blob: e91b065623e741ec160f3ea925efe1351f62eed7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <plat/taggedPtr.h>
#include <plat/rtc.h>
#include <cpu/barrier.h>
#include <atomicBitset.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sensors.h>
#include <atomic.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <slab.h>
#include <seos.h>
#include <util.h>
#include <sensors_priv.h>
static struct Sensor mSensors[MAX_REGISTERED_SENSORS];
static struct SlabAllocator *mInternalEvents;
static struct SlabAllocator *mCliSensMatrix;
static uint32_t mNextSensorHandle;
struct SingleAxisDataEvent singleAxisFlush = { .referenceTime = 0 };
struct TripleAxisDataEvent tripleAxisFlush = { .referenceTime = 0 };
static inline uint32_t newSensorHandle()
// FIXME: only let lower 8 bits of counter to the id; should use all 16 bits, but this
// somehow confuses upper layers; pending investigation
return (osGetCurrentTid() << 16) | (atomicAdd32bits(&mNextSensorHandle, 1) & 0xFF);
bool sensorsInit(void)
atomicBitsetInit(mSensorsUsed, MAX_REGISTERED_SENSORS);
mInternalEvents = slabAllocatorNew(sizeof(struct SensorsInternalEvent), alignof(struct SensorsInternalEvent), MAX_INTERNAL_EVENTS);
if (!mInternalEvents)
return false;
mCliSensMatrix = slabAllocatorNew(sizeof(struct SensorsClientRequest), alignof(struct SensorsClientRequest), MAX_CLI_SENS_MATRIX_SZ);
if (mCliSensMatrix)
return true;
return false;
struct Sensor* sensorFindByHandle(uint32_t handle)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTERED_SENSORS; i++)
if (mSensors[i].handle == handle)
return mSensors + i;
return NULL;
static struct SensorsClientRequest* sensorClientRequestFind(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t clientTid)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLI_SENS_MATRIX_SZ; i++) {
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = slabAllocatorGetNth(mCliSensMatrix, i);
if (req && req->handle == sensorHandle && req->clientTid == clientTid)
return req;
return NULL;
static uint32_t sensorRegisterEx(const struct SensorInfo *si, TaggedPtr callInfo, void *callData, bool initComplete)
int32_t idx = atomicBitsetFindClearAndSet(mSensorsUsed);
uint32_t handle, i;
struct Sensor *s;
/* grab a slot */
if (idx < 0)
return 0;
/* grab a handle:
* this is safe since nobody else could have "JUST" taken this handle,
* we'll need to circle around 16 bits before that happens, and have the same TID
do {
handle = newSensorHandle();
} while (!handle || sensorFindByHandle(handle));
/* fill the struct in and mark it valid (by setting handle) */
s = mSensors + idx;
s->si = si;
s->currentRate = SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
s->callInfo = callInfo;
// TODO: is internal app, callinfo is OPS struct; shall we validate it here?
s->callData = callData;
s->initComplete = initComplete ? 1 : 0;
s->handle = handle;
s->hasOnchange = 0;
s->hasOndemand = 0;
if (si->supportedRates) {
for (i = 0; si->supportedRates[i]; i++) {
if (si->supportedRates[i] == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE)
s->hasOnchange = 1;
if (si->supportedRates[i] == SENSOR_RATE_ONDEMAND)
s->hasOndemand = 1;
return handle;
uint32_t sensorRegister(const struct SensorInfo *si, const struct SensorOps *ops, void *callData, bool initComplete)
return sensorRegisterEx(si, taggedPtrMakeFromPtr(ops), callData, initComplete);
uint32_t sensorRegisterAsApp(const struct SensorInfo *si, uint32_t unusedTid, void *callData, bool initComplete)
return sensorRegisterEx(si, taggedPtrMakeFromUint(0), callData, initComplete);
bool sensorRegisterInitComplete(uint32_t handle)
struct Sensor *s = sensorFindByHandle(handle);
if (!s)
return false;
s->initComplete = true;
return true;
bool sensorUnregister(uint32_t handle)
struct Sensor *s = sensorFindByHandle(handle);
if (!s)
return false;
/* mark as invalid */
s->handle = 0;
/* free struct */
atomicBitsetClearBit(mSensorsUsed, s - mSensors);
return true;
static void sensorCallFuncPowerEvtFreeF(void* event)
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, event);
#define INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(func, ...) \
{ \
if (!func) \
return false; \
uint16_t oldTid = osSetCurrentTid(HANDLE_TO_TID(s->handle)); \
bool done = func(__VA_ARGS__); \
osSetCurrentTid(oldTid); \
return done; \
static bool sensorCallFuncPower(struct Sensor* s, bool on)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s)) {
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorPower, on, s->callData);
} else {
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt->externalPowerEvt.on = on;
evt->externalPowerEvt.callData = s->callData;
if (osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_POWER, &evt->externalPowerEvt,
sensorCallFuncPowerEvtFreeF, EXT_APP_TID(s)))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
// the most common callback goes as a helper function
static bool sensorCallAsOwner(struct Sensor* s, bool (*callback)(void*))
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(callback, s->callData);
static bool sensorCallFuncFwUpld(struct Sensor* s)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s))
return sensorCallAsOwner(s, LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorFirmwareUpload);
return osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_FW_UPLD, s->callData, NULL, EXT_APP_TID(s));
static void sensorCallFuncExternalEvtFreeF(void* event)
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, event);
static bool sensorCallFuncSetRate(struct Sensor* s, uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s)) {
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorSetRate, rate, latency, s->callData);
} else {
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt->externalSetRateEvt.latency = latency;
evt->externalSetRateEvt.rate = rate;
evt->externalSetRateEvt.callData = s->callData;
if (osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_SET_RATE, &evt->externalSetRateEvt,
sensorCallFuncExternalEvtFreeF, EXT_APP_TID(s)))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
static bool sensorCallFuncCalibrate(struct Sensor* s)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s))
return sensorCallAsOwner(s, LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorCalibrate);
return osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_CALIBRATE, s->callData, NULL, EXT_APP_TID(s));
static bool sensorCallFuncSelfTest(struct Sensor* s)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s))
return sensorCallAsOwner(s, LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorSelfTest);
return osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_SELF_TEST, s->callData, NULL, EXT_APP_TID(s));
static bool sensorCallFuncFlush(struct Sensor* s)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s))
return sensorCallAsOwner(s, LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorFlush);
return osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_FLUSH, s->callData, NULL, EXT_APP_TID(s));
static bool sensorCallFuncCfgData(struct Sensor* s, void* cfgData)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s)) {
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorCfgData, cfgData, s->callData);
} else {
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt-> = cfgData;
evt->externalCfgDataEvt.callData = s->callData;
if (osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_CFG_DATA, &evt->externalCfgDataEvt,
sensorCallFuncExternalEvtFreeF, EXT_APP_TID(s)))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
static bool sensorCallFuncMarshall(struct Sensor* s, uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, TaggedPtr *evtFreeingInfoP)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s)) {
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorMarshallData, evtType, evtData, evtFreeingInfoP, s->callData);
} else {
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt->externalMarshallEvt.origEvtType = evtType;
evt->externalMarshallEvt.origEvtData = evtData;
evt->externalMarshallEvt.evtFreeingInfo = *evtFreeingInfoP;
evt->externalMarshallEvt.callData = s->callData;
if (osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_MARSHALL, &evt->externalMarshallEvt,
sensorCallFuncExternalEvtFreeF, EXT_APP_TID(s)))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
static bool sensorCallFuncTrigger(struct Sensor* s)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s))
return sensorCallAsOwner(s, LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorTriggerOndemand);
return osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_TRIGGER, s->callData, NULL, EXT_APP_TID(s));
static bool sensorCallFuncSendOneDirectEvt(struct Sensor* s, uint32_t tid)
if (IS_LOCAL_APP(s)) {
INVOKE_AS_OWNER_AND_RETURN(LOCAL_APP_OPS(s)->sensorSendOneDirectEvt, s->callData, tid);
} else {
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt->externalSendDirectEvt.tid = tid;
evt->externalSendDirectEvt.callData = s->callData;
if (osEnqueuePrivateEvt(EVT_APP_SENSOR_SEND_ONE_DIR_EVT, &evt->externalSendDirectEvt,
sensorCallFuncExternalEvtFreeF, EXT_APP_TID(s)))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
static void sensorReconfig(struct Sensor* s, uint32_t newHwRate, uint64_t newHwLatency)
if (s->currentRate == newHwRate && s->currentLatency == newHwLatency) {
/* do nothing */
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_OFF) {
/* if it was off or is off, tell it to come on */
if (sensorCallFuncPower(s, true)) {
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_OFF) {
/* if it was going to be off or is off, tell it to come back on */
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_ON || s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_FW_UPLOADING) {
/* if it is powering on - do nothing - all will be done for us */
else if (newHwRate > SENSOR_RATE_OFF || newHwLatency < SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID) {
/* simple rate change - > do it, there is nothing we can do if this fails, so we ignore the immediate errors :( */
(void)sensorCallFuncSetRate(s, newHwRate, newHwLatency);
else {
/* powering off */
if (sensorCallFuncPower(s, false)) {
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
static uint64_t sensorCalcHwLatency(struct Sensor* s)
uint64_t smallestLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLI_SENS_MATRIX_SZ; i++) {
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = slabAllocatorGetNth(mCliSensMatrix, i);
/* we only care about this sensor's stuff */
if (!req || req->handle != s->handle)
if (smallestLatency > req->latency)
smallestLatency = req->latency;
return smallestLatency;
static uint32_t sensorCalcHwRate(struct Sensor* s, uint32_t extraReqedRate, uint32_t removedRate)
bool haveUsers = false, haveOnChange = extraReqedRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE;
uint32_t highestReq = 0;
uint32_t i;
if (s->si->supportedRates &&
((extraReqedRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE && !s->hasOnchange) ||
(extraReqedRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONDEMAND && !s->hasOndemand))) {
osLog(LOG_WARN, "Bad rate 0x%08" PRIX32 " for sensor %u", extraReqedRate, s->si->sensorType);
if (extraReqedRate) {
haveUsers = true;
highestReq = (extraReqedRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONDEMAND || extraReqedRate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE) ? 0 : extraReqedRate;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_CLI_SENS_MATRIX_SZ; i++) {
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = slabAllocatorGetNth(mCliSensMatrix, i);
/* we only care about this sensor's stuff */
if (!req || req->handle != s->handle)
/* skip an instance of a removed rate if one was given */
if (req->rate == removedRate) {
removedRate = SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
haveUsers = true;
/* we can always do ondemand and if we see an on-change then we already checked and do allow it */
if (req->rate == SENSOR_RATE_ONDEMAND)
if (req->rate == SENSOR_RATE_ONCHANGE) {
haveOnChange = true;
if (highestReq < req->rate)
highestReq = req->rate;
if (!highestReq) { /* no requests -> we can definitely do that */
if (!haveUsers)
else if (haveOnChange)
for (i = 0; s->si->supportedRates && s->si->supportedRates[i]; i++)
if (s->si->supportedRates[i] >= highestReq)
return s->si->supportedRates[i];
static void sensorInternalEvtFreeF(void *evtP)
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evtP);
static void sensorInternalFwStateChanged(void *evtP)
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)evtP;
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(evt->handle);
if (s) {
if (!evt->value1) { //we failed -> give up
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
sensorCallFuncPower(s, false);
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_FW_UPLOADING) { //we're up
s->currentRate = evt->value1;
s->currentLatency = evt->value2;
sensorReconfig(s, sensorCalcHwRate(s, 0, 0), sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_OFF) { //we need to power off
sensorCallFuncPower(s, false);
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
static void sensorInternalPowerStateChanged(void *evtP)
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)evtP;
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(evt->handle);
if (s) {
if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_ON && evt->value1) { //we're now on - upload firmware
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_OFF && !evt->value1) { //we're now off
s->currentRate = SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
s->currentLatency = SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
osEnqueueEvtOrFree(sensorGetMyCfgEventType(s->si->sensorType), evt, sensorInternalEvtFreeF);
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_ON && !evt->value1) { //we need to power back on
sensorCallFuncPower(s, true);
else if (s->currentRate == SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_OFF && evt->value1) { //we need to power back off
sensorCallFuncPower(s, false);
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
static void sensorInternalRateChanged(void *evtP)
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)evtP;
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(evt->handle);
/* If the current rate is a state, do not change the rate */
if (s && s->currentRate != SENSOR_RATE_OFF && s->currentRate < SENSOR_RATE_POWERING_ON) {
s->currentRate = evt->value1;
s->currentLatency = evt->value2;
sensorReconfig(s, sensorCalcHwRate(s, 0, 0), sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
osEnqueueEvtOrFree(sensorGetMyCfgEventType(s->si->sensorType), evt, sensorInternalEvtFreeF);
} else {
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
bool sensorSignalInternalEvt(uint32_t handle, uint32_t intEvtNum, uint32_t value1, uint64_t value2)
static const OsDeferCbkF internalEventCallbacks[] = {
[SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_POWER_STATE_CHG] = sensorInternalPowerStateChanged,
[SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_FW_STATE_CHG] = sensorInternalFwStateChanged,
[SENSOR_INTERNAL_EVT_RATE_CHG] = sensorInternalRateChanged,
struct SensorsInternalEvent *evt = (struct SensorsInternalEvent*)slabAllocatorAlloc(mInternalEvents);
if (!evt)
return false;
evt->handle = handle;
evt->value1 = value1;
evt->value2 = value2;
if (osDefer(internalEventCallbacks[intEvtNum], evt, false))
return true;
slabAllocatorFree(mInternalEvents, evt);
return false;
const struct SensorInfo* sensorFind(uint32_t sensorType, uint32_t idx, uint32_t *handleP)
uint32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTERED_SENSORS; i++) {
if (mSensors[i].handle && mSensors[i].si->sensorType == sensorType && !idx--) {
if (handleP)
*handleP = mSensors[i].handle;
return mSensors[i].si;
return NULL;
static bool sensorAddRequestor(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t clientTid, uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = slabAllocatorAlloc(mCliSensMatrix);
if (!req)
return false;
req->handle = sensorHandle;
req->clientTid = clientTid;
req->rate = rate;
req->latency = latency;
return true;
static bool sensorGetCurRequestorRate(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t clientTid, uint32_t *rateP)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, clientTid);
if (req) {
if (rateP)
*rateP = req->rate;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool sensorAmendRequestor(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t clientTid, uint32_t newRate, uint64_t newLatency)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, clientTid);
if (req) {
req->rate = newRate;
req->latency = newLatency;
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool sensorDeleteRequestor(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t clientTid)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, clientTid);
if (req) {
req->rate = SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
req->clientTid = 0;
req->handle = 0;
slabAllocatorFree(mCliSensMatrix, req);
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool sensorRequest(uint32_t unusedTid, uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t rate, uint64_t latency)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
uint32_t newSensorRate;
uint64_t samplingPeriod;
uint32_t clientTid;
if (!s || !s->initComplete)
return false;
clientTid = osGetCurrentTid();
/* verify the rate is possible */
newSensorRate = sensorCalcHwRate(s, rate, 0);
if (newSensorRate == SENSOR_RATE_IMPOSSIBLE)
return false;
/* the latency should be lower bounded by sampling period */
samplingPeriod = ((uint64_t)(1000000000 / rate)) << 10;
latency = latency > samplingPeriod ? latency : samplingPeriod;
/* record the request */
if (!sensorAddRequestor(sensorHandle, clientTid, rate, latency))
return false;
/* update actual sensor if needed */
sensorReconfig(s, newSensorRate, sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
/* if onchange request, ask sensor to send last state */
if (s->hasOnchange && !sensorCallFuncSendOneDirectEvt(s, clientTid))
osLog(LOG_WARN, "Cannot send last state for onchange sensor: enqueue fail");
return true;
bool sensorRequestRateChange(uint32_t unusedTid, uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t newRate, uint64_t newLatency)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
uint32_t oldRate, newSensorRate;
uint64_t samplingPeriod;
uint32_t clientTid;
if (!s)
return false;
clientTid = osGetCurrentTid();
/* get current rate */
if (!sensorGetCurRequestorRate(sensorHandle, clientTid, &oldRate))
return false;
/* verify the new rate is possible given all other ongoing requests */
newSensorRate = sensorCalcHwRate(s, newRate, oldRate);
if (newSensorRate == SENSOR_RATE_IMPOSSIBLE)
return false;
/* the latency should be lower bounded by sampling period */
samplingPeriod = ((uint64_t)(1000000000 / newRate)) << 10;
newLatency = newLatency > samplingPeriod ? newLatency : samplingPeriod;
/* record the request */
if (!sensorAmendRequestor(sensorHandle, clientTid, newRate, newLatency))
return false;
/* update actual sensor if needed */
sensorReconfig(s, newSensorRate, sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
return true;
bool sensorRelease(uint32_t unusedTid, uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
(void) unusedTid;
if (!s)
return false;
/* record the request */
if (!sensorDeleteRequestor(sensorHandle, osGetCurrentTid()))
return false;
/* update actual sensor if needed */
sensorReconfig(s, sensorCalcHwRate(s, 0, 0), sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
return true;
uint32_t sensorFreeAll(uint32_t clientTid)
int i;
uint16_t count1 = 0, count2 = 0;
struct Sensor *s;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_REGISTERED_SENSORS; i++) {
if (mSensors[i].handle) {
s = mSensors + i;
if (sensorDeleteRequestor(s->handle, clientTid)) {
sensorReconfig(s, sensorCalcHwRate(s, 0, 0), sensorCalcHwLatency(s));
count1 ++;
if (HANDLE_TO_TID(s->handle) == clientTid) {
count2 ++;
return (count1 << 16) | count2;
bool sensorTriggerOndemand(uint32_t unusedTid, uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s || !s->hasOndemand)
return false;
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, osGetCurrentTid());
if (req)
return sensorCallFuncTrigger(s);
// not found -> do not report
return false;
bool sensorFlush(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s)
return false;
return sensorCallFuncFlush(s);
bool sensorCalibrate(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s)
return false;
return sensorCallFuncCalibrate(s);
bool sensorSelfTest(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s)
return false;
return sensorCallFuncSelfTest(s);
bool sensorCfgData(uint32_t sensorHandle, void* cfgData)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s)
return false;
return sensorCallFuncCfgData(s, cfgData);
uint32_t sensorGetCurRate(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
return s ? s->currentRate : SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
uint64_t sensorGetCurLatency(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
return s ? s->currentLatency : SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
uint32_t sensorGetHwRate(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
return s ? sensorCalcHwRate(s, 0, 0) : SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
uint64_t sensorGetHwLatency(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
return s ? sensorCalcHwLatency(s) : SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
uint32_t sensorGetReqRate(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, osGetCurrentTid());
return req ? req->rate : SENSOR_RATE_OFF;
uint64_t sensorGetReqLatency(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct SensorsClientRequest *req = sensorClientRequestFind(sensorHandle, osGetCurrentTid());
return req ? req->latency : SENSOR_LATENCY_INVALID;
uint64_t sensorGetTime(void)
return rtcGetTime();
bool sensorGetInitComplete(uint32_t sensorHandle)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
return s ? s->initComplete : false;
bool sensorMarshallEvent(uint32_t sensorHandle, uint32_t evtType, void *evtData, TaggedPtr *evtFreeingInfoP)
struct Sensor* s = sensorFindByHandle(sensorHandle);
if (!s)
return false;
return sensorCallFuncMarshall(s, evtType, evtData, evtFreeingInfoP);