blob: d1230177af25ad96e8b2df20d924ba4ebeebff83 [file] [log] [blame]
hal_client_domain(hal_camera_default, hal_graphics_allocator)
# For camera hal to talk with sensor service
binder_call(hal_camera_default, sensor_service_server)
binder_call(sensor_service_server, hal_camera_default)
# Allow the Camera HAL to communicate with the thermal HAL.
hal_client_domain(hal_camera_default, hal_thermal)
# Vsocket camera
allow hal_camera_default self:vsock_socket { accept bind create getopt listen read write };
set_prop(hal_camera_default, vendor_camera_prop)
# For observing apex file changes
allow hal_camera_default apex_info_file:file r_file_perms;