| import /vendor/etc/init/hw/init.gs201.usb.rc |
| import android.hardware.drm@1.2-service.widevine.rc |
| import init.exynos.sensorhub.rc |
| |
| on early-init && property:ro.debuggable=1 |
| # Convert /dev/block/by-name/persist to ext4 on userdebug builds only |
| exec -- /system_ext/bin/convert_to_ext4.sh /dev/block/by-name/persist false |
| mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.persist --early |
| |
| on early-init && property:ro.debuggable=0 |
| mount_all /vendor/etc/fstab.persist --early |
| |
| on init |
| # CPU0 cannot be offline |
| chmod 0444 /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/online |
| |
| # Set teo as cpu idle governor |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuidle/current_governor teo |
| |
| # Boot time fs tuning |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/iostats 0 |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/scheduler bfq |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/slice_idle 0 |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/nr_requests 256 |
| write /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/data_io_flag 56 |
| write /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/node_io_flag 56 |
| |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_bg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_cam |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_fg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_nnapi |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sys |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sysbg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_ta |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_rt |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sf |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_dex2oat |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_cam_power |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_ota |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_bg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_cam |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_fg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_nnapi |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sys |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sysbg |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_ta |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_rt |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sf |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_dex2oat |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_cam_power |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_ota |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/prefer_idle_set |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/prefer_idle_clear |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_enable |
| chown system system /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_time |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/spc_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/limit_frequency |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/spc_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/limit_frequency |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/spc_threshold |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/limit_frequency |
| chown system system /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu0_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu1_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu2_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu3_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu4_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu5_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu6_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| chown system system /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu7_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware |
| |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_bg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_cam |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_fg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_nnapi |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sys |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sysbg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_ta |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_rt |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_sf |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_dex2oat |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_cam_power |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_task_group_ota |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_bg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_cam |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_fg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_nnapi |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sys |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sysbg |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_ta |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_rt |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_sf |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_dex2oat |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_cam_power |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/set_proc_group_ota |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/prefer_idle_set |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/prefer_idle_clear |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_enable |
| chmod 0220 /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_time |
| |
| wait /dev/block/platform/${ro.boot.boot_devices} |
| symlink /dev/block/platform/${ro.boot.boot_devices} /dev/block/bootdevice |
| |
| # to access UFS/eMMC sysfs directly |
| symlink /sys/devices/platform/${ro.boot.boot_devices} /dev/sys/block/bootdevice |
| |
| # Disable UFS powersaving |
| write /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/clkgate_enable 0 |
| |
| start vendor.keymaster-4-0 |
| |
| # ZRAM setup |
| write /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm lz77eh |
| write /proc/sys/vm/page-cluster 0 |
| |
| # Some user code relies on ro.boot.hardware.revision |
| setprop ro.boot.hardware.revision ${ro.revision} |
| |
| # Allow PAI targeting per hardware SKU |
| setprop ro.oem.key1 ${ro.boot.hardware.sku} |
| |
| # Property used by vintf for sku specific manifests |
| # Property used by NFC for sku specific configurations |
| setprop ro.boot.product.hardware.sku ${ro.boot.hardware.sku} |
| |
| # Support legacy paths |
| symlink /data/app /factory |
| |
| # Apply network parameters for high data performance. |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default 1310720 |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max 8388608 |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default 327680 |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max 8388608 |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/optmem_max 20480 |
| write /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog 10000 |
| write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_rmem "2097152 4194304 8388608" |
| write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_wmem "262144 524288 8388608" |
| write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_mem "44259 59012 88518" |
| write /proc/sys/net/ipv4/udp_mem "88518 118025 177036" |
| |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet0/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet1/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet2/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet3/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet4/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet5/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet6/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| write /sys/class/net/rmnet7/queues/rx-0/rps_cpus fe |
| |
| # Create UDS structure for base VR services. |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/buffer_hub 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/performance 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/display 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/pose 0775 system system |
| mkdir /dev/socket/pdx/system/vr/sensors 0775 system system |
| |
| # Boot time 183626384 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ta_uclamp_min 1024 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ta_prefer_idle 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/fg_uclamp_min 1024 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/fg_prefer_idle 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_uclamp_min 1024 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_prefer_idle 1 |
| |
| # governor setting |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor sched_pixel |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/sched_pixel/up_rate_limit_us 500 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/sched_pixel/down_rate_limit_us 5000 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/sched_pixel/down_rate_limit_scale_pow 2 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/scaling_governor sched_pixel |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/sched_pixel/up_rate_limit_us 500 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu4/cpufreq/sched_pixel/down_rate_limit_us 20000 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/scaling_governor sched_pixel |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/sched_pixel/up_rate_limit_us 500 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/cpufreq/sched_pixel/down_rate_limit_us 20000 |
| |
| # memlat cpuidle awareness setting |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu0_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu1_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu2_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu3_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu4_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu5_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu6_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu7_memlat@17000010/memlat_cpuidle_state_aware 2 |
| |
| # RT uclamp setting |
| write /proc/sys/kernel/sched_util_clamp_min_rt_default 0 |
| |
| # change permissions and default values for camera-daemon cpu controller |
| chown system system /dev/cpuctl/camera-daemon/cpu.uclamp.min |
| chown system system /dev/cpuctl/camera-daemon/cpu.uclamp.max |
| chown root root /dev/cpuctl/camera-daemon/cpu.uclamp.latency_sensitive |
| chown system system /dev/cpuctl/camera-daemon/cgroup.procs |
| |
| mkdir /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-high-group |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-high-group/cpus 0-7 |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-high-group/mems 0 |
| chown system system /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-high-group/tasks |
| chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-high-group/tasks |
| |
| mkdir /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-group |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-group/cpus 0-7 |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-group/mems 0 |
| chown system system /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-group/tasks |
| chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-group/tasks |
| |
| mkdir /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-high-group |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-high-group/cpus 0-7 |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-high-group/mems 0 |
| chown system system /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-high-group/tasks |
| chmod 0664 /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon-mid-high-group/tasks |
| |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/cam_prefer_idle 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/cam_uclamp_min 1 |
| |
| chown system system /dev/cpuset/cgroup.procs |
| |
| # nanohub sensor |
| chmod 0664 /dev/nanohub |
| chmod 0664 /dev/nanohub_comms |
| chown system system /dev/nanohub |
| chown system system /dev/nanohub_comms |
| |
| # Dump maxfg |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/maxfg/m5_model_state |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/maxfg_base/m5_model_state |
| chown system system /dev/maxfg_history |
| |
| # Dump eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-5/5-0050/eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10970000.hsi2c/i2c-4/4-0050/eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10da0000.hsi2c/i2c-5/5-0050/eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10da0000.hsi2c/i2c-6/6-0050/eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10da0000.hsi2c/i2c-7/7-0050/eeprom |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/10da0000.hsi2c/i2c-9/9-0050/eeprom |
| |
| # Loading common kernel modules in background |
| start init_display |
| |
| # Charge stats (write 0) |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_stats |
| |
| # Pca Charge stats (write 0) |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/pca94xx-mains/device/chg_stats |
| |
| # Wireless Charge stats (write 0) |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/charge_stats |
| |
| # Thermal Charge stats (write 0) |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/thermal_stats |
| |
| # Google Charger stats (write 0) |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/charge_stats |
| |
| # Permission for wireless charging fan |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/thermal_dc_fan_alarm |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,cpm/thermal_mdis_fan_alarm |
| |
| # Permission for wireless charging |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/capacity |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rtx |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rxdata |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/txdata |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rxlen |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/txlen |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/ccreset |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/status |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/version |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/features |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/authtype |
| |
| # Adaptive charge |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_deadline |
| |
| # Charging policy |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charging_policy |
| |
| # BatteryHealthData |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/first_usage_date |
| |
| # Battery Defender |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_trickle_cnt |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_trickle_dry_run |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_trickle_enable |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_trickle_recharge_soc |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_trickle_reset_sec |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/bd_clear |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,battery/power_supply/battery/health_safety_margin |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_drainto_soc |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_recharge_soc |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_recharge_voltage |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_resume_abs_temp |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_resume_soc |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_resume_temp |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_resume_time |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_temp_dry_run |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_temp_enable |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_trigger_temp |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_trigger_time |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_trigger_voltage |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/bd_clear |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/charge_start_level |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/charge_stop_level |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,cpm/dc_ctl |
| # Important to include dd_state as it's used in battery defender in charger mode |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/dd_state |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/dd_settings |
| |
| # Battery temperature filter |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/battery/temp_filter_enable |
| |
| # Power Stats HAL |
| chown system system /dev/bbd_pwrstat |
| |
| # Add a boost for NNAPI HAL |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/nnapi_prefer_idle 0 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/nnapi_uclamp_min 512 |
| |
| # Add memlat governor settings |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu0_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu1_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu2_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu3_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu4_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu5_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu6_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu7_memlat@17000010/polling_interval 10 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu0_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 400 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu1_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 400 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu2_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 400 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu3_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 400 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu4_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 2700 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu5_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 2700 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu6_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 3200 |
| write /sys/class/devfreq/gs_memlat_devfreq:devfreq_mif_cpu7_memlat@17000010/mem_latency/ratio_ceil 3200 |
| |
| # Set boost_adpf_prio, -1 by default |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/boost_adpf_prio ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native_boot.boost_adpf_prio:--1} |
| |
| on late-fs |
| # Start bootanimation class before mount |
| start bootanim |
| class_start animation |
| |
| # Mount RW partitions which need run fsck |
| mount_all --late |
| |
| on post-fs-data |
| # Log data folder |
| mkdir /data/vendor 0771 radio system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/log 0771 radio system |
| |
| mkdir /data/exynos/log 0771 radio system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/rild 0771 radio system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/dump 0771 radio system |
| |
| # PixelLogger log paths. |
| mkdir /data/vendor/radio 773 system radio |
| mkdir /data/vendor/radio/logs 773 system radio |
| mkdir /data/vendor/radio/logs/always-on 777 system radio |
| |
| # Write display frequency config from RadioExt HAL |
| |
| # OSC frequency files |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/1c2c0000.drmdsim/1c2c0000.drmdsim.0/osc2_clk_khz |
| chmod 0664 /sys/devices/platform/1c2c0000.drmdsim/1c2c0000.drmdsim.0/osc2_clk_khz |
| |
| # MIPI frequency files |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/1c2c0000.drmdsim/hs_clock |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/1c2d0000.drmdsim/hs_clock |
| chmod 0664 /sys/devices/platform/1c2c0000.drmdsim/hs_clock |
| chmod 0664 /sys/devices/platform/1c2d0000.drmdsim/hs_clock |
| |
| # IPSEC PIDDIR for VoWiFi |
| mkdir /data/vendor/misc 0771 root system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/misc/vpn 0771 root system |
| |
| # Permissions Camera |
| mkdir /data/vendor/camera 0770 system camera |
| mkdir /data/vendor/camera/catpipe 0770 system camera |
| mkdir /data/vendor/camera/video_bokeh_node 0770 system camera |
| chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing |
| restorecon /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker |
| |
| # ranging sensor |
| chown system system /dev/stmvl53l1_ranging |
| chmod 0660 /dev/stmvl53l1_ranging |
| |
| # Factory calibration files |
| chmod 0771 /mnt/vendor/persist/camera |
| chmod 0771 /mnt/vendor/persist/camera/OTP_calibration |
| chmod 0771 /mnt/vendor/persist/camera/pdaf_calibration_data |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/camera/rear 0770 system system |
| chmod 0771 /mnt/vendor/persist/camera/rear |
| |
| # Audio dump and debug |
| mkdir /data/vendor/audio 0770 audio audio |
| |
| # Create the directories for Darwinn HAL. |
| mkdir /data/vendor/hal_neuralnetworks_darwinn 0770 system system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/hal_neuralnetworks_darwinn/checksum_cache 0770 system system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/edgetpu 0770 system system |
| mkdir /data/vendor/edgetpu/cache 0770 system system |
| |
| # Compatibility path for TPU |
| symlink /dev/janeiro /dev/edgetpu |
| |
| |
| on zygote-start |
| # For PixelLogger configuration file. |
| chmod 0771 /data/vendor/wifi |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_uclamp_min 0 |
| |
| on post-fs-data |
| # Create the directories used by the Wireless subsystem |
| mkdir /data/vendor/wifi 0771 wifi wifi |
| mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa 0770 wifi wifi |
| mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa/sockets 0770 wifi wifi |
| |
| # Gatekeeper data |
| mkdir /data/vendor/gk 0771 system system |
| |
| # HWC data |
| mkdir /data/vendor/log/hwc 0771 system graphics |
| |
| # Video data |
| mkdir /data/vendor/media 0700 mediacodec mediacodec |
| |
| on post-fs-data |
| # GPS |
| mkdir /data/vendor/gps 0771 system system |
| chown system system /data/vendor/gps |
| rm /data/vendor/gps/gps_started |
| rm /data/vendor/gps/glonass_started |
| rm /data/vendor/gps/beidou_started |
| rm /data/vendor/gps/smd_started |
| rm /data/vendor/gps/sv_cno.info |
| |
| chown gps system /sys/devices/platform/10940000.spi/spi_master/spi5/spi5.0/nstandby |
| chmod 0664 /dev/ttyBCM |
| chown gps system /dev/ttyBCM |
| chmod 0664 /dev/bbd_control |
| chown gps system /dev/bbd_control |
| chmod 0664 /dev/bbd_patch |
| chown gps system /dev/bbd_patch |
| chmod 0664 /dev/bbd_sensor |
| chown gps system /dev/bbd_sensor |
| |
| on early-boot |
| # Wait for insmod_sh to finish all common modules |
| wait_for_prop vendor.common.modules.ready 1 |
| |
| # Permission for Health Storage HAL |
| chown system system /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/manual_gc |
| |
| # Permission for Pixelstats |
| chown system system /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/slowio_read_cnt |
| chown system system /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/slowio_write_cnt |
| chown system system /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/slowio_unmap_cnt |
| chown system system /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/slowio_sync_cnt |
| |
| # PCIe link stats for pixelstats |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/complete_timeout_irqs |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/link_down_irqs |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/link_recovery_failures |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/link_up_average |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/link_up_failures |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/11920000.pcie/link_stats/pll_lock_average |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/complete_timeout_irqs |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/link_down_irqs |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/link_recovery_failures |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/link_up_average |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/link_up_failures |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/14520000.pcie/link_stats/pll_lock_average |
| |
| # Dump Battery EEPROM history for pixelstats |
| chown system system /dev/battery_history |
| chmod 0644 /dev/battery_history |
| |
| # Permission for logbuffer |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg_base |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg_secondary |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg_monitor |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg_base_monitor |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxfg_secondary_monitor |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_maxq |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_rtx |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_ssoc |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_ttf |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_tcpm |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_usbpd |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_pogo_transport |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_wireless |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_pca9468 |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_cpm |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_bd |
| chown system system /dev/logbuffer_dual_batt |
| |
| on boot |
| |
| # Allow to access debugfs for system:system |
| chmod 0755 /sys/kernel/debug |
| chown system system /sys/kernel/debug |
| |
| #setprop ro.radio.noril no |
| |
| # default country code |
| setprop ro.boot.wificountrycode 00 |
| |
| # Set up kernel tracing, but disable it by default |
| chmod 0222 /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace_marker |
| write /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on 0 |
| |
| # Change permission for A-Box firmware logs file & GPR dump |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/reset |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/service |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/0.abox_debug/gpr |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/0.abox_debug/calliope_sram |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/0.abox_debug/calliope_dram |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/17c50000.abox/0.abox_debug/calliope_iva |
| chown audioserver system /sys/kernel/debug/abox/log-00 |
| |
| # Permission for USB SELECT |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/enable |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_diag/clients |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/f_diag/clients |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/functions |
| chown system system /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/android_usb/android0/bDeviceClass |
| |
| # Permission for UART SWITCH |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/sec/switch/uart_sel |
| chown system system /sys/class/sec/switch/uart_sel |
| |
| # VTS sysfs file permission |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/13810000.vts/vts_svoice_model |
| chown audioserver system /sys/devices/platform/13810000.vts/vts_google_model |
| chmod 0660 /sys/devices/platform/13810000.vts/vts_svoice_model |
| chmod 0660 /sys/devices/platform/13810000.vts/vts_google_model |
| |
| on property:persist.vendor.radio.no_modem_board=1 |
| setprop ro.radio.noril yes |
| |
| on fs |
| mount_all --early |
| |
| # for battery defender |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/battery 0700 system system |
| |
| # for battery defender |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/battery 0700 system system |
| |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/aoc |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/audio |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/sensors |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/battery |
| # Set up display-related directories and permissions |
| # Add restorecon_recursive command to make sure the restorecon label is persist_display_file. |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/display |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/data/sfs 0700 system system |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/data/tz 0700 system system |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/touch 0770 system system |
| |
| # Permissions for ION |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/ion_cma/ion_video_ext/isolated |
| chown system system /sys/class/ion_cma/ion_video_ext/isolated |
| |
| # Permissions for hwcomposer |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/als_table |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/brightness |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/dimming_on |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/hbm_mode |
| chown system system /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/local_hbm_mode |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/gamma |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/min_vrefresh |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/idle_delay_ms |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/panel_idle |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/exynos-drm/primary-panel/panel_need_handle_idle_exit |
| chown system system /sys/module/drm/parameters/vblankoffdelay |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/ambient_light |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/st |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/en |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/lt |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/ns |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/dither |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/pl_w1 |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/pl_w2 |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/ctmode |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/pp_en |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/upgrade_on |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/tdr_max |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/tdr_min |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/back_light |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/dstep |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/scale_mode |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/threshold_1 |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/threshold_2 |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/threshold_3 |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/gain_limit |
| chown system system /sys/class/dqe0/atc/lt_calc_ab_shift |
| |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/1c240000.drmdecon/early_wakeup |
| chmod 0660 /sys/devices/platform/1c240000.drmdecon/early_wakeup |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/1c242000.drmdecon/early_wakeup |
| chmod 0660 /sys/devices/platform/1c242000.drmdecon/early_wakeup |
| |
| # Copy DRM Key |
| # copy /system/app/wv.keys /factory/wv.keys |
| |
| # Permission for DRM Key |
| # chmod 0644 /factory/wv.keys |
| |
| # Permission for flashlight control for HAL3.3 |
| # The Istor espresso board does not have the flash led h/w, So the below permission line are blocked. |
| # If you want to test the flashlight in board which have the flash led h/w, Enable the below blocked lines. |
| chmod 0660 /sys/class/camera/flash/rear_torch_flash |
| chown system camera /sys/class/camera/flash/rear_torch_flash |
| #load ecd firmware |
| write /proc/ecd/load_firmware 1 |
| |
| service abox /vendor/bin/main_abox 17c50000.abox |
| class late_start |
| user audioserver |
| group audioserver |
| seclabel u:r:abox:s0 |
| |
| # on userdebug and eng builds, enable kgdb on the serial console |
| on property:ro.debuggable=1 |
| write /sys/module/kgdboc/parameters/kgdboc ttyFIQ1 |
| write /sys/module/fiq_debugger/parameters/kgdb_enable 1 |
| |
| # Touch |
| on property:vendor.device.modules.ready=1 |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi0/spi0.0/synaptics_tcm.0/sysfs/get_raw_data |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi0/spi0.0/synaptics_tcm.0/sysfs/force_active |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0/stm_fts_cmd |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi11/spi11.0/glove_mode |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi6/spi6.0/stm_fts_cmd |
| chown system system /sys/class/spi_master/spi6/spi6.0/glove_mode |
| chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/fw_version |
| chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd |
| chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/cmd_result |
| chown system system /sys/devices/virtual/sec/tsp/status |
| # Allow access to touch |
| chown system input /dev/touch_offload |
| chmod 660 /dev/touch_offload |
| |
| # Route touch_sensitivity_mode to persist |
| on property:debug.touch_sensitivity_mode=0 |
| setprop persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode 0 |
| |
| on property:debug.touch_sensitivity_mode=1 |
| setprop persist.vendor.touch_sensitivity_mode 1 |
| |
| on property:init.svc.vendor.charger=running |
| stop keymaster-4-0 |
| |
| setprop sys.usb.configfs 1 |
| setprop vendor.setup.power 1 |
| |
| # keep one little and one mid core |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online 0 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu2/online 0 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu3/online 0 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu5/online 0 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu6/online 0 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu7/online 0 |
| |
| on property:sys.boot_completed=1 |
| |
| # Runtime fs tuning |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/nr_requests 128 |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/iostats 1 |
| write /sys/block/sda/queue/iosched/slice_idle 0 |
| write /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/data_io_flag 8 |
| write /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/node_io_flag 8 |
| |
| # Permission for Pixelstats |
| chown system system /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/compr_written_block |
| chown system system /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/compr_saved_block |
| chown system system /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/compr_new_inode |
| chown system system /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/gc_segment_mode |
| chown system system /dev/sys/fs/by-name/userdata/gc_reclaimed_segments |
| |
| # Enable ZRAM on boot_complete |
| swapon_all /vendor/etc/fstab.${ro.board.platform} |
| write /proc/sys/vm/swappiness 100 |
| |
| # Adjust watermark level |
| write /proc/sys/vm/watermark_scale_factor 200 |
| |
| # Back to default VM settings |
| write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_expire_centisecs 3000 |
| write /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio 10 |
| |
| # Enable UFS powersaving |
| write /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/clkgate_enable 1 |
| |
| # Reset DDR frequency |
| write /sys/devices/platform/17000010.devfreq_mif/devfreq/17000010.devfreq_mif/exynos_data/cancel_boot_freq 1 |
| write /sys/devices/platform/17000020.devfreq_int/devfreq/17000020.devfreq_int/exynos_data/cancel_boot_freq 1 |
| |
| # Setup final cpuset |
| write /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.top-app_cpuset:-0-7} |
| write /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.foreground_cpuset:-0-3,4-5} |
| write /dev/cpuset/background/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.background_cpuset:-0-3} |
| write /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.system-background_cpuset:-0-3} |
| write /dev/cpuset/restricted/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.restricted_cpuset:-0-3} |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.camera-daemon_cpuset:-0-7} |
| setprop vendor.powerhal.init 1 |
| |
| # Setup final cpu.uclamp |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ta_uclamp_min 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/fg_uclamp_min 0 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sys_prefer_idle 0 |
| |
| # Set ug group |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/bg_ug 0 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sysbg_ug 0 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ota_ug 0 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/dex2oat_ug 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ta_ug 1 |
| |
| # Set bg group throttle |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ug_bg_group_throttle ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.ug_bg_group_throttle:-308} |
| |
| # Set uclamp.max for some groups, which could indicate cpu importance used in scheduling |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/bg_uclamp_max 512 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/sysbg_uclamp_max 512 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/ota_uclamp_max 512 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/dex2oat_uclamp_max 615 |
| |
| # Set PMU freq limit parameters |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold 2 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/spc_threshold 70 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/limit_frequency 1401000 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold 6 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/spc_threshold 65 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/limit_frequency 1836000 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/lcpi_threshold 5 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/spc_threshold 69 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/limit_frequency 2507000 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_time 10 |
| |
| # Disable PMU freq limit |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy0/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable 1 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable 1 |
| write /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy6/sched_pixel/pmu_limit_enable 1 |
| write /proc/vendor_sched/pmu_poll_enable 0 |
| |
| # Make devices on the critical path for suspend/resume asynchronous |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18110000/i2c-8/i2c-s2mpg13mfd/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18110000/i2c-8/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18110000/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18100000/i2c-7/i2c-s2mpg12mfd/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18100000/i2c-7/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/acpm_mfd_bus@18100000/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/dbgdev-pd-hsi0/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/fixedregulator@0/regulator/regulator.2/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/fixedregulator@0/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/1e080000.clock-controller/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/10840000.pinctrl/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/18062080.pd-hsi0/power/async "enabled" |
| write /sys/devices/platform/14460000.pinctrl/power/async "enabled" |
| |
| # Setup cpu.shares to throttle background groups (bg ~ 5% sysbg ~ 5% dex2oat ~2.5%) |
| write /dev/cpuctl/background/cpu.shares 1024 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/system-background/cpu.shares 1024 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/dex2oat/cpu.shares 512 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/system/cpu.shares 20480 |
| # We only have system and background groups holding tasks and the groups below are empty |
| write /dev/cpuctl/camera-daemon/cpu.shares 20480 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/foreground/cpu.shares 20480 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/nnapi-hal/cpu.shares 20480 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/rt/cpu.shares 20480 |
| write /dev/cpuctl/top-app/cpu.shares 20480 |
| |
| # gvotables for dumpstate |
| chown system system /sys/kernel/debug/gvotables |
| |
| # Permission for wireless charging |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/capacity |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rtx |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rxdata |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/txdata |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/rxlen |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/txlen |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/ccreset |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/status |
| chown system system /sys/class/power_supply/wireless/device/version |
| |
| # AOC reset permission |
| chown root system /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/reset |
| chmod 0220 /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/reset |
| |
| # AOC UDFPS clock compensation permission |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_set_clock_source |
| chmod 220 /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_set_clock_source |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_get_osc_freq |
| chmod 440 /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_get_osc_freq |
| chown system system /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_get_disp_freq |
| chmod 440 /sys/devices/platform/19000000.aoc/control/udfps_get_disp_freq |
| |
| # Disable GPU firmware logging |
| write /sys/devices/platform/28000000.mali/firmware_config/Log\ verbosity/cur 0 |
| |
| # write serialno to battery path for pairing |
| write /sys/class/power_supply/battery/dev_sn ${ro.boot.serialno} |
| |
| # Reduce pm_freeze_timeout value |
| write /sys/power/pm_freeze_timeout 1000 |
| |
| # IMS WiFi Calling |
| service charonservice /system/vendor/bin/charon |
| class main |
| user root |
| disabled |
| seclabel u:r:charonservice:s0 |
| |
| on property:vendor.charon.exec=1 |
| rm /data/vendor/misc/vpn/charon.pid |
| chmod 0666 /dev/tun |
| start charonservice |
| |
| on property:vendor.charon.exec=0 |
| stop charonservice |
| rm /data/vendor/misc/vpn/charon.pid |
| |
| # charger driver exposes now finer grain control, map demo mode to those properties |
| # NOTE: demo mode can only be exit wiping data (which reset the persist properties) |
| on property:sys.retaildemo.enabled=1 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 35 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 30 |
| |
| # Test Harness Mode default battery profile. |
| on property:persist.sys.test_harness=1 && property:persist.vendor.testing_battery_profile=0 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 70 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 35 |
| setprop vendor.battery.defender.disable 1 |
| |
| # Extremely restricted battery profile. |
| on property:persist.sys.test_harness=1 && property:persist.vendor.testing_battery_profile=1 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 50 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 35 |
| setprop vendor.battery.defender.disable 1 |
| |
| # Normal behavior (as if the device was a regular device) |
| on property:persist.sys.test_harness=1 && property:persist.vendor.testing_battery_profile=2 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 100 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 0 |
| |
| # Unrestricted, allows charging to 100% |
| on property:persist.sys.test_harness=1 && property:persist.vendor.testing_battery_profile=3 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.stop.level 100 |
| setprop persist.vendor.charge.start.level 0 |
| setprop vendor.battery.defender.disable 1 |
| |
| # on userdebug and eng builds, enable scsi error recovery log |
| on property:ro.debuggable=1 |
| write /sys/module/scsi_mod/parameters/scsi_logging_level 63 |
| |
| service init_display /vendor/bin/init.display.sh |
| class main |
| user root |
| group root system |
| disabled |
| oneshot |
| |
| # bugreport is triggered by holding down volume down, volume up and power |
| service bugreport /system/bin/dumpstate -d -p -z |
| class main |
| disabled |
| oneshot |
| keycodes 114 115 116 |
| |
| # Proxy for Secure Storage |
| on post-fs-data |
| mkdir /data/vendor/rebootescrow 0770 hsm hsm |
| mkdir /data/vendor/ss 0770 root system |
| mkdir /mnt/vendor/persist/ss 0770 root system |
| restorecon_recursive /mnt/vendor/persist/ss |
| symlink /mnt/vendor/persist/ss /data/vendor/ss/persist |
| chown root system /data/vendor/ss/persist |
| chmod 0770 /data/vendor/ss/persist |
| chown system system /data/vendor/ss/persist/nsp |
| |
| restart storageproxyd |
| |
| service storageproxyd /vendor/bin/storageproxyd -d /dev/trusty-ipc-dev0 \ |
| -r /dev/sg1 -p /data/vendor/ss -t ufs |
| class early_hal |
| user system |
| group system |
| |
| # Write build info to kdebuginfo |
| on property:ro.build.fingerprint=* |
| write /sys/module/debug_kinfo/parameters/build_info ${ro.build.fingerprint} |
| |
| # Bluetooth |
| on post-fs-data |
| chown bluetooth system /sys/devices/platform/175b0000.serial/serial0/serial0-0/bluetooth/hci0/rfkill0/state |
| chown bluetooth system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:btbcm/rfkill/rfkill0/state |
| chown bluetooth system /sys/devices/platform/odm/odm:btbcm/rfkill/rfkill2/state |
| chown bluetooth system /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwake |
| chown bluetooth system /proc/bluetooth/sleep/lpm |
| chown bluetooth system /proc/bluetooth/sleep/btwrite |
| |
| on post-fs-data |
| mkdir /data/vendor/powerstats 0771 system system |
| chown system system /data/vendor/powerstats |
| # Thermal Residency Stats (write 1 to reset) |
| chown system system /sys/kernel/metrics/thermal/tr_by_group/tmu/stats_reset |
| chown system system /sys/kernel/metrics/thermal/tr_by_group/spmic/stats_reset |
| |
| on property:vendor.brownout.mitigation.ready=1 |
| # BCL |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/tpu_light_clk_ratio 0xfff041c1 #DFS |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/cpu1_heavy_clk_ratio 0xfff041c1 #DFS |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/cpu2_heavy_clk_ratio 0xfff041c1 #DFS |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/gpu_light_clk_ratio 0xfff041c1 #DFS |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/cpu2_light_clk_ratio 0xfff041c3 #OCP |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/gpu_heavy_clk_ratio 0xfff04385 #OCP |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_ratio/tpu_heavy_clk_ratio 0xfff041c3 #OCP |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/triggered_lvl/uvlo1_lvl 3200 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/triggered_lvl/smpl_lvl 3100 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/triggered_lvl/uvlo2_lvl 3000 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/triggered_lvl/soft_ocp_cpu2_lvl 12000 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_div/tpu_clk_div 0x1 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_div/gpu_clk_div 0x1 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/clock_div/cpu2_clk_div 0x1 |
| |
| on property:vendor.thermal.link_ready=1 |
| # BCL |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soc/mode |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/vdroop2/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/vdroop2/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/vdroop1/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/vdroop1/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/smpl_gm/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/smpl_gm/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_cpu1/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_cpu1/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_cpu2/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_cpu2/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_tpu/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_tpu/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_gpu/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/ocp_gpu/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_cpu1/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_cpu1/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_cpu2/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_cpu2/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_tpu/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_tpu/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_gpu/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soft_ocp_gpu/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soc/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/soc/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/batoilo/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/batoilo/trip_point_0_hyst |
| # Thermal |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/skin_therm/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/skin_therm/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/skin_therm1/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/skin_therm1/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/quiet_therm/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/quiet_therm/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/usb_pwr_therm2/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/usb_pwr_therm2/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/usb_pwr_therm/trip_point_0_temp |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/tz-by-name/usb_pwr_therm/trip_point_0_hyst |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-0/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-0/user_vote |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-1/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-1/user_vote |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-2/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-cpufreq-2/user_vote |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-gpufreq-0/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/thermal-gpufreq-0/user_vote |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/tpu_cooling/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/gxp-cooling/user_vote |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/tpu_cooling/user_vote |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/fcc/cur_state |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/fcc/cur_state |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/dc_icl/cur_state |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/dc_icl/cur_state |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/wlc_fcc/cur_state |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/wlc_fcc/cur_state |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/chg_mdis/cur_state |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/chg_mdis/cur_state |
| chmod 664 /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/usbc-port/cur_state |
| chown system system /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name/usbc-port/cur_state |
| |
| on charger |
| # Use charger thermal config |
| setprop vendor.thermal.config "thermal_info_config_charge.json" |
| |
| # Wait for insmod_sh to finish all common modules |
| wait_for_prop vendor.common.modules.ready 1 |
| |
| # Create thermal symlink in off charging mode |
| mkdir /dev/thermal 0750 system system |
| mkdir /dev/thermal/tz-by-name 0750 system system |
| mkdir /dev/thermal/cdev-by-name 0750 system system |
| start vendor.thermal.symlinks |
| |
| on property:vendor.disable.bcl.control=1 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/instruction/enable_mitigation 0 |
| |
| on property:vendor.disable.bcl.control=0 |
| write /sys/devices/virtual/pmic/mitigation/instruction/enable_mitigation 1 |
| |
| # UDFPS |
| on post-fs-data && property:ro.vendor.factory=1 |
| # HBM mode for UDFPS factory apk |
| chmod 666 /d/dri/0/DSI-1/panel/reg/payload |
| chmod 666 /d/dri/0/DSI-1/panel/reg/count |
| chmod 666 /d/dri/0/DSI-1/panel/reg/address |
| chmod 666 /d/dri/0/DSI-1/panel/hbm_mode |
| chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/local_hbm_max_timeout |
| chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/local_hbm_mode |
| chmod 666 /sys/class/backlight/panel0-backlight/hbm_mode |
| |
| # Persistent Soft Max Freq overrides |
| on property:persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl0=* |
| write /sys/devices/platform/exynos-acme/freq_qos_max "0 ${persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl0}" |
| |
| on property:persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl1=* |
| write /sys/devices/platform/exynos-acme/freq_qos_max "4 ${persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl1}" |
| |
| on property:persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl2=* |
| write /sys/devices/platform/exynos-acme/freq_qos_max "6 ${persist.vendor.softmaxfreq.cl2}" |
| |
| # UFS |
| on property:ro.boot.mode=charger && property:init.svc.vendor.charger=running |
| # Enable UFS powersaving in Off Mode Charger |
| write /dev/sys/block/bootdevice/clkgate_enable 1 |
| # Disable dock-defend in Off Mode Charger |
| write /sys/devices/platform/google,charger/dd_state -1 |
| |
| # Cpuset experiment |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.top-app_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/top-app/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.top-app_cpuset:-0-7} |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.foreground_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/foreground/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.foreground_cpuset:-0-3,4-5} |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.background_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/background/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.background_cpuset:-0-3} |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.system-background_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/system-background/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.system-background_cpuset:-0-3} |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.restricted_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/restricted/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.restricted_cpuset:-0-3} |
| on property:persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.camera-daemon_cpuset=* |
| write /dev/cpuset/camera-daemon/cpus ${persist.device_config.vendor_system_native.camera-daemon_cpuset:-0-7} |