| 0. Directory structure |
| |
| For ease of source browsing this directory may contain soft links to variant |
| directories located elsewhere; |
| build scripts fully support such layout, however this is not necessary in order |
| to build such variants. |
| |
| 1. HW Customization |
| |
| 1.1 General description |
| - wakeup-gpio has direction from Application Processor (AP) to ContextHub |
| - irq1 has direction from ContextHub to AP (wakeup interrupt) |
| - irq2 has direction from ContextHub to AP (non-wakeup interrupt) (optional) |
| |
| 1.2 Kernel side |
| - wakeup-gpio = SH_INT_WAKEUP |
| - irq1-gpio = AP_INT_WAKEUP |
| - irq2-gpio = AP_INT_NONWAKEUP |
| |
| 1.3 ContextHub side |
| - #define SH_INT_WAKEUP PX(N0) |
| - #define AP_INT_WAKEUP PY(N1) |
| - #define AP_INT_NONWAKEUP PZ(N2) |