Create pull request with bumped version
in Cargo.toml
and updated
Once merged clean your local environment.
cargo clean git clean -fd
tag="v$(sed -En 's/^version = \"(.*)\"$/\1/p' Cargo.toml)" git tag -s "${tag}" -m "${tag}"
cargo publish
git push origin $tag
Create pull request with bumped version
in static-metric/Cargo.toml
and updated static-metric/
Once merged clean your local environment.
cd static-metric cargo clean git clean -fd
tag="$(sed -En 's/^name = \"(.*)\"$/\1/p' Cargo.toml | head -n 1)-v$(sed -En 's/^version = \"(.*)\"$/\1/p' Cargo.toml)" git tag -s "${tag}" -m "${tag}"
cargo publish
git push origin $tag