| LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir) |
| |
| cvd_host_package_tar := $(HOST_OUT)/cvd-host_package.tar.gz |
| |
| .PHONY: hosttar |
| hosttar: $(cvd_host_package_tar) |
| |
| # Build this by default when a developer types make |
| droidcore: $(cvd_host_package_tar) |
| |
| # Build and store them on the build server. |
| $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(cvd_host_package_tar)) |
| |
| bin_path := $(notdir $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)) |
| lib_path := $(notdir $(HOST_OUT_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) |
| tests_path := $(notdir $(HOST_OUT_NATIVE_TESTS)) |
| webrtc_files_path := usr/share/webrtc |
| |
| cvd_host_executables := \ |
| adb \ |
| adbshell \ |
| launch_cvd \ |
| lpmake \ |
| lpunpack \ |
| socket_vsock_proxy \ |
| adb_connector \ |
| stop_cvd \ |
| vnc_server \ |
| cf_qemu.sh \ |
| cf_bpttool \ |
| kernel_log_monitor \ |
| extract-vmlinux \ |
| crosvm \ |
| aarch64-linux-gnu/crosvm \ |
| aarch64-linux-gnu/libepoxy.so.0 \ |
| aarch64-linux-gnu/libgbm.so.1 \ |
| aarch64-linux-gnu/libminijail.so \ |
| aarch64-linux-gnu/libvirglrenderer.so.1 \ |
| x86_64-linux-gnu/crosvm \ |
| x86_64-linux-gnu/libepoxy.so.0 \ |
| x86_64-linux-gnu/libgbm.so.1 \ |
| x86_64-linux-gnu/libminijail.so \ |
| x86_64-linux-gnu/libvirglrenderer.so.1 \ |
| logcat_receiver \ |
| config_server \ |
| tombstone_receiver \ |
| console_forwarder \ |
| assemble_cvd \ |
| run_cvd \ |
| cvd_status \ |
| webRTC \ |
| metrics \ |
| fsck.f2fs \ |
| resize.f2fs \ |
| make_f2fs \ |
| tpm_simulator_manager \ |
| |
| cvd_host_tests := \ |
| monotonic_time_test \ |
| cuttlefish_net_tests \ |
| |
| cvd_host_shared_libraries := \ |
| libbase.so \ |
| libcuttlefish_fs.so \ |
| libcuttlefish_utils.so \ |
| cuttlefish_tcp_socket.so \ |
| cuttlefish_net.so \ |
| liblog.so \ |
| libnl.so \ |
| libc++.so \ |
| liblp.so \ |
| libsparse-host.so \ |
| libcrypto-host.so \ |
| libcrypto_utils.so \ |
| libext4_utils.so \ |
| libz-host.so \ |
| libicuuc-host.so \ |
| libicui18n-host.so \ |
| libandroidicu-host.so \ |
| libcuttlefish_device_config.so \ |
| cdisk_spec.so \ |
| libprotobuf-cpp-full.so \ |
| libziparchive.so \ |
| libvpx.so \ |
| libssl-host.so \ |
| libopus.so \ |
| libyuv.so \ |
| libjpeg.so \ |
| |
| webrtc_assets := \ |
| index.html \ |
| style.css \ |
| js/logcat.js \ |
| js/app.js \ |
| js/cf_webrtc.js \ |
| |
| webrtc_certs := \ |
| server.crt \ |
| server.key \ |
| server.p12 \ |
| trusted.pem \ |
| |
| cvd_host_webrtc_files := \ |
| $(addprefix assets/,$(webrtc_assets)) \ |
| $(addprefix certs/,$(webrtc_certs)) \ |
| |
| cvd_host_package_files := \ |
| $(addprefix $(bin_path)/,$(cvd_host_executables)) \ |
| $(addprefix $(lib_path)/,$(cvd_host_shared_libraries)) \ |
| $(foreach test,$(cvd_host_tests), ${tests_path}/$(test)/$(test)) \ |
| $(addprefix $(webrtc_files_path)/,$(cvd_host_webrtc_files)) \ |
| |
| $(cvd_host_package_tar): PRIVATE_FILES := $(cvd_host_package_files) |
| $(cvd_host_package_tar): $(addprefix $(HOST_OUT)/,$(cvd_host_package_files)) |
| $(hide) rm -rf $@ && tar Scfz $@.tmp -C $(HOST_OUT) $(PRIVATE_FILES) |
| $(hide) mv $@.tmp $@ |