blob: dce73facf0ed51db665cd4eccf20bcbf2cbf5325 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
type OnFail int
const (
IgnoreOnFail OnFail = iota
type arrayFlags []string
// Implemented for flag#Value interface
func (s *arrayFlags) String() string {
if s == nil {
return ""
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", *s)
// Implemented for flag#Value interface
func (s *arrayFlags) Set(value string) error {
*s = append(*s, value)
return nil
// Returns `"foo" "bar"`
func (s *arrayFlags) AsArgs() string {
var result []string
for _, value := range *s {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf("%q", value))
return strings.Join(result, " ")
// Returns `--flag="foo" --flag="bar"`
func (s *arrayFlags) AsRepeatedFlag(name string) string {
var result []string
for _, value := range *s {
result = append(result, fmt.Sprintf(`--%s="%s"`, name, value))
return strings.Join(result, " ")
var build_instance string
var build_project string
var build_zone string
var dest_image string
var dest_family string
var dest_project string
var launch_instance string
var arch string
var source_image_family string
var source_image_project string
var repository_url string
var repository_branch string
var version string
var internal_ip_flag string
var INTERNAL_extra_source string
var verbose bool
var username string
// NOTE: For `gcloud compute ssh` command, `ssh_flags` will be used as SSH_ARGS rather than
// as `--ssh_flag` repeated flag. Why? because --ssh_flag is not parsed as expected when
// containing quotes and spaces.
var ssh_flags arrayFlags
var host_orchestration_flag bool
func init() {
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
username = user.Username
flag.StringVar(&build_instance, "build_instance",
username+"-build", "Instance name to create for the build")
flag.StringVar(&build_project, "build_project",
mustShell("gcloud config get-value project"), "Project to use for scratch")
// The new get-value output format is different. The result is in 2nd line.
str_list := strings.Split(build_project, "\n")
if len(str_list) == 2 {
build_project = str_list[1]
flag.StringVar(&build_zone, "build_zone",
mustShell("gcloud config get-value compute/zone"),
"Zone to use for scratch resources")
// The new get-value output format is different. The result is in 2nd line.
str_list = strings.Split(build_zone, "\n")
if len(str_list) == 2 {
build_zone = str_list[1]
flag.StringVar(&dest_image, "dest_image",
"vsoc-host-scratch-"+username, "Image to create")
flag.StringVar(&dest_family, "dest_family", "",
"Image family to add the image to")
flag.StringVar(&dest_project, "dest_project",
mustShell("gcloud config get-value project"), "Project to use for the new image")
// The new get-value output format is different. The result is in 2nd line.
str_list = strings.Split(dest_project, "\n")
if len(str_list) == 2 {
dest_project = str_list[1]
flag.StringVar(&launch_instance, "launch_instance", "",
"Name of the instance to launch with the new image")
flag.StringVar(&arch, "arch", "gce_x86_64",
"Which CPU arch, arm/x86_64/gce_x86_64")
flag.StringVar(&source_image_family, "source_image_family", "debian-11",
"Image familty to use as the base")
flag.StringVar(&source_image_project, "source_image_project", "debian-cloud",
"Project holding the base image")
flag.StringVar(&repository_url, "repository_url",
"URL to the repository with host changes")
flag.StringVar(&repository_branch, "repository_branch",
"main", "Branch to check out")
flag.StringVar(&version, "version", "", "cuttlefish-common version")
flag.StringVar(&internal_ip_flag, "INTERNAL_IP", "",
"INTERNAL_IP can be set to --internal-ip run on a GCE instance."+
"The instance will need --scope compute-rw.")
flag.StringVar(&INTERNAL_extra_source, "INTERNAL_extra_source", "",
"INTERNAL_extra_source may be set to a directory containing the source for extra packages to build.")
flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "verbose", true, "print commands and output (default: true)")
flag.Var(&ssh_flags, "ssh_flag",
"Values for --ssh-flag and --scp_flag for gcloud compute ssh/scp respectively. This flag may be repeated")
flag.BoolVar(&host_orchestration_flag, "host_orchestration", false,
"assembles image with host orchestration capabilities")
func shell(cmd string) (string, error) {
if verbose {
b, err := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", cmd).CombinedOutput()
if verbose {
if err != nil {
return "", err
return strings.TrimSpace(string(b)), nil
func mustShell(cmd string) string {
if verbose {
out, err := shell(cmd)
if err != nil {
if verbose {
return strings.TrimSpace(out)
func gce(action OnFail, gceArg string, errorStr ...string) (string, error) {
cmd := "gcloud " + gceArg
out, err := shell(cmd)
if out != "" {
if err != nil && action != IgnoreOnFail {
var buf string
fmt.Sprintf(buf, "gcloud error occurred: %s", err)
if len(errorStr) > 0 {
buf += " [" + errorStr[0] + "]"
if action == ExitOnFail {
if action == WarnOnFail {
return out, err
func waitForInstance(PZ string) {
for {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
_, err := gce(WarnOnFail, `compute ssh `+internal_ip_flag+` `+PZ+` `+
build_instance+` -- `+ssh_flags.AsArgs()+` uptime `)
if err == nil {
func packageSource(url string, branch string, subdir string) {
repository_dir := url[strings.LastIndex(url, "/")+1:]
repository_dir = mustShell(`basename "` + repository_dir + `" .git`)
debian_dir := repository_dir
if subdir != "" {
debian_dir = repository_dir + "/" + subdir
mustShell("git clone " + url + " -b " + branch)
mustShell("dpkg-source -b " + debian_dir)
mustShell("rm -rf " + repository_dir)
mustShell("ls -l")
func createInstance(instance string, arg string) {
_, err := gce(WarnOnFail, `compute instances describe "`+instance+`"`)
if err != nil {
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute instances create `+arg+` "`+instance+`"`)
func main() {
gpu_type := "nvidia-tesla-p100-vws"
PZ := "--project=" + build_project + " --zone=" + build_zone
if arch != "gce_x86_64" {
// new path that generate image locally without creating GCE instance
abt := os.Getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP")
cmd := `"` + abt + `/device/google/cuttlefish/tools/"`
cmd += " " + arch
out, err := shell(cmd)
if out != "" {
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("create_base_image arch %s error occurred: %s", arch, err)
// gce operations
delete_instances := build_instance + " " + dest_image
if launch_instance != "" {
delete_instances += " " + launch_instance
zip_file := "disk_" + username + ".raw.tar.gz"
gs_file := "gs://cloud-android-testing-esp/" + zip_file
cloud_storage_file := "" + zip_file
location := "us"
// delete all previous instances, images and disks
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute instances delete -q `+PZ+` `+delete_instances, `Not running`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute disks delete -q `+PZ+` "`+dest_image+`"`, `No scratch disk`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute images delete -q --project="`+build_project+`" "`+dest_image+`"`,
`Not respinning`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `alpha storage rm `+gs_file)
// upload new local host image into GCE storage
gce(WarnOnFail, `alpha storage cp `+abt+`/`+zip_file+` gs://cloud-android-testing-esp`)
// create GCE image based on new uploaded host image
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute images create "`+dest_image+`" --project="`+build_project+
`" --family="`+source_image_family+`" --source-uri="`+cloud_storage_file+
`" --storage-location="`+location+`" --guest-os-features=UEFI_COMPATIBLE`)
// find Nvidia GPU and then create GCE instance
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute accelerator-types describe "`+gpu_type+`" `+PZ,
`Please use a zone with `+gpu_type+` GPUs available.`)
createInstance(build_instance, PZ+
` --machine-type=n1-standard-16 --network-interface=network-tier=PREMIUM,subnet=default`+
` --accelerator="type=`+gpu_type+
`,count=1" --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE --provisioning-model=STANDARD`+
` --scopes=,`+
` --tags=http-server --create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=`+build_instance+
`/diskTypes/pd-balanced --no-shielded-secure-boot --shielded-vtpm`+
` --shielded-integrity-monitoring --reservation-affinity=any`)
// enable serial-port (console)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute instances add-metadata `+build_instance+
` --metadata serial-port-enable=TRUE`)
dest_family_flag := ""
if dest_family != "" {
dest_family_flag = "--family=" + dest_family
scratch_dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
if err != nil {
oldDir, err := os.Getwd()
if err != nil {
packageSource(repository_url, repository_branch, "base")
packageSource(repository_url, repository_branch, "frontend")
abt := os.Getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP")
source_files := `"` + abt + `/device/google/cuttlefish/tools/"`
source_files += " " + `"` + abt + `/device/google/cuttlefish/tools/"`
source_files += " " + `"` + abt + `/device/google/cuttlefish/tools/"`
source_files += " " + `"` + abt + `/device/google/cuttlefish/tools/"`
source_files += " " + scratch_dir + "/*"
if INTERNAL_extra_source != "" {
source_files += " " + INTERNAL_extra_source + "/*"
delete_instances := build_instance + " " + dest_image
if launch_instance != "" {
delete_instances += " " + launch_instance
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute instances delete -q `+PZ+` `+delete_instances,
`Not running`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute disks delete -q `+PZ+` "`+dest_image+
`"`, `No scratch disk`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute images delete -q --project="`+build_project+
`" "`+dest_image+`"`, `Not respinning`)
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute disks create `+PZ+` --image-family="`+source_image_family+
`" --image-project="`+source_image_project+`" "`+dest_image+`"`)
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute accelerator-types describe "`+gpu_type+`" `+PZ,
`Please use a zone with `+gpu_type+` GPUs available.`)
createInstance(build_instance, PZ+
` --machine-type=n1-standard-16 --image-family="`+source_image_family+
`" --image-project="`+source_image_project+
`" --boot-disk-size=200GiB --accelerator="type=`+gpu_type+
`,count=1" --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE --boot-disk-size=200GiB`)
// Ubuntu tends to mount the wrong disk as root, so help it by waiting until
// it has booted before giving it access to the clean image disk
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute instances attach-disk `+PZ+` "`+build_instance+
`" --disk="`+dest_image+`"`)
// beta for the --internal-ip flag that may be passed via internal_ip_flag
gce(ExitOnFail, `beta compute scp `+internal_ip_flag+` `+PZ+` `+source_files+
` "`+build_instance+`:" `+ssh_flags.AsRepeatedFlag("scp-flag"))
// Update the host kernel before installing any kernel modules
// Needed to guarantee that the modules in the chroot aren't built for the
// wrong kernel
gce(WarnOnFail, `compute ssh `+internal_ip_flag+` `+PZ+` "`+build_instance+
`"`+` -- `+ssh_flags.AsArgs()+` ./`)
// TODO rammuthiah if the instance is clobbered with ssh commands within
// 5 seconds of reboot, it becomes inaccessible. Workaround that by sleeping
// 50 seconds.
time.Sleep(50 * time.Second)
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute ssh `+internal_ip_flag+` `+PZ+` "`+build_instance+
`"`+` -- `+ssh_flags.AsArgs()+` ./`)
ho_arg := ""
if host_orchestration_flag {
ho_arg = "-o"
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute ssh `+internal_ip_flag+` `+PZ+` "`+build_instance+
`"`+` -- `+ssh_flags.AsArgs()+` ./ `+ho_arg)
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute instances delete -q `+PZ+` "`+build_instance+`"`)
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute images create --project="`+build_project+
`" --source-disk="`+dest_image+`" --source-disk-zone="`+build_zone+
`" --licenses= `+
dest_family_flag+` "`+dest_image+`"`)
gce(ExitOnFail, `compute disks delete -q `+PZ+` "`+dest_image+`"`)
if launch_instance != "" {
createInstance(launch_instance, PZ+
` --image-project="`+build_project+`" --image="`+dest_image+
`" --machine-type=n1-standard-4 --scopes storage-ro --accelerator="type=`+
gpu_type+`,count=1" --maintenance-policy=TERMINATE`)
fmt.Printf("Test and if this looks good, consider releasing it via:\n"+
"gcloud compute images create \\\n"+
" --project=\"%s\" \\\n"+
" --source-image=\"%s\" \\\n"+
" --source-image-project=\"%s\" \\\n"+
" \"%s\" \\\n"+
" \"%s\"\n",
dest_project, dest_image, build_project, dest_family_flag, dest_image)