blob: 98b0817829b8a5a62a2c9c2ce45bd172ae136246 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <cpu/inc/atomicBitset.h>
#include <atomicBitset.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <atomic.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <timer.h>
#include <seos.h>
struct Timer {
uint64_t expires; /* time of next expiration */
uint32_t period; /* 0 for oneshot */
uint32_t id; /* 0 for disabled */
TimTimerCbkF cbk;
uint32_t jitterPpm;
uint32_t driftPpm;
TimTimerCbkF cbkF;
void *cbkData;
static struct Timer mTimers[MAX_TIMERS];
static volatile uint32_t mNextTimerId = 0;
uint64_t timGetTime(void)
return platGetTicks();
static struct Timer *timFindTimerById(uint32_t timId) /* no locks taken. be careful what you do with this */
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++)
if (mTimers[i].id == timId)
return mTimers + i;
return NULL;
static bool timerSetAlarms(uint64_t nextTimer, uint64_t curTime, uint32_t maxJitterPpm, uint32_t maxDriftPpm, uint32_t maxErrTotalPpm)
//here the code to set next timer of some variety will live
//note that maxErrTotalPpm != maxDriftPpm + maxJitterPpm is quite possible since it is possible to have:
// timer A allowing 300ppm of jitter and 10pp of drift and timer B allowing 20ppm of jitter and 500ppm of drift
// in that case we'd see maxJitterPpm = 200, maxDriftPpm = 500, maxErrTotalPpm = 520 (MAX of all timers' allowable error totals)
//return true if timer was set. false if you failed (you will be called right back though. so false is usually reserved for cases
// like "it is too soon to set a timer")
return false;
static void timFireAsNeededAndUpdateAlarms(void)
uint32_t maxDrift = 0, maxJitter = 0, maxErrTotal = 0;
bool somethingDone;
uint64_t nextTimer = 0;
TimTimerCbkF cbkF;
uint64_t curTime;
uint32_t i, id;
void *cbkD;
do {
somethingDone = false;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TIMERS; i++) {
if (!mTimers[i].id)
if (mTimers[i].expires <= timGetTime()) {
somethingDone = true;
cbkF = mTimers[i].cbkF;
cbkD = mTimers[i].cbkData;
id = mTimers[i].id;
if (mTimers[i].period)
mTimers[i].expires += mTimers[i].period;
else {
mTimers[i].id = 0;
atomicBitsetClearBit(mTimersValid, i);
cbkF(id, cbkD);
else {
if (mTimers[i].jitterPpm > maxJitter)
maxJitter = mTimers[i].jitterPpm;
if (mTimers[i].driftPpm > maxDrift)
maxDrift = mTimers[i].driftPpm;
if (mTimers[i].driftPpm + mTimers[i].jitterPpm > maxErrTotal)
maxErrTotal = mTimers[i].driftPpm + mTimers[i].jitterPpm;
if (!nextTimer || nextTimer > mTimers[i].expires)
nextTimer = mTimers[i].expires;
curTime = timGetTime();
} while (somethingDone || (nextTimer && (curTime >= nextTimer || !timerSetAlarms(nextTimer, curTime, maxJitter, maxDrift, maxErrTotal))));
uint32_t timTimerSet(uint64_t length, uint32_t jitterPpm, uint32_t driftPpm, TimTimerCbkF cbk, void* data, bool oneShot)
uint64_t curTime = timGetTime();
int32_t idx = atomicBitsetFindClearAndSet(mTimersValid);
struct Timer *t;
uint32_t timId;
if (idx < 0) /* no free timers */
return 0;
/* generate next timer ID */
do {
timId = atomicAdd(&mNextTimerId, 1);
} while (!timId || timFindTimerById(timId));
/* grab our struct & fill it in */
t = mTimers + idx;
t->expires = curTime + length;
t->period = oneShot ? 0 : length;
t->jitterPpm = jitterPpm;
t->driftPpm = driftPpm;
t->cbkF = cbk;
t->cbkData = data;
/* as soon as we write timer Id, it becomes valid and might fire */
t->id = timId;
/* fire as needed & recalc alarms*/
/* woo hoo - done */
return timId;
bool timTimerCancel(uint32_t timerId)
uint64_t intState = platDisableInterrupts();
struct Timer *t = timFindTimerById(timerId);
if (t)
t->id = 0; /* this disables it */
/* this frees struct */
if (t) {
atomicBitsetClearBit(mTimersValid, t - mTimers);
return true;
return false;
void timIntHandler(void)
void timInit(void)
atomicBitsetInit(mTimersValid, MAX_TIMERS);