blob: 35b8dd028150dc2cd15ca7e3f2ca68400ef90cae [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _SIMPLE_Q_H_
#define _SIMPLE_Q_H_
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef bool (*SimpleQueueForciblyDiscardCbkF)(void *data, bool onDelete); //return false to reject
//SINGLE producer, SINGLE consumer queue. data is copied INTO/OUT of the queue by simpleQueueEnqueue/simpleQueueDequeue
struct SimpleQueue* simpleQueueAlloc(uint32_t numEntries, uint32_t entrySz, SimpleQueueForciblyDiscardCbkF forceDiscardCbk);
void simpleQueueDestroy(struct SimpleQueue* sq); //will call discard, but in no particular order!
bool simpleQueueEnqueue(struct SimpleQueue* sq, const void *data, bool possiblyDiscardable);
bool simpleQueueDequeue(struct SimpleQueue* sq, void *dataVal);