blob: 56c6b15570fdcd25286cc15a5b0ff157ff69eb40 [file] [log] [blame]
#[cfg(feature = "cc")]
use cc::Build;
use std::env::var;
use std::io::Write;
/// The directory for out-of-line ("outline") libraries.
const OUTLINE_PATH: &str = "src/backend/linux_raw/arch/outline";
fn main() {
// Don't rerun this on changes other than, as we only depend on
// the rustc version.
// Features only used in no-std configurations.
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
// Gather target information.
let arch = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap();
let asm_name = format!("{}/{}.s", OUTLINE_PATH, arch);
let asm_name_present = std::fs::metadata(&asm_name).is_ok();
let os_name = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS").unwrap();
let pointer_width = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_POINTER_WIDTH").unwrap();
let endian = var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENDIAN").unwrap();
// Check for special target variants.
let is_x32 = arch == "x86_64" && pointer_width == "32";
let is_arm64_ilp32 = arch == "aarch64" && pointer_width == "32";
let is_powerpc64be = arch == "powerpc64" && endian == "big";
let is_mipseb = arch == "mips" && endian == "big";
let is_mips64eb = arch == "mips64" && endian == "big";
let is_unsupported_abi = is_x32 || is_arm64_ilp32 || is_powerpc64be || is_mipseb || is_mips64eb;
// Check for `--features=use-libc`. This allows crate users to enable the
// libc backend.
let feature_use_libc = var("CARGO_FEATURE_USE_LIBC").is_ok();
// Check for `--features=rustc-dep-of-std`. This is used when rustix is
// being used to build std, in which case `can_compile` doesn't work
// because `core` isn't available yet, but also, we can assume we have a
// recent compiler.
let feature_rustc_dep_of_std = var("CARGO_FEATURE_RUSTC_DEP_OF_STD").is_ok();
// Check for `RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=rustix_use_libc`. This allows end users to
// enable the libc backend even if rustix is depended on transitively.
let cfg_use_libc = var("CARGO_CFG_RUSTIX_USE_LIBC").is_ok();
// Check for eg. `RUSTFLAGS=--cfg=rustix_use_experimental_asm`. This is a
// rustc flag rather than a cargo feature flag because it's experimental
// and not something we want accidentally enabled via `--all-features`.
let rustix_use_experimental_asm = var("CARGO_CFG_RUSTIX_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_ASM").is_ok();
// Miri doesn't support inline asm, and has builtin support for recognizing
// libc FFI calls, so if we're running under miri, use the libc backend.
let miri = var("CARGO_CFG_MIRI").is_ok();
// If the libc backend is requested, or if we're not on a platform for
// which we have linux_raw support, use the libc backend.
// For now Android uses the libc backend; in theory it could use the
// linux_raw backend, but to do that we'll need to figure out how to
// install the toolchain for it.
if feature_use_libc
|| cfg_use_libc
|| os_name != "linux"
|| !asm_name_present
|| is_unsupported_abi
|| miri
// Use the libc backend.
} else {
// Use the linux_raw backend.
// Use inline asm if we have it, or outline asm otherwise. On PowerPC
// and MIPS, Rust's inline asm is considered experimental, so only use
// it if `--cfg=rustix_use_experimental_asm` is given.
if (feature_rustc_dep_of_std || can_compile("use std::arch::asm;"))
&& (arch != "x86" || has_feature("naked_functions"))
&& ((arch != "powerpc64" && arch != "mips" && arch != "mips64")
|| rustix_use_experimental_asm)
if arch == "x86" {
if rustix_use_experimental_asm {
} else {
link_in_librustix_outline(&arch, &asm_name);
// Detect whether the compiler requires us to use thumb mode on ARM.
if arch == "arm" && use_thumb_mode() {
/// Link in the desired version of librustix_outline_{arch}.a, containing the
/// outline assembly code for making syscalls.
fn link_in_librustix_outline(arch: &str, asm_name: &str) {
let name = format!("rustix_outline_{}", arch);
let profile = var("PROFILE").unwrap();
let to = format!("{}/{}/lib{}.a", OUTLINE_PATH, profile, name);
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", to);
// If "cc" is not enabled, use a pre-built library.
#[cfg(not(feature = "cc"))]
let _ = asm_name;
println!("cargo:rustc-link-search={}/{}", OUTLINE_PATH, profile);
println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static={}", name);
// If "cc" is enabled, build the library from source, update the pre-built
// version, and assert that the pre-built version is checked in.
#[cfg(feature = "cc")]
let out_dir = var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", asm_name);
if std::fs::metadata(".git").is_ok() {
let from = format!("{}/lib{}.a", out_dir, name);
let prev_metadata = std::fs::metadata(&to);
std::fs::copy(&from, &to).unwrap();
"{} didn't previously exist; please inspect the new file and `git add` it",
"{} changed; please inspect the change and `git commit` it",
fn use_thumb_mode() -> bool {
// In thumb mode, r7 is reserved.
!can_compile("pub unsafe fn f() { core::arch::asm!(\"udf #16\", in(\"r7\") 0); }")
fn use_feature_or_nothing(feature: &str) {
if has_feature(feature) {
fn use_feature(feature: &str) {
println!("cargo:rustc-cfg={}", feature);
/// Test whether the rustc at `var("RUSTC")` supports the given feature.
fn has_feature(feature: &str) -> bool {
/// Test whether the rustc at `var("RUSTC")` can compile the given code.
fn can_compile(code: &str) -> bool {
use std::process::Stdio;
let out_dir = var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
let rustc = var("RUSTC").unwrap();
let target = var("TARGET").unwrap();
let mut child = std::process::Command::new(rustc)
.arg("--crate-type=rlib") // Don't require `main`.
.arg("--emit=metadata") // Do as little as possible but still parse.
.arg(out_dir) // Put the output somewhere inconsequential.
.arg("-") // Read from stdin.
.stdin(Stdio::piped()) // Stdin is a pipe.
writeln!(child.stdin.take().unwrap(), "{}", code).unwrap();