blob: e6a1972280aff9833ac7063006f9d06d5de1dc7a [file] [log] [blame]
//! Basic types to build the parsers
use self::Needed::*;
use crate::combinator::*;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use crate::error::DbgErr;
use crate::error::{self, Context, ContextError, ErrorKind, ParseError};
use crate::input::InputIsStreaming;
use crate::input::*;
use crate::lib::std::fmt;
use crate::lib::std::ops::RangeFrom;
use core::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// Holds the result of parsing functions
/// It depends on the input type `I`, the output type `O`, and the error type `E`
/// (by default `(I, nom8::ErrorKind)`)
/// The `Ok` side is a pair containing the remainder of the input (the part of the data that
/// was not parsed) and the produced value. The `Err` side contains an instance of `nom8::Err`.
/// Outside of the parsing code, you can use the [`FinishIResult::finish`] method to convert
/// it to a more common result type
pub type IResult<I, O, E = error::Error<I>> = Result<(I, O), Err<E>>;
/// Extension trait to convert a parser's [`IResult`] to a more manageable type
pub trait FinishIResult<I, O, E> {
/// Converts the parser's [`IResult`] to a type that is more consumable by callers.
/// Errors if the parser is not at the [end of input][crate::combinator::eof]. See
/// [`FinishIResult::finish_err`] if the remaining input is needed.
/// # Panic
/// If the result is `Err(Err::Incomplete(_))`, this method will panic.
/// - "complete" parsers: It will not be an issue, `Incomplete` is never used
/// - "streaming" parsers: `Incomplete` will be returned if there's not enough data
/// for the parser to decide, and you should gather more data before parsing again.
/// Once the parser returns either `Ok(_)`, `Err(Err::Error(_))` or `Err(Err::Failure(_))`,
/// you can get out of the parsing loop and call `finish_err()` on the parser's result
fn finish(self) -> Result<O, E>;
/// Converts the parser's [`IResult`] to a type that is more consumable by errors.
/// It keeps the same `Ok` branch, and merges `Err::Error` and `Err::Failure` into the `Err`
/// side.
/// # Panic
/// If the result is `Err(Err::Incomplete(_))`, this method will panic as [`Err::Incomplete`]
/// should only be set when the input is [`InputIsStreaming<false>`] which this isn't implemented
/// for.
fn finish_err(self) -> Result<(I, O), E>;
impl<I, O, E> FinishIResult<I, O, E> for IResult<I, O, E>
I: crate::input::InputLength,
I: crate::input::IntoOutput,
// Force users to deal with `Incomplete` when `InputIsStreaming<true>`
I: InputIsStreaming<false>,
I: Clone,
E: crate::error::ParseError<I>,
fn finish(self) -> Result<O, E> {
let (i, o) = self.finish_err()?;
fn finish_err(self) -> Result<(I, O), E> {
match self {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(Err::Error(e)) | Err(Err::Failure(e)) => Err(e),
Err(Err::Incomplete(_)) => {
panic!("`InputIsStreaming<false>` conflicts with `Err(Err::Incomplete(_))`")
since = "8.0.0",
note = "Replaced with `FinishIResult` which is available via `nom8::prelude`"
pub trait Finish<I, O, E> {
since = "8.0.0",
note = "Replaced with `FinishIResult::finish_err` which is available via `nom8::prelude`"
fn finish(self) -> Result<(I, O), E>;
impl<I, O, E> Finish<I, O, E> for IResult<I, O, E> {
fn finish(self) -> Result<(I, O), E> {
match self {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(Err::Error(e)) | Err(Err::Failure(e)) => Err(e),
Err(Err::Incomplete(_)) => {
panic!("Cannot call `finish()` on `Err(Err::Incomplete(_))`: this result means that the parser does not have enough data to decide, you should gather more data and try to reapply the parser instead")
/// Convert an `Input` into an appropriate `Output` type
pub trait IntoOutputIResult<I, O, E> {
/// Convert an `Input` into an appropriate `Output` type
fn into_output(self) -> IResult<I, O, E>;
impl<I, E> IntoOutputIResult<I, <I as crate::input::IntoOutput>::Output, E> for IResult<I, I, E>
I: crate::input::IntoOutput,
fn into_output(self) -> IResult<I, <I as crate::input::IntoOutput>::Output, E> {|(i, o)| (i, o.into_output()))
/// Contains information on needed data if a parser returned `Incomplete`
/// **Note:** This is only possible for `Input` types that implement [`InputIsStreaming<true>`],
/// like [`Streaming`][crate::input::Streaming].
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
#[cfg_attr(nightly, warn(rustdoc::missing_doc_code_examples))]
pub enum Needed {
/// Needs more data, but we do not know how much
/// Contains the required data size in bytes
impl Needed {
/// Creates `Needed` instance, returns `Needed::Unknown` if the argument is zero
pub fn new(s: usize) -> Self {
match NonZeroUsize::new(s) {
Some(sz) => Needed::Size(sz),
None => Needed::Unknown,
/// Indicates if we know how many bytes we need
pub fn is_known(&self) -> bool {
*self != Unknown
/// Maps a `Needed` to `Needed` by applying a function to a contained `Size` value.
pub fn map<F: Fn(NonZeroUsize) -> usize>(self, f: F) -> Needed {
match self {
Unknown => Unknown,
Size(n) => Needed::new(f(n)),
/// The `Err` enum indicates the parser was not successful
/// It has three cases:
/// * `Incomplete` indicates that more data is needed to decide. The [`Needed`] enum
/// can contain how many additional bytes are necessary. If you are sure your parser
/// is working on full data, you can wrap your parser with the `complete` combinator
/// to transform that case in `Error`
/// * `Error` means some parser did not succeed, but another one might (as an example,
/// when testing different branches of an `alt` combinator)
/// * `Failure` indicates an unrecoverable error. As an example, if you recognize a prefix
/// to decide on the next parser to apply, and that parser fails, you know there's no need
/// to try other parsers, you were already in the right branch, so the data is invalid
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
#[cfg_attr(nightly, warn(rustdoc::missing_doc_code_examples))]
pub enum Err<E> {
/// There was not enough data
/// This must only be set when the `Input` is [`InputIsStreaming<true>`], like with
/// [`Streaming`][crate::input::Streaming]
/// Convert this into an `Error` with [`Parser::complete`][Parser::complete]
/// The parser had an error (recoverable)
/// The parser had an unrecoverable error: we got to the right
/// branch and we know other branches won't work, so backtrack
/// as fast as possible
impl<E> Err<E> {
/// Tests if the result is Incomplete
pub fn is_incomplete(&self) -> bool {
if let Err::Incomplete(_) = self {
} else {
/// Applies the given function to the inner error
pub fn map<E2, F>(self, f: F) -> Err<E2>
F: FnOnce(E) -> E2,
match self {
Err::Incomplete(n) => Err::Incomplete(n),
Err::Failure(t) => Err::Failure(f(t)),
Err::Error(t) => Err::Error(f(t)),
/// Automatically converts between errors if the underlying type supports it
pub fn convert<F>(e: Err<F>) -> Self
E: From<F>,
impl<T> Err<(T, ErrorKind)> {
/// Maps `Err<(T, ErrorKind)>` to `Err<(U, ErrorKind)>` with the given `F: T -> U`
pub fn map_input<U, F>(self, f: F) -> Err<(U, ErrorKind)>
F: FnOnce(T) -> U,
match self {
Err::Incomplete(n) => Err::Incomplete(n),
Err::Failure((input, k)) => Err::Failure((f(input), k)),
Err::Error((input, k)) => Err::Error((f(input), k)),
impl<T> Err<error::Error<T>> {
/// Maps `Err<error::Error<T>>` to `Err<error::Error<U>>` with the given `F: T -> U`
pub fn map_input<U, F>(self, f: F) -> Err<error::Error<U>>
F: FnOnce(T) -> U,
match self {
Err::Incomplete(n) => Err::Incomplete(n),
Err::Failure(error::Error { input, code }) => Err::Failure(error::Error {
input: f(input),
Err::Error(error::Error { input, code }) => Err::Error(error::Error {
input: f(input),
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use crate::lib::std::{borrow::ToOwned, string::String, vec::Vec};
impl Err<(&[u8], ErrorKind)> {
/// Obtaining ownership
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn to_owned(self) -> Err<(Vec<u8>, ErrorKind)> {
impl Err<(&str, ErrorKind)> {
/// Obtaining ownership
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn to_owned(self) -> Err<(String, ErrorKind)> {
impl Err<error::Error<&[u8]>> {
/// Obtaining ownership
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn to_owned(self) -> Err<error::Error<Vec<u8>>> {
impl Err<error::Error<&str>> {
/// Obtaining ownership
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
pub fn to_owned(self) -> Err<error::Error<String>> {
impl<E: Eq> Eq for Err<E> {}
impl<E> fmt::Display for Err<E>
E: fmt::Debug,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Err::Incomplete(Needed::Size(u)) => write!(f, "Parsing requires {} bytes/chars", u),
Err::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown) => write!(f, "Parsing requires more data"),
Err::Failure(c) => write!(f, "Parsing Failure: {:?}", c),
Err::Error(c) => write!(f, "Parsing Error: {:?}", c),
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use std::error::Error;
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
impl<E> Error for Err<E>
E: fmt::Debug,
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn Error + 'static)> {
None // no underlying error
/// All nom parsers implement this trait
/// The simplest way to implement a `Parser` is with a function
/// ```rust
/// use nom8::prelude::*;
/// fn success(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> {
/// let output = ();
/// Ok((input, output))
/// }
/// let (input, output) = success.parse("Hello").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(input, "Hello"); // We didn't consume any input
/// ```
/// which can be made stateful by returning a function
/// ```rust
/// use nom8::prelude::*;
/// fn success<O: Clone>(output: O) -> impl FnMut(&str) -> IResult<&str, O> {
/// move |input: &str| {
/// let output = output.clone();
/// Ok((input, output))
/// }
/// }
/// let (input, output) = success("World").parse("Hello").unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(input, "Hello"); // We didn't consume any input
/// assert_eq!(output, "World");
/// ```
/// Additionally, some basic types implement `Parser` as well, including
/// - `u8` and `char`, see [`nom8::character::char`][crate::bytes::one_of]
/// - `&[u8]` and `&str`, see [`nom8::character::char`][crate::bytes::tag]
pub trait Parser<I, O, E> {
/// A parser takes in input type, and returns a `Result` containing
/// either the remaining input and the output value, or an error
fn parse(&mut self, input: I) -> IResult<I, O, E>;
/// Treat `&mut Self` as a parser
/// This helps when needing to move a `Parser` when all you have is a `&mut Parser`.
/// # Example
/// Because parsers are `FnMut`, they can be called multiple times. This prevents moving `f`
/// into [`length_data`][crate::multi::length_data] and `g` into
/// [`complete`][Parser::complete]:
/// ```rust,compile_fail
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::IResult;
/// # use nom8::Parser;
/// # use nom8::error::ParseError;
/// # use nom8::multi::length_data;
/// pub fn length_value<'i, O, E: ParseError<&'i [u8]>>(
/// mut f: impl Parser<&'i [u8], usize, E>,
/// mut g: impl Parser<&'i [u8], O, E>
/// ) -> impl FnMut(&'i [u8]) -> IResult<&'i [u8], O, E> {
/// move |i: &'i [u8]| {
/// let (i, data) = length_data(f).parse(i)?;
/// let (_, o) = g.complete().parse(data)?;
/// Ok((i, o))
/// }
/// }
/// ```
/// By adding `by_ref`, we can make this work:
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::IResult;
/// # use nom8::Parser;
/// # use nom8::error::ParseError;
/// # use nom8::multi::length_data;
/// pub fn length_value<'i, O, E: ParseError<&'i [u8]>>(
/// mut f: impl Parser<&'i [u8], usize, E>,
/// mut g: impl Parser<&'i [u8], O, E>
/// ) -> impl FnMut(&'i [u8]) -> IResult<&'i [u8], O, E> {
/// move |i: &'i [u8]| {
/// let (i, data) = length_data(f.by_ref()).parse(i)?;
/// let (_, o) = g.by_ref().complete().parse(data)?;
/// Ok((i, o))
/// }
/// }
/// ```
fn by_ref(&mut self) -> ByRef<Self>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// Returns the provided value if the child parser succeeds.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::character::alpha1;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = alpha1.value(1234);
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abcd"), Ok(("", 1234)));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("123abcd;"), Err(Err::Error(("123abcd;", ErrorKind::Alpha))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn value<O2>(self, val: O2) -> Value<Self, O, O2>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
O2: Clone,
Value::new(self, val)
/// Convert the parser's output to another type using [`std::convert::From`]
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::IResult;
/// # use nom8::Parser;
/// use nom8::character::alpha1;
/// # fn main() {
/// fn parser1(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
/// alpha1(i)
/// }
/// let mut parser2 = parser1.output_into();
/// // the parser converts the &str output of the child parser into a Vec<u8>
/// let bytes: IResult<&str, Vec<u8>> = parser2.parse("abcd");
/// assert_eq!(bytes, Ok(("", vec![97, 98, 99, 100])));
/// # }
/// ```
fn output_into<O2: From<O>>(self) -> OutputInto<Self, O, O2>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// If the child parser was successful, return the consumed input as produced value.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::character::{alpha1};
/// use nom8::sequence::separated_pair;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = separated_pair(alpha1, ',', alpha1).recognize();
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abcd,efgh"), Ok(("", "abcd,efgh")));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abcd;"),Err(Err::Error((";", ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn recognize(self) -> Recognize<Self, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// if the child parser was successful, return the consumed input with the output
/// as a tuple. Functions similarly to [recognize](fn.recognize.html) except it
/// returns the parser output as well.
/// This can be useful especially in cases where the output is not the same type
/// as the input, or the input is a user defined type.
/// Returned tuple is of the format `(produced output, consumed input)`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult};
/// use nom8::character::{alpha1};
/// use nom8::bytes::tag;
/// use nom8::sequence::separated_pair;
/// fn inner_parser(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, bool> {
/// tag("1234").value(true).parse(input)
/// }
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut consumed_parser = separated_pair(alpha1, ',', alpha1).value(true).with_recognized();
/// assert_eq!(consumed_parser.parse("abcd,efgh1"), Ok(("1", (true, "abcd,efgh"))));
/// assert_eq!(consumed_parser.parse("abcd;"),Err(Err::Error((";", ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// // the second output (representing the consumed input)
/// // should be the same as that of the `recognize` parser.
/// let mut recognize_parser = inner_parser.recognize();
/// let mut consumed_parser = inner_parser.with_recognized().map(|(output, consumed)| consumed);
/// assert_eq!(recognize_parser.parse("1234"), consumed_parser.parse("1234"));
/// assert_eq!(recognize_parser.parse("abcd"), consumed_parser.parse("abcd"));
/// # }
/// ```
fn with_recognized(self) -> WithRecognized<Self, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// If the child parser was successful, return the location of the consumed input as produced value.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser, input::Slice};
/// use nom8::input::Located;
/// use nom8::character::alpha1;
/// use nom8::sequence::separated_pair;
/// let mut parser = separated_pair(alpha1.span(), ',', alpha1.span());
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse(Located::new("abcd,efgh")).finish(), Ok((0..4, 5..9)));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse(Located::new("abcd;")),Err(Err::Error((Located::new("abcd;").slice(4..), ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// ```
fn span(self) -> Span<Self, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
I: Location + Clone,
/// if the child parser was successful, return the location of consumed input with the output
/// as a tuple. Functions similarly to [Parser::span] except it
/// returns the parser output as well.
/// This can be useful especially in cases where the output is not the same type
/// as the input, or the input is a user defined type.
/// Returned tuple is of the format `(produced output, consumed input)`.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, input::Slice};
/// use nom8::input::Located;
/// use nom8::character::alpha1;
/// use nom8::bytes::tag;
/// use nom8::sequence::separated_pair;
/// fn inner_parser(input: Located<&str>) -> IResult<Located<&str>, bool> {
/// tag("1234").value(true).parse(input)
/// }
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut consumed_parser = separated_pair(alpha1.value(1).with_span(), ',', alpha1.value(2).with_span());
/// assert_eq!(consumed_parser.parse(Located::new("abcd,efgh")).finish(), Ok(((1, 0..4), (2, 5..9))));
/// assert_eq!(consumed_parser.parse(Located::new("abcd;")),Err(Err::Error((Located::new("abcd;").slice(4..), ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// // the second output (representing the consumed input)
/// // should be the same as that of the `span` parser.
/// let mut recognize_parser = inner_parser.span();
/// let mut consumed_parser = inner_parser.with_span().map(|(output, consumed)| consumed);
/// assert_eq!(recognize_parser.parse(Located::new("1234")), consumed_parser.parse(Located::new("1234")));
/// assert_eq!(recognize_parser.parse(Located::new("abcd")), consumed_parser.parse(Located::new("abcd")));
/// # }
/// ```
fn with_span(self) -> WithSpan<Self, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
I: Location + Clone,
/// Maps a function over the result of a parser
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult,Parser};
/// use nom8::character::digit1;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser =|s: &str| s.len());
/// // the parser will count how many characters were returned by digit1
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("123456"), Ok(("", 6)));
/// // this will fail if digit1 fails
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abc"), Err(Err::Error(("abc", ErrorKind::Digit))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn map<G, O2>(self, g: G) -> Map<Self, G, O>
G: Fn(O) -> O2,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
Map::new(self, g)
/// Applies a function returning a `Result` over the result of a parser.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::character::digit1;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parse = digit1.map_res(|s: &str| s.parse::<u8>());
/// // the parser will convert the result of digit1 to a number
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("123"), Ok(("", 123)));
/// // this will fail if digit1 fails
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("abc"), Err(Err::Error(("abc", ErrorKind::Digit))));
/// // this will fail if the mapped function fails (a `u8` is too small to hold `123456`)
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("123456"), Err(Err::Error(("123456", ErrorKind::MapRes))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn map_res<G, O2, E2>(self, g: G) -> MapRes<Self, G, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
G: FnMut(O) -> Result<O2, E2>,
MapRes::new(self, g)
/// Applies a function returning an `Option` over the result of a parser.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::character::digit1;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parse = digit1.map_opt(|s: &str| s.parse::<u8>().ok());
/// // the parser will convert the result of digit1 to a number
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("123"), Ok(("", 123)));
/// // this will fail if digit1 fails
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("abc"), Err(Err::Error(("abc", ErrorKind::Digit))));
/// // this will fail if the mapped function fails (a `u8` is too small to hold `123456`)
/// assert_eq!(parse.parse("123456"), Err(Err::Error(("123456", ErrorKind::MapOpt))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn map_opt<G, O2>(self, g: G) -> MapOpt<Self, G, O>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
G: FnMut(O) -> Option<O2>,
MapOpt::new(self, g)
/// Creates a second parser from the output of the first one, then apply over the rest of the input
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::bytes::take;
/// use nom8::number::u8;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut length_data = u8.flat_map(take);
/// assert_eq!(length_data.parse(&[2, 0, 1, 2][..]), Ok((&[2][..], &[0, 1][..])));
/// assert_eq!(length_data.parse(&[4, 0, 1, 2][..]), Err(Err::Error((&[0, 1, 2][..], ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn flat_map<G, H, O2>(self, g: G) -> FlatMap<Self, G, O>
G: FnMut(O) -> H,
H: Parser<I, O2, E>,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
FlatMap::new(self, g)
/// Applies a second parser over the output of the first one
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// use nom8::character::digit1;
/// use nom8::bytes::take;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut digits = take(5u8).and_then(digit1);
/// assert_eq!(digits.parse("12345"), Ok(("", "12345")));
/// assert_eq!(digits.parse("123ab"), Ok(("", "123")));
/// assert_eq!(digits.parse("123"), Err(Err::Error(("123", ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn and_then<G, O2>(self, g: G) -> AndThen<Self, G, O>
G: Parser<O, O2, E>,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
AndThen::new(self, g)
/// Returns the result of the child parser if it satisfies a verification function.
/// The verification function takes as argument a reference to the output of the
/// parser.
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, Parser};
/// # use nom8::character::alpha1;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = alpha1.verify(|s: &str| s.len() == 4);
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abcd"), Ok(("", "abcd")));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("abcde"), Err(Err::Error(("abcde", ErrorKind::Verify))));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("123abcd;"),Err(Err::Error(("123abcd;", ErrorKind::Alpha))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn verify<G, O2: ?Sized>(self, second: G) -> Verify<Self, G, O2>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
G: Fn(&O2) -> bool,
Verify::new(self, second)
/// If parsing fails, add context to the error
/// This is used mainly to add user friendly information
/// to errors when backtracking through a parse tree.
fn context<C>(self, context: C) -> Context<Self, O, C>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
C: Clone,
E: ContextError<I, C>,
Context::new(self, context)
/// Transforms [`Incomplete`][crate::Err::Incomplete] into [`Error`][crate::Err::Error]
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::{Err,error::ErrorKind, IResult, input::Streaming, Parser};
/// # use nom8::bytes::take;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take(5u8).complete();
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse(Streaming("abcdefg")), Ok((Streaming("fg"), "abcde")));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse(Streaming("abcd")), Err(Err::Error((Streaming("abcd"), ErrorKind::Complete))));
/// # }
/// ```
fn complete(self) -> Complete<Self>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// Convert the parser's error to another type using [`std::convert::From`]
fn err_into<E2: From<E>>(self) -> ErrInto<Self, E, E2>
Self: core::marker::Sized,
/// Prints a message and the input if the parser fails.
/// The message prints the `Error` or `Incomplete`
/// and the parser's calling code.
/// It also displays the input in hexdump format
/// ```rust
/// use nom8::prelude::*;
/// use nom8::{IResult, bytes::tag};
/// fn f(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
/// tag("abcd").dbg_err("alpha tag").parse(i)
/// }
/// let a = &b"efghijkl"[..];
/// f(a);
/// ```
/// Will print the following message:
/// ```console
/// alpha tag: Error(Position(0, [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108])) at:
/// 00000000 65 66 67 68 69 6a 6b 6c efghijkl
/// ```
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
fn dbg_err<C>(self, context: C) -> DbgErr<Self, O, C>
C: std::fmt::Display,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
DbgErr::new(self, context)
/// Applies a second parser after the first one, return their results as a tuple
/// **WARNING:** Deprecated, replaced with [`nom8::sequence::tuple`][crate::sequence::tuple]
#[deprecated(since = "8.0.0", note = "Replaced with `nom8::sequence::tuple")]
fn and<G, O2>(self, g: G) -> And<Self, G>
G: Parser<I, O2, E>,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
And::new(self, g)
/// Applies a second parser over the input if the first one failed
/// **WARNING:** Deprecated, replaced with [`nom8::branch::alt`][crate::branch::alt]
#[deprecated(since = "8.0.0", note = "Replaced with `nom8::branch::alt")]
fn or<G>(self, g: G) -> Or<Self, G>
G: Parser<I, O, E>,
Self: core::marker::Sized,
Or::new(self, g)
impl<'a, I, O, E, F> Parser<I, O, E> for F
F: FnMut(I) -> IResult<I, O, E> + 'a,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, O, E> {
/// This is a shortcut for [`one_of`][crate::bytes::one_of].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err, error::{ErrorKind, Error}};
/// fn parser(i: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], u8> {
/// b'a'.parse(i)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"abc"[..]), Ok((&b"bc"[..], b'a')));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b" abc"[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b" abc"[..], ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"bc"[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b"bc"[..], ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b""[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b""[..], ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// ```
impl<I, E> Parser<I, u8, E> for u8
I: Slice<RangeFrom<usize>> + InputIter<Item = u8> + InputLength + InputIsStreaming<false>,
E: ParseError<I>,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, u8, E> {
/// This is a shortcut for [`one_of`][crate::bytes::one_of].
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err, error::{ErrorKind, Error}};
/// fn parser(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, char> {
/// 'a'.parse(i)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("abc"), Ok(("bc", 'a')));
/// assert_eq!(parser(" abc"), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(" abc", ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// assert_eq!(parser("bc"), Err(Err::Error(Error::new("bc", ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(Error::new("", ErrorKind::OneOf))));
/// ```
impl<I, E> Parser<I, <I as InputIter>::Item, E> for char
I: Slice<RangeFrom<usize>> + InputIter + InputLength + InputIsStreaming<false>,
<I as InputIter>::Item: AsChar + Copy,
E: ParseError<I>,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, <I as InputIter>::Item, E> {
/// This is a shortcut for [`tag`][crate::bytes::tag].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, Needed};
/// # use nom8::branch::alt;
/// # use nom8::bytes::take;
/// fn parser(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
/// alt((&"Hello"[..], take(5usize))).parse(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), Ok((&b", World!"[..], &b"Hello"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Something"[..]), Ok((&b"hing"[..], &b"Somet"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Some"[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b"Some"[..], ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b""[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b""[..], ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// ```
impl<'s, I, E: ParseError<I>> Parser<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E> for &'s [u8]
I: InputTake + InputLength + Compare<&'s [u8]> + InputIsStreaming<false>,
I: IntoOutput,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E> {
/// This is a shortcut for [`tag`][crate::bytes::tag].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, Needed};
/// # use nom8::branch::alt;
/// # use nom8::bytes::take;
/// fn parser(s: &[u8]) -> IResult<&[u8], &[u8]> {
/// alt((b"Hello", take(5usize))).parse(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Hello, World!"[..]), Ok((&b", World!"[..], &b"Hello"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Something"[..]), Ok((&b"hing"[..], &b"Somet"[..])));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b"Some"[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b"Some"[..], ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(&b""[..]), Err(Err::Error(Error::new(&b""[..], ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// ```
impl<'s, I, E: ParseError<I>, const N: usize> Parser<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E>
for &'s [u8; N]
I: InputTake + InputLength + Compare<&'s [u8; N]> + InputIsStreaming<false>,
I: IntoOutput,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E> {
/// This is a shortcut for [`tag`][crate::bytes::tag].
/// # Example
/// ```rust
/// # use nom8::prelude::*;
/// # use nom8::{Err, error::{Error, ErrorKind}, Needed};
/// # use nom8::branch::alt;
/// # use nom8::bytes::take;
/// fn parser(s: &str) -> IResult<&str, &str> {
/// alt(("Hello", take(5usize))).parse(s)
/// }
/// assert_eq!(parser("Hello, World!"), Ok((", World!", "Hello")));
/// assert_eq!(parser("Something"), Ok(("hing", "Somet")));
/// assert_eq!(parser("Some"), Err(Err::Error(Error::new("Some", ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// assert_eq!(parser(""), Err(Err::Error(Error::new("", ErrorKind::Eof))));
/// ```
impl<'s, I, E: ParseError<I>> Parser<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E> for &'s str
I: InputTake + InputLength + Compare<&'s str> + InputIsStreaming<false>,
I: IntoOutput,
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, <I as IntoOutput>::Output, E> {
impl<I, E: ParseError<I>> Parser<I, (), E> for () {
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, (), E> {
Ok((i, ()))
macro_rules! impl_parser_for_tuple {
($($parser:ident $output:ident),+) => (
impl<I, $($output),+, E: ParseError<I>, $($parser),+> Parser<I, ($($output),+,), E> for ($($parser),+,)
$($parser: Parser<I, $output, E>),+
fn parse(&mut self, i: I) -> IResult<I, ($($output),+,), E> {
let ($(ref mut $parser),+,) = *self;
$(let(i, $output) = $parser.parse(i)?;)+
Ok((i, ($($output),+,)))
macro_rules! impl_parser_for_tuples {
($parser1:ident $output1:ident, $($parser:ident $output:ident),+) => {
impl_parser_for_tuples!(__impl $parser1 $output1; $($parser $output),+);
(__impl $($parser:ident $output:ident),+; $parser1:ident $output1:ident $(,$parser2:ident $output2:ident)*) => {
impl_parser_for_tuple!($($parser $output),+);
impl_parser_for_tuples!(__impl $($parser $output),+, $parser1 $output1; $($parser2 $output2),*);
(__impl $($parser:ident $output:ident),+;) => {
impl_parser_for_tuple!($($parser $output),+);
P1 O1,
P2 O2,
P3 O3,
P4 O4,
P5 O5,
P6 O6,
P7 O7,
P8 O8,
P9 O9,
P10 O10,
P11 O11,
P12 O12,
P13 O13,
P14 O14,
P15 O15,
P16 O16,
P17 O17,
P18 O18,
P19 O19,
P20 O20,
P21 O21
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
use alloc::boxed::Box;
#[cfg(feature = "alloc")]
impl<'a, I, O, E> Parser<I, O, E> for Box<dyn Parser<I, O, E> + 'a> {
fn parse(&mut self, input: I) -> IResult<I, O, E> {
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::bytes::{tag, take};
use crate::error::ErrorKind;
use crate::input::Streaming;
use crate::number::be_u16;
macro_rules! assert_size (
($t:ty, $sz:expr) => (
assert!(crate::lib::std::mem::size_of::<$t>() <= $sz, "{} <= {} failed", crate::lib::std::mem::size_of::<$t>(), $sz);
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "64")]
fn size_test() {
assert_size!(IResult<&[u8], &[u8], (&[u8], u32)>, 40);
assert_size!(IResult<&str, &str, u32>, 40);
assert_size!(Needed, 8);
assert_size!(Err<u32>, 16);
assert_size!(ErrorKind, 1);
fn err_map_test() {
let e = Err::Error(1);
assert_eq!(|v| v + 1), Err::Error(2));
fn single_element_tuples() {
use crate::character::alpha1;
use crate::{error::ErrorKind, Err};
let mut parser = (alpha1,);
assert_eq!(parser.parse("abc123def"), Ok(("123def", ("abc",))));
Err(Err::Error(("123def", ErrorKind::Alpha)))
fn tuple_test() {
fn tuple_3(i: Streaming<&[u8]>) -> IResult<Streaming<&[u8]>, (u16, &[u8], &[u8])> {
(be_u16, take(3u8), tag("fg")).parse(i)
Ok((Streaming(&b"h"[..]), (0x6162u16, &b"cde"[..], &b"fg"[..])))
fn unit_type() {
fn parser(i: &str) -> IResult<&str, ()> {
assert_eq!(parser.parse("abxsbsh"), Ok(("abxsbsh", ())));
assert_eq!(parser.parse("sdfjakdsas"), Ok(("sdfjakdsas", ())));
assert_eq!(parser.parse(""), Ok(("", ())));