Process command line according to parsing rules of Unix shell.
Add this to Cargo.toml:
[dependencies] shell-words = "1.0.0"
Add this to your crate:
extern crate shell_words;
Compiling C source code into an executable as in default build rule found in GNU Make:
extern crate shell_words; use std::env::var; use std::process::Command; fn main() { let cc = var("CC").unwrap_or_else(|_| "cc".to_owned()); let cflags = var("CFLAGS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::new()); let cflags = shell_words::split(&cflags).expect("failed to parse CFLAGS"); let cppflags = var("CPPFLAGS").unwrap_or_else(|_| String::new()); let cppflags = shell_words::split(&cppflags).expect("failed to parse CPPFLAGS"); Command::new(cc) .args(cflags) .args(cppflags) .args(&["-c", "a.c", "-o", "a.out"]) .spawn() .expect("failed to start subprocess") .wait() .expect("failed to wait for subprocess"); }
Logging executed commands in format that can be readily copied and pasted to a shell:
extern crate shell_words; fn main() { let argv = &["python", "-c", "print('Hello world!')"]; println!("Executing: {}", shell_words::join(argv)); std::process::Command::new(&argv[0]) .args(&argv[1..]) .spawn() .expect("failed to start subprocess") .wait() .expect("failed to wait for subprocess"); }
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