blob: 62c3cfc0eaac0bf73cd540b8bf56b4786f9bdc54 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _RSA_H_
#define _RSA_H_
#include <stdint.h>
#define RSA_LEN 2048
#define RSA_LIMBS ((RSA_LEN + 31)/ 32)
#define RSA_BYTES sizeof(uint32_t[RSA_LIMBS])
struct RsaState {
uint32_t tmpA[RSA_LIMBS * 2];
uint32_t tmpB[RSA_LIMBS + 1];
uint32_t tmpC[RSA_LIMBS + 1];
uint32_t tmpC[RSA_LIMBS * 2];
//calculate a ^ 65537 mod c, where a and c are each exactly RSA_LEN bits long, result is only valid as long as state is. state needs no init
const uint32_t* rsaPubOp(struct RsaState* state, const uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *c);
//calculate a ^ b mod c, where a and c are each exactly RSA_LEN bits long, result is only valid as long as state is. state needs no init
const uint32_t* rsaPrivOp(struct RsaState* state, const uint32_t *a, const uint32_t *b, const uint32_t *c);
#ifdef ARM
#error "RSA private ops should never be compiled into firmware. You *ARE* doing something wrong! Stop!"