blob: 47d9a2c25b0a7ba5b93dd2d3960a0f1d63f9ee70 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "host/libs/confui/session.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "common/libs/utils/contains.h"
#include "host/libs/confui/secure_input.h"
namespace cuttlefish {
namespace confui {
Session::Session(const std::string& session_name,
const std::uint32_t display_num, ConfUiRenderer& host_renderer,
HostModeCtrl& host_mode_ctrl, const std::string& locale)
: session_id_{session_name},
saved_state_{MainLoopState::kInit} {}
/** return grace period + alpha
* grace period is the gap between user seeing the dialog
* and the UI starts to take the user inputs
* Grace period should be at least 1s.
* Session requests the Renderer to render the dialog,
* but it might not be immediate. So, add alpha to 1s
static const std::chrono::milliseconds GetGracePeriod() {
using std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ms;
return 1000ms + 100ms;
bool Session::IsReadyForUserInput() const {
using std::literals::chrono_literals::operator""ms;
if (!start_time_) {
return false;
const auto right_now = Clock::now();
return (right_now - *start_time_) >= GetGracePeriod();
bool Session::RenderDialog() {
auto result =
renderer_.RenderDialog(display_num_, prompt_text_, locale_, ui_options_);
if (!result.ok()) {
LOG(ERROR) << result.error().FormatForEnv();
return false;
return true;
MainLoopState Session::Transition(SharedFD& hal_cli, const FsmInput fsm_input,
const ConfUiMessage& conf_ui_message) {
bool should_keep_running = false;
bool already_terminated = false;
switch (state_) {
case MainLoopState::kInit: {
should_keep_running = HandleInit(hal_cli, fsm_input, conf_ui_message);
} break;
case MainLoopState::kInSession: {
should_keep_running =
HandleInSession(hal_cli, fsm_input, conf_ui_message);
} break;
case MainLoopState::kWaitStop: {
if (IsUserInput(fsm_input)) {
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "User input ignored " << ToString(fsm_input)
<< " : " << ToString(conf_ui_message)
<< " at the state " << ToString(state_);
should_keep_running = HandleWaitStop(hal_cli, fsm_input);
} break;
case MainLoopState::kTerminated: {
already_terminated = true;
} break;
ConfUiLog(FATAL) << "Must not be in the state of " << ToString(state_);
if (!should_keep_running && !already_terminated) {
return state_;
void Session::CleanUp() {
if (state_ != MainLoopState::kAwaitCleanup) {
ConfUiLog(FATAL) << "Clean up a session only when in kAwaitCleanup";
state_ = MainLoopState::kTerminated;
// common action done when the state is back to init state
void Session::ScheduleToTerminate() {
state_ = MainLoopState::kAwaitCleanup;
saved_state_ = MainLoopState::kInvalid;
bool Session::ReportErrorToHal(SharedFD hal_cli, const std::string& msg) {
if (!SendAck(hal_cli, session_id_, false, msg)) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "I/O error in sending ack to report rendering failure";
return false;
return true;
void Session::Abort() {
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "Abort is called";
void Session::UserAbort(SharedFD hal_cli) {
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "it is a user abort input.";
SendAbortCmd(hal_cli, GetId());
bool Session::HandleInit(SharedFD hal_cli, const FsmInput fsm_input,
const ConfUiMessage& conf_ui_message) {
if (IsUserInput(fsm_input)) {
// ignore user input
state_ = MainLoopState::kInit;
return true;
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << ToString(fsm_input) << "is handled in HandleInit";
if (fsm_input != FsmInput::kHalStart) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "invalid cmd for Init State:" << ToString(fsm_input);
// ReportErrorToHal returns true if error report was successful
// However, anyway we abort this session on the host
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kSystemError);
return false;
// Start Session
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "Sending ack to hal_cli: "
<< Enum2Base(ConfUiCmd::kCliAck);
auto start_cmd_msg = static_cast<const ConfUiStartMessage&>(conf_ui_message);
prompt_text_ = start_cmd_msg.GetPromptText();
locale_ = start_cmd_msg.GetLocale();
extra_data_ = start_cmd_msg.GetExtraData();
ui_options_ = start_cmd_msg.GetUiOpts();
// cbor_ can be correctly created after the session received kStart cmd
// at runtime
cbor_ = std::make_unique<Cbor>(prompt_text_, extra_data_);
if (cbor_->IsMessageTooLong()) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "The prompt text and extra_data are too long to be "
<< "properly encoded.";
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kMessageTooLongError);
return false;
if (cbor_->IsMalformedUtf8()) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "The prompt text appears to have incorrect UTF8 format";
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kIncorrectUTF8);
return false;
if (!cbor_->IsOk()) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Unknown Error in cbor implementation";
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kSystemError);
return false;
if (!RenderDialog()) {
// the confirmation UI is driven by a user app, not running from the start
// automatically so that means webRTC should have been set up
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Dialog is not rendered. However, it should."
<< "No webRTC can't initiate any confirmation UI.";
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kUIError);
return false;
start_time_ = std::make_unique<TimePoint>(std::move(Clock::now()));
if (!SendAck(hal_cli, session_id_, true, "started")) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "Ack to kStart failed in I/O";
return false;
state_ = MainLoopState::kInSession;
return true;
bool Session::HandleInSession(SharedFD hal_cli, const FsmInput fsm_input,
const ConfUiMessage& conf_ui_msg) {
auto invalid_input_handler = [&, this]() {
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kSystemError);
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "cmd " << ToString(fsm_input)
<< " should not be handled in HandleInSession";
if (!IsUserInput(fsm_input)) {
return false;
const auto& user_input_msg =
static_cast<const ConfUiSecureUserSelectionMessage&>(conf_ui_msg);
const auto response = user_input_msg.GetResponse();
if (response == UserResponse::kUnknown ||
response == UserResponse::kUserAbort) {
return false;
const bool is_secure_input = user_input_msg.IsSecure();
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "In HandleInSession, session " << session_id_
<< " is sending the user input " << ToString(fsm_input);
bool is_success = false;
if (response == UserResponse::kCancel) {
// no need to sign
is_success =
SendResponse(hal_cli, session_id_, UserResponse::kCancel,
std::vector<std::uint8_t>{}, std::vector<std::uint8_t>{});
} else {
message_ = std::move(cbor_->GetMessage());
auto message_opt = (is_secure_input ? Sign(message_) : TestSign(message_));
if (!message_opt) {
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kSystemError);
return false;
signed_confirmation_ = message_opt.value();
is_success = SendResponse(hal_cli, session_id_, UserResponse::kConfirm,
signed_confirmation_, message_);
if (!is_success) {
ConfUiLog(ERROR) << "I/O error in sending user response to HAL";
return false;
state_ = MainLoopState::kWaitStop;
return true;
bool Session::HandleWaitStop(SharedFD hal_cli, const FsmInput fsm_input) {
if (IsUserInput(fsm_input)) {
// ignore user input
state_ = MainLoopState::kWaitStop;
return true;
if (fsm_input == FsmInput::kHalStop) {
ConfUiLog(VERBOSE) << "Handling Abort in kWaitStop.";
return true;
ReportErrorToHal(hal_cli, HostError::kSystemError);
ConfUiLog(FATAL) << "In WaitStop, received wrong HAL command "
<< ToString(fsm_input);
return false;
} // end of namespace confui
} // end of namespace cuttlefish