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# Unarray
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Utilities for working with uninitialized arrays
- No dependencies
- `#[no_std]`
- No panics (all APIs return `Result` or `Option`)
This crate provides a few sets of APIs:
### `uninit_buf` and `mark_initialized`
These are a pair of functions which are generally used as follows:
- stack-allocate an uninitialized array with `uninit_buf`
- initialize each element
- unsafely convert it to an initialized array with `mark_initialized`
For example:
use unarray::*;
fn main() {
let mut buffer = uninit_buf::<i32; 10>();
for slot in &mut buffer {
let array = unsafe { mark_initialized(buffer) };
assert_eq!(array, [123; 10]);
This is simple to understand, but still requires `unsafe`, which is hard to justify in many cases
### `build_array_*`
Functions to build arrays from a length and a function that maps from index -> value:
let even_numbers = build_array(|i| i * 2); // const generic length parameter inferred
assert_eq!(even_numbers, [0, 2, 4]);
let numbers = build_array_option::<usize, 3>(|i| 3.checked_sub(i));
assert_eq!(numbers, Some([3, 2, 1]));
let numbers = build_array_option::<usize, 5>(|i| 3.checked_sub(i));
assert_eq!(numbers, None); // since a single element failed, the whole operation failed
There is also an equivalent `build_array_result` for `Result`-returning functions
### Collecting iterators to arrays
It's fairly common to want to collect an iterator into an array, but this is currently tricky in
stable Rust, since iterators don't carry compile-time information about their length. Because of this,
arrays don't implement `FromIterator`, which is required for `.collect()` to work.
Instead, this library provides `ArrayFromIter`, which **does** implement `FromIterator`. This struct can
be destructured to get an `Option<[T, N]>`. If the iterator contained exactly `N` elements, this is `Some(array)`, otherwise, it is `None`:
let iter = [1, 2, 3].into_iter();
match iter.collect() {
ArrayFromIter(Some([a, b, c])) => println!("exactly 3 elements: {a}, {b}, {c}"),
ArrayFromIter(None) => println!("not 3 elements"),
### `UnarrayArrayExt` extension trait
// mapping an array via a `Result`
let strings = ["123", "234"];
let numbers = strings.map_result(|s| s.parse());
assert_eq!(numbers, Ok([123, 234]));
let bad_strings = ["123", "uh oh"];
let result = bad_strings.map_result(|s| s.parse::<i32>());
assert!(result.is_err()); // since one of the element fails, the whole operation fails
There is also `map_option` for functions which return an `Option`
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0
* MIT license
at your option.
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
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