blob: 467ef0278ee520f6f2632c3ef63390fc688fb366 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _SEOS_H_
#define _SEOS_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <plat/inc/taggedPtr.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <eventQ.h>
#include <aes.h>
#include <plat/inc/app.h>
#include <eventnums.h>
#define MAX_TASKS 16
#define MAX_EMBEDDED_EVT_SUBS 6 /*tradeoff, no wrong answer */
#define OS_VER 0x0000
#define ENCR_KEY_GOOGLE_PREPOPULATED 1 // our key ID is 1
#define FIRST_VALID_TID 0x00000001
#define LAST_VALID_TID 0x0fffffff
struct AppFuncs { /* do not rearrange */
/* lifescycle */
bool (*init)(uint32_t yourTid); //simple init only - no ints on at this time
void (*end)(void); //die quickly please
/* events */
void (*handle)(uint32_t evtType, const void* evtData);
#define APP_HDR_MAGIC "GoogleNanoApp"
#define APP_HDR_VER_CUR 0
#define APP_HDR_MARKER_INTERNAL 0xFF01 //no external app should at any point have this marker value!
/* app ids are split into vendor and app parts. vendor parts are assigned by google. App parts are free for each vendor to assign at will */
#define APP_ID_FIRST_USABLE 0x0100000000000000ULL //all app ids lower than this are reserved for google's internal use
#define APP_ID_GET_VENDOR(appid) ((appid) >> 24)
#define APP_ID_MAKE(vendor, app) ((((uint64_t)(vendor)) << 24) | ((app) & 0x00FFFFFF))
#define APP_ID_VENDOR_GOOGLE 0x476f6f676cULL // "Googl"
struct AppHdr {
char magic[13];
uint8_t fmtVer; //app header format version
uint16_t marker;
uint64_t appId;
uint32_t data_start;
uint32_t data_end;
uint32_t data_data;
uint32_t bss_start;
uint32_t bss_end;
uint32_t got_start;
uint32_t got_end;
uint32_t rel_start;
uint32_t rel_end;
uint32_t appVer; //version of actual app
uint32_t rfu;
struct AppFuncs funcs;
struct AppEventFreeData { //goes with EVT_APP_FREE_EVT_DATA
uint32_t evtType;
void* evtData;
typedef void (*OsDeferCbkF)(void *);
typedef void (*EventFreeF)(void* event);
/* ==== ABOUT THE "urgent" FLAG ====
* Do not set "urgent" unless you understand all the repercussions! What repercussions you might ask?
* Setting this flag will place your defer request at the front of the queue. This is useful for enqueueing work
* from interrupt context that needs to be done "very very soon"(tm). Doing this will delay all other work requests
* that have heretofore been peacefully queueing in full faith and with complete belief in fairness of our "FIFO"-ness.
* Please be appreciative of this fact and do not abuse this! Example: if you are setting "urgent" flag outside of interrupt
* context, you're very very likely wrong. That is not to say that being in interrupt context is a free pass to set this!
void osMain(void);
bool osEventSubscribe(uint32_t tid, uint32_t evtType); /* async */
bool osEventUnsubscribe(uint32_t tid, uint32_t evtType); /* async */
bool osEnqueuePrivateEvt(uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, EventFreeF evtFreeF, uint32_t toTid);
bool osEnqueuePrivateEvtAsApp(uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, uint32_t fromApp, uint32_t toTid);
bool osEnqueueEvt(uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, EventFreeF evtFreeF);
bool osEnqueueEvtAsApp(uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, uint32_t fromApp);
bool osDefer(OsDeferCbkF callback, void *cookie, bool urgent);
bool osAppInfoById(uint64_t appId, uint32_t *appIdx, uint32_t *appVer, uint32_t *appSize);
bool osAppInfoByIndex(uint32_t appIdx, uint64_t *appId, uint32_t *appVer, uint32_t *appSize);
/* Logging */
enum LogLevel {
void osLogv(enum LogLevel level, const char *str, va_list vl);
void osLog(enum LogLevel level, const char *str, ...)
__attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3)));
#define INTERNAL_APP_INIT(_id, _ver, _init, _end, _event) \
static const struct AppHdr __attribute__((used,section (".internal_app_init"))) mAppHdr = { \
.magic = APP_HDR_MAGIC, \
.fmtVer = APP_HDR_VER_CUR, \
.appId = (_id), \
.appVer = (_ver), \
.funcs.init = (_init), \
.funcs.end = (_end), \
.funcs.handle = (_event) \
#define APP_INIT(_ver, _init, _end, _event) \
extern const struct AppFuncs _mAppFuncs; \
const struct AppFuncs __attribute__((used,section (".app_init"),visibility("default"))) _mAppFuncs = { \
.init = (_init), \
.end = (_end), \
.handle = (_event) \
}; \
const uint32_t __attribute__((used,section (".app_version"),visibility("default"))) _mAppVer = _ver
#ifdef __cplusplus