blob: 08910f6a530608212a3636682f3ab372560e2116 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "host/libs/vm_manager/crosvm_manager.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <android-base/strings.h>
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include "common/libs/utils/environment.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/network.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/subprocess.h"
#include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
#include "host/libs/vm_manager/qemu_manager.h"
namespace vm_manager {
namespace {
std::string GetControlSocketPath(const cuttlefish::CuttlefishConfig* config) {
return config->ForDefaultInstance()
cuttlefish::SharedFD AddTapFdParameter(cuttlefish::Command* crosvm_cmd,
const std::string& tap_name) {
auto tap_fd = cuttlefish::OpenTapInterface(tap_name);
if (tap_fd->IsOpen()) {
crosvm_cmd->AddParameter("--tap-fd=", tap_fd);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to connect to " << tap_name << ": "
<< tap_fd->StrError();
return tap_fd;
bool ReleaseDhcpLeases(const std::string& lease_path, cuttlefish::SharedFD tap_fd) {
auto lease_file_fd = cuttlefish::SharedFD::Open(lease_path, O_RDONLY);
if (!lease_file_fd->IsOpen()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open leases file \"" << lease_path << '"';
return false;
bool success = true;
auto dhcp_leases = cuttlefish::ParseDnsmasqLeases(lease_file_fd);
for (auto& lease : dhcp_leases) {
std::uint8_t dhcp_server_ip[] = {192, 168, 96, (std::uint8_t) (cuttlefish::ForCurrentInstance(1) * 4 - 3)};
if (!cuttlefish::ReleaseDhcp4(tap_fd, lease.mac_address, lease.ip_address, dhcp_server_ip)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to release " << lease;
success = false;
} else {
LOG(INFO) << "Successfully dropped " << lease;
return success;
bool Stop() {
auto config = cuttlefish::CuttlefishConfig::Get();
cuttlefish::Command command(config->crosvm_binary());
auto process = command.Start();
return process.Wait() == 0;
} // namespace
const std::string CrosvmManager::name() { return "crosvm"; }
std::vector<std::string> CrosvmManager::ConfigureGpu(const std::string& gpu_mode) {
// Override the default HAL search paths in all cases. We do this because
// the HAL search path allows for fallbacks, and fallbacks in conjunction
// with properities lead to non-deterministic behavior while loading the
// HALs.
if (gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeGuestSwiftshader) {
return {
// Try to load the Nvidia modeset kernel module. Running Crosvm with Nvidia's EGL library on a
// fresh machine after a boot will fail because the Nvidia EGL library will fork to run the
// nvidia-modprobe command and the main Crosvm process will abort after receiving the exit signal
// of the forked child which is interpreted as a failure.
cuttlefish::Command modprobe_cmd("/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe");
if (gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeDrmVirgl) {
return {
if (gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeGfxStream) {
return {
return {};
std::vector<std::string> CrosvmManager::ConfigureBootDevices() {
// PCI domain 0, bus 0, device 1, function 0
// TODO There is no way to control this assignment with crosvm (yet)
if (cuttlefish::HostArch() == "x86_64") {
return { "androidboot.boot_devices=pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0" };
} else {
return { "androidboot.boot_devices=10000.pci" };
CrosvmManager::CrosvmManager(const cuttlefish::CuttlefishConfig* config)
: VmManager(config) {}
std::vector<cuttlefish::Command> CrosvmManager::StartCommands() {
auto instance = config_->ForDefaultInstance();
cuttlefish::Command crosvm_cmd(config_->crosvm_binary(), [](cuttlefish::Subprocess* proc) {
auto stopped = Stop();
if (stopped) {
return true;
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to stop VMM nicely, attempting to KILL";
return KillSubprocess(proc);
auto gpu_mode = config_->gpu_mode();
if (gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeDrmVirgl ||
gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeGfxStream) {
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter(gpu_mode == cuttlefish::kGpuModeGfxStream ?
"--gpu=gfxstream," : "--gpu=",
"width=", config_->x_res(), ",",
"height=", config_->y_res(), ",",
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--wayland-sock=", instance.frames_socket_path());
if (!config_->final_ramdisk_path().empty()) {
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--initrd=", config_->final_ramdisk_path());
// crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--null-audio");
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--mem=", config_->memory_mb());
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--cpus=", config_->cpus());
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--params=", kernel_cmdline_);
for (const auto& disk : instance.virtual_disk_paths()) {
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--rwdisk=", disk);
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--socket=", GetControlSocketPath(config_));
if (frontend_enabled_) {
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--single-touch=", instance.touch_socket_path(),
":", config_->x_res(), ":", config_->y_res());
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--keyboard=", instance.keyboard_socket_path());
auto wifi_tap = AddTapFdParameter(&crosvm_cmd, instance.wifi_tap_name());
AddTapFdParameter(&crosvm_cmd, instance.mobile_tap_name());
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--rw-pmem-device=", instance.access_kregistry_path());
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--pstore=path=", instance.pstore_path(), ",size=",
if (config_->enable_sandbox()) {
const bool seccomp_exists = cuttlefish::DirectoryExists(config_->seccomp_policy_dir());
const std::string& var_empty_dir = cuttlefish::kCrosvmVarEmptyDir;
const bool var_empty_available = cuttlefish::DirectoryExists(var_empty_dir);
if (!var_empty_available || !seccomp_exists) {
LOG(FATAL) << var_empty_dir << " is not an existing, empty directory."
<< "seccomp-policy-dir, " << config_->seccomp_policy_dir()
<< " does not exist " << std::endl;
return {};
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--seccomp-policy-dir=", config_->seccomp_policy_dir());
} else {
if (instance.vsock_guest_cid() >= 2) {
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--cid=", instance.vsock_guest_cid());
// Redirect the first serial port with the kernel logs to the appropriate file
instance.kernel_log_pipe_name(), ",console=true");
// Redirect standard input to a pipe for the console forwarder host process
// to handle.
cuttlefish::SharedFD console_in_rd, console_in_wr;
if (!cuttlefish::SharedFD::Pipe(&console_in_rd, &console_in_wr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create console pipe for crosvm's stdin: "
<< console_in_rd->StrError();
return {};
auto console_pipe_name = instance.console_pipe_name();
if (mkfifo(console_pipe_name.c_str(), 0660) != 0) {
auto error = errno;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create console fifo for crosvm: "
<< strerror(error);
return {};
// This fd will only be read from, but it's open with write access as well to
// keep the pipe open in case the subprocesses exit.
cuttlefish::SharedFD console_out_rd =
cuttlefish::SharedFD::Open(console_pipe_name.c_str(), O_RDWR);
if (!console_out_rd->IsOpen()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to open console fifo for reads: "
<< console_out_rd->StrError();
return {};
// stdin is the only currently supported way to write data to a serial port in
// crosvm. A file (named pipe) is used here instead of stdout to ensure only
// the serial port output is received by the console forwarder as crosvm may
// print other messages to stdout.
crosvm_cmd.AddParameter("--serial=num=2,type=file,path=", console_pipe_name,
cuttlefish::Command console_cmd(config_->console_forwarder_binary());
console_cmd.AddParameter("--console_in_fd=", console_in_wr);
console_cmd.AddParameter("--console_out_fd=", console_out_rd);
cuttlefish::SharedFD log_out_rd, log_out_wr;
if (!cuttlefish::SharedFD::Pipe(&log_out_rd, &log_out_wr)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create log pipe for crosvm's stdout/stderr: "
<< console_in_rd->StrError();
return {};
cuttlefish::Command log_tee_cmd(cuttlefish::DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin/log_tee"));
log_tee_cmd.AddParameter("--log_fd_in=", log_out_rd);
// This needs to be the last parameter
// TODO(schuffelen): QEMU also needs this and this is not the best place for
// this code. Find a better place to put it.
auto lease_file =
+ ".leases";
if (!ReleaseDhcpLeases(lease_file, wifi_tap)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to release wifi DHCP leases. Connecting to the wifi "
<< "network may not work.";
std::vector<cuttlefish::Command> ret;
return ret;
} // namespace vm_manager