned to it.
// - `would_like_to_add` interferes with a virtual range which is a spill
// range (has infinite cost). We cannot evict those without risking
// non-termination of the overall allocation algorithm.
// - `would_like_to_add` interferes with a virtual range listed in
// `do_not_evict`. Our caller uses this mechanism when trying to do
// coalesing, to avoid the nonsensicality of evicting some part of a
// virtual live range group in order to allocate a member of the same
// group.
// - The total spill cost of the candidate set exceeds the spill cost of
// `would_like_to_add`. This means that spilling them would be a net loss
// per our cost model. Note that `would_like_to_add` may have an infinite
// spill cost, in which case it will "win" over all other
// non-infinite-cost eviction candidates. This is by design (so as to
// guarantee that we can always allocate spill/reload bridges).
fn find_evict_set<IsAllowedToEvict>(
would_like_to_add: VirtualRangeIx,
allowed_to_evict: &IsAllowedToEvict,
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
) -> Option<(SparseSetU<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>, SpillCost)>
IsAllowedToEvict: Fn(VirtualRangeIx) -> bool,
// Firstly, if the commitment tree is for this reg is empty, we can
// declare success immediately.
if self.committed.tree.root == AVL_NULL {
let evict_set = SparseSetU::<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>::empty();
let evict_cost = SpillCost::zero();
return Some((evict_set, evict_cost));
// The tree isn't empty, so we will have to do this the hard way: iterate
// over all fragments in `would_like_to_add` and check them against the
// tree.
// Useful constants for the main loop
let would_like_to_add_vlr = &vlr_env[would_like_to_add];
let evict_cost_budget = would_like_to_add_vlr.spill_cost;
// Note that `evict_cost_budget` can be infinite because
// `would_like_to_add` might be a spill/reload range.
// The overall evict set and cost so far. These are updated as we iterate
// over the fragments that make up `would_like_to_add`.
let mut running_set = SparseSetU::<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>::empty();
let mut running_cost = SpillCost::zero();
// "wlta" = would like to add
for wlta_frag in would_like_to_add_vlr.sorted_frags.iter() {
let wlta_frag_ok = search_commitment_tree(
&mut running_set,
&mut running_cost,
if !wlta_frag_ok {
// This fragment won't fit, for one of the four reasons listed
// above. So give up now.
return None;
// And move on to the next fragment.
// If we got here, it means that `would_like_to_add` can be accommodated \o/
Some((running_set, running_cost))
fn show1_with_envs(&self, _frag_env: &TypedIxVec<RangeFragIx, RangeFrag>) -> String {
//"in_use: ".to_string() + &self.committed.show_with_frag_env(&frag_env)
fn show2_with_envs(&self, _frag_env: &TypedIxVec<RangeFragIx, RangeFrag>) -> String {
//"assigned: ".to_string() + &format!("{:?}", &self.vlrixs_assigned)
// Printing the allocator's top level state
fn print_RA_state(
who: &str,
_universe: &RealRegUniverse,
// State components
prioQ: &VirtualRangePrioQ,
_perRealReg: &Vec<PerRealReg>,
edit_list_move: &Vec<EditListItem>,
edit_list_other: &Vec<EditListItem>,
// The context (environment)
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
_frag_env: &TypedIxVec<RangeFragIx, RangeFrag>,
) {
debug!("<<<<====---- RA state at '{}' ----====", who);
//for ix in 0..perRealReg.len() {
// if !&perRealReg[ix].committed.pairs.is_empty() {
// debug!(
// "{:<5} {}",
// universe.regs[ix].1,
// &perRealReg[ix].show1_with_envs(&frag_env)
// );
// debug!(" {}", &perRealReg[ix].show2_with_envs(&frag_env));
// debug!("");
// }
if !prioQ.is_empty() {
for s in prioQ.show_with_envs(vlr_env) {
debug!("{}", s);
for eli in edit_list_move {
debug!("ELI MOVE: {:?}", eli);
for eli in edit_list_other {
debug!("ELI other: {:?}", eli);
// Reftype/stackmap support
// This creates the artefacts for a safepoint/stackmap at some insn `iix`: the set of reftyped
// spill slots, the spills to be placed at `iix.r` (yes, you read that right) and the reloads to
// be placed at `iix.s`.
// This consults:
// * the commitment maps, to figure out which real registers are live and reftyped at `iix.u`.
// * the spillslot allocator, to figure out which spill slots are live and reftyped at `iix.u`.
// This may fail, meaning the request is in some way nonsensical; failure is propagated upwards.
fn get_stackmap_artefacts_at(
spill_slot_allocator: &mut SpillSlotAllocator,
univ: &RealRegUniverse,
reftype_class: RegClass,
reg_vecs_and_bounds: &RegVecsAndBounds,
per_real_reg: &Vec<PerRealReg>,
rlr_env: &TypedIxVec<RealRangeIx, RealRange>,
vlr_env: &TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, VirtualRange>,
iix: InstIx,
) -> Result<(Vec<InstToInsert>, Vec<InstToInsert>, Vec<SpillSlot>), RegAllocError> {
// From a code generation perspective, what we need to compute is:
// * Sbefore: real regs that are live at `iix.u`, that are reftypes
// * Safter: Sbefore - real regs written by `iix`
// Then:
// * for r in Sbefore . add "spill r" at `iix.r` *after* all the reloads that are already
// there
// * for r in Safter . add "reload r" at `iix.s` *before* all the spills that are already
// there
// Once those spills have been "recorded" by the `spill_slot_allocator`, we can then ask it
// to tell us all the reftyped spill slots at `iix.u`, and that's our stackmap! This routine
// only computes the stackmap and the vectors of spills and reloads. It doesn't deal with
// interleaving them into the final code sequence.
// Note that this scheme isn't as runtime-inefficient as it sounds, at least in the
// SpiderMonkey use case and where `iix` is a call insn. That's because SM's calling
// convention has no callee saved registers. Hence "real regs written by `iix`" will be
// "all real regs" and so Safter will be empty. And Sbefore is in any case pretty small.
// (/me thinks ..) hmm, if Safter is empty, then what is the point of dumping Sbefore on the
// stack before the GC? For r in Sbefore, either r is the only reference to some object, in
// which case there's no point in presenting that ref to the GC since r is dead after call,
// or r isn't the only ref to the object, in which case some other ref to it must exist
// elsewhere in the stack, and that will keep the object alive. Maybe this needs a rethink.
// Maybe the spills before the call should be only for the set Safter?
let pt = InstPoint::new_use(iix);
// Compute Sbefore.
// FIXME change this to SparseSet
let mut s_before = Set::<RealReg>::empty();
let rci = univ.allocable_by_class[reftype_class.rc_to_usize()];
if rci.is_none() {
return Err(RegAllocError::Other(
"stackmap request: no regs in specified reftype class".to_string(),
let rci = rci.unwrap();
debug!("computing stackmap info at {:?}", pt);
for rreg_no in rci.first..rci.last + 1 {
// Get the RangeId, if any, assigned for `rreg_no` at `iix.u`. From that we can figure
// out if it is reftyped.
let mb_range_id = per_real_reg[rreg_no].committed.lookup_inst_point(pt);
if let Some(range_id) = mb_range_id {
// `rreg_no` is live at `iix.u`.
let is_ref = if range_id.is_real() {
" real reg {:?} is real-range {:?}",
} else {
" real reg {:?} is virtual-range {:?}",
if is_ref {
// Finally .. we know that `rreg_no` is reftyped and live at `iix.u`.
let rreg = univ.regs[rreg_no].0;
debug!("Sbefore = {:?}", s_before);
// Compute Safter.
let mut s_after = s_before.clone();
let bounds = &reg_vecs_and_bounds.bounds[iix];
if bounds.mods_len != 0 {
// Only the GC is allowed to modify reftyped regs at this insn!
return Err(RegAllocError::Other(
"stackmap request: safepoint insn modifies a reftyped reg".to_string(),
for i in bounds.defs_start..bounds.defs_start + bounds.defs_len as u32 {
let r_defd = reg_vecs_and_bounds.vecs.defs[i as usize];
if r_defd.is_real() && r_defd.get_class() == reftype_class {
debug!("Safter = {:?}", s_before);
// Create the spill insns, as defined by Sbefore. This has the side effect of recording the
// spill in `spill_slot_allocator`, so we can later ask it to tell us all the reftyped spill
// slots.
let frag = RangeFrag::new(InstPoint::new_reload(iix), InstPoint::new_spill(iix));
let mut spill_insns = Vec::<InstToInsert>::new();
let mut where_reg_got_spilled_to = Map::<RealReg, SpillSlot>::default();
for from_reg in s_before.iter() {
let to_slot = spill_slot_allocator.alloc_reftyped_spillslot_for_frag(frag.clone());
let spill = InstToInsert::Spill {
from_reg: *from_reg,
for_vreg: None, // spill isn't associated with any virtual reg
// We also need to remember where we stashed it, so we can reload it, if it is in Safter.
if s_after.contains(*from_reg) {
where_reg_got_spilled_to.insert(*from_reg, to_slot);
// Create the reload insns, as defined by Safter. Except, we might as well use the map we
// just made, since its domain is the same as Safter.
let mut reload_insns = Vec::<InstToInsert>::new();
for (to_reg, from_slot) in where_reg_got_spilled_to.iter() {
let reload = InstToInsert::Reload {
to_reg: Writable::from_reg(*to_reg),
from_slot: *from_slot,
for_vreg: None, // reload isn't associated with any virtual reg
// And finally .. round up all the reftyped spill slots. That includes both "normal" spill
// slots that happen to hold reftyped values, as well as the "extras" we created here, to
// hold values of reftyped regs that are live over this instruction.
let reftyped_spillslots = spill_slot_allocator.get_reftyped_spillslots_at_inst_point(pt);
debug!("reftyped_spillslots = {:?}", reftyped_spillslots);
// And we're done!
Ok((spill_insns, reload_insns, reftyped_spillslots))
// Allocator top level
/* (const) For each virtual live range
- its sorted RangeFrags
- its total size
- its spill cost
- (eventually) its assigned real register
New VirtualRanges are created as we go, but existing ones are unchanged,
apart from being tagged with its assigned real register.
(mut) For each real register
- the sorted RangeFrags assigned to it (todo: rm the M)
- the virtual LR indices assigned to it. This is so we can eject
a VirtualRange from the commitment, as needed
(mut) the set of VirtualRanges not yet allocated, prioritised by total size
(mut) the edit list that is produced
fn show_commit_tab(commit_tab: &Vec::<SortedRangeFragIxs>,
who: &str,
context: &TypedIxVec::<RangeFragIx, RangeFrag>) -> String {
let mut res = "Commit Table at '".to_string()
+ &who.to_string() + &"'\n".to_string();
let mut rregNo = 0;
for smf in commit_tab.iter() {
res += &" ".to_string();
res += &mkRealReg(rregNo).show();
res += &" ".to_string();
res += &smf.show_with_fenv(&context);
res += &"\n".to_string();
rregNo += 1;
// VirtualRanges created by spilling all pertain to a single InstIx. But
// within that InstIx, there are three kinds of "bridges":
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum BridgeKind {
RtoU, // A bridge for a USE. This connects the reload to the use.
RtoS, // a bridge for a MOD. This connects the reload, the use/def
// and the spill, since the value must first be reloade, then
// operated on, and finally re-spilled.
DtoS, // A bridge for a DEF. This connects the def to the spill.
impl fmt::Debug for BridgeKind {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
BridgeKind::RtoU => write!(fmt, "R->U"),
BridgeKind::RtoS => write!(fmt, "R->S"),
BridgeKind::DtoS => write!(fmt, "D->S"),
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct EditListItem {
// This holds enough information to create a spill or reload instruction,
// or both, and also specifies where in the instruction stream it/they
// should be added. Note that if the edit list as a whole specifies
// multiple items for the same location, then it is assumed that the order
// in which they execute isn't important.
// Some of the relevant info can be found via the VirtualRangeIx link:
// (1) the real reg involved
// (2) the place where the insn should go, since the VirtualRange should
// only have one RangeFrag, and we can deduce the correct location
// from that.
// Despite (2) we also carry here the InstIx of the affected instruction
// (there should be only one) since computing it via (2) is expensive.
// This however gives a redundancy in representation against (2). Beware!
slot: SpillSlot,
vlrix: VirtualRangeIx,
kind: BridgeKind,
iix: InstIx,
impl fmt::Debug for EditListItem {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
"(ELI: at {:?} for {:?} add {:?}, slot={:?})",
self.iix, self.vlrix, self.kind, self.slot
// Allocator top level. This function returns a result struct that contains
// the final sequence of instructions, possibly with fills/spills/moves
// spliced in and redundant moves elided, and with all virtual registers
// replaced with real registers. Allocation can fail if there are insufficient
// registers to even generate spill/reload code, or if the function appears to
// have any undefined VirtualReg/RealReg uses.
pub fn alloc_main<F: Function>(
func: &mut F,
reg_universe: &RealRegUniverse,
stackmap_request: Option<&StackmapRequestInfo>,
use_checker: bool,
opts: &BacktrackingOptions,
) -> Result<RegAllocResult<F>, RegAllocError> {
// -------- Initial arrangements for stackmaps --------
let empty_vec_vregs = vec![];
let empty_vec_iixs = vec![];
let (client_wants_stackmaps, reftype_class, reftyped_vregs, safepoint_insns) =
match stackmap_request {
Some(&StackmapRequestInfo {
ref reftyped_vregs,
ref safepoint_insns,
}) => (true, reftype_class, reftyped_vregs, safepoint_insns),
None => (false, RegClass::INVALID, &empty_vec_vregs, &empty_vec_iixs),
// -------- Perform initial liveness analysis --------
// Note that the analysis phase can fail; hence we propagate any error.
let AnalysisInfo {
real_ranges: rlr_env,
virtual_ranges: mut vlr_env,
range_frags: frag_env,
range_metrics: frag_metrics_env,
estimated_frequencies: est_freqs,
reg_to_ranges_maps: mb_reg_to_ranges_maps,
move_info: mb_move_info,
} = run_analysis(
.map_err(|err| RegAllocError::Analysis(err))?;
assert!(frag_env.len() == frag_metrics_env.len());
assert!(mb_reg_to_ranges_maps.is_some()); // ensured by `run_analysis`
assert!(mb_move_info.is_some()); // ensured by `run_analysis`
let reg_to_ranges_maps = mb_reg_to_ranges_maps.unwrap();
let move_info = mb_move_info.unwrap();
// Also perform analysis that finds all coalescing opportunities.
let coalescing_info = do_coalescing_analysis(
&mut vlr_env,
let mut hints: TypedIxVec<VirtualRangeIx, SmallVec<[Hint; 8]>> = coalescing_info.0;
let vlrEquivClasses: UnionFindEquivClasses<VirtualRangeIx> = coalescing_info.1;
let is_vv_boundary_move: TypedIxVec<InstIx, bool> = coalescing_info.2;
assert!(hints.len() == vlr_env.len());
// -------- Alloc main --------
// Create initial state
debug!("alloc_main: begin");
"alloc_main: in: {} insns in {} blocks",
let num_vlrs_initial = vlr_env.len();
"alloc_main: in: {} VLRs, {} RLRs",
// This is fully populated by the ::new call.
let mut prioQ = VirtualRangePrioQ::new(&vlr_env);
// Whereas this is empty. We have to populate it "by hand", by
// effectively cloning the allocatable part (prefix) of the universe.
let mut per_real_reg = Vec::<PerRealReg>::new();
for _ in 0..reg_universe.allocable {
// Doing this instead of simply .resize avoids needing Clone for
// PerRealReg
for (rlrix_no, rlr) in rlr_env.iter().enumerate() {
let rlrix = RealRangeIx::new(rlrix_no as u32);
let rregIndex = rlr.rreg.get_index();
// Ignore RealRanges for RealRegs that are not part of the allocatable
// set. As far as the allocator is concerned, such RealRegs simply
// don't exist.
if rregIndex >= reg_universe.allocable {
per_real_reg[rregIndex].add_RealRange(rlrix, &rlr_env, &frag_env);
let mut edit_list_move = Vec::<EditListItem>::new();
let mut edit_list_other = Vec::<EditListItem>::new();
if log_enabled!(Level::Debug) {
// This is also part of the running state. `vlr_slot_env` tells us the
// assigned spill slot for each VirtualRange, if any.
// `spill_slot_allocator` decides on the assignments and writes them into
// `vlr_slot_env`.
let mut vlr_slot_env = TypedIxVec::<VirtualRangeIx, Option<SpillSlot>>::new();
vlr_slot_env.resize(num_vlrs_initial, None);
let mut spill_slot_allocator = SpillSlotAllocator::new();
// Main allocation loop. Each time round, pull out the longest
// unallocated VirtualRange, and do one of three things:
// * allocate it to a RealReg, possibly by ejecting some existing
// allocation, but only one with a lower spill cost than this one, or
// * spill it. This causes the VirtualRange to disappear. It is replaced
// by a set of very short VirtualRanges to carry the spill and reload
// values. Or,
// * split it. This causes it to disappear but be replaced by two
// VirtualRanges which together constitute the original.
debug!("-- MAIN ALLOCATION LOOP (DI means 'direct', CO means 'coalesced'):");
debug!("alloc_main: main allocation loop: begin");
// ======== BEGIN Main allocation loop ========
let mut num_vlrs_processed = 0; // stats only
let mut num_vlrs_spilled = 0; // stats only
let mut num_vlrs_evicted = 0; // stats only
'main_allocation_loop: loop {
debug!("-- still TODO {}", prioQ.len());
if false {
if log_enabled!(Level::Debug) {
"Loop Top",
let mb_curr_vlrix = prioQ.get_longest_VirtualRange();
if mb_curr_vlrix.is_none() {
break 'main_allocation_loop;
num_vlrs_processed += 1;
let curr_vlrix = mb_curr_vlrix.unwrap();
let curr_vlr = &vlr_env[curr_vlrix];
debug!("-- considering {:?}: {:?}", curr_vlrix, curr_vlr);
let curr_vlr_regclass = curr_vlr.vreg.get_class();
let curr_vlr_rc = curr_vlr_regclass.rc_to_usize();
// ====== BEGIN Try to do coalescing ======
// First, look through the hints for `curr_vlr`, collecting up candidate
// real regs, in decreasing order of preference, in `hinted_regs`. Note
// that we don't have to consider the weights here, because the coalescing
// analysis phase has already sorted the hints for the VLR so as to
// present the most favoured (weighty) first, so we merely need to retain
// that ordering when copying into `hinted_regs`.
assert!(hints.len() == vlr_env.len());
let mut hinted_regs = SmallVec::<[RealReg; 8]>::new();
// === BEGIN collect all hints for `curr_vlr` ===
// `hints` has one entry per VLR, but only for VLRs which existed
// initially (viz, not for any created by spilling/splitting/whatever).
// Similarly, `vlrEquivClasses` can only map VLRs that existed initially,
// and will panic otherwise. Hence the following check:
if curr_vlrix.get() < hints.len() {
for hint in &hints[curr_vlrix] {
// BEGIN for each hint
let mb_cand = match hint {
Hint::SameAs(other_vlrix, _weight) => {
// It wants the same reg as some other VLR, but we can only honour
// that if the other VLR actually *has* a reg at this point. Its
// `rreg` field will tell us exactly that.
Hint::Exactly(rreg, _weight) => Some(*rreg),
// So now `mb_cand` might have a preferred real reg. If so, add it to
// the list of cands. De-dup as we go, since that is way cheaper than
// effectively doing the same via repeated lookups in the
// CommitmentMaps.
if let Some(rreg) = mb_cand {
if !hinted_regs.iter().any(|r| *r == rreg) {
// END for each hint
// At this point, we have in `hinted_regs`, the hint candidates that
// arise from copies between `curr_vlr` and its immediate neighbouring
// VLRs or RLRs, in order of declining preference. And that is a good
// start.
// However, it may be the case that there is some other VLR which
// is in the same equivalence class as `curr_vlr`, but is not a
// direct neighbour, and which has already been assigned a
// register. We really ought to take those into account too, as
// the least-preferred candidates. Hence we need to iterate over
// the equivalence class and "round up the secondary candidates."
// Note that the equivalence class might contain VirtualRanges
// that are mutually overlapping. That is handled correctly,
// since we always consult the relevant CommitmentMaps (in the
// PerRealRegs) to detect interference. To more fully understand
// this, see the big block comment at the top of
let n_primary_cands = hinted_regs.len();
// Work the equivalence class set for `curr_vlrix` to pick up any
// rreg hints. Equivalence class info exists only for "initial" VLRs.
if curr_vlrix.get() < num_vlrs_initial {
// `curr_vlrix` is an "initial" VLR.
for vlrix in vlrEquivClasses.equiv_class_elems_iter(curr_vlrix) {
if vlrix != curr_vlrix {
if let Some(rreg) = vlr_env[vlrix].rreg {
// Add `rreg` as a cand, if we don't already have it.
if !hinted_regs.iter().any(|r| *r == rreg) {
// Sort the secondary cands, so as to try and impose more consistency
// across the group. I don't know if this is worthwhile, but it seems
// sensible.
hinted_regs[n_primary_cands..].sort_by(|rreg1, rreg2| {
if log_enabled!(Level::Debug) {
if !hinted_regs.is_empty() {
let mut candStr = "pri {".to_string();
for (rreg, n) in hinted_regs.iter().zip(0..) {
if n == n_primary_cands {
candStr = candStr + &" } sec {".to_string();
candStr =
candStr + &" ".to_string() + &reg_universe.regs[rreg.get_index()].1;
candStr = candStr + &" }";
debug!("-- CO candidates {}", candStr);
// === END collect all hints for `curr_vlr` ===
// === BEGIN try to use the hints for `curr_vlr` ===
// Now work through the list of preferences, to see if we can honour any
// of them.
for rreg in &hinted_regs {
let rregNo = rreg.get_index();
// Find the set of ranges which we'd have to evict in order to honour
// this hint. In the best case the set will be empty. In the worst
// case, we will get None either because (1) it would require evicting a
// spill range, which is disallowed so as to guarantee termination of
// the algorithm, or (2) because it would require evicting a real reg
// live range, which we can't do.
// We take care not to evict any range which is in the same equivalence
// class as `curr_vlr` since those are (by definition) connected to
// `curr_vlr` via V-V copies, and so evicting any of them would be
// counterproductive from the point of view of removing copies.
let mb_evict_info: Option<(SparseSetU<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>, SpillCost)> =
&|vlrix_to_evict| {
// What this means is: don't evict `vlrix_to_evict` if
// it is in the same equivalence class as `curr_vlrix`
// (the VLR which we're trying to allocate) AND we
// actually know the equivalence classes for both
// (hence the `Some`). Spill/reload ("non-original")
// VLRS don't have entries in `vlrEquivClasses`.
vlrEquivClasses.in_same_equivalence_class(vlrix_to_evict, curr_vlrix)
!= Some(true)
if let Some((vlrixs_to_evict, total_evict_cost)) = mb_evict_info {
// Stay sane #1
// Stay sane #2
assert!(vlrixs_to_evict.is_empty() == total_evict_cost.is_zero());
// Can't evict if any in the set are spill ranges
// Ensure forward progress
// Evict all evictees in the set
for vlrix_to_evict in vlrixs_to_evict.iter() {
// Ensure we're not evicting anything in `curr_vlrix`'s eclass.
// This should be guaranteed us by find_evict_set.
vlrEquivClasses.in_same_equivalence_class(*vlrix_to_evict, curr_vlrix)
!= Some(true)
// Evict ..
"-- CO evict {:?}: {:?}",
*vlrix_to_evict, &vlr_env[*vlrix_to_evict]
per_real_reg[rregNo].del_VirtualRange(*vlrix_to_evict, &vlr_env);
prioQ.add_VirtualRange(&vlr_env, *vlrix_to_evict);
// Directly modify bits of vlr_env. This means we have to abandon
// the immutable borrow for curr_vlr, but that's OK -- we won't need
// it again (in this loop iteration).
vlr_env[*vlrix_to_evict].rreg = None;
num_vlrs_evicted += 1;
// .. and reassign.
debug!("-- CO alloc to {}", reg_universe.regs[rregNo].1);
per_real_reg[rregNo].add_VirtualRange(curr_vlrix, &vlr_env);
vlr_env[curr_vlrix].rreg = Some(*rreg);
// We're done!
continue 'main_allocation_loop;
} /* for rreg in hinted_regs */
// === END try to use the hints for `curr_vlr` ===
// ====== END Try to do coalescing ======
// We get here if we failed to find a viable assignment by the process of
// looking at the coalescing hints.
// So: do almost exactly as we did in the "try for coalescing" stage
// above. Except, instead of trying each coalescing candidate
// individually, iterate over all the registers in the class, to find the
// one (if any) that has the lowest total evict cost. If we find one that
// has zero cost -- that is, we can make the assignment without evicting
// anything -- then stop the search at that point, since searching further
// is pointless.
let (first_in_rc, last_in_rc) = match &reg_universe.allocable_by_class[curr_vlr_rc] {
&None => {
return Err(RegAllocError::OutOfRegisters(curr_vlr_regclass));
&Some(ref info) => (info.first, info.last),
let mut best_so_far: Option<(
/*rreg index*/ usize,
SparseSetU<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>,
)> = None;
'search_through_cand_rregs_loop: for rregNo in first_in_rc..last_in_rc + 1 {
//debug!("-- Cand {} ...",
// reg_universe.regs[rregNo].1);
let mb_evict_info: Option<(SparseSetU<[VirtualRangeIx; 4]>, SpillCost)> =
// We pass a closure that ignores its arg and returns `true`.
// Meaning, "we are not specifying any particular
// can't-be-evicted VLRs in this call."
&|_vlrix_to_evict| true,
//match mb_evict_info {
// None => debug!("-- Cand {}: Unavail",
// reg_universe.regs[rregNo].1),
// Some((ref evict_set, ref evict_cost)) =>
// debug!("-- Cand {}: Avail, evict cost {:?}, set {:?}",
// reg_universe.regs[rregNo].1, evict_cost, evict_set)
if let Some((cand_vlrixs_to_evict, cand_total_evict_cost)) = mb_evict_info {
// Stay sane ..
assert!(cand_vlrixs_to_evict.is_empty() == cand_total_evict_cost.is_zero());
// We can't evict if any in the set are spill ranges, and
// find_evict_set should not offer us that possibility.
// Ensure forward progress
// Update the "best so far". First, if the evict set is empty, then
// the candidate is by definition better than all others, and we will
// quit searching just below.
let mut cand_is_better = cand_vlrixs_to_evict.is_empty();
if !cand_is_better {
if let Some((_, _, best_spill_cost)) = best_so_far {
// If we've already got a candidate, this one is better if it has
// a lower total spill cost.
if cand_total_evict_cost.is_less_than(&best_spill_cost) {
cand_is_better = true;
} else {
// We don't have any candidate so far, so what we just got is
// better (than nothing).
cand_is_better = true;
// Remember the candidate if required.
let cand_vlrixs_to_evict_is_empty = cand_vlrixs_to_evict.is_empty();
if cand_is_better {
best_so_far = Some((rregNo, cand_vlrixs_to_evict, cand_total_evict_cost));
// If we've found a no-evictions-necessary candidate, quit searching
// immediately. We won't find anything better.
if cand_vlrixs_to_evict_is_empty {
break 'search_through_cand_rregs_loop;
} // for rregNo in first_in_rc..last_in_rc + 1 {
// Examine the results of the search. Did we find any usable candidate?
if let Some((rregNo, vlrixs_to_evict, total_spill_cost)) = best_so_far {
// We are still Totally Paranoid (tm)
// Stay sane #1
// Can't spill a spill range
// Ensure forward progress
// Now the same evict-reassign section as with the coalescing logic above.
// Evict all evictees in the set
for vlrix_to_evict in vlrixs_to_evict.iter() {
// Evict ..
"-- DI evict {:?}: {:?}",
*vlrix_to_evict, &vlr_env[*vlrix_to_evict]
per_real_reg[rregNo].del_VirtualRange(*vlrix_to_evict, &vlr_env);
prioQ.add_VirtualRange(&vlr_env, *vlrix_to_evict);
vlr_env[*vlrix_to_evict].rreg = None;
num_vlrs_evicted += 1;
// .. and reassign.
debug!("-- DI alloc to {}", reg_universe.regs[rregNo].1);
per_real_reg[rregNo].add_VirtualRange(curr_vlrix, &vlr_env);
let rreg = reg_universe.regs[rregNo].0;
vlr_env[curr_vlrix].rreg = Some(rreg);
// We're done!
continue 'main_allocation_loop;
// Still no luck. We can't find a register to put it in, so we'll
// have to spill it, since splitting it isn't yet implemented.
debug!("-- spill");
// If the live range already pertains to a spill or restore, then
// it's Game Over. The constraints (availability of RealRegs vs
// requirement for them) are impossible to fulfill, and so we cannot
// generate any valid allocation for this function.
if curr_vlr.spill_cost.is_infinite() {
return Err(RegAllocError::OutOfRegisters(curr_vlr_regclass));
// Generate a new spill slot number, S
/* Spilling vreg V with virtual live range VirtualRange to slot S:
for each frag F in VirtualRange {
for each insn I in F.first.iix .. F.last.iix {
if I does not mention V
if I mentions V in a Read role {
// invar: I cannot mention V in a Mod role
add new VirtualRange I.reload -> I.use,
vreg V, spillcost Inf
add eli @ I.reload V SpillSlot
if I mentions V in a Mod role {
// invar: I cannot mention V in a Read or Write Role
add new VirtualRange I.reload -> I.spill,
Vreg V, spillcost Inf
add eli @ I.reload V SpillSlot
add eli @ I.spill SpillSlot V
if I mentions V in a Write role {
// invar: I cannot mention V in a Mod role
add new VirtualRange I.def -> I.spill,
vreg V, spillcost Inf
add eli @ I.spill V SpillSlot
// We will be spilling vreg `curr_vlr.reg` with VirtualRange `curr_vlr` to
// a spill slot that the spill slot allocator will choose for us, just a
// bit further down this function.
// This holds enough info to create reload or spill (or both)
// instructions around an instruction that references a VirtualReg
// that has been spilled.
struct SpillAndOrReloadInfo {
bix: BlockIx, // that `iix` is in
iix: InstIx, // this is the Inst we are spilling/reloading for
kind: BridgeKind, // says whether to create a spill or reload or both
// Most spills won't require anywhere near 32 entries, so this avoids
// almost all heap allocation.
let mut sri_vec = SmallVec::<[SpillAndOrReloadInfo; 32]>::new();
let curr_vlr_vreg = curr_vlr.vreg;
let curr_vlr_reg = curr_vlr_vreg.to_reg();
let curr_vlr_is_ref = curr_vlr.is_ref;
for frag in curr_vlr.sorted_frags.iter() {
for iix in frag.first.iix().dotdot(frag.last.iix().plus(1)) {
let (iix_uses_curr_vlr_reg, iix_defs_curr_vlr_reg, iix_mods_curr_vlr_reg) =
does_inst_use_def_or_mod_reg(&reg_vecs_and_bounds, iix, curr_vlr_reg);
// If this insn doesn't mention the vreg we're spilling for,
// move on.
if !iix_defs_curr_vlr_reg && !iix_mods_curr_vlr_reg && !iix_uses_curr_vlr_reg {
// USES: Do we need to create a reload-to-use bridge
// (VirtualRange) ?
if iix_uses_curr_vlr_reg && frag.contains(&InstPoint::new_use(iix)) {
// Stash enough info that we can create a new VirtualRange
// and a new edit list entry for the reload.
let bix =;
let sri = SpillAndOrReloadInfo {
kind: BridgeKind::RtoU,
// MODS: Do we need to create a reload-to-spill bridge? This
// can only happen for instructions which modify a register.
// Note this has to be a single VirtualRange, since if it were
// two (one for the reload, one for the spill) they could
// later end up being assigned to different RealRegs, which is
// obviously nonsensical.
if iix_mods_curr_vlr_reg
&& frag.contains(&InstPoint::new_use(iix))
&& frag.contains(&InstPoint::new_def(iix))
let bix =;
let sri = SpillAndOrReloadInfo {
kind: BridgeKind::RtoS,
// DEFS: Do we need to create a def-to-spill bridge?
if iix_defs_curr_vlr_reg && frag.contains(&InstPoint::new_def(iix)) {
let bix =;
let sri = SpillAndOrReloadInfo {
kind: BridgeKind::DtoS,
// Now that we no longer need to access `frag_env` or `vlr_env` for
// the remainder of this iteration of the main allocation loop, we can
// actually generate the required spill/reload artefacts.
// First off, poke the spill slot allocator to get an intelligent choice
// of slot. Note that this will fail for "non-initial" VirtualRanges; but
// the only non-initial ones will have been created by spilling anyway,
// any we definitely shouldn't be trying to spill them again. Hence we
// can assert.
assert!(vlr_slot_env.len() == num_vlrs_initial);
assert!(curr_vlrix < VirtualRangeIx::new(num_vlrs_initial));
if vlr_slot_env[curr_vlrix].is_none() {
// It hasn't been decided yet. Cause it to be so by asking for an
// allocation for the entire eclass that `curr_vlrix` belongs to.
&mut vlr_slot_env,
let spill_slot_to_use = vlr_slot_env[curr_vlrix].unwrap();
// If we're spilling a reffy VLR, we'll need to tell the spillslot allocator that. The
// VLR will already have been allocated to some spill slot, and relevant RangeFrags in
// the slot should have already been reserved for it, by the above call to
// `alloc_spill_slots` (although possibly relating to a prior VLR in the same
// equivalence class, and not this one). However, those RangeFrags will have all been
// marked non-reffy, because we don't know, in general, at spillslot-allocation-time,
// whether a VLR will actually be spilled, and we don't want the resulting stack maps to
// mention stack entries which are dead at the point of the safepoint insn. Hence the
// need to update those RangeFrags pertaining to just this VLR -- now that we *know*
// it's going to be spilled.
if curr_vlr.is_ref {
.notify_spillage_of_reftyped_vlr(spill_slot_to_use, &curr_vlr.sorted_frags);
for sri in sri_vec {
let (new_vlr_first_pt, new_vlr_last_pt) = match sri.kind {
BridgeKind::RtoU => (Point::Reload, Point::Use),
BridgeKind::RtoS => (Point::Reload, Point::Spill),
BridgeKind::DtoS => (Point::Def, Point::Spill),
let new_vlr_frag = RangeFrag {
first: InstPoint::new(sri.iix, new_vlr_first_pt),
last: InstPoint::new(sri.iix, new_vlr_last_pt),
debug!("-- new RangeFrag {:?}", &new_vlr_frag);
let new_vlr_sfrags = SortedRangeFrags::unit(new_vlr_frag);
let new_vlr = VirtualRange {
vreg: curr_vlr_vreg,
rreg: None,
sorted_frags: new_vlr_sfrags,
is_ref: curr_vlr_is_ref, // "inherit" refness
size: 1,
// Effectively infinite. We'll never look at this again anyway.
total_cost: 0xFFFF_FFFFu32,
spill_cost: SpillCost::infinite(),
let new_vlrix = VirtualRangeIx::new(vlr_env.len() as u32);
"-- new VirtRange {:?} := {:?}",
new_vlrix, &new_vlr
prioQ.add_VirtualRange(&vlr_env, new_vlrix);
// BEGIN (optimisation only) see if we can create any coalescing hints
// for this new VLR.
let mut new_vlr_hint = SmallVec::<[Hint; 8]>::new();
if is_vv_boundary_move[sri.iix] {
// Collect the src and dst regs for the move. It must be a
// move because `is_vv_boundary_move` claims that to be true.
let im = func.is_move(&func.get_insn(sri.iix));
let (wdst_reg, src_reg): (Writable<Reg>, Reg) = im.unwrap();
let dst_reg: Reg = wdst_reg.to_reg();
assert!(src_reg.is_virtual() && dst_reg.is_virtual());
let dst_vreg: VirtualReg = dst_reg.to_virtual_reg();
let src_vreg: VirtualReg = src_reg.to_virtual_reg();
let bridge_eef = est_freqs.cost(sri.bix);
match sri.kind {
BridgeKind::RtoU => {
// Reload-to-Use bridge. Hint that we want to be
// allocated to the same reg as the destination of the
// move. That means we have to find the VLR that owns
// the destination vreg.
for vlrix in &reg_to_ranges_maps.vreg_to_vlrs_map[dst_vreg.get_index()] {
if vlr_env[*vlrix].vreg == dst_vreg {
new_vlr_hint.push(Hint::SameAs(*vlrix, bridge_eef));
BridgeKind::DtoS => {
// Def-to-Spill bridge. Hint that we want to be
// allocated to the same reg as the source of the
// move.
for vlrix in &reg_to_ranges_maps.vreg_to_vlrs_map[src_vreg.get_index()] {
if vlr_env[*vlrix].vreg == src_vreg {
new_vlr_hint.push(Hint::SameAs(*vlrix, bridge_eef));
BridgeKind::RtoS => {
// A Reload-to-Spill bridge. This can't happen. It
// implies that the instruction modifies (both reads
// and writes) one of its operands, but the client's
// `is_move` function claims this instruction is a
// plain "move" (reads source, writes dest). These
// claims are mutually contradictory.
panic!("RtoS bridge for v-v boundary move");
// END see if we can create any coalescing hints for this new VLR.
// Finally, create a new EditListItem. This holds enough
// information that a suitable spill or reload instruction can
// later be created.
let new_eli = EditListItem {
slot: spill_slot_to_use,
vlrix: new_vlrix,
kind: sri.kind,
iix: sri.iix,
if is_vv_boundary_move[sri.iix] {
debug!("-- new ELI MOVE {:?}", &new_eli);
} else {
debug!("-- new ELI other {:?}", &new_eli);
num_vlrs_spilled += 1;
// And implicitly "continue 'main_allocation_loop"
// ======== END Main allocation loop ========
debug!("alloc_main: main allocation loop: end");
if log_enabled!(Level::Debug) {
// ======== BEGIN Do spill slot coalescing ========
debug!("alloc_main: create spills_n_reloads for MOVE insns");
// Sort `edit_list_move` by the insn with which each item is associated.
edit_list_move.sort_unstable_by(|eli1, eli2| eli1.iix.cmp(&eli2.iix));
// Now go through `edit_list_move` and find pairs which constitute a
// spillslot-to-the-same-spillslot move. What we have in `edit_list_move` is
// heavily constrained, as follows:
// * each entry should reference an InstIx which the coalescing analysis
// identified as a virtual-to-virtual copy which exists at the boundary
// between two VirtualRanges. The "boundary" aspect is important; we
// can't coalesce out moves in which the source vreg is not the "last use"
// or for which the destination vreg is not the "first def". (The same is
// true for coalescing of unspilled moves).
// * the each entry must reference a VirtualRange which has only a single
// RangeFrag, and that frag must exist entirely "within" the referenced
// instruction. Specifically, it may only be a R->U frag (bridge) or a
// D->S frag.
// * For a referenced instruction, there may be at most two entries in this
// list: one that references the R->U frag and one that references the
// D->S frag. Furthermore, the two entries must carry values of the same
// RegClass; if that isn't true, the client's `is_move` function is
// defective.
// For any such pair identified, if both frags mention the same spill slot,
// we skip generating both the reload and the spill instruction. We also
// note that the instruction itself is to be deleted (converted to a
// zero-len nop). In a sense we have "cancelled out" a reload/spill pair.
// Entries that can't be cancelled out are handled the same way as for
// entries in `edit_list_other`, by simply copying them there.
// Since `edit_list_move` is sorted by insn ix, we can scan linearly over
// it, looking for adjacent pairs. We'll have to accept them in either
// order though (first R->U then D->S, or the other way round). There's no
// fixed ordering since there is no particular ordering in the way
// VirtualRanges are allocated.
// As a result of spill slot coalescing, we'll need to delete the move
// instructions leading to a mergable spill slot move. The insn stream
// editor can't delete instructions, so instead it'll replace them with zero
// len nops obtained from the client. `iixs_to_nop_out` records the insns
// that this has to happen to. It is in increasing order of InstIx (because
// `edit_list_sorted` is), and the indices in it refer to the original
// virtual-registerised code.
let mut iixs_to_nop_out = Vec::<InstIx>::new();
let mut ghost_moves = vec![];
let n_edit_list_move = edit_list_move.len();
let mut n_edit_list_move_processed = 0; // for assertions only
let mut i_min = 0;
loop {
if i_min >= n_edit_list_move {
// Find the bounds of the current group.
debug!("editlist entry (MOVE): min: {:?}", &edit_list_move[i_min]);
let i_min_iix = edit_list_move[i_min].iix;
let mut i_max = i_min;
while i_max + 1 < n_edit_list_move && edit_list_move[i_max + 1].iix == i_min_iix {
i_max += 1;
debug!("editlist entry (MOVE): max: {:?}", &edit_list_move[i_max]);
// Current group is from i_min to i_max inclusive. At most 2 entries are
// allowed per group.
assert!(i_max - i_min <= 1);
// Check for a mergeable pair.
if i_max - i_min == 1 {
let vlrix1 = edit_list_move[i_min].vlrix;
let vlrix2 = edit_list_move[i_max].vlrix;
assert!(vlrix1 != vlrix2);
let vlr1 = &vlr_env[vlrix1];
let vlr2 = &vlr_env[vlrix2];
let frags1 = &vlr1.sorted_frags;
let frags2 = &vlr2.sorted_frags;
assert!(frags1.len() == 1);
assert!(frags2.len() == 1);
let frag1 = &frags1[0];
let frag2 = &frags2[0];
assert!(frag1.first.iix() == i_min_iix);
assert!(frag1.last.iix() == i_min_iix);
assert!(frag2.first.iix() == i_min_iix);
assert!(frag2.last.iix() == i_min_iix);
// frag1 must be R->U and frag2 must be D->S, or vice versa
match (,,,,
) {
(Point::Reload, Point::Use, Point::Def, Point::Spill)
| (Point::Def, Point::Spill, Point::Reload, Point::Use) => {
let slot1 = edit_list_move[i_min].slot;
let slot2 = edit_list_move[i_max].slot;
if slot1 == slot2 {
// Yay. We've found a coalescable pair. We can just ignore the
// two entries and move on. Except we have to mark the insn
// itself for deletion.
debug!("editlist entry (MOVE): delete {:?}", i_min_iix);
i_min = i_max + 1;
n_edit_list_move_processed += 2;
if use_checker {
let (from_reg, to_reg) = if == Point::Use {
(vlr1.vreg.to_reg(), vlr2.vreg.to_reg())
} else {
(vlr2.vreg.to_reg(), vlr1.vreg.to_reg())
InstToInsert::ChangeSpillSlotOwnership {
inst_ix: i_min_iix,
slot: slot1,
InstExtPoint::new(i_min_iix, ExtPoint::Reload),
(_, _, _, _) => {
panic!("spill slot coalescing, edit_list_move: unexpected frags");
// If we get here for whatever reason, this group is uninteresting. Copy
// in to `edit_list_other` so that it gets processed in the normal way.
for i in i_min..=i_max {
n_edit_list_move_processed += 1;
i_min = i_max + 1;
assert!(n_edit_list_move_processed == n_edit_list_move);
// ======== END Do spill slot coalescing ========
// ======== BEGIN Create all other spills and reloads ========
debug!("alloc_main: create spills_n_reloads for other insns");
// Reload and spill instructions are missing. To generate them, go through
// the "edit list", which contains info on both how to generate the
// instructions, and where to insert them.
let mut spills_n_reloads = Vec::<InstToInsertAndExtPoint>::new();
let mut num_spills = 0; // stats only
let mut num_reloads = 0; // stats only
for eli in &edit_list_other {
debug!("editlist entry (other): {:?}", eli);
let vlr = &vlr_env[eli.vlrix];
let vlr_sfrags = &vlr.sorted_frags;
assert!(vlr_sfrags.len() == 1);
let vlr_frag = &vlr_sfrags[0];
let rreg = vlr.rreg.expect("Gen of spill/reload: reg not assigned?!");
let vreg = vlr.vreg;
match eli.kind {
BridgeKind::RtoU => {
debug_assert!(vlr_frag.first.iix() == vlr_frag.last.iix());
let reload_inst = InstToInsert::Reload {
to_reg: Writable::from_reg(rreg),
from_slot: eli.slot,
for_vreg: Some(vreg),
let where_to_reload = InstExtPoint::from_inst_point(vlr_frag.first);
spills_n_reloads.push(InstToInsertAndExtPoint::new(reload_inst, where_to_reload));
num_reloads += 1;
BridgeKind::RtoS => {
debug_assert!(vlr_frag.first.iix() == vlr_frag.last.iix());
let reload_inst = InstToInsert::Reload {
to_reg: Writable::from_reg(rreg),
from_slot: eli.slot,
for_vreg: Some(vreg),
let where_to_reload = InstExtPoint::from_inst_point(vlr_frag.first);
let spill_inst = InstToInsert::Spill {
to_slot: eli.slot,
from_reg: rreg,
for_vreg: Some(vreg),
let where_to_spill = InstExtPoint::from_inst_point(vlr_frag.last);
spills_n_reloads.push(InstToInsertAndExtPoint::new(reload_inst, where_to_reload));
spills_n_reloads.push(InstToInsertAndExtPoint::new(spill_inst, where_to_spill));
num_reloads += 1;
num_spills += 1;
BridgeKind::DtoS => {
debug_assert!(vlr_frag.first.iix() == vlr_frag.last.iix());
let spill_inst = InstToInsert::Spill {
to_slot: eli.slot,
from_reg: rreg,
for_vreg: Some(vreg),
let where_to_spill = InstExtPoint::from_inst_point(vlr_frag.last);
spills_n_reloads.push(InstToInsertAndExtPoint::new(spill_inst, where_to_spill));
num_spills += 1;
// Append all ghost moves.
if use_checker {
spills_n_reloads.sort_by_key(|inst_and_point| inst_and_point.iep.clone());
// ======== END Create all other spills and reloads ========
// ======== BEGIN Create final instruction stream ========
// Gather up a vector of (RangeFrag, VirtualReg, RealReg) resulting from
// the previous phase. This fundamentally is the result of the allocation
// and tells us how the instruction stream must be edited. Note it does
// not take account of spill or reload instructions. Dealing with those
// is relatively simple and happens later.
debug!("alloc_main: create frag_map");
let mut frag_map = Vec::<(RangeFrag, VirtualReg, RealReg)>::new();
// For each real register under our control ..
for i in 0..reg_universe.allocable {
let rreg = reg_universe.regs[i].0;
// .. look at all the VirtualRanges assigned to it. And for each such
// VirtualRange ..
for vlrix_assigned in per_real_reg[i].vlrixs_assigned.iter() {
let VirtualRange {
vreg, sorted_frags, ..
} = &vlr_env[*vlrix_assigned];
// All the RangeFrags in `vlr_assigned` require `vlr_assigned.reg`
// to be mapped to the real reg `i`
// .. collect up all its constituent RangeFrags.
for frag in sorted_frags.iter() {
frag_map.push((frag.clone(), *vreg, rreg));
// There is one of these for every entry in `safepoint_insns`.
let mut stackmaps = Vec::<Vec<SpillSlot>>::new();
if !safepoint_insns.is_empty() {
debug!("alloc_main: create safepoints and stackmaps");
for safepoint_iix in safepoint_insns {
// Create the stackmap artefacts for `safepoint_iix`. Save the stackmap (the
// reftyped spillslots); we'll have to return it to the client as part of the
// overall allocation result. The extra spill and reload instructions can simply
// be added to `spills_n_reloads` though, and `edit_inst_stream` will correctly
// merge them in.
// Note: this modifies `spill_slot_allocator`, since at this point we have to
// allocate spill slots to hold reftyped real regs across the safepoint insn.
// Because the SB (spill-before) and RA (reload-after) `ExtPoint`s are "closer" to
// the "core" of an instruction than the R (reload) and S (spill) `ExtPoint`s, any
// "normal" reload or spill ranges that are reftyped will be handled correctly.
// From `get_stackmap_artefacts_at`s point of view, such spill/reload ranges are
// just like any other real-reg live range that it will have to spill around the
// safepoint. The fact that they are for spills or reloads doesn't make any
// difference.
// Note also: this call can fail; failure is propagated upwards.
// FIXME Passing these 3 small vectors around is inefficient. Use SmallVec or
// (better) owned-by-this-function vectors instead.
let (spills_before, reloads_after, reftyped_spillslots) = get_stackmap_artefacts_at(
&mut spill_slot_allocator,
for spill_before in spills_before {
InstExtPoint::new(*safepoint_iix, ExtPoint::SpillBefore),
for reload_after in reloads_after {
InstExtPoint::new(*safepoint_iix, ExtPoint::ReloadAfter),
debug!("alloc_main: edit_inst_stream");
let final_insns_and_targetmap_and_new_safepoints__or_err = edit_inst_stream(
// ======== END Create final instruction stream ========
// ======== BEGIN Create the RegAllocResult ========
match final_insns_and_targetmap_and_new_safepoints__or_err {
Ok((ref final_insns, ..)) => {
"alloc_main: out: VLRs: {} initially, {} processed",
num_vlrs_initial, num_vlrs_processed
"alloc_main: out: VLRs: {} evicted, {} spilled",
num_vlrs_evicted, num_vlrs_spilled
"alloc_main: out: insns: {} total, {} spills, {} reloads, {} nopzs",
"alloc_main: out: spill slots: {} used",
Err(_) => {
debug!("alloc_main: allocation failed!");
let (final_insns, target_map, new_to_old_insn_map, new_safepoint_insns) =
match final_insns_and_targetmap_and_new_safepoints__or_err {
Err(e) => {
debug!("alloc_main: fail");
return Err(e);
Ok(quad) => {
debug!("alloc_main: creating RegAllocResult");
// Compute clobbered registers with one final, quick pass.
// FIXME: derive this information directly from the allocation data
// structures used above.
// NB at this point, the `san_reg_uses` that was computed in the analysis
// phase is no longer valid, because we've added and removed instructions to
// the function relative to the one that `san_reg_uses` was computed from,
// so we have to re-visit all insns with `add_raw_reg_vecs_for_insn`.
// That's inefficient, but we don't care .. this should only be a temporary
// fix.
let mut clobbered_registers: Set<RealReg> = Set::empty();
// We'll dump all the reg uses in here. We don't care about the bounds, so just
// pass a dummy one in the loop.
let mut reg_vecs = RegVecs::new(/*sanitized=*/ false);
let mut dummy_bounds = RegVecBounds::new();
for insn in &final_insns {
if func.is_included_in_clobbers(insn) {
add_raw_reg_vecs_for_insn::<F>(insn, &mut reg_vecs, &mut dummy_bounds);
for reg in reg_vecs.defs.iter().chain(reg_vecs.mods.iter()) {
// And now remove from the set, all those not available to the allocator.
// But not removing the reserved regs, since we might have modified those.
clobbered_registers.filter_map(|&reg| {
if reg.get_index() >= reg_universe.allocable {
} else {
assert!(est_freqs.len() as usize == func.blocks().len());
let mut block_annotations = None;
if opts.request_block_annotations {
let mut anns = TypedIxVec::<BlockIx, Vec<String>>::new();
for (estFreq, i) in est_freqs.iter().zip(0..) {
let bix = BlockIx::new(i);
let ef_str = format!("RA: bix {:?}, estFreq {}", bix, estFreq);
block_annotations = Some(anns);
assert!(stackmaps.len() == safepoint_insns.len());
assert!(new_safepoint_insns.len() == safepoint_insns.len());
let ra_res = RegAllocResult {
insns: final_insns,
orig_insn_map: new_to_old_insn_map,
num_spill_slots: spill_slot_allocator.num_slots_in_use() as u32,
debug!("alloc_main: end");
// ======== END Create the RegAllocResult ========