blob: 21a5ccadc3e65feb5af4ea66f01d8a64acb3ef46 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/disk_flags.h"
#include <sys/statvfs.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
#include "common/libs/utils/environment.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/boot_config.h"
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/boot_image_utils.h"
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/image_aggregator.h"
#include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/super_image_mixer.h"
#include "host/libs/config/bootconfig_args.h"
#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
#include "host/libs/config/data_image.h"
#include "host/libs/vm_manager/crosvm_manager.h"
// Taken from external/avb/libavb/avb_slot_verify.c; this define is not in the headers
#define VBMETA_MAX_SIZE 65536ul
DEFINE_string(system_image_dir, cuttlefish::DefaultGuestImagePath(""),
"Location of the system partition images.");
DEFINE_string(boot_image, "",
"Location of cuttlefish boot image. If empty it is assumed to be "
"boot.img in the directory specified by -system_image_dir.");
DEFINE_string(data_image, "", "Location of the data partition image.");
DEFINE_string(super_image, "", "Location of the super partition image.");
DEFINE_string(misc_image, "",
"Location of the misc partition image. If the image does not "
"exist, a blank new misc partition image is created.");
DEFINE_string(metadata_image, "", "Location of the metadata partition image "
"to be generated.");
DEFINE_string(vendor_boot_image, "",
"Location of cuttlefish vendor boot image. If empty it is assumed to "
"be vendor_boot.img in the directory specified by -system_image_dir.");
DEFINE_string(vbmeta_image, "",
"Location of cuttlefish vbmeta image. If empty it is assumed to "
"be vbmeta.img in the directory specified by -system_image_dir.");
DEFINE_string(vbmeta_system_image, "",
"Location of cuttlefish vbmeta_system image. If empty it is assumed to "
"be vbmeta_system.img in the directory specified by -system_image_dir.");
DEFINE_string(esp, "", "Path to ESP partition image (FAT formatted)");
DEFINE_int32(blank_metadata_image_mb, 16,
"The size of the blank metadata image to generate, MB.");
DEFINE_int32(blank_sdcard_image_mb, 2048,
"If enabled, the size of the blank sdcard image to generate, MB.");
namespace cuttlefish {
using vm_manager::CrosvmManager;
bool ResolveInstanceFiles() {
if (FLAGS_system_image_dir.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "--system_image_dir must be specified.";
return false;
// If user did not specify location of either of these files, expect them to
// be placed in --system_image_dir location.
std::string default_boot_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/boot.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("boot_image", default_boot_image.c_str(),
std::string default_data_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/userdata.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("data_image", default_data_image.c_str(),
std::string default_metadata_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/metadata.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("metadata_image", default_metadata_image.c_str(),
std::string default_super_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/super.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("super_image", default_super_image.c_str(),
std::string default_misc_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/misc.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("misc_image", default_misc_image.c_str(),
std::string default_vendor_boot_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir
+ "/vendor_boot.img";
std::string default_vbmeta_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir + "/vbmeta.img";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("vbmeta_image", default_vbmeta_image.c_str(),
std::string default_vbmeta_system_image = FLAGS_system_image_dir
+ "/vbmeta_system.img";
return true;
std::vector<ImagePartition> os_composite_disk_config(
const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance) {
std::vector<ImagePartition> partitions;
// Note that if the positions of env or misc change, the environment for
// u-boot must be updated as well (see and
// configs/cf-x86_defconfig in external/u-boot).
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "uboot_env",
.image_file_path = instance.uboot_env_image_path(),
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "misc",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_misc_image,
if (!FLAGS_esp.empty()) {
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "esp",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_esp,
.type = kEfiSystemPartition,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "boot_a",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_boot_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "boot_b",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_boot_image,
// Boot image repacking is not supported on protected VMs. Repacking requires
// resigning the image and keys on android hosts aren't trusted.
if (!FLAGS_protected_vm) {
.label = "vendor_boot_a",
.image_file_path = instance.vendor_boot_image_path(),
.label = "vendor_boot_b",
.image_file_path = instance.vendor_boot_image_path(),
} else {
.label = "vendor_boot_a",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vendor_boot_image,
.label = "vendor_boot_b",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vendor_boot_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "vbmeta_a",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vbmeta_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "vbmeta_b",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vbmeta_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "vbmeta_system_a",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vbmeta_system_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "vbmeta_system_b",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_vbmeta_system_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "super",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_super_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "userdata",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_data_image,
partitions.push_back(ImagePartition {
.label = "metadata",
.image_file_path = FLAGS_metadata_image,
return partitions;
static std::chrono::system_clock::time_point LastUpdatedInputDisk(
const std::vector<ImagePartition>& partitions) {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point ret;
for (auto& partition : partitions) {
auto partition_mod_time = FileModificationTime(partition.image_file_path);
if (partition_mod_time > ret) {
ret = partition_mod_time;
return ret;
bool ShouldCreateAllCompositeDisks(const CuttlefishConfig& config) {
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point youngest_disk_img;
for (auto& partition :
os_composite_disk_config(config.ForDefaultInstance())) {
if (partition.label == "uboot_env") {
auto partition_mod_time = FileModificationTime(partition.image_file_path);
if (partition_mod_time > youngest_disk_img) {
youngest_disk_img = partition_mod_time;
// If the youngest partition img is younger than any composite disk, this fact implies that
// the composite disks are all out of date and need to be reinitialized.
for (auto& instance : config.Instances()) {
if (!FileExists(instance.os_composite_disk_path())) {
if (youngest_disk_img >
FileModificationTime(instance.os_composite_disk_path())) {
return true;
return false;
bool DoesCompositeMatchCurrentDiskConfig(
const std::string& prior_disk_config_path,
const std::vector<ImagePartition>& partitions) {
std::string current_disk_config_path = prior_disk_config_path + ".tmp";
std::ostringstream disk_conf;
for (auto& partition : partitions) {
disk_conf << partition.image_file_path << "\n";
// This file acts as a descriptor of the cuttlefish disk contents in a VMM agnostic way (VMMs
// used are QEMU and CrosVM at the time of writing). This file is used to determine if the
// disk config for the pending boot matches the disk from the past boot.
std::ofstream file_out(current_disk_config_path.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
file_out << disk_conf.str();
CHECK(file_out.good()) << "Disk config verification failed.";
if (!FileExists(prior_disk_config_path) ||
ReadFile(prior_disk_config_path) != ReadFile(current_disk_config_path)) {
CHECK(cuttlefish::RenameFile(current_disk_config_path, prior_disk_config_path))
<< "Unable to delete the old disk config descriptor";
LOG(DEBUG) << "Disk Config has changed since last boot. Regenerating composite disk.";
return false;
} else {
return true;
bool ShouldCreateCompositeDisk(const std::string& composite_disk_path,
const std::vector<ImagePartition>& partitions) {
if (!FileExists(composite_disk_path)) {
return true;
auto composite_age = FileModificationTime(composite_disk_path);
return composite_age < LastUpdatedInputDisk(partitions);
static uint64_t AvailableSpaceAtPath(const std::string& path) {
struct statvfs vfs;
if (statvfs(path.c_str(), &vfs) != 0) {
int error_num = errno;
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not find space available at " << path << ", error was "
<< strerror(error_num);
return 0;
// f_frsize (block size) * f_bavail (free blocks) for unprivileged users.
return static_cast<uint64_t>(vfs.f_frsize) * vfs.f_bavail;
bool CreateCompositeDisk(const CuttlefishConfig& config,
const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance) {
if (!SharedFD::Open(instance.os_composite_disk_path().c_str(),
->IsOpen()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not ensure " << instance.os_composite_disk_path()
<< " exists";
return false;
if (config.vm_manager() == CrosvmManager::name()) {
// Check if filling in the sparse image would run out of disk space.
auto existing_sizes = SparseFileSizes(FLAGS_data_image);
if (existing_sizes.sparse_size == 0 && existing_sizes.disk_size == 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to determine size of \"" << FLAGS_data_image
<< "\". Does this file exist?";
auto available_space = AvailableSpaceAtPath(FLAGS_data_image);
if (available_space < existing_sizes.sparse_size - existing_sizes.disk_size) {
// TODO(schuffelen): Duplicate this check in run_cvd when it can run on a separate machine
LOG(ERROR) << "Not enough space remaining in fs containing " << FLAGS_data_image;
LOG(ERROR) << "Wanted " << (existing_sizes.sparse_size - existing_sizes.disk_size);
LOG(ERROR) << "Got " << available_space;
return false;
} else {
LOG(DEBUG) << "Available space: " << available_space;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Sparse size of \"" << FLAGS_data_image << "\": "
<< existing_sizes.sparse_size;
LOG(DEBUG) << "Disk size of \"" << FLAGS_data_image << "\": "
<< existing_sizes.disk_size;
std::string header_path =
std::string footer_path =
CreateCompositeDisk(os_composite_disk_config(instance), header_path,
footer_path, instance.os_composite_disk_path());
} else {
// If this doesn't fit into the disk, it will fail while aggregating. The
// aggregator doesn't maintain any sparse attributes.
return true;
static void RepackAllBootImages(const CuttlefishConfig* config) {
<< "File not found: " << FLAGS_boot_image;
<< "File not found: " << FLAGS_vendor_boot_image;
if (FLAGS_kernel_path.size()) {
const std::string new_boot_image_path =
bool success = RepackBootImage(FLAGS_kernel_path, FLAGS_boot_image,
new_boot_image_path, config->assembly_dir());
CHECK(success) << "Failed to regenerate the boot image with the new kernel";
SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("boot_image", new_boot_image_path.c_str(),
for (auto instance : config->Instances()) {
const std::string new_vendor_boot_image_path =
const std::vector<std::string> boot_config_vector =
BootconfigArgsFromConfig(*config, instance);
if (FLAGS_kernel_path.size() || FLAGS_initramfs_path.size()) {
// Repack the vendor boot images if kernels and/or ramdisks are passed in.
if (FLAGS_initramfs_path.size()) {
bool success = RepackVendorBootImage(
FLAGS_initramfs_path, FLAGS_vendor_boot_image,
new_vendor_boot_image_path, config->assembly_dir(),
instance.instance_dir(), boot_config_vector,
CHECK(success) << "Failed to regenerate the vendor boot image with the "
"new ramdisk";
} else {
// This control flow implies a kernel with all configs built in.
// If it's just the kernel, repack the vendor boot image without a
// ramdisk.
bool success = RepackVendorBootImageWithEmptyRamdisk(
FLAGS_vendor_boot_image, new_vendor_boot_image_path,
config->assembly_dir(), instance.instance_dir(), boot_config_vector,
<< "Failed to regenerate the vendor boot image without a ramdisk";
} else {
// Repack the vendor boot image to add the instance specific bootconfig
// parameters
bool success = RepackVendorBootImage(
std::string(), FLAGS_vendor_boot_image, new_vendor_boot_image_path,
config->assembly_dir(), instance.instance_dir(), boot_config_vector,
CHECK(success) << "Failed to regenerate the vendor boot image";
void CreateDynamicDiskFiles(const FetcherConfig& fetcher_config,
const CuttlefishConfig* config) {
// Create misc if necessary
CHECK(InitializeMiscImage(FLAGS_misc_image)) << "Failed to create misc image";
// Create data if necessary
DataImageResult dataImageResult = ApplyDataImagePolicy(*config, FLAGS_data_image);
CHECK(dataImageResult != DataImageResult::Error) << "Failed to set up userdata";
if (!FileExists(FLAGS_metadata_image)) {
CreateBlankImage(FLAGS_metadata_image, FLAGS_blank_metadata_image_mb, "none");
// If we are booting a protected VM, for now, assume we want a super minimal
// environment with no userdata encryption, limited debug, no FRP emulation, a
// static env for the bootloader, no SD-Card and no resume-on-reboot HAL
// support. We can also assume that image repacking isn't trusted. Repacking
// requires resigning the image and keys from an android host aren't trusted.
if (!FLAGS_protected_vm) {
// TODO(b/181812679) remove this block when we no longer need to create the
// env partition.
for (auto instance : config->Instances()) {
CHECK(InitBootloaderEnvPartition(*config, instance))
<< "Failed to create bootloader environment partition";
for (const auto& instance : config->Instances()) {
if (!FileExists(instance.access_kregistry_path())) {
CreateBlankImage(instance.access_kregistry_path(), 2 /* mb */, "none");
if (!FileExists(instance.pstore_path())) {
CreateBlankImage(instance.pstore_path(), 2 /* mb */, "none");
if (FLAGS_use_sdcard && !FileExists(instance.sdcard_path())) {
FLAGS_blank_sdcard_image_mb, "sdcard");
const auto frp = instance.factory_reset_protected_path();
if (!FileExists(frp)) {
CreateBlankImage(frp, 1 /* mb */, "none");
// libavb expects to be able to read the maximum vbmeta size, so we must
// provide a partition which matches this or the read will fail
for (const auto& vbmeta_image : { FLAGS_vbmeta_image, FLAGS_vbmeta_system_image }) {
if (FileSize(vbmeta_image) != VBMETA_MAX_SIZE) {
auto fd = SharedFD::Open(vbmeta_image, O_RDWR);
CHECK(fd->Truncate(VBMETA_MAX_SIZE) == 0)
<< "`truncate --size=" << VBMETA_MAX_SIZE << " " << vbmeta_image << "` "
<< "failed: " << fd->StrError();
<< "File not found: " << FLAGS_bootloader;
if (!FLAGS_esp.empty()) {
<< "File not found: " << FLAGS_esp;
if (SuperImageNeedsRebuilding(fetcher_config, *config)) {
bool success = RebuildSuperImage(fetcher_config, *config, FLAGS_super_image);
CHECK(success) << "Super image rebuilding requested but could not be completed.";
bool newDataImage = dataImageResult == DataImageResult::FileUpdated;
for (auto instance : config->Instances()) {
bool compositeMatchesDiskConfig = DoesCompositeMatchCurrentDiskConfig(
bool oldCompositeDisk = ShouldCreateCompositeDisk(
instance.os_composite_disk_path(), os_composite_disk_config(instance));
if (!compositeMatchesDiskConfig || oldCompositeDisk || !FLAGS_resume || newDataImage) {
if (FLAGS_resume) {
LOG(INFO) << "Requested to continue an existing session, (the default) "
<< "but the disk files have become out of date. Wiping the "
<< "old session files and starting a new session for device "
<< instance.serial_number();
CHECK(CreateCompositeDisk(*config, instance))
<< "Failed to create composite disk";
if (FileExists(instance.access_kregistry_path())) {
CreateBlankImage(instance.access_kregistry_path(), 2 /* mb */, "none");
if (FileExists(instance.pstore_path())) {
CreateBlankImage(instance.pstore_path(), 2 /* mb */, "none");
if (!FLAGS_protected_vm) {
for (auto instance : config->Instances()) {
auto overlay_path = instance.PerInstancePath("overlay.img");
bool missingOverlay = !FileExists(overlay_path);
bool newOverlay = FileModificationTime(overlay_path) <
if (missingOverlay || !FLAGS_resume || newOverlay) {
instance.os_composite_disk_path(), overlay_path);
for (auto instance : config->Instances()) {
// Check that the files exist
for (const auto& file : instance.virtual_disk_paths()) {
if (!file.empty()) {
CHECK(FileHasContent(file)) << "File not found: " << file;
} // namespace cuttlefish