blob: 46659fb3d98716e5bb65c3fb23090d7a1f683d41 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto2";
package cuttlefish;
import "common.proto";
import "cf_metrics_event.proto";
// Wrapper for Cuttlefish log events
// Next index: 7
message CuttlefishLogEvent {
// Defines the device class that this log was sourced from.
// This may not be the same device which uploaded the log event.
// Next index: 3
enum DeviceType {
// The log event was sourced from an unspecified device type.
// A log event that was sourced from a Cuttlefish host device.
// A log event that was sent by an Cuttlefish guest device.
// Local time on the event source device of when this event occurred.
optional Timestamp timestamp_ms = 1;
// The type of device this log event originated from.
optional DeviceType device_type = 2;
// The identifier for this device.
optional string device_id = 3;
// The identifier for this session.
optional string session_id = 6;
// The version of Cuttlefish that's sending the log event.
optional string cuttlefish_version = 4;
// An event encompassing metrics data
optional MetricsEvent metrics_event = 5;