A Rust library to read, manipulate and write GNU gettext translation data in .po
A Message represents a translation of a text entry from the source language to a target language.
A Catalog holds a collection of Messages, and is stored in a .po
fileuse polib::po_file; use std::error::Error; use std::path::Path; fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { let catalog = po_file::parse(Path::new("foo.po"))?; for message in catalog.messages() { if message.is_translated() { if message.is_singular() { println!("{} => {}", message.msgid(), message.msgstr()?); } else { // message.is_plural() println!("{} => {}", message.msgid(), message.msgstr_plural()?.join(", ")); } } else { println!("{} is untranslated", message.msgid()); } } Ok(()) }
filelet mut catalog = po_file::parse(Path::new(&input_file))?; let mut filtered: usize = 0; for mut message in catalog.messages_mut() { if !message.is_translated() || message.is_fuzzy() { message.delete(); filtered += 1; } } po_file::write(&catalog, Path::new(&output_file))?; println!("{} untranslated or fuzzy translations removed.", filtered);
let mut catalog = po_file::parse(Path::new(&input_file))?; for mut message in catalog.messages_mut() { if !message.is_translated() { if message.is_singular() { message.set_msgstr(/* some 3rdparty provided */translate(message.msgid()))?; } } } po_file::write(&catalog, Path::new(&output_file))?;
file to .mo
formatmo_file::compile_from_po(Path::new(&input), Path::new(&output))?;
Refer to docs.rs.