| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| { |
| global: |
| # OpenGL ES 1.1 API |
| glActiveTexture; |
| glAlphaFunc; |
| glAlphaFuncx; |
| glAlphaFuncxOES; |
| glBindBuffer; |
| glBindFramebufferOES; |
| glBindRenderbufferOES; |
| glBindTexture; |
| glBindVertexArrayOES; |
| glBlendEquationOES; |
| glBlendEquationSeparateOES; |
| glBlendFunc; |
| glBlendFuncSeparateOES; |
| glBufferData; |
| glBufferSubData; |
| glCheckFramebufferStatusOES; |
| glClear; |
| glClearColor; |
| glClearColorx; |
| glClearColorxOES; |
| glClearDepthf; |
| glClearDepthfOES; |
| glClearDepthx; |
| glClearDepthxOES; |
| glClearStencil; |
| glClientActiveTexture; |
| glClipPlanef; |
| glClipPlanefIMG; |
| glClipPlanefOES; |
| glClipPlanex; |
| glClipPlanexIMG; |
| glClipPlanexOES; |
| glColor4f; |
| glColor4ub; |
| glColor4x; |
| glColor4xOES; |
| glColorMask; |
| glColorPointer; |
| glCompressedTexImage2D; |
| glCompressedTexSubImage2D; |
| glCopyTexImage2D; |
| glCopyTexSubImage2D; |
| glCullFace; |
| glCurrentPaletteMatrixOES; |
| glDeleteBuffers; |
| glDeleteFencesNV; |
| glDeleteFramebuffersOES; |
| glDeleteRenderbuffersOES; |
| glDeleteTextures; |
| glDeleteVertexArraysOES; |
| glDepthFunc; |
| glDepthMask; |
| glDepthRangef; |
| glDepthRangefOES; |
| glDepthRangex; |
| glDepthRangexOES; |
| glDisable; |
| glDisableClientState; |
| glDisableDriverControlQCOM; |
| glDiscardFramebufferEXT; |
| glDrawArrays; |
| glDrawElements; |
| glDrawTexfOES; |
| glDrawTexfvOES; |
| glDrawTexiOES; |
| glDrawTexivOES; |
| glDrawTexsOES; |
| glDrawTexsvOES; |
| glDrawTexxOES; |
| glDrawTexxvOES; |
| glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES; |
| glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES; |
| glEnable; |
| glEnableClientState; |
| glEnableDriverControlQCOM; |
| glEndTilingQCOM; |
| glExtGetBufferPointervQCOM; |
| glExtGetBuffersQCOM; |
| glExtGetFramebuffersQCOM; |
| glExtGetProgramBinarySourceQCOM; |
| glExtGetProgramsQCOM; |
| glExtGetRenderbuffersQCOM; |
| glExtGetShadersQCOM; |
| glExtGetTexLevelParameterivQCOM; |
| glExtGetTexSubImageQCOM; |
| glExtGetTexturesQCOM; |
| glExtIsProgramBinaryQCOM; |
| glExtTexObjectStateOverrideiQCOM; |
| glFinish; |
| glFinishFenceNV; |
| glFinishRoundTrip; |
| glFlush; |
| glFogf; |
| glFogfv; |
| glFogx; |
| glFogxOES; |
| glFogxv; |
| glFogxvOES; |
| glFramebufferRenderbufferOES; |
| glFramebufferTexture2DMultisampleIMG; |
| glFramebufferTexture2DOES; |
| glFrontFace; |
| glFrustumf; |
| glFrustumfOES; |
| glFrustumx; |
| glFrustumxOES; |
| glGenBuffers; |
| glGenerateMipmapOES; |
| glGenFencesNV; |
| glGenFramebuffersOES; |
| glGenRenderbuffersOES; |
| glGenTextures; |
| glGenVertexArraysOES; |
| glGetBooleanv; |
| glGetBufferParameteriv; |
| glGetBufferPointervOES; |
| glGetClipPlanef; |
| glGetClipPlanefOES; |
| glGetClipPlanex; |
| glGetClipPlanexOES; |
| glGetCompressedTextureFormats; |
| glGetDriverControlsQCOM; |
| glGetDriverControlStringQCOM; |
| glGetError; |
| glGetFenceivNV; |
| glGetFixedv; |
| glGetFixedvOES; |
| glGetFloatv; |
| glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES; |
| glGetIntegerv; |
| glGetLightfv; |
| glGetLightxv; |
| glGetLightxvOES; |
| glGetMaterialfv; |
| glGetMaterialxv; |
| glGetMaterialxvOES; |
| glGetPointerv; |
| glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES; |
| glGetString; |
| glGetTexEnvfv; |
| glGetTexEnviv; |
| glGetTexEnvxv; |
| glGetTexEnvxvOES; |
| glGetTexGenfvOES; |
| glGetTexGenivOES; |
| glGetTexGenxvOES; |
| glGetTexParameterfv; |
| glGetTexParameteriv; |
| glGetTexParameterxv; |
| glGetTexParameterxvOES; |
| glHint; |
| glIsBuffer; |
| glIsEnabled; |
| glIsFenceNV; |
| glIsFramebufferOES; |
| glIsRenderbufferOES; |
| glIsTexture; |
| glIsVertexArrayOES; |
| glLightf; |
| glLightfv; |
| glLightModelf; |
| glLightModelfv; |
| glLightModelx; |
| glLightModelxOES; |
| glLightModelxv; |
| glLightModelxvOES; |
| glLightx; |
| glLightxOES; |
| glLightxv; |
| glLightxvOES; |
| glLineWidth; |
| glLineWidthx; |
| glLineWidthxOES; |
| glLoadIdentity; |
| glLoadMatrixf; |
| glLoadMatrixx; |
| glLoadMatrixxOES; |
| glLoadPaletteFromModelViewMatrixOES; |
| glLogicOp; |
| glMapBufferOES; |
| glMaterialf; |
| glMaterialfv; |
| glMaterialx; |
| glMaterialxOES; |
| glMaterialxv; |
| glMaterialxvOES; |
| glMatrixIndexPointerOES; |
| glMatrixMode; |
| glMultiDrawArraysEXT; |
| glMultiDrawArraysSUN; |
| glMultiDrawElementsEXT; |
| glMultiDrawElementsSUN; |
| glMultiTexCoord4f; |
| glMultiTexCoord4x; |
| glMultiTexCoord4xOES; |
| glMultMatrixf; |
| glMultMatrixx; |
| glMultMatrixxOES; |
| glNormal3f; |
| glNormal3x; |
| glNormal3xOES; |
| glNormalPointer; |
| glOrthof; |
| glOrthofOES; |
| glOrthox; |
| glOrthoxOES; |
| glPixelStorei; |
| glPointParameterf; |
| glPointParameterfv; |
| glPointParameterx; |
| glPointParameterxOES; |
| glPointParameterxv; |
| glPointParameterxvOES; |
| glPointSize; |
| glPointSizePointerOES; |
| glPointSizex; |
| glPointSizexOES; |
| glPolygonOffset; |
| glPolygonOffsetx; |
| glPolygonOffsetxOES; |
| glPopMatrix; |
| glPushMatrix; |
| glQueryMatrixxOES; |
| glReadPixels; |
| glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleIMG; |
| glRenderbufferStorageOES; |
| glRotatef; |
| glRotatex; |
| glRotatexOES; |
| glSampleCoverage; |
| glSampleCoveragex; |
| glSampleCoveragexOES; |
| glScalef; |
| glScalex; |
| glScalexOES; |
| glScissor; |
| glSetFenceNV; |
| glShadeModel; |
| glStartTilingQCOM; |
| glStencilFunc; |
| glStencilMask; |
| glStencilOp; |
| glTestFenceNV; |
| glTexCoordPointer; |
| glTexEnvf; |
| glTexEnvfv; |
| glTexEnvi; |
| glTexEnviv; |
| glTexEnvx; |
| glTexEnvxOES; |
| glTexEnvxv; |
| glTexEnvxvOES; |
| glTexGenfOES; |
| glTexGenfvOES; |
| glTexGeniOES; |
| glTexGenivOES; |
| glTexGenxOES; |
| glTexGenxvOES; |
| glTexImage2D; |
| glTexParameterf; |
| glTexParameterfv; |
| glTexParameteri; |
| glTexParameteriv; |
| glTexParameterx; |
| glTexParameterxOES; |
| glTexParameterxv; |
| glTexParameterxvOES; |
| glTexSubImage2D; |
| glTranslatef; |
| glTranslatex; |
| glTranslatexOES; |
| glUnmapBufferOES; |
| glVertexPointer; |
| glViewport; |
| glWeightPointerOES; |
| |
| # Type-strings and type-infos required by sanitizers |
| _ZTS*; |
| _ZTI*; |
| |
| local: |
| *; |
| }; |