# Notify | |
[![» Crate](https://flat.badgen.net/crates/v/notify)][crate] | |
[![» Docs](https://flat.badgen.net/badge/api/docs.rs/df3600)][notify-docs] | |
[![» CI](https://flat.badgen.net/github/checks/notify-rs/notify/main)][build] | |
[![» Downloads](https://flat.badgen.net/crates/d/notify)][crate] | |
[![» Conduct](https://flat.badgen.net/badge/contributor/covenant/5e0d73)][coc] | |
[![» Public Domain](https://flat.badgen.net/badge/license/CC0-1.0/purple)][cc0] | |
_Cross-platform filesystem notification library for Rust._ | |
- [Notify Documentation][notify-docs] | |
- [Mini Debouncer Documentation][debouncer-mini-docs] | |
- [Full Debouncer Documentation][debouncer-full-docs] | |
- [Examples][examples] | |
- [Changelog][changelog] | |
- [Upgrading notify from v4](UPGRADING_V4_TO_V5.md) | |
- Earliest supported Rust version: **1.60** | |
As used by: [alacritty], [cargo watch], [cobalt], [docket], [mdBook], | |
[rust-analyzer], [watchexec], [xi-editor], [watchfiles], | |
and others. | |
(Looking for desktop notifications instead? Have a look at [notify-rust] or | |
[alert-after]!) | |
## Platforms | |
- Linux / Android: inotify | |
- macOS: FSEvents or kqueue, see features | |
- Windows: ReadDirectoryChangesW | |
- FreeBSD / NetBSD / OpenBSD / DragonflyBSD: kqueue | |
- All platforms: polling | |
## License | |
Notify is licensed under the [CC Zero 1.0][cc0]. | |
notify-debouncer-mini is licensed under the [MIT] or [Apache-2.0][apache] license. | |
notify-debouncer-full is licensed under the [MIT] or [Apache-2.0][apache] license. | |
file-id is licensed under the [MIT] or [Apache-2.0][apache] license. | |
## Origins | |
Inspired by Go's [fsnotify] and Node.js's [Chokidar], born out of need for | |
[cargo watch], and general frustration at the non-existence of C/Rust | |
cross-platform notify libraries. | |
Originally created by [Félix Saparelli] and awesome [contributors]. | |
[Chokidar]: https://github.com/paulmillr/chokidar | |
[FileSystemEventSecurity]: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Darwin/Conceptual/FSEvents_ProgGuide/FileSystemEventSecurity/FileSystemEventSecurity.html | |
[debouncer-full-docs]: https://docs.rs/notify-debouncer-full/latest/notify_debouncer_full/ | |
[debouncer-mini-docs]: https://docs.rs/notify-debouncer-mini/latest/notify_debouncer_mini/ | |
[Félix Saparelli]: https://passcod.name | |
[alacritty]: https://github.com/jwilm/alacritty | |
[alert-after]: https://github.com/frewsxcv/alert-after | |
[build]: https://github.com/notify-rs/notify/actions | |
[cargo watch]: https://github.com/passcod/cargo-watch | |
[cc0]: ./notify/LICENSE-CC0 | |
[MIT]: ./file-id/LICENSE-MIT | |
[apache]: ./file-id/LICENSE-APACHE | |
[changelog]: ./CHANGELOG.md | |
[cobalt]: https://github.com/cobalt-org/cobalt.rs | |
[coc]: http://contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/ | |
[contributors]: https://github.com/notify-rs/notify/graphs/contributors | |
[crate]: https://crates.io/crates/notify | |
[docket]: https://iwillspeak.github.io/docket/ | |
[notify-docs]: https://docs.rs/notify/latest/notify/ | |
[fsnotify]: https://github.com/go-fsnotify/fsnotify | |
[handlebars-iron]: https://github.com/sunng87/handlebars-iron | |
[hotwatch]: https://github.com/francesca64/hotwatch | |
[mdBook]: https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/mdBook | |
[notify-rust]: https://github.com/hoodie/notify-rust | |
[rust-analyzer]: https://github.com/rust-analyzer/rust-analyzer | |
[serde]: https://serde.rs/ | |
[watchexec]: https://github.com/mattgreen/watchexec | |
[wiki]: https://github.com/notify-rs/notify/wiki | |
[xi-editor]: https://xi-editor.io/ | |
[watchfiles]: https://watchfiles.helpmanual.io/ | |
[examples]: examples/ |