blob: 1f7ed70dd61b84379e40b4e575d3f22be549c754 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <aidl/android/hardware/vibrator/BnVibrator.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <tinyalsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <array>
#include <fstream>
#include <future>
namespace aidl {
namespace android {
namespace hardware {
namespace vibrator {
class Vibrator : public BnVibrator {
// APIs for interfacing with the GPIO pin.
class HwGPIO {
virtual ~HwGPIO() = default;
// Get the GPIO pin num and address shift information
virtual bool getGPIO() = 0;
// Init the GPIO function
virtual bool initGPIO() = 0;
// Trigger the GPIO pin to synchronize both vibrators's play
virtual bool setGPIOOutput(bool value) = 0;
// Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
virtual void debug(int fd) = 0;
// APIs for interfacing with the kernel driver.
class HwApi {
virtual ~HwApi() = default;
// Stores the LRA resonant frequency to be used for PWLE playback
// and click compensation.
virtual bool setF0(std::string value) = 0;
// Stores the frequency offset for long vibrations.
virtual bool setF0Offset(uint32_t value) = 0;
// Stores the LRA series resistance to be used for click
// compensation.
virtual bool setRedc(std::string value) = 0;
// Stores the LRA Q factor to be used for Q-dependent waveform
// selection.
virtual bool setQ(std::string value) = 0;
// Reports the number of effect waveforms loaded in firmware.
virtual bool getEffectCount(uint32_t *value) = 0;
// Blocks until timeout or vibrator reaches desired state
// (2 = ASP enabled, 1 = haptic enabled, 0 = disabled).
virtual bool pollVibeState(uint32_t value, int32_t timeoutMs = -1) = 0;
// Reports whether getOwtFreeSpace() is supported.
virtual bool hasOwtFreeSpace() = 0;
// Reports the available OWT bytes.
virtual bool getOwtFreeSpace(uint32_t *value) = 0;
// Enables/Disables F0 compensation enable status
virtual bool setF0CompEnable(bool value) = 0;
// Enables/Disables Redc compensation enable status
virtual bool setRedcCompEnable(bool value) = 0;
// Stores the minumun delay time between playback and stop effects.
virtual bool setMinOnOffInterval(uint32_t value) = 0;
// Indicates the number of 0.125-dB steps of attenuation to apply to
// waveforms triggered in response to vibration calls from the
// Android vibrator HAL.
virtual bool setFFGain(int fd, uint16_t value) = 0;
// Create/modify custom effects for all physical waveforms.
virtual bool setFFEffect(int fd, struct ff_effect *effect, uint16_t timeoutMs) = 0;
// Activates/deactivates the effect index after setFFGain() and setFFEffect().
virtual bool setFFPlay(int fd, int8_t index, bool value) = 0;
// Get the Alsa device for the audio coupled haptics effect
virtual bool getHapticAlsaDevice(int *card, int *device) = 0;
// Set haptics PCM amplifier before triggering audio haptics feature
virtual bool setHapticPcmAmp(struct pcm **haptic_pcm, bool enable, int card,
int device) = 0;
// Set OWT waveform for compose or compose PWLE request
virtual bool uploadOwtEffect(int fd, uint8_t *owtData, uint32_t numBytes,
struct ff_effect *effect, uint32_t *outEffectIndex,
int *status) = 0;
// Erase OWT waveform
virtual bool eraseOwtEffect(int fd, int8_t effectIndex, std::vector<ff_effect> *effect) = 0;
// Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
virtual void debug(int fd) = 0;
// APIs for obtaining calibration/configuration data from persistent memory.
class HwCal {
virtual ~HwCal() = default;
// Obtain the calibration version
virtual bool getVersion(uint32_t *value) = 0;
// Obtains the LRA resonant frequency to be used for PWLE playback
// and click compensation.
virtual bool getF0(std::string *value) = 0;
// Obtains the offset for actuator that will adjust configured F0 to target
// frequency for dual actuators
virtual bool getF0SyncOffset(uint32_t *value) = 0;
// Obtains the LRA series resistance to be used for click
// compensation.
virtual bool getRedc(std::string *value) = 0;
// Obtains the LRA Q factor to be used for Q-dependent waveform
// selection.
virtual bool getQ(std::string *value) = 0;
// Obtains frequency shift for long vibrations.
virtual bool getLongFrequencyShift(int32_t *value) = 0;
// Obtains the v0/v1(min/max) voltage levels to be applied for
// tick/click/long in units of 1%.
virtual bool getTickVolLevels(std::array<uint32_t, 2> *value) = 0;
virtual bool getClickVolLevels(std::array<uint32_t, 2> *value) = 0;
virtual bool getLongVolLevels(std::array<uint32_t, 2> *value) = 0;
// Checks if the chirp feature is enabled.
virtual bool isChirpEnabled() = 0;
// Obtains the supported primitive effects.
virtual bool getSupportedPrimitives(uint32_t *value) = 0;
// Checks if the f0 compensation feature needs to be enabled.
virtual bool isF0CompEnabled() = 0;
// Checks if the redc compensation feature needs to be enabled.
virtual bool isRedcCompEnabled() = 0;
// Emit diagnostic information to the given file.
virtual void debug(int fd) = 0;
Vibrator(std::unique_ptr<HwApi> hwApiDefault, std::unique_ptr<HwCal> hwCalDefault,
std::unique_ptr<HwApi> hwApiDual, std::unique_ptr<HwCal> hwCalDual,
std::unique_ptr<HwGPIO> hwgpio);
// BnVibrator APIs
ndk::ScopedAStatus getCapabilities(int32_t *_aidl_return) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus off() override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus on(int32_t timeoutMs,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus perform(Effect effect, EffectStrength strength,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback,
int32_t *_aidl_return) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getSupportedEffects(std::vector<Effect> *_aidl_return) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus setAmplitude(float amplitude) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus setExternalControl(bool enabled) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getCompositionDelayMax(int32_t *maxDelayMs);
ndk::ScopedAStatus getCompositionSizeMax(int32_t *maxSize);
ndk::ScopedAStatus getSupportedPrimitives(std::vector<CompositePrimitive> *supported) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getPrimitiveDuration(CompositePrimitive primitive,
int32_t *durationMs) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus compose(const std::vector<CompositeEffect> &composite,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getSupportedAlwaysOnEffects(std::vector<Effect> *_aidl_return) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus alwaysOnEnable(int32_t id, Effect effect, EffectStrength strength) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus alwaysOnDisable(int32_t id) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getResonantFrequency(float *resonantFreqHz) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getQFactor(float *qFactor) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getFrequencyResolution(float *freqResolutionHz) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getFrequencyMinimum(float *freqMinimumHz) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getBandwidthAmplitudeMap(std::vector<float> *_aidl_return) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getPwlePrimitiveDurationMax(int32_t *durationMs) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getPwleCompositionSizeMax(int32_t *maxSize) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus getSupportedBraking(std::vector<Braking> *supported) override;
ndk::ScopedAStatus composePwle(const std::vector<PrimitivePwle> &composite,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback) override;
// BnCInterface APIs
binder_status_t dump(int fd, const char **args, uint32_t numArgs) override;
static constexpr uint32_t MIN_ON_OFF_INTERVAL_US = 8500; // SVC initialization time
ndk::ScopedAStatus on(uint32_t timeoutMs, uint32_t effectIndex, struct dspmem_chunk *ch,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback);
// set 'amplitude' based on an arbitrary scale determined by 'maximum'
ndk::ScopedAStatus setEffectAmplitude(float amplitude, float maximum);
ndk::ScopedAStatus setGlobalAmplitude(bool set);
// 'simple' effects are those precompiled and loaded into the controller
ndk::ScopedAStatus getSimpleDetails(Effect effect, EffectStrength strength,
uint32_t *outEffectIndex, uint32_t *outTimeMs,
uint32_t *outVolLevel);
// 'compound' effects are those composed by stringing multiple 'simple' effects
ndk::ScopedAStatus getCompoundDetails(Effect effect, EffectStrength strength,
uint32_t *outTimeMs, struct dspmem_chunk *outCh);
ndk::ScopedAStatus getPrimitiveDetails(CompositePrimitive primitive, uint32_t *outEffectIndex);
ndk::ScopedAStatus performEffect(Effect effect, EffectStrength strength,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback,
int32_t *outTimeMs);
ndk::ScopedAStatus performEffect(uint32_t effectIndex, uint32_t volLevel,
struct dspmem_chunk *ch,
const std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &callback);
ndk::ScopedAStatus setPwle(const std::string &pwleQueue);
bool isUnderExternalControl();
void waitForComplete(std::shared_ptr<IVibratorCallback> &&callback);
uint32_t intensityToVolLevel(float intensity, uint32_t effectIndex);
bool findHapticAlsaDevice(int *card, int *device);
bool hasHapticAlsaDevice();
bool enableHapticPcmAmp(struct pcm **haptic_pcm, bool enable, int card, int device);
std::unique_ptr<HwApi> mHwApiDef;
std::unique_ptr<HwCal> mHwCalDef;
std::unique_ptr<HwApi> mHwApiDual;
std::unique_ptr<HwCal> mHwCalDual;
std::unique_ptr<HwGPIO> mHwGPIO;
uint32_t mF0Offset;
uint32_t mF0OffsetDual;
std::array<uint32_t, 2> mTickEffectVol;
std::array<uint32_t, 2> mClickEffectVol;
std::array<uint32_t, 2> mLongEffectVol;
std::vector<ff_effect> mFfEffects;
std::vector<ff_effect> mFfEffectsDual;
std::vector<uint32_t> mEffectDurations;
std::future<void> mAsyncHandle;
::android::base::unique_fd mInputFd;
::android::base::unique_fd mInputFdDual;
int8_t mActiveId{-1};
struct pcm *mHapticPcm;
int mCard;
int mDevice;
bool mHasHapticAlsaDevice{false};
bool mIsUnderExternalControl;
float mLongEffectScale{1.0};
bool mIsChirpEnabled;
uint32_t mSupportedPrimitivesBits = 0x0;
std::vector<CompositePrimitive> mSupportedPrimitives;
bool mConfigHapticAlsaDeviceDone{false};
bool mGPIOStatus;
bool mIsDual{false};
std::mutex mActiveId_mutex; // protects mActiveId
} // namespace vibrator
} // namespace hardware
} // namespace android
} // namespace aidl