| # Felix specific init.rc |
| import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.gs201.rc |
| |
| on fs |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:fp_fpc1020/clk_enable |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:fp_fpc1020/hw_reset |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:fp_fpc1020/irq |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:fp_fpc1020/wakeup_enable |
| exec_background - system shell -- /vendor/bin/trusty_apploader /vendor/firmware/1540.app |
| |
| # Permissions for hwcomposer |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel1-backlight/als_table |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel1-backlight/brightness |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel1-backlight/dimming_on |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel1-backlight/hbm_mode |
| |
| # Touch |
| on property:vendor.device.modules.ready=1 |
| chown system input /dev/touch_offload_fts |
| chown system input /dev/touch_offload_fts_ext |
| chmod 660 /dev/touch_offload_fts |
| chmod 660 /dev/touch_offload_fts_ext |
| # Start the twoshay touch service |
| start twoshay |
| |
| # Toggle glove_mode according to touch_sensitivity_mode |
| on property:persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode=0 && property:sys.boot_completed=1 |
| write /sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0/glove_mode 00 |
| write /sys/class/spi_master/spi6/spi6.0/glove_mode 00 |
| |
| on property:persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode=1 && property:sys.boot_completed=1 |
| write /sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0/glove_mode 01 |
| write /sys/class/spi_master/spi6/spi6.0/glove_mode 01 |
| |
| # Load FPC's internal lib |
| on init |
| setprop ro.hardware.fingerprint "fpc" |
| # NFC streset tool name |
| setprop persist.vendor.nfc.streset libstreset21 |
| setprop persist.vendor.se.streset libstreset21 |
| |
| # When ro.build.flavor=factory_felix-userdebug, add vendor/bin/factory to default path |
| on init && property:ro.build.flavor=factory_felix-userdebug |
| export PATH /product/bin:/apex/com.android.runtime/bin:/apex/com.android.art/bin:/system_ext/bin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/odm/bin:/vendor/bin:/vendor/xbin:/vendor/bin/factory |
| |
| on early-boot |
| # Wait for insmod_sh to finish all common modules |
| wait_for_prop vendor.common.modules.ready 1 |
| start insmod_sh_felix |
| |
| service insmod_sh_felix /vendor/bin/init.insmod.sh /vendor/etc/init.insmod.felix.cfg |
| class main |
| user root |
| group root system |
| disabled |
| oneshot |
| |
| on boot && property:ro.build.flavor=factory_felix-userdebug |
| # FTM log folder |
| mkdir /data/ftmlog 0775 system system |
| |
| # Audio test folder |
| mkdir /data/AudioTest 0775 system system |
| |
| on property:vendor.mfgapi.touchpanel.permission=1 |
| chmod 0600 /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd |
| chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd |
| |
| # Bluetooth |
| on post-fs-data |
| chown bluetooth system /proc/bluetooth/timesync |
| |
| # Fingerprint |
| on post-fs-data |
| chown system system /dev/goodix_fp |
| exec_background - system shell -- /vendor/bin/trusty_apploader /vendor/firmware/g7.app |
| |
| # Overrides fingerprint antispoof if following persist sysprops are set |
| on boot && property:ro.build.type=userdebug && \ |
| property:persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override=0 |
| setprop vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake ${persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override} |
| |
| on boot && property:ro.build.type=userdebug && \ |
| property:persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override=1 |
| setprop vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake ${persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override} |
| |
| on boot && property:ro.build.type=userdebug && \ |
| property:persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override=100 |
| setprop vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake ${persist.vendor.fingerprint.disable.fake.override} |
| |
| # Thermal |
| on late-init && property:ro.boot.hardware.revision=DEV1.0 |
| setprop vendor.thermal.config "thermal_info_config_proto.json" |
| |
| on late-init && property:ro.boot.hardware.revision=PROTO1.0 |
| setprop vendor.thermal.config "thermal_info_config_proto.json" |
| |
| # Hall sensor |
| on init && property:ro.bootmode=normal |
| write /sys/devices/platform/hall_sensor/enable 0 |
| |
| # SecureElement eSE2 cts mode |
| on property:persist.vendor.se.ese2.mode=ctsmode |
| write /sys/class/st33spi/st33spi/st33spi_state 33 |