blob: 56b5d5f7bf9afe3e7f63a07cb814f5921e2bce1d [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _SLAB_H_
#define _SLAB_H_
#include <stdint.h>
struct SlabAllocator;
//thread/interrupt safe. allocations will not fail if space exists. even in interrupts.
//itemAlign over 4 will not be guaranteed since the heap does not hand out chunks with that kind of alignment
struct SlabAllocator* slabAllocatorNew(uint32_t itemSz, uint32_t itemAlign, uint32_t numItems);
void slabAllocatorDestroy(struct SlabAllocator *allocator);
void* slabAllocatorAlloc(struct SlabAllocator *allocator);
void slabAllocatorFree(struct SlabAllocator *allocator, void *ptr);
void* slabAllocatorGetNth(struct SlabAllocator *allocator, uint32_t idx); // -> pointer or NULL if that slot is empty may be not int-safe. YMMV
uint32_t slabAllocatorGetIndex(struct SlabAllocator *allocator, void *ptr); // -> index or -1 if invalid pointer
uint32_t slabAllocatorGetNumItems(struct SlabAllocator *allocator); // simply say hwo many items it can hold max (numItems passed to constructor)