blob: fe89a4578312599f0931bcf63ffee4e14de5f9eb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "host/libs/confui/host_renderer.h"
#include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
namespace cuttlefish {
namespace confui {
static teeui::Color alfaCombineChannel(std::uint32_t shift, double alfa,
teeui::Color a, teeui::Color b) {
a >>= shift;
a &= 0xff;
b >>= shift;
b &= 0xff;
double acc = alfa * a + (1 - alfa) * b;
if (acc <= 0) return 0;
std::uint32_t result = acc;
if (result > 255) return 255 << shift;
return result << shift;
* create a raw frame for confirmation UI dialog
* Many rendering code borrowed from the following source
class ConfUiRendererImpl {
friend class ConfUiRenderer;
using LabelConfMsg = teeui::LabelBody;
static Result<std::unique_ptr<ConfUiRendererImpl>> GenerateRenderer(
const std::uint32_t display, const std::string& confirmation_msg,
const std::string& locale, const bool inverted, const bool magnified);
* this does not repaint from the scratch all the time
* It does repaint its frame buffer only when w/h of
* current display has changed
std::unique_ptr<TeeUiFrameWrapper>& RenderRawFrame();
bool IsFrameReady() const { return raw_frame_ && !raw_frame_->IsEmpty(); }
bool IsInConfirm(const std::uint32_t x, const std::uint32_t y) {
return IsInside<teeui::LabelOK>(x, y);
bool IsInCancel(const std::uint32_t x, const std::uint32_t y) {
return IsInside<teeui::LabelCancel>(x, y);
bool IsSetUpSuccessful() const { return is_setup_well_; }
ConfUiRendererImpl(const std::uint32_t display,
const std::string& confirmation_msg,
const std::string& locale, const bool inverted,
const bool magnified);
struct Boundary { // inclusive but.. LayoutElement's size is float
std::uint32_t x, y, w, h; // (x, y) is the top left
template <typename LayoutElement>
Boundary GetBoundary(LayoutElement&& e) const {
auto box = e.bounds_;
Boundary b;
// (x,y) is left top. so floor() makes sense
// w, h are witdh and height in float. perhaps ceiling makes more
// sense
b.x = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(box.x().floor().count());
b.y = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(box.y().floor().count());
b.w = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(box.w().ceil().count());
b.h = static_cast<std::uint32_t>(box.h().ceil().count());
return b;
template <typename Element>
bool IsInside(const std::uint32_t x, const std::uint32_t y) const {
auto box = GetBoundary(std::get<Element>(layout_));
if (x >= box.x && x <= box.x + box.w && y >= box.y && y <= box.y + box.h) {
return true;
return false;
// essentially, to repaint from the scratch, so returns new frame
// when successful. Or, nullopt
std::unique_ptr<TeeUiFrameWrapper> RepaintRawFrame(const int w, const int h);
bool InitLayout(const std::string& lang_id);
teeui::Error UpdateTranslations();
teeui::Error UpdateLocale();
void SetDeviceContext(const unsigned long long w, const unsigned long long h,
bool is_inverted, bool is_magnified);
// a callback function to be effectively sent to TeeUI library
teeui::Error UpdatePixels(TeeUiFrameWrapper& buffer, std::uint32_t x,
std::uint32_t y, teeui::Color color);
// second param is for type deduction
template <typename... Elements>
static teeui::Error drawElements(std::tuple<Elements...>& layout,
const teeui::PixelDrawer& drawPixel) {
// Error::operator|| is overloaded, so we don't get short circuit
// evaluation. But we get the first error that occurs. We will still try and
// draw the remaining elements in the order they appear in the layout tuple.
return (std::get<Elements>(layout).draw(drawPixel) || ...);
void UpdateColorScheme(const bool is_inverted);
template <typename Label>
auto SetText(const std::string& text) {
return std::get<Label>(layout_).setText(
{text.c_str(), text.c_str() + text.size()});
template <typename Label>
teeui::Error UpdateString();
std::uint32_t display_num_;
teeui::layout_t<teeui::ConfUILayout> layout_;
std::string lang_id_;
std::string prompt_text_; // confirmation ui message
* Potentially, the same frame could be requested multiple times.
* While another thread/caller is using this frame, the frame should
* be kept here, too, to be returned upon future requests.
std::unique_ptr<TeeUiFrameWrapper> raw_frame_;
std::uint32_t current_height_;
std::uint32_t current_width_;
teeui::Color color_bg_;
teeui::Color color_text_;
teeui::Color shield_color_;
bool is_inverted_;
bool is_magnified_;
teeui::context<teeui::ConfUIParameters> ctx_;
bool is_setup_well_;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorBackground = 0xffffffff;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorBackgroundInv = 0xff212121;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorDisabled = 0xffbdbdbd;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorDisabledInv = 0xff424242;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorEnabled = 0xff212121;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorEnabledInv = 0xffdedede;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorShield = 0xff778500;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorShieldInv = 0xffc4cb80;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorText = 0xff212121;
static constexpr const teeui::Color kColorTextInv = 0xffdedede;
ConfUiRendererImpl::GenerateRenderer(const std::uint32_t display,
const std::string& confirmation_msg,
const std::string& locale,
const bool inverted,
const bool magnified) {
ConfUiRendererImpl* raw_ptr = new ConfUiRendererImpl(
display, confirmation_msg, locale, inverted, magnified);
CF_EXPECT(raw_ptr && raw_ptr->IsSetUpSuccessful(),
"Failed to create ConfUiRendererImpl");
return std::unique_ptr<ConfUiRendererImpl>(raw_ptr);
static int GetDpi(const int display_num = 0) {
auto config = CuttlefishConfig::Get();
CHECK(config) << "Config is Missing";
auto instance = config->ForDefaultInstance();
auto display_configs = instance.display_configs();
CHECK_GT(display_configs.size(), display_num)
<< "Invalid display number " << display_num;
return display_configs[display_num].dpi;
* device configuration
* ctx_{# of pixels in 1 mm, # of pixels per 1 density independent pixels}
* The numbers are, however, to fit for the host webRTC local/remote clients
* in general, not necessarily the supposedly guest device (e.g. Auto, phone,
* etc)
* In general, for a normal PC, roughly ctx_(6.45211, 400.0/412.0) is a good
* combination for the default DPI, 320. If we want to see the impact
* of the change in the guest DPI, we could adjust the combination above
* proportionally
ConfUiRendererImpl::ConfUiRendererImpl(const std::uint32_t display,
const std::string& confirmation_msg,
const std::string& locale,
const bool inverted,
const bool magnified)
: display_num_{display},
ctx_(6.45211 * GetDpi() / 320.0, 400.0 / 412.0 * GetDpi() / 320.0),
is_setup_well_(false) {
SetDeviceContext(current_width_, current_height_, is_inverted_,
layout_ = teeui::instantiateLayout(teeui::ConfUILayout(), ctx_);
if (auto error = UpdateLocale()) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Update Translation Error: " << Enum2Base(error.code());
// is_setup_well_ = false;
is_setup_well_ = true;
teeui::Error ConfUiRendererImpl::UpdateLocale() {
using teeui::Error;
if (auto error = UpdateTranslations()) {
return error;
return Error::OK;
template <typename Label>
teeui::Error ConfUiRendererImpl::UpdateString() {
using namespace teeui;
const char* str;
auto& label = std::get<Label>(layout_);
str = localization::lookup(TranslationId(label.textId()));
if (str == nullptr) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Given translation_id" << label.textId() << "not found";
return Error::Localization;
label.setText({str, str + strlen(str)});
return Error::OK;
teeui::Error ConfUiRendererImpl::UpdateTranslations() {
using namespace teeui;
if (auto error = UpdateString<LabelOK>()) {
return error;
if (auto error = UpdateString<LabelCancel>()) {
return error;
if (auto error = UpdateString<LabelTitle>()) {
return error;
if (auto error = UpdateString<LabelHint>()) {
return error;
return Error::OK;
void ConfUiRendererImpl::SetDeviceContext(const unsigned long long w,
const unsigned long long h,
const bool is_inverted,
const bool is_magnified) {
using namespace teeui;
const auto screen_width = operator""_px(w);
const auto screen_height = operator""_px(h);
if (is_magnified) {
} else {
if (is_inverted) {
} else {
teeui::Error ConfUiRendererImpl::UpdatePixels(TeeUiFrameWrapper& raw_frame,
std::uint32_t x, std::uint32_t y,
teeui::Color color) {
auto buffer =;
const auto height = raw_frame.Height();
const auto width = raw_frame.Width();
auto pos = width * y + x;
if (pos >= (height * width)) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Rendering Out of Bound";
return teeui::Error::OutOfBoundsDrawing;
const double alfa = ((color & 0xff000000) >> 24) / 255.0;
auto& pixel = *reinterpret_cast<teeui::Color*>(buffer + pos);
pixel = alfaCombineChannel(0, alfa, color, pixel) |
alfaCombineChannel(8, alfa, color, pixel) |
alfaCombineChannel(16, alfa, color, pixel);
return teeui::Error::OK;
void ConfUiRendererImpl::UpdateColorScheme(const bool is_inverted) {
using namespace teeui;
color_text_ = is_inverted ? kColorDisabledInv : kColorDisabled;
shield_color_ = is_inverted ? kColorShieldInv : kColorShield;
color_bg_ = is_inverted ? kColorBackgroundInv : kColorBackground;
std::unique_ptr<TeeUiFrameWrapper>& ConfUiRendererImpl::RenderRawFrame() {
/* we repaint only if one or more of the followng meet:
* 1. raw_frame_ is empty
* 2. the current_width_ and current_height_ is out of date
const int w = ScreenConnectorInfo::ScreenWidth(display_num_);
const int h = ScreenConnectorInfo::ScreenHeight(display_num_);
if (!IsFrameReady() || current_height_ != h || current_width_ != w) {
auto new_frame = RepaintRawFrame(w, h);
if (!new_frame) {
// must repaint but failed
raw_frame_ = nullptr;
return raw_frame_;
// repainting from the scratch successful in a new frame
raw_frame_ = std::move(new_frame);
current_width_ = w;
current_height_ = h;
return raw_frame_;
std::unique_ptr<TeeUiFrameWrapper> ConfUiRendererImpl::RepaintRawFrame(
const int w, const int h) {
* should be uint32_t for teeui APIs.
* It assumes that each raw frame buffer element is 4 bytes
const teeui::Color background_color =
is_inverted_ ? kColorBackgroundInv : kColorBackground;
auto new_raw_frame =
std::make_unique<TeeUiFrameWrapper>(w, h, background_color);
auto draw_pixel = teeui::makePixelDrawer(
[this, &new_raw_frame](std::uint32_t x, std::uint32_t y,
teeui::Color color) -> teeui::Error {
return this->UpdatePixels(*new_raw_frame, x, y, color);
// render all components
const auto error = drawElements(layout_, draw_pixel);
if (error) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Painting failed: " << error.code();
return nullptr;
return new_raw_frame;
ConfUiRenderer::ConfUiRenderer(ScreenConnectorFrameRenderer& screen_connector)
: screen_connector_{screen_connector} {}
ConfUiRenderer::~ConfUiRenderer() {}
Result<void> ConfUiRenderer::RenderDialog(
const std::uint32_t display_num, const std::string& prompt_text,
const std::string& locale, const std::vector<teeui::UIOption>& ui_options) {
renderer_impl_ = CF_EXPECT(ConfUiRendererImpl::GenerateRenderer(
display_num, prompt_text, locale, IsInverted(ui_options),
auto& teeui_frame = renderer_impl_->RenderRawFrame();
CF_EXPECT(teeui_frame != nullptr, "RenderRawFrame() failed.");
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "actually trying to render the frame"
<< thread::GetName();
auto frame_width = teeui_frame->Width();
auto frame_height = teeui_frame->Height();
auto frame_stride_bytes = teeui_frame->ScreenStrideBytes();
auto frame_bytes = reinterpret_cast<std::uint8_t*>(teeui_frame->data());
display_num, frame_width, frame_height, frame_stride_bytes, frame_bytes));
return {};
bool ConfUiRenderer::IsInverted(
const std::vector<teeui::UIOption>& ui_options) const {
return Contains(ui_options, teeui::UIOption::AccessibilityInverted);
bool ConfUiRenderer::IsMagnified(
const std::vector<teeui::UIOption>& ui_options) const {
return Contains(ui_options, teeui::UIOption::AccessibilityMagnified);
bool ConfUiRenderer::IsInConfirm(const std::uint32_t x, const std::uint32_t y) {
if (!renderer_impl_) {
ConfUiLog(INFO) << "renderer_impl_ is nullptr";
return renderer_impl_ && renderer_impl_->IsInConfirm(x, y);
bool ConfUiRenderer::IsInCancel(const std::uint32_t x, const std::uint32_t y) {
if (!renderer_impl_) {
ConfUiLog(INFO) << "renderer_impl_ is nullptr";
return renderer_impl_ && renderer_impl_->IsInCancel(x, y);
} // end of namespace confui
} // end of namespace cuttlefish