blob: 04c8782b0e31271c83c995c3d0dc690f324f56e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "host/libs/vm_manager/gem5_manager.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <thread>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
#include "common/libs/fs/shared_select.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/result.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/users.h"
#include "host/libs/config/command_source.h"
#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
#include "host/libs/config/known_paths.h"
using cuttlefish::StringFromEnv;
namespace cuttlefish {
namespace vm_manager {
namespace {
void LogAndSetEnv(const char* key, const std::string& value) {
setenv(key, value.c_str(), 1);
LOG(INFO) << key << "=" << value;
void GenerateGem5File(const CuttlefishConfig& config,
const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance) {
// Gem5 specific config, currently users have to change these config locally (without throug launch_cvd input flag) to meet their design
// TODO: Add these config into launch_cvd input flag or parse from one json file
std::string cpu_class = "AtomicSimpleCPU";
std::string l1_icache_class = "None";
std::string l1_dcache_class = "None";
std::string walk_cache_class = "None";
std::string l2_Cache_class = "None";
std::string cpu_freq = "4GHz";
int num_cores = 1;
std::string mem_type = "DDR3_1600_8x8";
int mem_channels = 1;
std::string mem_ranks = "None";
// start generating
std::string fs_path = instance.gem5_binary_dir() +
std::ofstream starter_fs_ofstream(fs_path.c_str());
starter_fs_ofstream << fs_header << "\n";
// global vars in python
starter_fs_ofstream << "default_disk = 'linaro-minimal-aarch64.img'\n";
// main function
starter_fs_ofstream << "def main():\n";
// args
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(epilog=__doc__)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--disk-image\", action=\"append\", type=str, default=[])\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--mem-type\", default=\"" << mem_type << "\", choices=ObjectList.mem_list.get_names())\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--mem-channels\", type=int, default=" << mem_channels << ")\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--mem-ranks\", type=int, default=" << mem_ranks << ")\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--mem-size\", action=\"store\", type=str, default=\"" << instance.memory_mb() << "MB\")\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " parser.add_argument(\"--restore\", type=str, default=None)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " args = parser.parse_args()\n";
// instantiate system
starter_fs_ofstream << " root = Root(full_system=True)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " mem_mode = " << cpu_class << ".memory_mode()\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " has_caches = True if mem_mode == \"timing\" else False\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system = devices.SimpleSystem(has_caches, args.mem_size, mem_mode=mem_mode, workload=ArmFsLinux(object_file=SysPaths.binary(\"" << config.assembly_dir() << "/kernel\")))\n";
// mem config and pci instantiate
starter_fs_ofstream << fs_mem_pci;
// system settings
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.cpu_cluster = [devices.CpuCluster(root.system, " << num_cores << ", \"" << cpu_freq << "\", \"1.0V\", " << cpu_class << ", " << l1_icache_class << ", " << l1_dcache_class << ", " << walk_cache_class << ", " << l2_Cache_class << ")]\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.addCaches(has_caches, last_cache_level=2)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.realview.setupBootLoader(root.system, SysPaths.binary)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.workload.dtb_filename = os.path.join(m5.options.outdir, 'system.dtb')\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.generateDtb(root.system.workload.dtb_filename)\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root.system.workload.initrd_filename = \"" << instance.PerInstancePath("initrd.img") << "\"\n";
starter_fs_ofstream << " root_dir = \"" << StringFromEnv("HOME", ".") << "\"\n";
//kernel cmd
starter_fs_ofstream << fs_kernel_cmd << "\n";
// execute main
starter_fs_ofstream << fs_exe_main << "\n";
} // namespace
Gem5Manager::Gem5Manager(Arch arch) : arch_(arch) {}
bool Gem5Manager::IsSupported() {
return HostSupportsQemuCli();
Result<std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>>
const CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific& instance) {
// TODO: Add support for the gem5 gpu models
// Override the default HAL search paths in all cases. We do this because
// the HAL search path allows for fallbacks, and fallbacks in conjunction
// with properities lead to non-deterministic behavior while loading the
// HALs.
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> bootconfig_args;
if (instance.gpu_mode() == kGpuModeGuestSwiftshader) {
LOG(INFO) << "We are in SwiftShader mode";
bootconfig_args = {
{"androidboot.cpuvulkan.version", std::to_string(VK_API_VERSION_1_1)},
{"androidboot.hardware.gralloc", "minigbm"},
{"androidboot.hardware.hwcomposer", "ranchu"},
{"androidboot.hardware.hwcomposer.mode", "noop"},
{"androidboot.hardware.hwcomposer.display_finder_mode", "gem5"},
{"androidboot.hardware.egl", "angle"},
{"androidboot.hardware.vulkan", "pastel"},
{"androidboot.opengles.version", "196609"}, // OpenGL ES 3.1
} else if (instance.gpu_mode() == kGpuModeGfxstream) {
LOG(INFO) << "We are in Gfxstream mode";
bootconfig_args = {
{"androidboot.cpuvulkan.version", "0"},
{"androidboot.hardware.gralloc", "minigbm"},
{"androidboot.hardware.hwcomposer", "ranchu"},
{"androidboot.hardware.hwcomposer.display_finder_mode", "gem5"},
{"androidboot.hardware.egl", "emulation"},
{"androidboot.hardware.vulkan", "ranchu"},
{"androidboot.hardware.gltransport", "virtio-gpu-pipe"},
{"androidboot.opengles.version", "196609"}, // OpenGL ES 3.1
} else if (instance.gpu_mode() == kGpuModeNone) {
return {};
} else {
return CF_ERR("Unknown GPU mode " << instance.gpu_mode());
if (!instance.gpu_angle_feature_overrides_enabled().empty()) {
bootconfig_args["androidboot.hardware.angle_feature_overrides_enabled"] =
if (!instance.gpu_angle_feature_overrides_disabled().empty()) {
bootconfig_args["androidboot.hardware.angle_feature_overrides_disabled"] =
return bootconfig_args;
Result<std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>>
Gem5Manager::ConfigureBootDevices(int /*num_disks*/, bool /*have_gpu*/) {
switch (arch_) {
case Arch::Arm:
case Arch::Arm64:
return {{{"androidboot.boot_devices", "30000000.pci"}}};
// TODO: Add x86 support
return CF_ERR("Unhandled arch");
Result<std::vector<MonitorCommand>> Gem5Manager::StartCommands(
const CuttlefishConfig& config) {
auto instance = config.ForDefaultInstance();
auto stop = [](Subprocess* proc) {
return KillSubprocess(proc) == StopperResult::kStopSuccess
? StopperResult::kStopCrash
: StopperResult::kStopFailure;
std::string gem5_binary = instance.gem5_binary_dir();
switch (arch_) {
case Arch::Arm:
case Arch::Arm64:
gem5_binary += "/build/ARM/gem5.opt";
case Arch::RiscV64:
gem5_binary += "/build/RISCV/gem5.opt";
case Arch::X86:
case Arch::X86_64:
gem5_binary += "/build/X86/gem5.opt";
// generate Gem5 before we execute it
GenerateGem5File(config, instance);
Command gem5_cmd(gem5_binary, stop);
// Always enable listeners, because auto mode will disable once it detects
// gem5 is not run interactively
// Add debug-flags and debug-file before the script (i.e.
// We check the flags are not empty first since they are optional
if(!config.gem5_debug_flags().empty()) {
gem5_cmd.AddParameter("--debug-flags=", config.gem5_debug_flags());
if(!instance.gem5_debug_file().empty()) {
gem5_cmd.AddParameter("--debug-file=", instance.gem5_debug_file());
// restore checkpoint case
if (instance.gem5_checkpoint_dir() != "") {
gem5_cmd.AddParameter("--mem-size=", instance.memory_mb() * 1024ULL * 1024ULL);
for (const auto& disk : instance.virtual_disk_paths()) {
gem5_cmd.AddParameter("--disk-image=", disk);
LogAndSetEnv("M5_PATH", config.assembly_dir());
std::vector<MonitorCommand> commands;
commands.emplace_back(std::move(gem5_cmd), true);
return commands;
} // namespace vm_manager
} // namespace cuttlefish