blob: 14ea2f415133202ccb2993c2fc880488cce49727 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "common/vsoc/lib/vsoc_audio_message.h"
#include "guest/hals/audio/audio_hal.h"
#include "guest/hals/audio/simulated_buffer.h"
namespace cvd {
// Defines static callback functions for the audio_stream and audio_stream_out
// interfaces in libhardware/include/hardware/audio.h
// Where the is a conflict the comments there apply.
// By default these methods return 0 on success -<errno> for failure.
class GceAudioOutputStream : public audio_stream_out {
// Factory method for a new output stream.
static int Open(GceAudio* dev, audio_io_handle_t handle,
audio_devices_t devices, audio_output_flags_t flags,
audio_config* config, uint32_t stream_number,
GceAudioOutputStream** stream_out);
gce_audio_message GetStreamDescriptor(
gce_audio_message::message_t message_type) const {
gce_audio_message rval = message_header_;
rval.total_size = sizeof(rval);
rval.header_size = sizeof(rval);
rval.message_type = message_type;
rval.num_frames_presented = 0;
rval.num_frames_accepted = 0;
return rval;
// Method from audio_stream, listed in order of appearance.
// TODO(ghartman): Consider moving these if they could be shared with
// gce_audio_input_stream.
// Returns the sampling rate in Hz - eg. 44100.
uint32_t GetSampleRate() const {
return message_header_.frame_rate;
// Sets the sample rate
int SetSampleRate(uint32_t sample_rate) {
if (sample_rate != message_header_.frame_rate) {
message_header_.frame_rate = sample_rate;
// TODO(ghartman): The output buffer should be quantized at about 192
// bytes for better fidelity. Do this by passing
// frame_rate * frame_size / 192 and then rescaling the outputs.
// Or we could always create a quantized wrapper of the buffer...
new SimulatedOutputBuffer(
sample_rate, GetBufferSize() / frame_size_));
return 0;
// Returns the size of input/output buffer in bytes for this stream.
// eg. 4800.
// It should be a multiple of the frame size. See also GetInputBufferSize.
size_t GetBufferSize() const {
return kOutBufferSize;
// Returns the channel mask -
audio_channel_mask_t GetChannels() const {
return message_header_.channel_mask;
// Returns the audio format - e.g. AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT
audio_format_t GetFormat() const {
return message_header_.format;
// Sets the audio format.
// Unused as of JB - use set_parameters with key
int SetFormat(audio_format_t format) {
message_header_.format = format;
return 0;
// Puts the audio hardware input/output into standby mode.
// Driver should exit from standby mode at the next I/O operation.
// Returns 0 on success and <0 on failure.
// TODO(ghartman): This should reset some of the frame counts.
int Standby() {
return 0;
// dumps the state of the audio hardware to the given fd.
// This information can be retrieved using the dumpsys utility.
int Dump(int fd) const;
// Returns the set of device(s) which this stream is connected to.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this.
audio_devices_t GetDevice() const { return device_; }
// Not directly called from JB forward.
// Called indirectly from SetParameters with the key
int SetDevice(audio_devices_t device) { device_ = device; return 0; }
// Sets audio stream parameters. The function accepts a list of
// parameter key value pairs in the form: key1=value1;key2=value2;...
// Some keys are reserved for standard parameters (See AudioParameter class)
// If the implementation does not accept a parameter change while
// the output is active but the parameter is acceptable otherwise, it must
// return -ENOSYS.
// The audio flinger will put the stream in standby and then change the
// parameter value.
int SetParameters(const char* kv_pairs);
// Gets audio stream parameters. The function accepts a list of
// keys in the form: key1=value1;key2=value2;...
// Returns a pointer to a heap allocated string. The caller is responsible
// for freeing the memory for it using free().
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this.
char* GetParameters(const char* keys) const;
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this.
int AddAudioEffect(effect_handle_t /*effect*/) const {
static unsigned int printed = 0; // printed every 2^32-th call.
ALOGE_IF(!printed++, "%s: not implemented", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this.
int RemoveAudioEffect(effect_handle_t /*effect*/) const {
static unsigned int printed = 0; // printed every 2^32-th call.
ALOGE_IF(!printed++, "%s: not implemented", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
// Methods defined in audio_stream_out
// Returns the audio hardware driver estimated latency in milliseconds.
// TODO(ghartman): Calculate this based on the format and the quantum.
uint32_t GetLatency() const {
return kOutLatency;
// Use this method in situations where audio mixing is done in the
// hardware. This method serves as a direct interface with hardware,
// allowing you to directly set the volume as apposed to via the framework.
// This method might produce multiple PCM outputs or hardware accelerated
// codecs, such as MP3 or AAC.
// Note that GCE simulates hardware mixing.
int SetVolume(float left_volume, float right_volume) {
left_volume_ = left_volume;
right_volume_ = right_volume;
return 0;
// Write audio buffer to driver. Returns number of bytes written, or a
// negative android::status_t. If at least one frame was written successfully prior
// to the error the driver will return that successful (short) byte count
// and then return an error in the subsequent call.
// If SetCallback() has previously been called to enable non-blocking mode
// the Write() is not allowed to block. It must write only the number of
// bytes that currently fit in the driver/hardware buffer and then return
// this byte count. If this is less than the requested write size the
// callback function must be called when more space is available in the
// driver/hardware buffer.
ssize_t Write(const void* buffer, size_t bytes);
// Returns the number of audio frames written by the audio dsp to DAC since
// the output has exited standby
// TODO(ghartman): Implement zeroing this in Standby().
int GetRenderPosition(uint32_t* dsp_frames) const;
// Gets the local time at which the next write to the audio driver will be
// presented. The units are microseconds, where the epoch is decided by the
// local audio HAL.
// The GCE implementation uses CLOCK_MONOTONIC, which also happens to line
// up with LocalTime.
int GetNextWriteTimestamp(int64_t*) const;
// Turns on non-blocking mode and sets the callback function for notifying
// completion of non-blocking write and drain.
// Calling this function implies that all future Write() and Drain()
// must be non-blocking and use the callback to signal completion.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY.
// int SetCallback(stream_callback_t callback, void *cookie);
// Notifies to the audio driver to stop playback however the queued buffers
// are retained by the hardware. Useful for implementing pause/resume. Empty
// implementation if not supported however should be implemented for hardware
// with non-trivial latency. In the pause state audio hardware could still be
// using power. User may consider calling suspend after a timeout.
// Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY. There is already support in
// SimulatedBuffer.
// int Pause();
// Notifies to the audio driver to resume playback following a pause.
// Returns error if called without matching pause.
// Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY.
// int Resume();
// Requests notification when data buffered by the driver/hardware has
// been played. If set_callback() has previously been called to enable
// non-blocking mode, the drain() must not block, instead it should return
// quickly and completion of the drain is notified through the callback.
// If set_callback() has not been called, the drain() must block until
// completion.
// If type==AUDIO_DRAIN_ALL, the drain completes when all previously written
// data has been played.
// If type==AUDIO_DRAIN_EARLY_NOTIFY, the drain completes shortly before all
// data for the current track has played to allow time for the framework
// to perform a gapless track switch.
// Drain must return immediately on stop() and flush() call
// Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY.
// int Drain(audio_drain_type_t type);
// Notifies to the audio driver to flush the queued data. Stream must already
// be paused before calling Flush().
// Implementation of this function is mandatory for offloaded playback.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY.
// int Flush();
// Returns a recent count of the number of audio frames presented to an
// external observer. This excludes frames which have been written but are
// still in the pipeline.
// The count is not reset to zero when output enters standby.
// Also returns the value of CLOCK_MONOTONIC as of this presentation count.
// The returned count is expected to be 'recent',
// but does not need to be the most recent possible value.
// However, the associated time should correspond to whatever count is
// returned.
// Example: assume that N+M frames have been presented, where M is a
// 'small' number.
// Then it is permissible to return N instead of N+M,
// and the timestamp should correspond to N rather than N+M.
// The terms 'recent' and 'small' are not defined.
// They reflect the quality of the implementation.
// 3.0 and higher only.
// TODO(ghartman): Implement this URGENTLY.
// int GetPresentationPosition(uint64_t *frames, struct timespec *timestamp);
// If key is present in query, add key=value; to reply.
// query should be pointer to const, but the str_parms functions aren't
// const-correct, so neither is this.
static void AddIntIfKeyPresent(
/*const*/ str_parms* query, str_parms* reply, const char* key, int value);
explicit GceAudioOutputStream(cvd::GceAudio*);
static const size_t kOutBufferSize = 3840;
static const size_t kOutLatency = 2;
gce_audio_message message_header_;
std::unique_ptr<SimulatedOutputBuffer> buffer_;
cvd::GceAudio *dev_;
audio_devices_t device_;
size_t frame_size_;
size_t frame_count_;
float left_volume_;
float right_volume_;